private Path getNearestPath(Road road, List<Path> paths) { int range = 10000; int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; EntityID nearestPath = null; while (nearestPath == null) { Collection<StandardEntity> entities = world.getObjectsInRange(road, range); for (StandardEntity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof Road) { EntityID pathId = roadHelper.getPathId(entity.getID()); if (pathId != null) { int distance = Util.distance((Area) entity, road); if (distance < minDistance) { nearestPath = pathId; minDistance = distance; } } } } range += 10000; } for (Path path : paths) { if (path.getId().equals(nearestPath)) { return path; } } return null; }
/** * Recursively rebuild the tree nodes. * * @param root The full abstract path to the root saved layout directory. * @param local The current directory relative to root (null if none). * @param tnode The current parent tree node. */ private void rebuildTreeModel(Path root, Path local, DefaultMutableTreeNode tnode) { TreeSet<Path> subdirs = new TreeSet<Path>(); TreeSet<String> layouts = new TreeSet<String>(); { Path current = new Path(root, local); File files[] = current.toFile().listFiles(); if (files != null) { int wk; for (wk = 0; wk < files.length; wk++) { String name = files[wk].getName(); if (files[wk].isDirectory()) subdirs.add(new Path(local, name)); else if (files[wk].isFile()) layouts.add(name); } } } for (Path subdir : subdirs) { TreeData data = new TreeData(subdir); DefaultMutableTreeNode child = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(data, true); tnode.add(child); rebuildTreeModel(root, subdir, child); } for (String lname : layouts) { TreeData data = new TreeData(new Path(local, lname), lname); DefaultMutableTreeNode child = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(data, false); tnode.add(child); } }
private void setPathIDForRoads(List<Path> paths) { for (Path path : paths) { for (Road road : path) { roadHelper.setPathId(road.getID(), path.getId()); } } }
private void addToPath(Road road, EntityID pathId, List<Path> paths) { for (Path path : paths) { if (path.getId().equals(pathId)) { adding(road, path); break; } } }
private void adding(Road road, Path path) { roadHelper.setPathId(road.getID(), path.getId()); if (!path.contains(road)) { path.add(road); if (entrances.contains(road)) { path.addEntrance(getEntrance(road)); } } }
private ArrayList<Path> holeLaufwerkeWindows() { ArrayList<Path> laufwerksRoot = new ArrayList<>(); Iterable<Path> rootDirectories = FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories(); for (Path path : rootDirectories) { laufwerksRoot.add(path.getRoot()); } return laufwerksRoot; }
private void addEntrances(Path path, Road road) { Entrance entrance; for (Road n : roadHelper.getConnectedRoads(road.getID())) { if (entrances.contains(n)) { roadHelper.setPathId(n.getID(), path.getId()); if (!path.contains(n) && !added.contains(n)) { path.add(n); added.add(n); } entrance = getEntrance(n); if (!path.getEntrances().contains(entrance)) { path.addEntrance(entrance); } } } }
public Path finishCircuit(int dispair, Vertex home, Graphics g) { visited = true; Path bestPath = new Path(); bestPath.cost = 100000000; if (dispair == 0) // Last being visited { Iterator<Edge> it = edges.iterator(); Boolean match = false; // Looks through all this vertex's edges and find the one that goes home while (!match && it.hasNext()) { Edge f =; if (f.fromVertex.ident == home.ident) { Path p = new Path(); bestPath = p; bestPath.add(f); match = true; } } } else { Iterator<Edge> it = edges.iterator(); // Finds all possible paths through nodes not visited while (it.hasNext()) { Edge e =; Vertex c = e.fromVertex; if (!c.visited) { e.drawMe(g,; // Draws edge Path p = c.finishCircuit(dispair - 1, home, g); p.add(e); e.drawMe(g,; // Un-draws edge if (p.cost < bestPath.cost) // Sets bestPath { bestPath = p; } } } } visited = false; return bestPath; }
@Override public void path(Point start, LineType[] types, Point[][] points) { if (types.length != points.length) { return; } Path p = new Path(); p.setStart(start); ArrayList<PathPart> parts = new ArrayList<PathPart>(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { parts.add(new PathPart(types[i], points[i])); } p.setParts(parts); addToShapes(p); }
protected void addContourShapes( List<List<Position>> contourList, double value, RenderableLayer layer) { String text = this.textForValue(value); Color color = this.colorForValue(value, 1.0); // color for value at 100% brightness ShapeAttributes attrs = new BasicShapeAttributes(); attrs.setOutlineMaterial(new Material(color)); attrs.setOutlineWidth(2); for (List<Position> positions : contourList) { Path path = new Path(positions); path.setAttributes(attrs); path.setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND); path.setFollowTerrain(true); path.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, text); layer.addRenderable(path); } }
private int getNumberOfItems(Path quellOrdner) { int retValue = 0; try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { if (Files.isDirectory(qfile)) { getNumberOfItems(Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } i++; } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } retValue = i; return retValue; }
