private JPanel createDynamicCenterPanel(PrimitiveForm primitiveForm, DOTProperty property) { final JTable theTable = new JTable(); PrimitiveFormPropertyPair pfpPair = new PrimitiveFormPropertyPair(primitiveForm.getName(), property); _dynamicTables.put(pfpPair, theTable); DOTPoint dotPoint = (DOTPoint) _dotDefinitionDialogFrame.getScratchDisplayObjectType(); final DynamicDOTItemManager tableModel = (DynamicDOTItemManager) dotPoint.getTableModel(primitiveForm, property); theTable.setModel(tableModel); class NumberComparator implements Comparator<Number> { public int compare(Number o1, Number o2) { final double d1 = o1.doubleValue(); final double d2 = o2.doubleValue(); if (d1 < d2) { return -1; } if (d1 == d2) { return 0; } return 1; } } TableRowSorter<DynamicDOTItemManager> tableRowSorter = new TableRowSorter<DynamicDOTItemManager>(); tableRowSorter.setModel(tableModel); tableRowSorter.setComparator(4, new NumberComparator()); tableRowSorter.setComparator(5, new NumberComparator()); theTable.setRowSorter(tableRowSorter); JButton newDOTItemButton = new JButton("Neue Zeile"); newDOTItemButton.setEnabled(_dotDefinitionDialogFrame.isEditable()); JButton deleteDOTItemButton = new JButton("Zeile löschen"); deleteDOTItemButton.setEnabled(false); JButton showConflictsButton = new JButton("Zeige Konflikte"); addButtonListeners( primitiveForm, property, newDOTItemButton, deleteDOTItemButton, showConflictsButton); addListSelectionListener(theTable, deleteDOTItemButton); JPanel dotButtonsPanel = new JPanel(); dotButtonsPanel.setLayout(new SpringLayout()); dotButtonsPanel.add(newDOTItemButton); dotButtonsPanel.add(deleteDOTItemButton); dotButtonsPanel.add(showConflictsButton); dotButtonsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 10, 5, 10)); SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(dotButtonsPanel, 1, 5, 20); JPanel thePanel = new JPanel(); thePanel.setLayout(new SpringLayout()); thePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(2, 2, 2, 2, Color.BLACK)); thePanel.add(new JScrollPane(theTable)); thePanel.add(dotButtonsPanel); SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(thePanel, 2, 20, 5); return thePanel; }
/** * Handles the move put from a Client. * * @param params is a String array containing the blocks to place */ public void doMovePut(String[] params) { Map<Point, Block> moves = new HashMap<>(); for (String move : params) { String[] moveArg = move.split("@"); int blockId = Integer.parseInt(moveArg[0]); int moveX = Integer.parseInt(moveArg[1].split(",")[0]); int moveY = Integer.parseInt(moveArg[1].split(",")[1]); moves.put(new Point(moveX, moveY), new Block(blockId)); } try { game.doMovePut(moves); System.out.println("[Server] (ClientHandler) - Current game situation:"); System.out.println(game.getBoard().toString()); } catch (InvalidMoveException e) { sendError(IProtocol.Error.MOVE_INVALID.ordinal() + " Invalid move"); game.sendPlayerTurn(); } catch (TilesUnownedException e) { sendError( IProtocol.Error.MOVE_TILES_UNOWNED.ordinal() + " Player tried to place unowned tile"); game.sendPlayerTurn(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("[Server] ClientHandler - Game ended during turn."); } }
/** ***************************************************************************** */ BddtHistoryBubble(BddtLaunchControl ctrl, BddtHistoryData hd) { history_data = hd; for_control = ctrl; history_graph = null; last_update = 0; update_needed = true; restart_needed = true; x_scale = 1; y_scale = 1; thread_colors = new HashMap<BumpThread, Color>(); type_strokes = new EnumMap<LinkType, Stroke>(LinkType.class); type_strokes.put( LinkType.ENTER, new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, DOTTED, 0)); type_strokes.put( LinkType.RETURN, new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, DASHED, 0)); type_strokes.put(LinkType.NEXT, new BasicStroke(1)); arrow_stroke = new BasicStroke(1); updateGraph(); hd.addHistoryListener(this); setupPanel(); draw_area.addMouseListener(new FocusOnEntry()); }
public HierarchyBrowserBaseEx(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull PsiElement element) { super(project); setHierarchyBase(element); myCardLayout = new CardLayout(); myTreePanel = new JPanel(myCardLayout); createTrees(myType2TreeMap); final HierarchyBrowserManager.State state = HierarchyBrowserManager.getInstance(project).getState(); for (String type : myType2TreeMap.keySet()) { myType2ScopeMap.put(type, state.SCOPE != null ? state.SCOPE : SCOPE_ALL); } final Enumeration<String> keys = myType2TreeMap.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { final String key = keys.nextElement(); final JTree tree = myType2TreeMap.get(key); myOccurrenceNavigators.put( key, new OccurenceNavigatorSupport(tree) { @Override @Nullable protected Navigatable createDescriptorForNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode node) { final HierarchyNodeDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(node); if (descriptor == null) return null; PsiElement psiElement = getOpenFileElementFromDescriptor(descriptor); if (psiElement == null || !psiElement.isValid()) return null; final VirtualFile virtualFile = psiElement.