public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { dimz = stack.getSize(); dimy = stack.getWidth(); dimx = stack.getHeight(); SaveDialog sd = new SaveDialog("Save Measurements as Text...", "res", ".dat"); String name = sd.getFileName(); if (name == null) return; String directory = sd.getDirectory(); nb = calculnb(stack); // -1; IJ.showStatus("Measure parameters for the " + nb + " objects ..."); if (nb < 1) { IJ.showMessage("volume must be labeled"); } else { double[] volume_m = new double[nb]; int[] volume_p = new int[nb]; double[] surface = new double[nb]; double[] surfacenb = new double[nb]; double[][][] I = new double[3][3][nb]; double[][] J = new double[3][nb]; double[][][] dir = new double[3][3][nb]; double[] xg = new double[nb]; double[] yg = new double[nb]; double[] zg = new double[nb]; byte[] bord = new byte[nb]; // double[] a = new double[nb]; // double[] b = new double[nb]; // double[] c = new double[nb]; // double[] Fab = new double[nb]; // double[] Fac = new double[nb]; // double[] Fbc = new double[nb]; // double[] sp = new double[nb]; double[][] lmin = new double[nb][3]; double[][] lmax = new double[nb][3]; IJ.showStatus("Measure surfaces ..."); calculmarchsurfstack(stack, nb, surface, volume_m); calculmarchsurfstacknb(stack, nb, surfacenb); // calculvolumestack(stack,nb,volume_p); IJ.showStatus("Measure volumes and inertia ..."); calculcgstack(stack, nb, volume_p, xg, yg, zg); calculinertiestack(stack, nb, xg, yg, zg, I); inertie(nb, I, J, dir); IJ.showStatus("Measure bounding boxes ..."); boitestack(stack, nb, xg, yg, zg, dir, lmin, lmax); borderstack(stack, nb, bord); IJ.showStatus("Save results ..."); sauvegarde( volume_p, volume_m, surface, surfacenb, xg, yg, zg, J, dir, nb, bord, lmin, lmax, directory, name); volume_m = null; volume_p = null; surface = null; xg = null; yg = null; zg = null; } }
String showDialog() { if (defaultDir == null) defaultDir = Menus.getMacrosPath(); OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Install Macros", defaultDir, fileName); String name = od.getFileName(); if (name == null) return null; String dir = od.getDirectory(); if (!(name.endsWith(".txt") || name.endsWith(".ijm"))) { IJ.showMessage("Macro Installer", "File name must end with \".txt\" or \".ijm\" ."); return null; } fileName = name; defaultDir = dir; return dir + name; }
private void showioerror() { IJ.showMessage("Error in file io"); }
private void geterrors() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Options"); float conf = 0.67f; gd.addNumericField("Confidence Limit", (int) (conf * 100.0f), 5, 10, null); gd.addChoice("Error Parameter", paramsnames, paramsnames[0]); double spacing = 0.01; gd.addNumericField("Chi^2 plot spacing (% of value)?", spacing * 100.0, 2, 10, null); boolean globalerror = false; gd.addCheckbox("Global Fit Error?", globalerror); int dataset = 0; gd.addNumericField("Data Set (for Global Error)", dataset, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { return; } conf = 0.01f * (float) gd.getNextNumber(); int paramindex = (int) gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); spacing = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber(); globalerror = gd.getNextBoolean(); dataset = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (globalerror) { support_plane_errors erclass = new support_plane_errors(this, 0.0001, 50, true, 0.1); int[] erindeces = {paramindex, dataset}; // need to set up all the matrices int nsel = 0; int nparams = 11; for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) { if (include[i]) { nsel++; } } double[][] params = new double[nsel][nparams]; String[][] tempformulas = new String[nsel][nparams]; double[][][] constraints = new double[2][nsel][nparams]; int[][] vflmatrix = new int[nsel][nparams]; float[][] tempdata = new float[nsel][xpts * ypts]; float[][] tempweights = new float[nsel][xpts * ypts]; int nfit = 0; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) { if (include[i]) { for (int j = 0; j < nparams; j++) { params[counter][j] = globalparams[i][j]; tempformulas[counter][j] = globalformulas[i][j]; constraints[0][counter][j] = globalconstraints[0][i][j]; constraints[1][counter][j] = globalconstraints[1][i][j]; vflmatrix[counter][j] = globalvflmatrix[i][j]; if (vflmatrix[counter][j] == 0 || (j == 0 && vflmatrix[counter][j] == 2)) { nfit++; } } for (int j = 0; j < xpts; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < ypts; k++) { tempdata[counter][j + k * xpts] = (float) ((double) pch[i][j][k] / (double) nmeas[i]); tempweights[counter][j + k * xpts] = weights[i][j][k]; } } counter++; } } int dofnum = xpts * ypts * nsel - (nfit - 1) - 1; int dofden = xpts * ypts * nsel - nfit - 1; // double flim=FLimit(dofnum,dofden,(double)conf); double flim = (new jdist()).FLimit(dofnum, dofden, (double) conf); IJ.log("FLimit = " + (float) flim); if (flim == Double.NaN && flim < 1.0) { IJ.showMessage("Invalid Limiting F Value"); return; } double truespacing = Math.abs(params[erindeces[1]][erindeces[0]] * spacing); double[][] c2plot = erclass.geterrorsglobal( params, vflmatrix, tempformulas, paramsnames, constraints, tempdata, tempweights, flim, truespacing, erindeces); IJ.log("upper limit = " + c2plot[1][0] + " lower limit = " + c2plot[0][0]); int templength = c2plot[0].length; float[][] c2plotf = new float[2][templength - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < (templength - 1); i++) { c2plotf[0][i] = (float) c2plot[0][i + 1]; c2plotf[1][i] = (float) c2plot[1][i + 1]; } new PlotWindow4( "c2 plot", paramsnames[paramindex] + "[" + dataset + "]", "Chi^2", c2plotf[0], c2plotf[1]) .draw(); } else { support_plane_errors erclass = new support_plane_errors(this, 0.0001, 50, false, 0.1); int errindex = paramindex; float[] tempdata = new float[xpts * ypts]; float[] tempweights = new float[xpts * ypts]; for (int i = 0; i < xpts; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ypts; j++) { tempdata[i + j * xpts] = (float) ((double) avg[i][j] / (double) nmeas[ncurves]); tempweights[i + j * xpts] = avgweights[i][j]; } } int nfit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (avgfixes[i] == 0) { nfit++; } } int dofnum = xpts * ypts - (nfit - 1) - 1; int dofden = xpts * ypts - nfit - 1; double flim = (new jdist()).FLimit(dofnum, dofden, (double) conf); IJ.log("FLimit = " + (float) flim); if (flim == Double.NaN && flim < 1.0) { IJ.showMessage("Invalid Limiting F Value"); return; } double truespacing = Math.abs(avgparams[errindex] * spacing); double[][] c2plot = erclass.geterrors( avgparams, avgfixes, avgconstraints, tempdata, tempweights, flim, truespacing, errindex); IJ.log("upper limit = " + c2plot[1][0] + " lower limit = " + c2plot[0][0]); int templength = c2plot[0].length; float[][] c2plotf = new float[2][templength - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < (templength - 1); i++) { c2plotf[0][i] = (float) c2plot[0][i + 1]; c2plotf[1][i] = (float) c2plot[1][i + 1]; } new PlotWindow4("c2 plot", paramsnames[errindex], "Chi^2", c2plotf[0], c2plotf[1]).draw(); } }
public void run(String arg) { Frame[] niframes = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows(); String[] titles = new String[niframes.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < niframes.length; i++) { titles[i] = niframes[i].getTitle(); } titles[niframes.length] = "Clipboard"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Windows"); boolean importfile = false; gd.addCheckbox("Import from file?", importfile); gd.addChoice("Windows", titles, titles[0]); boolean hasxvals = false; gd.addCheckbox("X Vals Column?", hasxvals); boolean multix = false; gd.addCheckbox("Multi_X_Columns?", multix); boolean skipendzeros = false; gd.addCheckbox("Skip_end_zeros?", skipendzeros); String[] delimiters = {"Tab", "Comma", "Space"}; gd.addChoice("Delimiter", delimiters, delimiters[0]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { return; } importfile = gd.getNextBoolean(); int index = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); hasxvals = gd.getNextBoolean(); multix = gd.getNextBoolean(); skipendzeros = gd.getNextBoolean(); int delimindex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); if (multix) hasxvals = true; String textdata = ""; if (importfile) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Open File", "", ".txt"); String directory = od.getDirectory(); String name = od.getFileName(); if (name == null) { return; } try { File infile = new File(directory + name); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infile)); textdata = (new jdataio()).readstringfile(b); b.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return; } } else { if (index == niframes.length) { // here we get the data from the clipboard Transferable t = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); try { if (t != null && t.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { textdata = (String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } if (textdata.equals("")) { IJ.error("Error copying from clipboard."); return; } } else { if (niframes[index] instanceof Editor) { Editor tw = (Editor) niframes[index]; textdata = tw.getText(); } else { if (niframes[index] instanceof TextWindow) { TextWindow tw = (TextWindow) niframes[index]; textdata = tw.getTextPanel().getText(); } else { IJ.showMessage("Not a valid text window"); return; } } } } if (textdata == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error in Obtaining String"); return; } if (textdata.indexOf("\r") >= 0) { textdata = textdata.replace('\r', '\n'); } char[] delims = {'\t', ',', ' '}; delimit_string ds = new delimit_string(delims[delimindex]); String[] rows = ds.getrows(textdata); int lines = rows.length; int columns = ds.getnumcolumns(rows[0]); int ycolumns = columns; if (hasxvals) { if (multix) { ycolumns /= 2; } else { ycolumns--; } } if (multix) { float[][] ydata = new float[ycolumns][lines]; float[][] xdata = new float[ycolumns][lines]; for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { float[] temp = ds.delim2float(rows[i], columns); for (int j = 0; j < ycolumns; j++) { ydata[j][i] = temp[2 * j + 1]; xdata[j][i] = temp[2 * j]; } } int[] npts = new int[ycolumns]; for (int i = 0; i < ycolumns; i++) { npts[i] = lines; } if (skipendzeros) { for (int i = 0; i < ycolumns; i++) { int counter = lines - 1; while ((xdata[i][counter] == 0.0f || Float.isNaN(xdata[i][counter])) && counter > 0) { xdata[i][counter] = 0.0f; ydata[i][counter] = 0.0f; npts[i]--; counter--; } } } (new PlotWindow4("Text Plot", "x", "y", xdata, ydata, npts)).draw(); } else { float[][] tempydata = new float[ycolumns][lines]; float[] tempxdata = new float[lines]; float[][] xdata = null; float[][] ydata = null; int startcolumn = 0; if (hasxvals) startcolumn = 1; for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { float[] temp = ds.delim2float(rows[i], columns); if (hasxvals) { tempxdata[i] = temp[0]; } else { tempxdata[i] = (float) (i + 1); } for (int j = 0; j < ycolumns; j++) { tempydata[j][i] = temp[j + startcolumn]; } } int[] npts = new int[ycolumns]; npts[0] = lines; if (skipendzeros) { int maxpts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ycolumns; i++) { int counter = lines - 1; npts[i] = lines; while ((tempydata[i][counter] == 0.0f || Float.isNaN(tempydata[i][counter])) && counter > 0) { npts[i]--; counter--; } if (npts[i] > maxpts) maxpts = npts[i]; IJ.log("" + npts[i]); } ydata = new float[ycolumns][maxpts]; xdata = new float[ycolumns][maxpts]; for (int i = 0; i < ycolumns; i++) { // npts[i]=npts[0]; System.arraycopy(tempxdata, 0, xdata[i], 0, npts[i]); System.arraycopy(tempydata[i], 0, ydata[i], 0, npts[i]); } } else { ydata = tempydata; xdata = new float[ycolumns][]; for (int i = 0; i < ycolumns; i++) { npts[i] = npts[0]; xdata[i] = tempxdata.clone(); } } (new PlotWindow4("Text Plot", "x", "y", xdata, ydata, npts)).draw(); } }
