private void setAllPrinter() { java.util.List systemDruckerList = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_SYSTEM_DRUCKER); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop ueber ALLE Systemdrucker // -------------------------------------------------------------- for (Iterator itSystemDrucker = systemDruckerList.iterator(); itSystemDrucker.hasNext(); ) { Element systemDrucker = (Element); String systemPrinterName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(systemDrucker, ATTR_SYSTEM_DRUCKER_NAME); PM_SystemPrinter systemPrinter = systemPrinters.getSystemPrinter(systemPrinterName); if (systemPrinter == null) { continue; // system printer not found } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // loop ueber alle pm-drucker innerhalb EINES Systemdruckers // -------------------------------------------------------------- java.util.List pmDruckerList = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(systemDrucker, TAG_PM_DRUCKER); for (Iterator itPmDrucker = pmDruckerList.iterator(); itPmDrucker.hasNext(); ) { Element pmDrucker = (Element); String pmDruckerName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(pmDrucker, ATTR_PM_DRUCKER_NAME); // init pmPrinter PM_PmPrinter pmPrinter = new PM_PmPrinter(systemPrinter, pmDruckerName); // add to system printer systemPrinter.addPmDrucker(pmPrinter); // drucker.setPapierBereich(papierBereich); // ---- Druck-Bereich innerhalb eines pm-druckers ------- Element druckBereichElement = pmDrucker.element(TAG_DRUCK_BEREICH); if (druckBereichElement != null) { double oben = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_OBEN); double rechts = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_RECHTS); double unten = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_UNTEN); double links = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_LINKS); pmPrinter.setDruckBereichGesamtRaender(oben, rechts, unten, links); } } // ende alle pm-drucker fuer einen system-drucker } // ende alle Systemdrucker // Wenn kein Drucker, dann Default-Drucker anlegen }
/** * The configuration file. * * <p>A singleton (only one instance) is created. */ public class PM_Configuration extends PM_XML implements PM_Interface { private static PM_Configuration instance = null; private Locale locale = null; private File homeBilder = null; private File homeLuceneDB = null; private File homeTemp = null; private File homeExtProgramme = null; private File homeInitValues = null; private File homeFileAlbumName = null; private File homeICCProfiles = null; private List<File> importFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); private boolean nurLesen = false; private final PM_AllSystemPrinter systemPrinters = PM_AllSystemPrinter.getInstance(); // Datum: <datum jahr-von="1998" jahr-bis="2007"/> private final String TAG_DATUM = "datum"; private final String ATTR_DATUM_JAHR_VON = "jahr-von"; private final String ATTR_DATUM_JAHR_BIS = "jahr-bis"; private int datumJahrVon = 1998; // default private int datumJahrBis = 2011; // default private String slideshowText1 = "kategorie"; // default private String slideshowText2 = "datum"; // default private String slideshowText3 = "serie"; // default // Prefetch von Images private final String TAG_PREFETCH = "prefetch"; private final String ATTR_PREFETCH_PLUS = "plus"; private final String ATTR_PREFETCH_MINUS = "minus"; private int prefetchPlus = 2; private int prefetchMinus = 2; private String rootTag = "einstellungen"; private boolean batch = false; private boolean demon = false; private boolean mpeg = false; // ===================================================== // Class Method: setFileEinstellungen // ===================================================== public static PM_Configuration init(String[] args) { if (instance == null) { instance = new PM_Configuration(args); } return instance; } /** * Get the instance of the singleton. * * <p>Only one instance of the class is created. */ public static PM_Configuration getInstance() { return instance; } // Private constructor prevents instantiation from other classes private PM_Configuration() {}; // damit keiner angelegt wird // The private constructor private PM_Configuration(String[] args) { File fileEinstellungen = null; File directoryHomeBilder = null; // -------------------------------- // �bernehmen Start-Parameter // -------------------------------- int c; Getopt g = new Getopt("photo-manager", args, "e:b:i:n::d::"); String arg; while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': arg = g.getOptarg(); fileEinstellungen = (arg == null) ? null : new File(arg); break; case 'b': arg = g.getOptarg(); directoryHomeBilder = (arg == null) ? null : new File(arg); break; case 'n': // batch batch = true; break; // case 'd': // daemon und batch // demon = true; // batch = true; // break; case 'i': arg = g.getOptarg(); if (arg != null) { importFiles.add(new File(arg)); } break; } } // Jetzt noch die ohne Options.Das sind dann Import-Files for (int i = g.getOptind(); i < args.length; i++) { importFiles.add(new File(args[i])); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Reihenfolge: // 1. a. -e Parameter auswerten // b. nigefu: .