/** * Save the base state of the instance. This method performs step finalization if it has not been * done before. * * @param out stream where to save the state * @exception IOException in case of write error */ protected void writeBaseExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { if (currentState == null) { out.writeInt(-1); } else { out.writeInt(currentState.length); } out.writeDouble(globalPreviousTime); out.writeDouble(globalCurrentTime); out.writeDouble(softPreviousTime); out.writeDouble(softCurrentTime); out.writeDouble(h); out.writeBoolean(forward); if (currentState != null) { for (int i = 0; i < currentState.length; ++i) { out.writeDouble(currentState[i]); } } out.writeDouble(interpolatedTime); // we do not store the interpolated state, // it will be recomputed as needed after reading // finalize the step (and don't bother saving the now true flag) try { finalizeStep(); } catch (DerivativeException e) { IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput output) throws IOException { String data; Date date; List<Cookie> cookie_list = getCookies(); output.writeInt(cookie_list.size()); for (Cookie cookie : cookie_list) { output.writeUTF(cookie.getName()); output.writeUTF(cookie.getValue()); data = cookie.getComment(); output.writeBoolean(data != null); if (data != null) output.writeUTF(data); date = cookie.getExpiryDate(); output.writeBoolean(date != null); if (date != null) output.writeLong(date.getTime()); data = cookie.getDomain(); output.writeBoolean(data != null); if (data != null) output.writeUTF(data); data = cookie.getPath(); output.writeBoolean(data != null); if (data != null) output.writeUTF(data); output.writeBoolean(cookie.isSecure()); output.writeInt(cookie.getVersion()); } }
/** * Implements Externalizable interface to write serialized form * * @param s Output stream to serialize to */ public void writeExternal(java.io.ObjectOutput s) throws IOException { // Write column names and column information int numFields = 0; if (fields == null) { s.writeInt(0); } else { numFields = fields.size(); s.writeInt(numFields); for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { String fieldName = (String) fields.get(i); s.writeUTF(fieldName); s.writeObject(columnInfos.get(fieldName)); } } // Write record data if (records == null) { s.writeInt(0); } else { int numRows = records.size(); s.writeInt(numRows); for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { List record = (List) records.get(row); for (int col = 0; col < numFields; col++) { s.writeObject(record.get(col)); } } } }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput objectOutput) throws IOException { if (uuid == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(uuid); } objectOutput.writeLong(requestId); objectOutput.writeLong(groupId); objectOutput.writeLong(companyId); objectOutput.writeLong(userId); objectOutput.writeLong(createDate); objectOutput.writeLong(modifiedDate); objectOutput.writeLong(classNameId); objectOutput.writeLong(classPK); objectOutput.writeInt(type); if (extraData == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(extraData); } objectOutput.writeLong(receiverUserId); objectOutput.writeInt(status); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput objectOutput) throws IOException { objectOutput.writeLong(mvccVersion); objectOutput.writeLong(releaseId); objectOutput.writeLong(createDate); objectOutput.writeLong(modifiedDate); if (servletContextName == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(servletContextName); } if (schemaVersion == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(schemaVersion); } objectOutput.writeInt(buildNumber); objectOutput.writeLong(buildDate); objectOutput.writeBoolean(verified); objectOutput.writeInt(state); if (testString == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(testString); } }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput output) throws IOException { output.writeUTF(keyTypeClassName); output.writeInt(version); output.writeInt(mergePoint); output.writeInt(instanceCount); }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub