// Handle single click for removing control points public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (measureTool == null) return; if (this.isArmed() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { if (mouseEvent.isControlDown()) measureTool.removeControlPoint(); else if (!this.isUseRubberBand()) { measureTool.addControlPoint(); // Disarm after second control point of a line or regular shape autoDisarm(); } mouseEvent.consume(); } }
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (this.isArmed() && this.isUseRubberBand() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { if (this.isUseRubberBand() && measureTool.getPositions().size() == 1) measureTool.removeControlPoint(); this.setActive(false); rubberBandTarget = null; // Disarm after second control point of a line or regular shape autoDisarm(); mouseEvent.consume(); measureTool.firePropertyChange(MeasureTool.EVENT_RUBBERBAND_STOP, null, null); } else if (this.isMoving() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { this.setMoving(false); this.movingTarget = null; mouseEvent.consume(); } }