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml suchen // c. nigefu: Locale prompten und .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml // neu anlegen // 2. a. -b Parameter auswerten // b. nigefu: Eintrag in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml suchen // c. nigefu: prompten (ERROR wenn batch) // 3. Wenn in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml // Bilder-Dir nicht eingetragen, dann dort eintragen. // (wenn vorhanden, nicht �berschreiben) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // (1) pm_einstellungen.xml und locale ermitteln // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fileEinstellungen != null && fileEinstellungen.isFile()) { // (1.a.) -e Parameter vorhanden: // open und lesen locale xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; openDocument(OPEN_READ_ONLY); locale = getLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } else { // (1.b.) -e nicht angegeben fileEinstellungen = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_EINSTELLUNGEN); if (fileEinstellungen.isFile()) { // (1.b) in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml Datei gefunden xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; openDocument(OPEN_READ_ONLY); locale = getLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } else { // pm_einstellungen.xml nigefu: // locale prompten und pm_einstellungen neu anlegen locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; rootTagName = rootTag; openDocument(OPEN_CREATE); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // (2) Bilder Dir ermitteln // --------------------------------------------------------------- if (directoryHomeBilder != null && directoryHomeBilder.isDirectory()) { // --- es wurde -b <top level directory> angegeben homeBilder = directoryHomeBilder; setHomeBilder(homeBilder.getPath()); writeDocument(); } else { // jetzt muss homeBilder aus der xml-Datei gelesen werden. // Wenn nigefu., dann prompten und eingtragen homeBilder = getHomeFile(); if (homeBilder == null || homeBilder.isDirectory() == false) { if (batch) { System.out.println("ERROR: batch kein TLPD gefunden"); System.out.println("abnormal end"); System.exit(0); } PM_MSG.setResourceBundle(locale); PM_WindowGetTLPD sp = new PM_WindowGetTLPD(); homeBilder = sp.getResult(); if (homeBilder == null) { setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); System.out.println("abnormal end (no TLPD)"); System.exit(0); } setLocale(locale); setHomeBilder(homeBilder.getPath()); writeDocument(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Jetzt gibt es: // ein korrektes xmlFile mit einem homeBilder Eintrag // homeBilder ist korrekt versorgt // -------------------------------------------------------- // System.out.println("Locale = "+ locale); PM_MSG.setResourceBundle(locale); setAllPrinter(); setPrinterFormat(); setDateFromTo(); setPrefetch(); setSlideshow(); setBackup(); setSequences(); setMpeg(); // homeLuceneDB in -e nicht eingetragn if (homeLuceneDB == null) { homeLuceneDB = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_LUCENE_DB); homeLuceneDB.mkdirs(); } // Temp-Dir nicht vorhanden if (homeTemp == null) { homeTemp = new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_PM_TEMP); // "pm_temp"); homeTemp.mkdirs(); } // Externe-Programme nicht vorhanden if (homeExtProgramme == null) { homeExtProgramme = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_EXTERNE_PROGRAMME); } // InitValues nicht vorhanden if (homeInitValues == null) { homeInitValues = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_INIT_VALUES); } } /** Write back the configuation file. */ public void close() { writeDocument(); } /** Get monitor resoluton (hard coded) */ public float getMonitorResolution() { return 91.3F; // for Notebook; } /** Get printer resoluton (hard coded) */ public float getPrinterResolution() { return 72.0F; } /** * Get import files for an external import. * * <p>The files from start arguments -i and files without options. */ public List<File> getImportFiles() { return importFiles; } /** * Check if batch mode * * @return */ public boolean getBatch() { return batch; } public boolean isNurLesen() { return nurLesen; } // ===================================================== // getDatum .... // ===================================================== public int getDatumJahrVon() { return datumJahrVon; } public int getDatumJahrBis() { return datumJahrBis; } // ===================================================== // getFile .... // ===================================================== public File getTopLevelPictureDirectory() { return homeBilder; } public File getFileHomeLuceneDB() { return homeLuceneDB; } public File getFileHomeTemp() { return homeTemp; } public File getFileHomeExtProgramme() { return homeExtProgramme; } public File getFileHomeInitValues() { return homeInitValues; } private String albumName = null; public String getAlbumName() { if (albumName != null) { return