   * A* pathfinding algorithm
   * @param grid the grid to be used for pathfinding
   * @param x target x coordinate in grid form
   * @param y target y coordinate in grid form
   * @return The next move to make for the ghost
  public Node pathFind(Grid grid, int x, int y) {
    // Set target x, y
    Node.tx = x;
    Node.ty = y;

    Node current = null, temp;
    int block;

    PriorityQueue<Node> opened = new PriorityQueue<Node>();
    HashSet<Node> closed = new HashSet<Node>();

    temp =
        new Node(
            this.x / Board.BLOCKSIZE, this.y / Board.BLOCKSIZE, 0); // current location of ghost
    temp.setDir(dx, dy);

    while (!opened.isEmpty()) {
      current = opened.poll(); // get best node
      closed.add(current); // add node to closed set (visited)

      if (current.hCost == 0) // if future cost is 0, then it is target node

      block = grid.screenData[current.y][current.x];

      // If can move, not abrupt, and unvisited, add to opened
      if ((block & 1) == 0 && current.dir != 3) // Can move and not abrupt
        temp = current.getChild(-1, 0); // get child node
        if (!closed.contains(temp)) // Unvisited
      if ((block & 2) == 0 && current.dir != 4) {
        temp = current.getChild(0, -1);
        if (!closed.contains(temp)) opened.add(temp);
      if ((block & 4) == 0 && current.dir != 1) {
        temp = current.getChild(1, 0);
        if (!closed.contains(temp)) opened.add(temp);
      if ((block & 8) == 0 && current.dir != 2) {
        temp = current.getChild(0, 1);
        if (!closed.contains(temp)) opened.add(temp);

    // if current.parent == null, then ghost is on pacman.  Handle it by moving randomly
    // current.parent.parent == null, then current is best next move
    while (current.parent != null && current.parent.parent != null) current = current.parent;

    return current;