public Path dateiAuswählen(Path neuesLaufwerk) { JFileChooser fc1 = new JFileChooser(); fc1.setDialogTitle("SyncOrdner auswählen"); fc1.setCurrentDirectory(neuesLaufwerk.toFile()); fc1.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (fc1.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return fc1.getSelectedFile().toPath(); else return null; }
private void createPathsNeighbours() { Set<Path> neighbours; for (Path path : this) { neighbours = new FastSet<Path>(); for (Road road : path) { for (EntityID entityID : road.getNeighbours()) { if (world.getEntity(entityID) instanceof Road) { for (Path p : this) { if (!path.equals(p) && p.contains((Road) world.getEntity(entityID))) { if (!neighbours.contains(p)) { neighbours.add(p); } } } } } } path.setNeighbours(neighbours); } }
/** * Update the layouts tree. * * @param current The name of the current layout or <CODE>null</CODE> if none. */ public void updateLayouts(Path current) throws PipelineException { DefaultMutableTreeNode root = null; { root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new TreeData(), true); { Path path = new Path(PackageInfo.getSettingsPath(), "layouts"); rebuildTreeModel(path, new Path("/"), root); } DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) pTree.getModel(); model.setRoot(root); { Enumeration e = root.depthFirstEnumeration(); if (e != null) { while (e.hasMoreElements()) { DefaultMutableTreeNode tnode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) e.nextElement(); pTree.expandPath(new TreePath(tnode.getPath())); } } } } pTree.clearSelection(); if (current != null) { TreePath tpath = null; DefaultMutableTreeNode tnode = root; for (String comp : current.getComponents()) { DefaultMutableTreeNode next = null; Enumeration e = tnode.children(); if (e != null) { while (e.hasMoreElements()) { DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) e.nextElement(); TreeData data = (TreeData) child.getUserObject(); if (data.toString().equals(comp)) { tpath = new TreePath(child.getPath()); next = child; break; } } } if (next == null) break; tnode = next; } if (tpath != null) { pTree.setSelectionPath(tpath); pTree.makeVisible(tpath); } } }
/** * Convert an AWT Shape to an SWT Path. * * @param shape * @return the SWT Path or <code>null</code> if <code>shape == null</code> */ private Path convertToPath(Shape shape) { if (shape == null) { return null; } Path path = new Path(_gc.getDevice()); PathIterator iter = shape.getPathIterator(null); float[] coords = new float[6]; while (!iter.isDone()) { int op = iter.currentSegment(coords); switch (op) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: path.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: path.lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: path.quadTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: path.cubicTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: path.close(); break; }; } return path; }
protected void showSightLines(List<Position[]> sightLines) { this.sightLinesLayer.removeAllRenderables(); // Display the sight lines as green lines. ShapeAttributes lineAttributes; lineAttributes = new BasicShapeAttributes(); lineAttributes.setDrawOutline(true); lineAttributes.setDrawInterior(false); lineAttributes.setOutlineMaterial(Material.GREEN); lineAttributes.setOutlineOpacity(0.6); for (Position[] pp : sightLines) { List<Position> endPoints = new ArrayList<Position>(); endPoints.add(pp[0]); endPoints.add(pp[1]); Path path = new Path(endPoints); path.setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); path.setAttributes(lineAttributes); this.sightLinesLayer.addRenderable(path); } }
public void setClip(Shape s) { Path path = convertToPath(s); if (path == null) { _gc.setClipping((Rectangle) null); } else { _gc.setClipping(path); } if (_clippingPath != null) { _clippingPath.dispose(); } _clippingPath = path; _clippingArea = (s == null ? null : new Area(s)); }
protected void showGridSightLines(List<Position> grid, Position cPos) { this.sightLinesLayer.removeAllRenderables(); // Display lines from the center to each grid point. ShapeAttributes lineAttributes; lineAttributes = new BasicShapeAttributes(); lineAttributes.setDrawOutline(true); lineAttributes.setDrawInterior(false); lineAttributes.setOutlineMaterial(Material.GREEN); lineAttributes.setOutlineOpacity(0.6); for (Position p : grid) { List<Position> endPoints = new ArrayList<Position>(); endPoints.add(cPos); endPoints.add(new Position(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), 0)); Path path = new Path(endPoints); path.setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); path.setAttributes(lineAttributes); this.sightLinesLayer.addRenderable(path); } }
private List<Path> createThisHeadRoadPaths(Road head) { List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>(); List<Road> headRoadEntrances = new ArrayList<Road>(); for (Road neighbourRoad : roadHelper.getConnectedRoads(head.getID())) { if (added.contains(neighbourRoad)) { continue; } else if (entrances.contains(neighbourRoad)) { added.add(neighbourRoad); headRoadEntrances.add(neighbourRoad); continue; } end = false; Path path = new Path(world); path.add(head); added.add(head); path.setHeadOfPath(head); createAPath(neighbourRoad, path); paths.add(path); added.remove(head); } if (!headRoadEntrances.isEmpty() && paths.size() > 0) { List<Road> temp = new ArrayList<Road>(); temp.addAll(paths.get(0)); paths.get(0).clear(); for (Road road : headRoadEntrances) { paths.get(0).add(road); paths.get(0).addEntrance(getEntrance(road)); } paths.get(0).addAll(temp); } return paths; }