albumName; } // from text file "pm_album_name.txt" if (homeBilder == null) { return "not-found"; } // File Album-name nicht vorhanden if (albumName == null) { homeFileAlbumName = new File(getMetaRootDir() + File.separator + FILE_ALBUM_NAME); if (!homeFileAlbumName.exists()) { try { homeFileAlbumName.createNewFile(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(homeFileAlbumName))); out.println(homeBilder.getName()); out.close(); // read it now ... } catch (IOException e) { albumName = "cannot-create"; return albumName; } } // File exist. Read it. try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(homeFileAlbumName)); while (true) { String line = in.readLine().trim(); if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } albumName = line.trim(); break; } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { albumName = "cannot-create"; return albumName; } } return albumName; } public File getFileHomeICCProfiles() { return homeICCProfiles; } public File getFileEinstellungen() { return xmlFile; } public String getPathMetadatenRoot() { File directory = new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT); return directory.getPath(); } public File getMetaRootDir() { return new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT); } // ===================================================== // vdr present // ===================================================== public boolean isMpeg() { return mpeg; } // ===================================================== // getPrefetch .... // ===================================================== public int getPrefetchPlus() { return prefetchPlus; } public int getPrefetchMinus() { return prefetchMinus; } // ===================================================== // getBackup .... // ===================================================== // ---------- <vdr-pluin> ------------------------ public boolean vdrPlugin() { return vdrPlugin; } public String getVdrPluginHost() { return vdrPlugHost; } public String getVdrPluginName() { return vdrPlugName; } public File getVdrPluginIndexFile() { return new File(vdrPlugINDEX); } public File getVdrPluginMpgFile() { return new File(vdrPlugMPG); } public String getVdrOverscanX() { return vdrOverscanX; } public String getVdrOverscanY() { return vdrOverscanY; } // ------------ <bilder> ---------------------------- public List<BackUp> getBackupBilderList() { return backupBilderList; } // ------------ <daten> ---------------------------- public List<BackUp> getBackupDatenList() { return backupDatenList; } // ------------ <album> ---------------------------- public List<BackUp> getBackupAlbumList() { return backupAlbumList; } // ===================================================== // Sicherungen // ===================================================== // ######## 9.10.2006 auf false ############### public boolean getSichernBilderZIP() { return false; } // sichernBilderZIP; } public PM_AllSystemPrinter getAllSystemPrinter() { return systemPrinters; } // =========================================================== // Diashow() // =========================================================== public String getSlideshowText1() { return slideshowText1; } public String getSlideshowText2() { return slideshowText2; } public String getSlideshowText3() { return slideshowText3; } // ===================================================== // private: setDruckerFormat() // // <bild-format name="13 x 15" papier-format="F2" breite-mm="130" // hoehe-mm="150" /> // // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_BILD_FORMAT = "bild-format"; private final String ATTR_FORMAT_NAME = "name"; private final String ATTR_FORMAT_FORMAT = "papier-format"; private final String ATTR_FORMAT_BREITE = "breite-mm"; private final String ATTR_FORMAT_HOEHE = "hoehe-mm"; /** * Read all printer formats from config file. * * <pre> * <bild-format name="13 x 15" papier-format="F2" breite-mm="130" hoehe-mm="150" /> * </pre> */ private void setPrinterFormat() { PM_PictureFormatCollection instance = PM_PictureFormatCollection.getInstance(); List formatList = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BILD_FORMAT); // loop over all tags for (Iterator itFormate = formatList.iterator(); itFormate.hasNext(); ) { Element format = (Element); String name = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(format, ATTR_FORMAT_NAME); String papierFormatString = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(format, ATTR_FORMAT_FORMAT); int breite = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(format, ATTR_FORMAT_BREITE); int hoehe = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(format, ATTR_FORMAT_HOEHE); PM_PaperFormat papierFormat = PM_PaperFormat.getPaperFormat(papierFormatString); if (papierFormat == null) { continue; } if (hoehe == 0 || breite == 0) continue; // unzul�ssige Eingaben instance.addBildFormat( new PM_PictureFormatFix(papierFormat, new Rectangle(breite, hoehe), name)); } } // ===================================================== // private: setDatumJahrVonBis() // // <datum