public void checarColisoes() { Rectangle formaNave = nave.getBounds(); Rectangle formaInimigo; Rectangle formaMissel; for (int i = 0; i < inimigos.size(); i++) { Inimigo tempInimigo = inimigos.get(i); formaInimigo = tempInimigo.getBounds(); if (formaNave.intersects(formaInimigo)) { nave.setVisivel(false); tempInimigo.setVisible(false); emJogo = false; } } List<Missel> misseis = nave.getMisseis(); for (int i = 0; i < misseis.size(); i++) { Missel tempMissel = misseis.get(i); formaMissel = tempMissel.getBounds(); for (int j = 0; j < inimigos.size(); j++) { Inimigo tempInimigo = inimigos.get(j); formaInimigo = tempInimigo.getBounds(); if (formaMissel.intersects(formaInimigo)) { tempInimigo.setVisible(false); tempMissel.setVisible(false); } } } }
public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { doPopup(e); return; } if (!org.nlogo.awt.Mouse.hasButton1(e)) { return; } // this is so the user can use action keys to control buttons // - ST 8/6/04,8/31/04 this.requestFocus(); java.awt.Point p = e.getPoint(); java.awt.Rectangle rect = this.getBounds(); p.x += rect.x; p.y += rect.y; if (!rect.contains(p)) { return; } unselectWidgets(); startDragPoint = e.getPoint(); if (widgetCreator == null) { return; } Widget widget = widgetCreator.getWidget(); if (widget == null) { return; } addWidget(widget, e.getX(), e.getY(), true, false); revalidate(); }
@Override protected RelativePoint getPointToShowResults() { Rectangle rect = myEntryTable.getCellRect(myEntryTable.getSelectedRow(), 1, false); Point location = rect.getLocation(); location.y += rect.height; return new RelativePoint(myEntryTable, location); }
private int countAttackableElixirs( final List<RegionMatch> doFindAll, final List<Rectangle> matchedElixirs, final Path next) { int attackableElixirs = 0; int c = 0; RECT_LOOP: for (final RegionMatch i : doFindAll) { // if matched area is out of enemy poly if (!ENEMY_BASE_POLY.contains(i.x, i.y)) { continue; } // check if it's an existing match for (final Rectangle r : matchedElixirs) { if (r.intersects(i.getBounds())) { break RECT_LOOP; } } c++; matchedElixirs.add(i.getBounds()); if (next.getFileName().toString().startsWith("empty")) { attackableElixirs--; } else if (next.getFileName().toString().startsWith("full")) { attackableElixirs++; } logger.finest("\t" + i.getBounds() + " score: " + i.getScore()); } if (c > 0) { logger.finest( String.format("\tfound %d elixirs matching %s\n", c, next.getFileName().toString())); } return attackableElixirs; }
/** * Paint to an offscreen graphic, e.g. a graphic for an image or svg file. * * @param g * @param rect */ public void paintOffscreen(Graphics2D g, Rectangle rect) { // Get the components of the sort by X position. Component[] components = getComponents(); Arrays.sort( components, new Comparator<Component>() { public int compare(Component component, Component component1) { return component.getX() - component1.getX(); } }); for (Component c : this.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof DataPanel) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); Rectangle clipRect = new Rectangle(c.getBounds()); clipRect.height = rect.height; g2d.setClip(clipRect); g2d.translate(c.getX(), 0); ((DataPanel) c).paintOffscreen(g2d, rect); } } // super.paintBorder(g); }
private static int preferredWidth(JTable table, int col) { TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(col); int width = (int) table .getTableHeader() .getDefaultRenderer() .getTableCellRendererComponent( table, tableColumn.getIdentifier(), false, false, -1, col) .getPreferredSize() .getWidth(); if (table.getRowCount() != 0) { int from = 0, to = 0; Rectangle rect = table.getVisibleRect(); from = table.rowAtPoint(rect.getLocation()); to = table.rowAtPoint(new Point((int) rect.getMaxX(), (int) rect.getMaxY())) + 1; for (int row = from; row < to; row++) { int preferedWidth = (int) table .getCellRenderer(row, col) .getTableCellRendererComponent( table, table.getValueAt(row, col), false, false, row, col) .getPreferredSize() .getWidth(); width = Math.max(width, preferedWidth); } } return width + table.getIntercellSpacing().width; }