out.writeInt(_n_inputs); out.writeInt(_n_outputs); out.writeObject(_eig_mat); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = getBytes(); out.writeInt(bytes.length); out.writeInt(this.numFields); out.write(bytes); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(fixMessageArr); out.writeInt(objGetPosition); out.writeInt(objectPutPosition); }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(chainedProperties); out.writeBoolean(immutable); out.writeBoolean(sequential); out.writeObject(sequentialAgenda); out.writeBoolean(maintainTms); out.writeBoolean(removeIdentities); out.writeBoolean(shareAlphaNodes); out.writeBoolean(shareBetaNodes); out.writeInt(permGenThreshold); out.writeInt(alphaNodeHashingThreshold); out.writeInt(compositeKeyDepth); out.writeBoolean(indexLeftBetaMemory); out.writeBoolean(indexRightBetaMemory); out.writeObject(indexPrecedenceOption); out.writeObject(assertBehaviour); out.writeObject(executorService); out.writeObject(consequenceExceptionHandler); out.writeObject(ruleBaseUpdateHandler); out.writeObject(conflictResolver); out.writeBoolean(advancedProcessRuleIntegration); out.writeBoolean(multithread); out.writeInt(maxThreads); out.writeObject(eventProcessingMode); out.writeBoolean(classLoaderCacheEnabled); out.writeBoolean(phreakEnabled); out.writeBoolean(declarativeAgenda); out.writeObject(componentFactory); }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput objectOutput) throws IOException { objectOutput.writeLong(meetupsEntryId); objectOutput.writeLong(companyId); objectOutput.writeLong(userId); if (userName == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(userName); } objectOutput.writeLong(createDate); objectOutput.writeLong(modifiedDate); if (title == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(title); } if (description == null) { objectOutput.writeUTF(StringPool.BLANK); } else { objectOutput.writeUTF(description); } objectOutput.writeLong(startDate); objectOutput.writeLong(endDate); objectOutput.writeInt(totalAttendees); objectOutput.writeInt(maxAttendees); objectOutput.writeDouble(price); objectOutput.writeLong(thumbnailId); }
public void writeString(final String s) throws IOException { final ObjectOutput out = this.out; if (s != null) { final int cn = s.length(); ASCII: if (cn <= BA_LENGTH) { for (int ci = 0; ci < cn; ) { if ((s.charAt(ci++) & 0xffffff00) != 0) { break ASCII; } } if (cn <= 8) { out.writeInt(-cn); out.writeBytes(s); return; } else { out.writeInt(-cn); s.getBytes(0, cn, this.ba, 0); out.write(this.ba, 0, cn); return; } } out.writeInt(cn); out.writeChars(s); return; } else { out.writeInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE); return; } }
/** * Write this object to a stream of stored objects. * * @param out write bytes here. * @exception IOException thrown on error */ public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.ASSERT(triggerSchemaId != null, "triggerSchemaId expected to be non-null"); SanityManager.ASSERT(triggerTableId != null, "triggerTableId expected to be non-null"); } out.writeObject(id); out.writeObject(name); out.writeObject(triggerSchemaId); out.writeObject(triggerTableId); out.writeInt(eventMask); out.writeBoolean(isBefore); out.writeBoolean(isRow); out.writeBoolean(isEnabled); out.writeObject(whenSPSId); out.writeObject(actionSPSId); if (referencedCols == null) { out.writeInt(0); } else { out.writeInt(referencedCols.length); for (int i = 0; i < referencedCols.length; i++) { out.writeInt(referencedCols[i]); } } out.writeObject(triggerDefinition); out.writeBoolean(referencingOld); out.writeBoolean(referencingNew); out.writeObject(oldReferencingName); out.writeObject(newReferencingName); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { super.writeExternal(out); out.writeShort(eventType); out.writeInt(streamId); out.writeInt(bufferLength); }
/** * It serializes the DAGLink Object for communication with flex client * * @param out * @throws IOException */ public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub out.writeUTF(toolTip); out.writeUTF(pathId); out.writeBoolean(isSelected); out.writeInt((int) sourceNodeId); out.writeInt((int) destinationNodeId); }
public final void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(listTable.length); out.writeInt(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { out.writeObject(listTable[i].key); out.writeObject(listTable[i].value); } }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(reply); out.writeInt(uuid.length); out.write(uuid, 0, uuid.length); out.writeInt(rpcId.length); out.write(rpcId, 0, rpcId.length); out.writeObject(message); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { SpliceLogUtils.trace(LOG, "writeExternal"); super.writeExternal(out); out.writeInt(leftHashKeyItem); out.writeInt(rightHashKeyItem); out.writeInt(emptyRightRowsReturned); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private void externalizeMap(LinkedHashMap map, ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { int keyType = 0, valueType = 1, size; Iterator<Entry> it; Iterator cit; Entry e; Object value; if (map == null) { out.writeInt(0); out.flush(); return; } size = map.keySet().size(); if (map.keySet().iterator().next().getClass().equals(String.class)) { keyType = 1; } cit = map.values().iterator(); value = cit.next(); if (((ArrayList) value).get(0).getClass().equals(Commit.class)) { valueType = 0; } else if (((ArrayList) value).get(0).getClass().equals(PersonFrequency.class)) { valueType = 2; } out.writeInt(size); out.writeInt(keyType); out.writeInt(valueType); it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { e = it.next(); out.writeInt(((ArrayList) e.getValue()).size()); cit = ((ArrayList) e.getValue()).iterator(); while (cit.hasNext()) { value = cit.next(); switch (valueType) { case 0: out.writeInt(Collections.binarySearch(allCommits, ((Commit) value))); break; case 1: out.writeInt(((BranchRef) value).index); break; default: out.writeInt(((PersonFrequency) value).index); out.writeInt(((PersonFrequency) value).freq); out.writeLong(((PersonFrequency) value).since); out.writeLong(((PersonFrequency) value).until); } } switch (keyType) { case 0: out.writeInt(Collections.binarySearch(allCommits, (Commit) e.getKey())); break; case 1: out.writeUTF(((String) e.getKey())); } } out.flush(); }
@Override protected void writeObject(ObjectOutput out, Object obj) throws IOException { BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal) obj; out.writeInt(val.scale()); BigInteger unscaled = val.unscaledValue(); byte[] bytes = unscaled.toByteArray(); out.writeInt(bytes.length); out.write(bytes); }
public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeByte(1); out.writeInt(this._pos); final int len = this._pos; out.writeInt(this._pos); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { out.writeShort(this._data[i]); } }
/* */ public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { /* 395 */ out.writeInt(this.mCorpus.numFolds()); /* 396 */ out.writeInt(this.mCorpus.fold()); /* 397 */ out.writeInt(this.mCorpus.size()); /* 398 */ for (Iterator i$ = this.mCorpus.mItemList.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); ) { Object f = i$.next(); /* 399 */ out.writeObject(f); } /* */ }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(pos); for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { String name = classLookup[i].getName(); out.writeInt(name.length()); out.writeChars(name); } }
/** Implement Externalizable interface. */ public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(_comparator); out.writeObject(_keySerializer); out.writeObject(_valueSerializer); out.writeInt(_height); out.writeLong(_root); out.writeInt(_pageSize); out.writeInt(_entries); }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(index); out.writeByte(type); out.writeObject(ovalue); out.writeLong(lvalue); out.writeBoolean(bvalue); out.writeDouble(dvalue); out.writeBoolean(isNull); out.writeInt(hashCode); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(rows); out.writeInt(columns); for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++) { out.writeDouble(self[i]); } }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { // esto es solo para serializar tickets que no estan en la bolsa de tickets pendientes out.writeObject(m_sId); out.writeInt(tickettype); out.writeInt(m_iTicketId); out.writeInt(m_iTicketNCF); // NCF out.writeObject(m_Customer); out.writeObject(m_dDate); out.writeObject(attributes); out.writeObject(m_aLines); }
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(this.buffer != null); if (this.buffer != null) { out.writeInt(this.buffer.capacity()); out.writeInt(this.buffer.limit()); out.writeInt(this.buffer.position()); for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.capacity(); i++) { out.write(this.buffer.get(i)); } } }
/** * Writes an array to the output. * * @param out the output instance * @param array reference to an array. Can be null. * @throws IOException */ public static void writeArray(ObjectOutput out, Object[] array) throws IOException { if (array == null) { out.writeInt(0); } else { final int length = array.length; out.writeInt(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.writeObject(array[i]); } } }
/** * Writes the key-value pairs of the given map to the output. * * @param out the output instance * @param list reference to a Map. Can be null. * @throws IOException */ public static void writeMap(ObjectOutput out, Map<?, ?> map) throws IOException { if (map == null) { out.writeInt(0); } else { out.writeInt(map.size()); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { out.writeObject(entry.getKey()); out.writeObject(entry.getValue()); } } }