jahr-von="1998" jahr-bis="2007"/> // // ===================================================== private void setDateFromTo() { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <datum> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_DATUM); if (result.size() == 1) { Element elDatum = (Element) result.get(0); datumJahrVon = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(elDatum, ATTR_DATUM_JAHR_VON); datumJahrBis = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(elDatum, ATTR_DATUM_JAHR_BIS); } } // ===================================================== // private: setPreftch() // // <prefetch plus="2" minus="0"/> // // ===================================================== private void setPrefetch() { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <datum> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_PREFETCH); if (result.size() == 1) { Element elPrefetch = (Element) result.get(0); prefetchPlus = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(elPrefetch, ATTR_PREFETCH_PLUS); prefetchMinus = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(elPrefetch, ATTR_PREFETCH_MINUS); } } // ===================================================== // private: setVdr() // // <vdr/> // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_VDR = "mpeg"; private void setMpeg() { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <diashow> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_VDR); if (result.size() == 1) { // support vdr (make for example mpeg files) mpeg = true; } } // ===================================================== // private: setDiashow() // // <diashow text1="index1" text2="datum" text3="bemerkung"/> // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_DIASHOW = "diashow"; private final String ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT1 = "text1"; private final String ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT2 = "text2"; private final String ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT3 = "text3"; private void setSlideshow() { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <diashow> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_DIASHOW); if (result.size() == 1) { Element el = (Element) result.get(0); slideshowText1 = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT1); slideshowText2 = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT2); slideshowText3 = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DIASHOW_TEXT3); } } // ===================================================== // private: setSequences() // // Hier nur Directories f�r Sequences anlegen // // ===================================================== private void setSequences() { getSequencesDirNormal(); getSequencesDirBase(); getSequencesDirVirtual(); getSequencesDirNew(); } public File getSequencesDir() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } public File getSequencesDirNormal() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES_NORMAL); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } public File getSequencesDirBase() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES_BASE); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } public File getSequencesDirVirtual() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES_VIRTUAL); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } public File getSequencesDirNew() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES_NEW); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } // ===================================================== // private: setBackup() // // <backup> // <vdr-plugin remote="vdr" mount="/home/dih/remote/vdr/pictures" // index="/home/dih/tmp/pic2mpg/pictures.INDEX/test" // mpg="/home/dih/tmp/pic2mpg/pictures.MPG/test" // overscan-x="5" overscan-y="4"/> // <daten name="desktop" host="desktop" from="/home/dih/tmp/daten" // to="/home/dih/tmp/daten-to"/> // // <bilder remote="vdr" mount="/home/dih/remote/vdr/bilder/bilder" // to="/home/dih/remote/vdr/bilder/bilder" /> // </backup> // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_BACKUP = "backup"; // ---------- vdr-plugin --------------------- private final String TAG_VDR_PLUGIN = "vdr-plugin"; private final String ATTR_VDR_HOST = "host"; private final String ATTR_VDR_NAME = "name"; private final String ATTR_VDR_INDEX = "index"; private final String ATTR_VDR_MPG = "mpg"; private final String ATTR_VDR_OV_X = "overscan-x"; private final String ATTR_VDR_OV_Y = "overscan-y"; private String vdrPlugHost = ""; private String vdrPlugName = ""; private String vdrPlugINDEX = ""; private String vdrPlugMPG = ""; private String vdrOverscanX = "0"; private String vdrOverscanY = "0"; private boolean vdrPlugin = false; // ---------- bilder (alle Bilder sichern) ------------------- private final String TAG_BILDER_BILDER = "bilder"; private final String ATTR_BILDER_NAME = "name"; private final String ATTR_BILDER_DIR = "to-dir"; private final String ATTR_BILDER_MPEG = "mpeg"; // ----------- daten -------------------------------------------- private final String TAG_DATEN = "daten"; private final