public TabSpawnable spawn() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); f.setTitle(_title); TabSpawnable newPanel = (TabSpawnable) clone(); if (newPanel == null) return null; // failed to clone newPanel.setTitle(_title); if (newPanel instanceof TabToDoTarget) { TabToDoTarget me = (TabToDoTarget) this; TabToDoTarget it = (TabToDoTarget) newPanel; it.setTarget(me.getTarget()); } else if (newPanel instanceof TabModelTarget) { TabModelTarget me = (TabModelTarget) this; TabModelTarget it = (TabModelTarget) newPanel; it.setTarget(me.getTarget()); } f.getContentPane().add(newPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); bounds.height += OVERLAPP * 2; f.setBounds(bounds); Point loc = new Point(0, 0); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(loc, this); loc.y -= OVERLAPP; f.setLocation(loc); f.setVisible(true); if (_tear && (getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane)) ((JTabbedPane) getParent()).remove(this); return newPanel; }
public void paint(Graphics2D g, ChartFrame cf, Rectangle bounds) { Dataset ls = visibleDataset(cf, LS); if (ls != null) { Range range = cf.getSplitPanel().getChartPanel().getRange(); g.setColor(properties.getColor()); g.setStroke(properties.getStroke()); double y = cf.getChartData().getY(range.getLowerBound(), bounds, range, false); g.draw(new Line2D.Double(bounds.getMinX(), y, bounds.getMaxX(), y)); for (int i = 0; i < ls.getItemsCount(); i++) { if (ls.getDataItem(i) != null) { double x = cf.getChartData().getX(i, bounds); double y1 = cf.getChartData().getY(range.getLowerBound(), bounds, range, false); double y2 = cf.getChartData().getY(range.getUpperBound(), bounds, range, false); double w = cf.getChartProperties().getBarWidth(); g.draw(new Line2D.Double(x - w / 2, y1, x, y2)); g.draw(new Line2D.Double(x + w / 2, y1, x, y2)); } } } }
/** Scroll the current visible area to the rectangle where the saved {@link #jumpNode} lays. */ void jumpToNodeVisible() { if (this.jumpNode == null) { return; } // get the Component nodes to evaluate the positions // on the viewport SmallStepNodeComponent node = (SmallStepNodeComponent) this.jumpNode.getUserObject(); if (node == null) { return; } // get the visible rect to ensure the x coordinate is in the // visible area. only vertical scolling is requested Rectangle visibleRect = this.getVisibleRect(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.x = visibleRect.x; rect.y = node.getY(); rect.width = 1; rect.height = node.getHeight(); this.scrollRectToVisible(rect); this.jumpNode = null; }
/** * Get the horizontal drop line rectangle. * * @param loc the drop location. * @return the rectangle. */ private Rectangle getHDropLineRect(JTable.DropLocation loc) { if (!loc.isInsertRow()) { return null; } int row = loc.getRow(); int col = loc.getColumn(); if (col >= table.getColumnCount()) { col--; } Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(row, col, true); if (row >= table.getRowCount()) { row--; Rectangle prevRect = table.getCellRect(row, col, true); rect.y = prevRect.y + prevRect.height; } if (rect.y == 0) { rect.y = -1; } else { rect.y -= 2; } rect.height = 3; return rect; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xamjwg.html.renderer.BoundableRenderable#onMouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent, int, int) */ public void onMouseReleased(MouseEvent event, int x, int y) { Iterator i = this.blocks.iterator(); boolean found = false; while (i.hasNext()) { Object r =; if (r instanceof BoundableRenderable) { BoundableRenderable br = (BoundableRenderable) r; Rectangle bounds = br.getBounds(); if (bounds.contains(x, y)) { found = true; br.onMouseReleased(event, x - bounds.x, y - bounds.y); BoundableRenderable oldArmedRenderable = this.armedRenderable; if (oldArmedRenderable != null && br != oldArmedRenderable) { oldArmedRenderable.onMouseDisarmed(event); this.armedRenderable = null; } } } } if (!found) { BoundableRenderable oldArmedRenderable = this.armedRenderable; if (oldArmedRenderable != null) { oldArmedRenderable.onMouseDisarmed(event); this.armedRenderable = null; } } }
