  private RMResult processAtomicCustomerRequest(String requestString) {
    // Process the given request by first checking that the given customer
    // exists, and if yes creating it at the relevant RM as necessary.

    Integer cid = getCustomerId(requestString);
    RMResult existenceCheck =
        processAtomicRequest(Command.SERVER_CHECK_CUSTOMER_EXISTS + ",1," + cid);
    if (existenceCheck.IsError()) {
      return existenceCheck;

    if (!existenceCheck.AsBool()) {
      RMResult failure = new RMResult(new Exception("Customer " + cid + " does not exist."));
      return failure;

    // Create the customer on the given RM (no side-effects if customer already exists.
    int rmId = getRMIndexForRequest(requestString);
    processAtomicRequest("newcustomerid,1," + cid, _rmIps[rmId], _rmPorts[rmId]);

    // Actually execute the request
    return processAtomicRequest(requestString, _rmIps[rmId], _rmPorts[rmId]);