public MidiEvent makeEvent(int comd, int chan, int one, int two, int tick) { MidiEvent event = null; try { ShortMessage a = new ShortMessage(); a.setMessage(comd, chan, one, two); event = new MidiEvent(a, tick); } catch (Exception e) { } return event; }
public static MidiEvent addNote(int cmmnd, int chnl, int d1, int d2, int tck) { MidiEvent ev = null; try { ShortMessage msg = new ShortMessage(); msg.setMessage(cmmnd, chnl, d1, d2); ev = new MidiEvent(msg, tck); } catch (Exception ex) { } ; return ev; }
public boolean createEvent(int type, int num, long tick) { ShortMessage message = new ShortMessage(); try { message.setMessage(type + cc.num, num, cc.velocity); MidiEvent event = new MidiEvent(message, tick); track.add(event); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
/** * Create the MidiEvent for a note, given the data. * * @param command The command value for the ShortMessage * @param note The MIDI value for the note to be played * @param eventTime When this event should occur * @param velocity The velocity of this note * @return The MidiEvent for the note */ private MidiEvent createNoteEvent(int command, int note, int eventTime, int velocity) { // Create the message and set its parameters to the ones given. ShortMessage message = new ShortMessage(); try { message.setMessage(command, 0, note, velocity); } catch (InvalidMidiDataException ex) { // Something went wrong. ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // Create the MidiEvent and return it. return new MidiEvent(message, eventTime); }
private static MidiEvent readEvent( DataInputStream dataInputStream, long[] alRemainingBytes, int[] anRunningStatusByte, long lTicks) throws InvalidMidiDataException, IOException { int nStatusByte = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); // TDebug.out("status byte: " + nStatusByte); MidiMessage message = null; boolean bRunningStatusApplies = false; int nSavedByte = 0; if (nStatusByte < 0x80) { if (anRunningStatusByte[0] != -1) { bRunningStatusApplies = true; nSavedByte = nStatusByte; nStatusByte = anRunningStatusByte[0]; } else { throw new InvalidMidiDataException("corrupt MIDI file: status byte missing"); } } switch (getType(nStatusByte)) { case STATUS_ONE_BYTE: int nByte = 0; if (bRunningStatusApplies) { nByte = nSavedByte; } else { nByte = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); anRunningStatusByte[0] = nStatusByte; } ShortMessage shortMessage1 = new ShortMessage(); shortMessage1.setMessage(nStatusByte, nByte, 0); message = shortMessage1; break; case STATUS_TWO_BYTES: int nByte1 = 0; if (bRunningStatusApplies) { nByte1 = nSavedByte; } else { nByte1 = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); anRunningStatusByte[0] = nStatusByte; } int nByte2 = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); ShortMessage shortMessage2 = new ShortMessage(); shortMessage2.setMessage(nStatusByte, nByte1, nByte2); message = shortMessage2; break; case STATUS_SYSEX: if (CANCEL_RUNNING_STATUS_ON_META_AND_SYSEX) { anRunningStatusByte[0] = -1; } int nSysexDataLength = (int) readVariableLengthQuantity(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); byte[] abSysexData = new byte[nSysexDataLength]; for (int i = 0; i < nSysexDataLength; i++) { int nDataByte = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); abSysexData[i] = (byte) nDataByte; } SysexMessage sysexMessage = new SysexMessage(); sysexMessage.setMessage(nStatusByte, abSysexData, nSysexDataLength); message = sysexMessage; break; case STATUS_META: if (CANCEL_RUNNING_STATUS_ON_META_AND_SYSEX) { anRunningStatusByte[0] = -1; } int nTypeByte = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); int nMetaDataLength = (int) readVariableLengthQuantity(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); byte[] abMetaData = new byte[nMetaDataLength]; for (int i = 0; i < nMetaDataLength; i++) { int nDataByte = readUnsignedByte(dataInputStream, alRemainingBytes); abMetaData[i] = (byte) nDataByte; } MetaMessage metaMessage = new MetaMessage(); metaMessage.setMessage(nTypeByte, abMetaData, nMetaDataLength); message = metaMessage; break; default: } MidiEvent event = new MidiEvent(message, lTicks); return event; }