void setupGUI() { taDictionary = new TextArea(); taDictionary.setLocation(0, 0); taDictionary.setSize(106, 567); taDictionary.setBackground(new Color(-1)); taDictionary.setText(""); taDictionary.setRows(5); taDictionary.setColumns(1); getContentPane().add(taDictionary); tfSourc = new TextField(); tfSourc.setLocation(224, 90); tfSourc.setSize(266, 25); tfSourc.setBackground(new Color(-1)); tfSourc.setText(""); tfSourc.setColumns(10); getContentPane().add(tfSourc); lblSourc = new Label(); lblSourc.setLocation(106, 90); lblSourc.setSize(119, 25); lblSourc.setText("Source Word:"); getContentPane().add(lblSourc); /* lblDestinatio = new Label(); lblDestinatio.setLocation(106,97); lblDestinatio.setSize(119,25); lblDestinatio.setText("Destination Wor"); getContentPane().add(lblDestinatio); */ lblDestinatio = new Label(); lblDestinatio.setLocation(106, 120); lblDestinatio.setSize(119, 25); lblDestinatio.setText("Destination Word:"); getContentPane().add(lblDestinatio); lblWordSize = new Label(); lblWordSize.setLocation(106, 27); // 106,120 lblWordSize.setSize(119, 25); lblWordSize.setText("Word Size:"); getContentPane().add(lblWordSize); tfWordSize = new TextField(); tfWordSize.setLocation(224, 27); // 224,120 tfWordSize.setSize(263, 25); tfWordSize.setBackground(new Color(-1)); tfWordSize.setText("5"); tfWordSize.setColumns(10); getContentPane().add(tfWordSize); tfSourc_6 = new TextField(); tfSourc_6.setLocation(226, 120); tfSourc_6.setSize(263, 25); tfSourc_6.setBackground(new Color(-1)); tfSourc_6.setText(""); tfSourc_6.setColumns(10); getContentPane().add(tfSourc_6); lblFileNam = new Label(); lblFileNam.setLocation(104, 0); lblFileNam.setSize(119, 25); lblFileNam.setText("FilePath:"); getContentPane().add(lblFileNam); tfFilePat = new TextField(); tfFilePat.setLocation(224, 0); tfFilePat.setSize(266, 25); tfFilePat.setBackground(new Color(-1)); // OS Detection if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { // includes: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows XP tfFilePat.setText("c:\\ics340\\words.txt"); System.out.println("Detected Windows: " + System.getProperty("os.name")); } else { tfFilePat.setText("/Users/jasonedstrom/ics340/d1.txt"); System.out.println("Detected Mac OS X: " + System.getProperty("os.name")); } tfFilePat.setColumns(10); getContentPane().add(tfFilePat); btLoadTextFiel = new JButton(); btLoadTextFiel.setLocation(108, 50); // 108,27 btLoadTextFiel.setSize(198, 32); btLoadTextFiel.setText("Load Words from Text Field"); getContentPane().add(btLoadTextFiel); btLoadFil = new JButton(); btLoadFil.setLocation(306, 50); // 306,27 btLoadFil.setSize(183, 32); btLoadFil.setText("Load Words from File"); getContentPane().add(btLoadFil); btFindPat = new JButton(); btFindPat.setLocation(106, 160); btFindPat.setSize(384, 38); btFindPat.setText("Find Path"); getContentPane().add(btFindPat); lblDictCoun = new JLabel(); lblDictCoun.setLocation(108, 513); lblDictCoun.setSize(300, 27); lblDictCoun.setForeground(new Color(-65536)); lblDictCoun.setText("Words in Dictionary = 0 words"); getContentPane().add(lblDictCoun); lblIndexing1 = new JLabel(); lblIndexing1.setLocation(107, 454); lblIndexing1.setSize(130, 27); lblIndexing1.setForeground(new Color(-16777216)); lblIndexing1.setText(""); getContentPane().add(lblIndexing1); lblFindPat = new JLabel(); lblFindPat.setLocation(108, 540); lblFindPat.setSize(250, 27); lblFindPat.setForeground(new Color(-14646771)); lblFindPat.setText("Time to find Path: 0 milliseconds"); getContentPane().add(lblFindPat); lblCos = new JLabel(); lblCos.setLocation(360, 540); lblCos.setSize(175, 27); lblCos.setForeground(new Color(-16777216)); lblCos.setText("Cost of Path: 0.0"); getContentPane().add(lblCos); lblProgres = new JLabel(); lblProgres.setLocation(108, 484); lblProgres.setSize(371, 26); lblProgres.setForeground(new Color(-14646771)); lblProgres.setText("Time to Build Graph: 0 milliseconds"); getContentPane().add(lblProgres); testpanel = new JPanel(); testpanel.setLocation(106, 200); testpanel.setSize(350, 200); testpanel.setForeground(new Color(-14646771)); // testpanel.setText("Test Location"); getContentPane().add(testpanel); btClear = new JButton(); btClear.setLocation(355, 513); btClear.setSize(125, 25); btClear.setText("Clear Results"); getContentPane().add(btClear); // add actionlisteners to buttons btFindPat.addActionListener(this); btLoadTextFiel.addActionListener(this); btLoadFil.addActionListener(this); btClear.addActionListener(this); setTitle("WordLadderGUI"); setSize(500, 600); setVisible(true); setResizable(false); }