String ATTR_DATEN_NAME = "name"; // private final String ATTR_DATEN_HOST = "host"; private final String ATTR_DATEN_FROM = "from"; private final String ATTR_DATEN_TO = "to"; // -------- album -------------------- private final String TAG_ALBUM = "album"; private final String ATTR_ALBUM_NAME = "name"; private final String ATTR_ALBUM_DIR = "to-dir"; // --- backup List's -------------------------- private List<BackUp> backupBilderList = new ArrayList<BackUp>(); private List<BackUp> backupDatenList = new ArrayList<BackUp>(); private List<BackUp> backupAlbumList = new ArrayList<BackUp>(); private void setBackup() { List result = new ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <vdr-plugin> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_VDR_PLUGIN); if (result.size() == 1) { vdrPlugin = true; Element elPlugin = (Element) result.get(0); vdrPlugHost = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_HOST); vdrPlugName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_NAME); vdrPlugINDEX = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_INDEX); vdrPlugMPG = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_MPG); vdrOverscanX = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_OV_X); vdrOverscanY = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_OV_Y); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <bilder> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_BILDER_BILDER); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_BILDER_NAME), homeBilder.getPath(), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_BILDER_DIR), // TO PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeBoolean(el, ATTR_BILDER_MPEG)); backupBilderList.add(bB); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <daten> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_DATEN); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_NAME), PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_FROM), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_TO), // TO false // no mepeg files ); backupDatenList.add(bB); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <album> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_ALBUM); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_ALBUM_NAME), homeBilder.getPath(), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_ALBUM_DIR), false // no mpeg files ); backupAlbumList.add(bB); } } // ===================================================== // private: setHomeFile() // // <home> // <bilder>d:\Bilder_TEST</bilder> // </home> // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_HOME = "home"; private final String TAG_BILDER = "bilder"; private File getHomeFile() { File home = null; java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); String value = null; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <bilder> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_HOME + "/" + TAG_BILDER); if (result.size() == 1) { value = ((Element) result.get(0)).getTextTrim(); value = PM_Utils.removeLastSeparatorChar(value); home = new File(value); if (!home.isDirectory()) { home = null; } } return home; } /** * read locale from xml File * * <p><locale language="en" country="GB" variant="J" /> */ private final String TAG_LOCALE = "locale"; private final String ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE = "language"; private final String ATTR_LOCALE_COUNTRY = "country"; private final String ATTR_LOCALE_VARIANT = "variant"; private Locale getLocale() { java.util.List result = new java.util.ArrayList(); String language = ""; String country = ""; String variant = ""; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <locale language="en" country="GB" variant="J" /> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_LOCALE); if (result.size() == 1) { Element el = (Element) result.get(0); language = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE); country = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_LOCALE_COUNTRY); variant = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_LOCALE_VARIANT); } if (language.length() == 0) { return null; } // if (country.length() == 0) { // return new Locale(language); // } // if (variant.length() == 0) { // return new Locale(language, country); // } return new Locale(language, country, variant); } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { // locale == null --> l�schen Element root = document.getRootElement(); // pr�fen,ob locale-tag vorhanden java.util.List localeListe = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_LOCALE); Element localeElement = null; if (localeListe.isEmpty()) { if (locale == null) { return; // soll gel�scht sein } localeElement = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_LOCALE); updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, locale.getLanguage()); root.add(localeElement); } else { localeElement = (Element) localeListe.get(0); if (locale != null) { updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, locale.getLanguage()); } else { // l�schen