private static void showOnScreen(int screen, JFrame frame, boolean fullscreen) { GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] gd = ge.getScreenDevices(); if (! || (screen > -1 && screen < gd.length)) { if (! || (fullscreen && screen == Main.secondScreen)) { // frame.setSize(gd[screen].getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().x,gd[screen].getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().y); gd[screen].setFullScreenWindow(frame); } else { frame.setSize(600, 300); Rectangle bound = gd[screen].getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); System.out.println( "x: " + bound.x + " y: " + bound.y + " width: " + bound.width + " height : " + bound.height); frame.setLocation((int) (bound.x + bound.getWidth() / 2 - 300), frame.getY()); } return; } System.out.println("Erreur : l'ecran " + screen + " n'a pas ete trouve"); }
public static boolean isPointNearPoint(Point from, Point testPos, int nearTolerance) { Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle( from.x - nearTolerance / 2, from.y - nearTolerance / 2, nearTolerance, nearTolerance); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(testPos.x, testPos.y, 1, 1); return r2.intersects(r1); }
/** * Process this text Token to optimize tokens and evaluate the token bounding box. * * @param g Graphics to get the font metrics. * @param text Text to add to the current textTokan. * @param textTok Current TextToken. * @param isText True if the previous textToken was a Text Token so we can merge it with this. */ private void updateText(Graphics g, String text, TextToken textTok, boolean isText) { // The text exists! if (text.length() > 0) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int a = fm.getAscent(), d = fm.getDescent(), w = fm.stringWidth(text), h = fm.getHeight(); // The previous token was a text too so we must merge it with this new one. if (isText) { textTok = (TextToken) m_tokens.lastElement(); textTok.m_text += text; textTok.m_bounds.width += w; if (textTok.m_bounds.height < h) textTok.m_bounds.height = h; } // The previous token was a formating one. else { m_tokens.addElement(textTok); textTok.m_text = text; textTok.m_bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h); } if (a > m_body.m_aMax) m_body.m_aMax = a; if (d > m_body.m_dMax) m_body.m_dMax = d; m_wCur += w; } }
/** * Makes the given rectangle slightly larger. The given rectangle is modified and also returned. * * @param r A Rectangle to be enlarged. * @return The same Rectangle, after enlargement. */ private static Rectangle enlarge(Rectangle r) { r.x -= 2; r.y -= 2; r.width += 4; r.height += 4; return r; }
private void ensureRectIsInBounds(final Rectangle rectangle, final Dimension bounds) { if (rectangle.x < 0) { rectangle.x = 0; } if (rectangle.x + rectangle.width > bounds.width) { final JScrollBar verticalScrollBar = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); final int scrollBarWidth; if (verticalScrollBar != null) { scrollBarWidth = verticalScrollBar.getWidth(); } else { scrollBarWidth = 0; } rectangle.x = bounds.width - rectangle.width - scrollBarWidth; } if (rectangle.y < 0) { rectangle.y = 0; } if (rectangle.y + rectangle.height > bounds.height) { final JScrollBar horizontalScrollBar = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); final int scrollBarHeight; if (horizontalScrollBar != null) { scrollBarHeight = horizontalScrollBar.getHeight(); } else { scrollBarHeight = 0; } rectangle.y = bounds.height - rectangle.height - scrollBarHeight; } }