void install() { subMenus.clear(); if (text != null) { Tokenizer tok = new Tokenizer(); pgm = tok.tokenize(text); } if (macrosMenu != null) IJ.showStatus(""); int[] code = pgm.getCode(); Symbol[] symbolTable = pgm.getSymbolTable(); int count = 0, token, nextToken, address; String name; Symbol symbol; shortcutsInUse = null; inUseCount = 0; nShortcuts = 0; toolCount = 0; macroStarts = new int[MAX_MACROS]; macroNames = new String[MAX_MACROS]; boolean isPluginsMacrosMenu = false; if (macrosMenu != null) { int itemCount = macrosMenu.getItemCount(); isPluginsMacrosMenu = macrosMenu == Menus.getMacrosMenu(); int baseCount = isPluginsMacrosMenu ? MACROS_MENU_COMMANDS : Editor.MACROS_MENU_ITEMS; if (itemCount > baseCount) { for (int i = itemCount - 1; i >= baseCount; i--) macrosMenu.remove(i); } } if (pgm.hasVars() && pgm.macroCount() > 0 && pgm.getGlobals() == null) new Interpreter().saveGlobals(pgm); ArrayList tools = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { token = code[i] & TOK_MASK; if (token == MACRO) { nextToken = code[i + 1] & TOK_MASK; if (nextToken == STRING_CONSTANT) { if (count == MAX_MACROS) { if (isPluginsMacrosMenu) IJ.error("Macro Installer", "Macro sets are limited to " + MAX_MACROS + " macros."); break; } address = code[i + 1] >> TOK_SHIFT; symbol = symbolTable[address]; name = symbol.str; macroStarts[count] = i + 2; macroNames[count] = name; if (name.indexOf('-') != -1 && (name.indexOf("Tool") != -1 || name.indexOf("tool") != -1)) { tools.add(name); toolCount++; } else if (name.startsWith("AutoRun")) { if (autoRunCount == 0 && !openingStartupMacrosInEditor) { new MacroRunner(pgm, macroStarts[count], name, (String) null); if (name.equals("AutoRunAndHide")) autoRunAndHideCount++; } autoRunCount++; count--; } else if (name.equals("Popup Menu")) installPopupMenu(name, pgm); else if (!name.endsWith("Tool Selected")) { if (macrosMenu != null) { addShortcut(name); int pos = name.indexOf(">"); boolean inSubMenu = name.startsWith("<") && (pos > 1); if (inSubMenu) { Menu parent = macrosMenu; Menu subMenu = null; String parentStr = name.substring(1, pos).trim(); String childStr = name.substring(pos + 1).trim(); MenuItem mnuItem = new MenuItem(); mnuItem.setActionCommand(name); mnuItem.setLabel(childStr); for (int jj = 0; jj < subMenus.size(); jj++) { String aName = subMenus.get(jj).getName(); if (aName.equals(parentStr)) subMenu = subMenus.get(jj); } if (subMenu == null) { subMenu = new Menu(parentStr); subMenu.setName(parentStr); subMenu.addActionListener(this); subMenus.add(subMenu); parent.add(subMenu); } subMenu.add(mnuItem); } else macrosMenu.add(new MenuItem(name)); } } // IJ.log(count+" "+name+" "+macroStarts[count]); count++; } } else if (token == EOF) break; } nMacros = count; if (toolCount > 0 && (isPluginsMacrosMenu || macrosMenu == null) && installTools) { Toolbar tb = Toolbar.getInstance(); if (toolCount == 1) tb.addMacroTool((String) tools.get(0), this); else { for (int i = 0; i < tools.size(); i++) { String toolName = (String) tools.get(i); if (toolName.startsWith("Abort Macro or Plugin") && toolCount > 6) toolName = "Unused " + toolName; tb.addMacroTool(toolName, this, i); } } if (toolCount > 1 && Toolbar.getToolId() >= Toolbar.CUSTOM1) tb.setTool(Toolbar.RECTANGLE); tb.repaint(); } if (macrosMenu != null) this.instance = this; if (shortcutsInUse != null && text != null) IJ.showMessage( "Install Macros", (inUseCount == 1 ? "This keyboard shortcut is" : "These keyboard shortcuts are") + " already in use:" + shortcutsInUse); if (nMacros == 0 && fileName != null) { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) return; int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex > 0) anonymousName = fileName.substring(0, dotIndex); else anonymousName = fileName; if (macrosMenu != null) macrosMenu.add(new MenuItem(anonymousName)); macroNames[0] = anonymousName; nMacros = 1; } String word = nMacros == 1 ? " macro" : " macros"; if (isPluginsMacrosMenu) IJ.showStatus(nMacros + word + " installed"); }