protected boolean areShapesIntersecting(Airspace a1, Airspace a2) {
      if ((a1 instanceof SphereAirspace) && (a2 instanceof SphereAirspace)) {
        SphereAirspace s1 = (SphereAirspace) a1;
        SphereAirspace s2 = (SphereAirspace) a2;

        LatLon location1 = s1.getLocation();
        LatLon location2 = s2.getLocation();
        double altitude1 = s1.getAltitudes()[0];
        double altitude2 = s2.getAltitudes()[0];
        boolean terrainConforming1 = s1.isTerrainConforming()[0];
        boolean terrainConforming2 = s2.isTerrainConforming()[0];

        // We have to compute the 3D coordinates of the sphere's center ourselves here.
        Vec4 p1 =
                ? this.getSurfacePoint(location1, altitude1)
                : this.getPoint(location1, altitude1);
        Vec4 p2 =
                ? this.getSurfacePoint(location2, altitude2)
                : this.getPoint(location2, altitude2);
        double r1 = s1.getRadius();
        double r2 = s2.getRadius();

        double d = p1.distanceTo3(p2);

        return d <= (r1 + r2);

      return false;
    public Airspace createAirspace(WorldWindow wwd, boolean fitShapeToViewport) {
      SphereAirspace sphere = new SphereAirspace();
      sphere.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, getNextName(toString()));
      this.initializeSphere(wwd, sphere, fitShapeToViewport);

      return sphere;
    protected void initializeSphere(
        WorldWindow wwd, SphereAirspace sphere, boolean fitShapeToViewport) {
      // Creates a sphere in the center of the viewport. Attempts to guess at a reasonable size and
      // height.
      Position position = ShapeUtils.getNewShapePosition(wwd);
      double sizeInMeters =
          fitShapeToViewport ? ShapeUtils.getViewportScaleFactor(wwd) : DEFAULT_SHAPE_SIZE_METERS;

      sphere.setLocation(new LatLon(position));
      sphere.setRadius(sizeInMeters / 2.0);