updateAttribute(localeElement, ATTR_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, null); } } } // ===================================================== // private: setAlleDrucker() // // // // (noch nicht implementiert) <format breite-mm="130" hoehe-mm="150" // text="13 x 15"/> // // <system-drucker system-name="Laserdrucker"> // <papier-bereich x="18" y="12" breite="559" hoehe="812" /> // <pm-drucker pm-name="Laser" // <druck-bereich x1="18" x2="577" y1="12" y2="824" /> // </pm-drucker> // </system-drucker> // // <system-drucker system-name="Farbdrucker"> // <pm-drucker pm-name="max" // <druck-bereich x1="10" x2="585" y1="5" y2="809" /> // </pm-drucker> // <pm-drucker pm-name="Kalender" // <druck-bereich x1="25" x2="485" y1="10" y2="609" /> // </pm-drucker> // </system-drucker> // // ===================================================== private final String TAG_SYSTEM_DRUCKER = "system-drucker"; private final String ATTR_SYSTEM_DRUCKER_NAME = "system-name"; private final String TAG_PM_DRUCKER = "pm-drucker"; private final String ATTR_PM_DRUCKER_NAME = "pm-name"; private final String TAG_DRUCK_BEREICH = "druck-bereich"; private final String ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_OBEN = "oben"; private final String ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_RECHTS = "rechts"; private final String ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_UNTEN = "unten"; private final String ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_LINKS = "links"; private void setAllPrinter() { java.util.List systemDruckerList = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_SYSTEM_DRUCKER); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop ueber ALLE Systemdrucker // -------------------------------------------------------------- for (Iterator itSystemDrucker = systemDruckerList.iterator(); itSystemDrucker.hasNext(); ) { Element systemDrucker = (Element); String systemPrinterName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(systemDrucker, ATTR_SYSTEM_DRUCKER_NAME); PM_SystemPrinter systemPrinter = systemPrinters.getSystemPrinter(systemPrinterName); if (systemPrinter == null) { continue; // system printer not found } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // loop ueber alle pm-drucker innerhalb EINES Systemdruckers // -------------------------------------------------------------- java.util.List pmDruckerList = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(systemDrucker, TAG_PM_DRUCKER); for (Iterator itPmDrucker = pmDruckerList.iterator(); itPmDrucker.hasNext(); ) { Element pmDrucker = (Element); String pmDruckerName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(pmDrucker, ATTR_PM_DRUCKER_NAME); // init pmPrinter PM_PmPrinter pmPrinter = new PM_PmPrinter(systemPrinter, pmDruckerName); // add to system printer systemPrinter.addPmDrucker(pmPrinter); // drucker.setPapierBereich(papierBereich); // ---- Druck-Bereich innerhalb eines pm-druckers ------- Element druckBereichElement = pmDrucker.element(TAG_DRUCK_BEREICH); if (druckBereichElement != null) { double oben = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_OBEN); double rechts = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_RECHTS); double unten = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_UNTEN); double links = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeDouble(druckBereichElement, ATTR_DRUCK_BEREICH_LINKS); pmPrinter.setDruckBereichGesamtRaender(oben, rechts, unten, links); } } // ende alle pm-drucker fuer einen system-drucker } // ende alle Systemdrucker // Wenn kein Drucker, dann Default-Drucker anlegen } // ===================================================== // private: setHomeBilder() // // <home> // <bilder> ..path.. </bilder> // </home> // // ===================================================== private void setHomeBilder(String path) { Element root = document.getRootElement(); // pr�fen,ob home-tag vorhanden java.util.List homeListe = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_HOME); Element homeElement = null; if (homeListe.isEmpty()) { homeElement = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_HOME); addTag(homeElement, TAG_BILDER, path); root.add(homeElement); } else { homeElement = (Element) homeListe.get(0); addTag(homeElement, TAG_BILDER, path); } } // ================================================================== // // Inner Class: BackUp // ================================================================== public class BackUp { private String name; private File fileDirFrom; private File fileDirTo; private boolean mpeg; // ============================================================= // Konstruktor // ============================================================= public BackUp(String name, String dirFrom, String dirTo, boolean mpeg) { = name; fileDirFrom = new File(dirFrom); fileDirTo = new File(dirTo); this.mpeg = mpeg; } public String getName() { return name; } public File getFileDirFrom() { return fileDirFrom; } public File getFileDirTo() { return fileDirTo; } public boolean getMpeg() { return mpeg; } } } // Ende Klasse