private void drawSelection(Graphics2D g2d) { if (srcx != destx || srcy != desty) { int x1 = (srcx < destx) ? srcx : destx; int y1 = (srcy < desty) ? srcy : desty; int x2 = (srcx > destx) ? srcx : destx; int y2 = (srcy > desty) ? srcy : desty; rectSelection.x = x1; rectSelection.y = y1; rectSelection.width = (x2 - x1) + 1; rectSelection.height = (y2 - y1) + 1; if (rectSelection.width > 0 && rectSelection.height > 0) { g2d.drawImage(scr_img.getSubimage(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1), null, x1, y1); } g2d.setColor(selFrameColor); g2d.setStroke(bs); g2d.draw(rectSelection); int cx = (x1 + x2) / 2; int cy = (y1 + y2) / 2; g2d.setColor(selCrossColor); g2d.setStroke(_StrokeCross); g2d.drawLine(cx, y1, cx, y2); g2d.drawLine(x1, cy, x2, cy); if (Screen.getNumberScreens() > 1) { drawScreenFrame(g2d, srcScreenId); } } }
private static void setCenter(final Rectangle rectangle, final Point center) { final int diffX = center.x - (int) rectangle.getCenterX(); final int diffY = center.y - (int) rectangle.getCenterY(); final int x = ((int) rectangle.getX()) + diffX; final int y = (int) (rectangle.getY() + diffY); rectangle.setLocation(x, y); }
@Override public boolean isContainedInSelection(Rectangle drawingViewSelection, double scale) { FGERectangle drawingViewBounds = new FGERectangle( drawingViewSelection.getX(), drawingViewSelection.getY(), drawingViewSelection.getWidth(), drawingViewSelection.getHeight(), Filling.FILLED); boolean isFullyContained = true; for (ControlArea<?> ca : getConnector().getControlAreas()) { if (ca instanceof ControlPoint) { ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) ca; Point cpInContainerView = convertLocalNormalizedPointToRemoteViewCoordinates( cp.getPoint(), getDrawingGraphicalRepresentation(), scale); FGEPoint preciseCPInContainerView = new FGEPoint(cpInContainerView.x, cpInContainerView.y); if (!drawingViewBounds.containsPoint(preciseCPInContainerView)) { // System.out.println("Going outside: point="+preciseCPInContainerView+" // bounds="+containerViewBounds); isFullyContained = false; } } } return isFullyContained; }
/** * Ecrit le nom de l'element. * * @param g graphics * @param vueElement vue de l'element a dessiner * @param coordX abscisse de l'element * @param coordY ordonnee de l'element * @return vrai si le texte a ete ecrit en dessous de la forme representant l'element, faux sinon */ private boolean dessineElementNom(Graphics g, VueElement<?> vueElement, int coordX, int coordY) { Rectangle rect = this.getBounds(); // affiche au dessus du point ses informations String s = vueElement.getElement().getNom(); int stringWidth = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(s, g).getWidth(); int stringHeight = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(s, g).getHeight(); int start = (stringWidth / 2) - (ELEMENT_SIZE / 2); // gestion du debordement des infos int coordXString = Math.max(coordX - start, 2); if (coordXString + stringWidth > rect.getWidth()) { coordXString = (int) (rect.getWidth() - 2 - stringWidth); } int coordYString = coordY - 10; boolean descendu = false; if (coordY < stringHeight) { coordYString = coordY + 29; descendu = true; } g.drawString(s, coordXString, coordYString); return descendu; }
@Override public void run(Component c) { final Rectangle r = c.getBounds(); r.width -= 64; r.height -= 64; c.setBounds(r); }