/** Clean used resources. */ public void clean() { if (_clippingPath != null) { _gc.setClipping((Rectangle) null); _clippingPath.dispose(); _clippingPath = null; _clippingArea = null; } if (_color != null) { _color.dispose(); _color = null; } if (_transform != null) { _gc.setTransform(null); _transform.dispose(); } }
private void laden(Path saveName) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(saveName.toString()); prop.load(in); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("quellMenu%d", i)); i++) quellListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("quellMenu%d", i))))); for (int i = 0; prop.containsKey(String.format("zielMenu%d", i)); i++) zielListModel.addElement( new ListItem( Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))), Paths.get(prop.getProperty(String.format("zielMenu%d", i))))); in.close(); }
protected void addPath(RenderableLayer layer, List<Position> positions, String displayName) { ShapeAttributes attrs = new BasicShapeAttributes(); attrs.setOutlineWidth(5); Path path = new Path(positions); path.setPathType(AVKey.LINEAR); path.setAltitudeMode(WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); path.setAttributes(attrs); path.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, displayName); layer.addRenderable(path); // Show how to make the colors vary along the paths. path.setPositionColors(new ExamplePositionColors()); }
private void createAPath(Road neighbourRoad, Path path) { if (!path.contains(neighbourRoad)) { path.add(neighbourRoad); added.add(neighbourRoad); } addEntrances(path, neighbourRoad); for (Road road : roadHelper.getConnectedRoads(neighbourRoad.getID())) { if (entrances.contains(road) || added.contains(road)) { continue; } if (end || roadHelper.getConnectedRoads(neighbourRoad.getID()).size() == 1) { return; } if (headRoads.contains(road)) { if (!end) { end = true; if (!path.contains(road)) { path.add(road); } path.setEndOfPath(road); } } else if (!end) { createAPath(road, path); } } if (!end) { for (Road neighbourR : roadHelper.getConnectedRoads(neighbourRoad.getID())) { if (headRoads.contains(neighbourR)) { if (!path.contains(neighbourR)) { path.add(neighbourR); } path.setEndOfPath(neighbourR); end = true; } } } }
private void speichern(Path saveName) { Properties prop = new Properties(); if (!quellListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < quellListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("quellMenu%d", i), quellListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); if (!zielListModel.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < zielListModel.getSize(); i++) prop.setProperty( String.format("zielMenu%d", i), zielListModel.getElementAt(i).getValueMember().toString()); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(saveName.toString());, null); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void fill(Shape s) { Path p = convertToPath(s); _gc.fillPath(p); p.dispose(); }
private void setIDForPaths(List<Path> paths) { for (Path path : paths) { path.setId(); } }
public void cnpStart(Path quellOrdner, Path zielOrdner) { try { DirectoryStream<Path> qstream = Files.newDirectoryStream(quellOrdner); for (Path qfile : qstream) { Path target = Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()); if (abbruch) break; if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && !Files.exists(target)) { Files.createDirectory(target); textArea.append("Verzeichnis: " + qfile + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } else if (Files.isDirectory(qfile) && Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append("Wechsle in Verzeichnis: " + qfile + System.lineSeparator()); cnpStart( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName())); } // Wenn die Datei noch nicht existiert else if (!Files.exists(target)) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wurde erstellt" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } // Wenn Datei im Zielverzeichnis schon existiert else if (Files.exists(target)) { if (cAUeSchr) { textArea.append( "Datei " + target.toString() + " wird absolut überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else if (cUeSchr) { if (checkAlter( Paths.get(quellOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()), Paths.get(zielOrdner.toString() + "/" + qfile.getFileName()))) { textArea.append( target.toString() + " wird mit neuer Datei überschrieben" + System.lineSeparator()); Files.copy(qfile, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } else { textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } } else textArea.append( target.toString() + " alte Datei bleibt bestehen" + System.lineSeparator()); } pbCounter++; progressBar.setValue(pbCounter); } qstream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void addZListBoxEintrag(Path zielOrdner) { if (zielOrdner == null) return; zielListModel.addElement(new ListItem(zielOrdner, zielOrdner.toString())); zielJList.setSelectedIndex(zielListModel.getSize() - 1); }
public boolean isJar() { Path pth = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/Advent.jar"); if (pth.toFile().exists()) return true; return false; }