public Configure() { int Width = 640; int Height = 480; cb = new Checkbox[128]; final Frame f = new Frame("Configure gnu.io.rxtx.properties"); String fileSep = System.getProperty("file.separator", "/"); String devPath; if (fileSep.compareTo("/") != 0) { devPath = "COM"; } else { devPath = "/dev/"; } f.setBounds(100, 50, Width, Height); f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); p1 = new Panel(); p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(16, 4)); ActionListener l = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { { String res = e.getActionCommand(); if (res.equals("Save")) { saveSpecifiedPorts(); } } } }; addCheckBoxes(devPath); TextArea t = new TextArea(EnumMessage, 5, 50, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_NONE); t.setSize(50, Width); t.setEditable(false); final Panel p2 = new Panel(); p2.add(new Label("Port Name:")); TextField tf = new TextField(devPath, 8); tf.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addCheckBoxes(e.getActionCommand()); f.setVisible(true); } }); p2.add(tf); Checkbox Keep = new Checkbox("Keep Ports"); p2.add(Keep); Button b[] = new Button[6]; for (int j = 0, i = 4; i < 129; i *= 2, j++) { b[j] = new Button("1-" + i); b[j].addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int k = Integer.parseInt(e.getActionCommand().substring(2)); for (int x = 0; x < k; x++) { cb[x].setState(!cb[x].getState()); f.setVisible(true); } } }); p2.add(b[j]); } Button b1 = new Button("More"); Button b2 = new Button("Save"); b1.addActionListener(l); b2.addActionListener(l); p2.add(b1); p2.add(b2); f.add("South", p2); f.add("Center", p1); f.add("North", t); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); f.setVisible(true); }
public MainFrame( final Socket socket, String user, ObjectInputStream reader, ObjectOutputStream writer) { super("Main"); frame = this; this.socket = socket; owner = user; Reader = reader; Writer = writer; screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); frameSize = new Dimension(300, 510); setSize(frameSize); setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - frameSize.width, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2); setBackground(Color.decode("#ccfffa")); setResizable(false); setLayout(null); // add Label "Online User List:" Label label1 = new Label("Online User List:"); label1.setSize(200, 20); label1.setLocation(20, 40); add(label1); // add user list userList = new List(10, false); userList.setSize(260, 95); userList.setLocation(20, 60); add(userList); // add label "chat content:" Label label2 = new Label("Chat Content:"); label2.setSize(200, 20); label2.setLocation(20, 160); add(label2); // add chat content textArea = new TextArea("", 18, 30, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY); textArea.setBackground(Color.white); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setSize(260, 220); textArea.setLocation(20, 180); add(textArea); // add label "Send Message:" Label label3 = new Label("Send Message:"); label3.setSize(200, 20); label3.setLocation(20, 405); add(label3); // add input textfield final TextField inputArea = new TextField(); inputArea.setSize(205, 25); inputArea.setLocation(20, 425); add(inputArea); // add send button Button send = new Button("Send"); send.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { String text = inputArea.getText(); try { Writer.writeObject(new MSG("MSG", text)); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } textArea.setText(textArea.getText().concat("[" + owner + "]:" + text + "\n")); inputArea.setText(""); } }); send.setSize(50, 25); send.setLocation(230, 425); add(send); // add button "Start Game" final Button btnGame = new Button("Start Game"); btnGame.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (!isGame) { setSize(460, 510); controlPanel = new ControlPanel(socket, Reader, Writer, frame, owner); controlPanel.setLocation(300, 60); add(controlPanel); isGame = true; try { Writer.writeObject(new MSG("REQLIST", "")); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } btnGame.setLabel("End Game"); } else { try { Writer.writeObject(new MSG("QUIT", "")); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } setSize(300, 510); remove(controlPanel); isGame = false; btnGame.setLabel("Start Game"); } } }); btnGame.setSize(90, 25); btnGame.setLocation(65, 465); add(btnGame); // add button quit Button btnQuit = new Button("Exit"); btnQuit.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (isGame) { if (!controlPanel.canQuit) return; try { Writer.writeObject(new MSG("QUIT", "")); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } controlPanel.isHost = false; controlPanel.panelHost = null; controlPanel.panelHost = null; controlPanel.initPanelStart(); controlPanel.panelStart.setSize(135, 420); controlPanel.panelStart.setLocation(0, 0); controlPanel.add(controlPanel.panelStart); } runFlag = false; if (socket != null) { try { Writer.writeObject(new MSG("QUT", "")); socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); } } System.exit(0); } }); btnQuit.setSize(55, 25); btnQuit.setLocation(175, 465); add(btnQuit); new ReceiveThread(Reader).start(); }