public void paintSelection(Graphics g, int rowMin, int rowMax, int colMin, int colMax) { for (int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; row++) { for (int column = colMin; column <= colMax; column++) { if (!grid.isCellSpan(row, column)) { Rectangle cellBounds = grid.getCellBounds(row, column); if (grid.getSelectionModel().isSelected(row, column)) { g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawRect( (int) cellBounds.getX() + 1, (int) cellBounds.getY() + 1, (int) cellBounds.getWidth() - 2, (int) cellBounds.getHeight() - 2); } } else { CellSpan span = grid.getSpanModel().getSpanOver(row, column); if (grid.getSelectionModel().isSelected(span.getRow(), span.getColumn())) { g.setColor(Color.RED); Rectangle cellBounds = grid.getCellBounds(span.getFirstRow(), span.getLastColumn()); g.drawRect( (int) cellBounds.getX() + 1, (int) cellBounds.getY() + 1, (int) cellBounds.getWidth() - 2, (int) cellBounds.getHeight() - 2); } } } } }
@Test public void drawWithClipAndTransform() throws Exception { graphics.setPaint(Color.BLACK); graphics.fill(imageBounds); AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance( Math.PI / 4, image.getMinX() + image.getWidth() / 2, image.getMinY() + image.getHeight() / 2); graphics.transform(tr); graphics.clip(midRect); graphics.setPaint(Color.RED); graphics.fill(imageBounds); showImage("drawWithClipAndTransform"); // Outside transformed clip region Rectangle outer = new Rectangle(midRect); outer.grow(5, 5); Point2D[] corners = getCorners(outer); Point2D[] trPoints = new Point2D[corners.length]; tr.transform(corners, 0, trPoints, 0, corners.length); assertColor(Color.BLACK, trPoints); // Inside transformed clip region Rectangle inner = new Rectangle(midRect); inner.grow(-5, -5); corners = getCorners(inner); tr.transform(corners, 0, trPoints, 0, corners.length); assertColor(Color.RED, trPoints); }
@Override public void showFeedback() { createFeedback(); myBounds = myContext.getTransformedRectangle( myComponent.getBounds(myContext.getArea().getFeedbackLayer())); myBounds.width = Math.max(myBounds.width, 0); myBounds.height = Math.max(myBounds.height, 0); int direction = myContext.getResizeDirection(); if ((direction & Position.EAST) != 0) { if (!snapToWidth(myBounds, myWrapSize, SNAP_DELTA)) { snapToWidth(myBounds, myFillSize, SNAP_DELTA); } } if ((direction & Position.SOUTH) != 0) { if (!snapToHeight(myBounds, myWrapSize, SNAP_DELTA)) { snapToHeight(myBounds, myFillSize, SNAP_DELTA); } } myFeedback.setBounds(myBounds); myTextFeedback.clear(); addTextSize(myStaticWidth, myBounds.width, myWrapSize.width, myFillSize.width); myTextFeedback.append(" x ", SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_BOLD_ATTRIBUTES); addTextSize(myStaticHeight, myBounds.height, myWrapSize.height, myFillSize.height); myTextFeedback.locationTo(myContext.getLocation(), 15); }
protected java.awt.Point restrictDrag(java.awt.Point p, WidgetWrapper w) { int x = p.x; int y = p.y; java.awt.Rectangle wb = w.originalBounds; java.awt.Rectangle b = getBounds(); java.awt.Rectangle newWb = new java.awt.Rectangle(wb.x + x, wb.y + y, wb.width, wb.height); if (workspace.snapOn() && !this.isZoomed()) { int xGridSnap = newWb.x - (newWb.x / GRID_SNAP) * GRID_SNAP; int yGridSnap = newWb.y - (newWb.y / GRID_SNAP) * GRID_SNAP; x -= xGridSnap; y -= yGridSnap; newWb.x -= xGridSnap; newWb.y -= yGridSnap; } if (newWb.x + newWb.width < WidgetWrapper.BORDER_E * 2) { x += WidgetWrapper.BORDER_E * 2 - (newWb.x + newWb.width); } if (newWb.y < WidgetWrapper.BORDER_N) { y += WidgetWrapper.BORDER_N - newWb.y; } if (newWb.x + 2 * WidgetWrapper.BORDER_W > b.width) { x -= (newWb.x + 2 * WidgetWrapper.BORDER_W) - b.width; } if (newWb.y + WidgetWrapper.BORDER_N > b.height) { y -= (newWb.y + WidgetWrapper.BORDER_N) - b.height; } return new java.awt.Point(x, y); }
/** * Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface. * * @param g the rendering surface to use * @param allocation the allocated region to render into * @see View#paint */ public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation) { super.paint(g, allocation); Rectangle alloc = allocation.getBounds(); Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); // Since listPainter paints in the insets we have to check for the // case where the child is not painted because the paint region is // to the left of the child. This assumes the ListPainter paints in // the left margin. if ((clip.x + clip.width) < (alloc.x + getLeftInset())) { Rectangle childRect = alloc; alloc = getInsideAllocation(allocation); int n = getViewCount(); int endY = clip.y + clip.height; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { childRect.setBounds(alloc); childAllocation(i, childRect); if (childRect.y < endY) { if ((childRect.y + childRect.height) >= clip.y) { listPainter.paint( g, childRect.x, childRect.y, childRect.width, childRect.height, this, i); } } else { break; } } } }
public void setRect(int dx, int dy, Raster srcRaster) { Rectangle targetUnclipped = new Rectangle( srcRaster.getMinX() + dx, srcRaster.getMinY() + dy, srcRaster.getWidth(), srcRaster.getHeight()); Rectangle target = getBounds().intersection(targetUnclipped); if (target.isEmpty()) return; int sx = target.x - dx; int sy = target.y - dy; // FIXME: Do tests on rasters and use get/set data instead. /* The JDK documentation seems to imply this implementation. (the trucation of higher bits), but an implementation using get/setDataElements would be more efficient. None of the implementations would do anything sensible when the sample models don't match. But this is probably not the place to consider such optimizations.*/ int[] pixels = srcRaster.getPixels(sx, sy, target.width, target.height, (int[]) null); setPixels(target.x, target.y, target.width, target.height, pixels); }
private Rectangle getBounds(FigureEnumeration fe) { Rectangle r = fe.nextFigure().displayBox(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { r.add(fe.nextFigure().displayBox()); } return r; }
/** * See TextObject's getLocalBoundingPolygon() description for details. * * <p>Do not modify the returned Polygon, because it may be cached. * * <p>XXXBUG: This method always returns a rectangle unless we write some convex hull * calculations. * * @return A bounding polygon; the polygon could be empty if the group has no glyph descendants. * @see net.nexttext.TextObject#getLocalBoundingPolygon() */ public synchronized Polygon getLocalBoundingPolygon() { if (localBoundingPolygonValidToFrame >= getFrameCount()) { return localBoundingPolygon; } localBoundingPolygonValidToFrame = Long.MAX_VALUE; TextObject to = getLeftMostChild(); // if to has no children and is a group, then return an empty polygon if (to == null) { localBoundingPolygon = new Polygon(); return localBoundingPolygon; } Rectangle bounds = to.getRelativeBoundingPolygon().getBounds(); while ((to = to.getRightSibling()) != null) { bounds.add(to.getRelativeBoundingPolygon().getBounds()); } // Return the box as a polygon object int[] x = new int[] {bounds.x, bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.x}; int[] y = new int[] {bounds.y, bounds.y, bounds.y + bounds.height, bounds.y + bounds.height}; localBoundingPolygon = new Polygon(x, y, 4); return localBoundingPolygon; }
public boolean wallCollision(Bullet bullet) { Rectangle boundingBox = bullet.getBoundingBox(); int tile; int tileWidth = tileMap.getTileWidth(); int tileHeight = tileMap.getTileHeight(); /* * nested four loop only is grabbing the 4 corners of the * bullet's hit box and checking the type of tiles that they * contact. The current bullets range from 8x8 to 17x17, so they * all can contact the same range of tiles at any given time: * 1-4 A bullet expires on contact with a solid object(besides * ring bullets) */ for (int y = bullet.yPos; y <= bullet.yPos + boundingBox.getHeight(); y += boundingBox.getHeight()) { for (int x = bullet.xPos; x <= bullet.xPos + boundingBox.getWidth(); x += boundingBox.getWidth()) { int tileCoordX = (int) (x + distanceScrolled) / tileWidth; int tileCoordY = y / tileHeight; tile = tileMap.getTile(((tileCoordY) * tileMap.getTileMapWidth()) + (tileCoordX)); if (tile < 17 || 23 < tile) { return true; } } } return false; }