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile == null) return null; return new OpenFileDescriptor( psiElement.getProject(), virtualFile, psiElement.getTextOffset()); } @Override public String getNextOccurenceActionName() { return getNextOccurenceActionNameImpl(); } @Override public String getPreviousOccurenceActionName() { return getPrevOccurenceActionNameImpl(); } }); myTreePanel.add(ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(tree), key); } final JPanel legendPanel = createLegendPanel(); final JPanel contentPanel; if (legendPanel != null) { contentPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); contentPanel.add(myTreePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); contentPanel.add(legendPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } else { contentPanel = myTreePanel; } buildUi(createToolbar(getActionPlace(), HELP_ID).getComponent(), contentPanel); }
private GeoPoint[] sortPoints(GeoPoint... geoPoints) { Map<GeoPoint, Integer> pointCount = new LinkedHashMap<GeoPoint, Integer>(); for (GeoPoint gp : geoPoints) { if (pointCount.containsKey(gp)) { pointCount.put(gp, pointCount.get(gp) + 1); } else { pointCount.put(gp, 1); } } GeoPoint center = null; GeoPoint end[] = new GeoPoint[2]; GeoPoint side[] = new GeoPoint[4]; int endIdx = 0; int sieIdx = 0; for (Map.Entry<GeoPoint, Integer> entry : pointCount.entrySet()) { switch (entry.getValue()) { case 4: assert center == null; center = entry.getKey(); break; case 2: assert endIdx < end.length; end[endIdx++] = entry.getKey(); break; case 1: assert sieIdx < side.length; side[sieIdx++] = entry.getKey(); break; } } return new GeoPoint[] {center, end[0], side[0], side[1], end[1], side[3], side[2]}; }
static { FONT_NAME_TO_STYLE.put("AnkaCoder-b", Font.BOLD); FONT_NAME_TO_STYLE.put("AnkaCoder-i", Font.ITALIC); FONT_NAME_TO_STYLE.put("AnkaCoder-bi", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC); FONT_NAME_TO_STYLE.put("SourceCodePro-It", Font.ITALIC); FONT_NAME_TO_STYLE.put("SourceCodePro-BoldIt", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC); }
public void checkWarnings() { highlightingTypes.put( WARNING_MARKER, new ExpectedHighlightingSet(HighlightSeverity.WARNING, false, true)); highlightingTypes.put( END_LINE_WARNING_MARKER, new ExpectedHighlightingSet(HighlightSeverity.WARNING, true, true)); }
public void checkInfos() { highlightingTypes.put( INFO_MARKER, new ExpectedHighlightingSet(HighlightSeverity.INFORMATION, false, true)); highlightingTypes.put( "inject", new ExpectedHighlightingSet(HighlightInfoType.INJECTED_FRAGMENT_SEVERITY, false, true)); }
public GridImpl(ViewContextEx viewContext, String sessionName) { myViewContext = viewContext; mySessionName = sessionName; Disposer.register(myViewContext, this); Disposer.register(this, myTopSplit); Placeholder left = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put( PlaceInGrid.left, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, left, PlaceInGrid.left)); Placeholder center = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put(, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, center,; Placeholder right = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put( PlaceInGrid.right, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, right, PlaceInGrid.right)); Placeholder bottom = new Placeholder(); myPlaceInGrid2Cell.put( PlaceInGrid.bottom, new GridCellImpl(myViewContext, this, bottom, PlaceInGrid.bottom)); setContent(mySplitter); setOpaque(false); setFocusCycleRoot(true); myTopSplit.setFirstComponent(left); myTopSplit.setInnerComponent(center); myTopSplit.setLastComponent(right); myTopSplit.setMinSize(48); mySplitter.setFirstComponent(myTopSplit); mySplitter.setSecondComponent(bottom); }
public IconListRenderer(Config config, TokenLabUI ui) throws IOException { this.ui = ui; this.config = config; icons = new HashMap<Object, Icon>(); icons.put(OK, IconCreator.createImageIcon(CHECK_ICON, OK)); icons.put(NOTOK, IconCreator.createImageIcon(X_ICON, NOTOK)); }
{ cmdmap.put( "sz", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { if (args.length == 3) { int w = Integer.parseInt(args[1]), h = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); p.setSize(w, h); pack(); Utils.setprefc("wndsz", new Coord(w, h)); } else if (args.length == 2) { if (args[1].equals("dyn")) { setResizable(true); Utils.setprefb("wndlock", false); } else if (args[1].equals("lock")) { setResizable(false); Utils.setprefb("wndlock", true); } } } }); cmdmap.put( "fsmode", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 3) { DisplayMode mode = findmode(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), Integer.parseInt(args[2])); if (mode == null) throw (new Exception("No such mode is available")); fsmode = mode; Utils.setprefc("fsmode", new Coord(mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight())); } } }); cmdmap.put( "fs", new Console.Command() { public void run(Console cons, String[] args) { if (args.length >= 2) { Runnable r; if (Utils.atoi(args[1]) != 0) { r = new Runnable() { public void run() { setfs(); } }; } else { r = new Runnable() { public void run() { setwnd(); } }; } getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().invokeLater(r); } } }); }
/** * Сохраняет размер фрейма * * @param className объект класса, размер фрейма которого нужно перезаписать * @param size размер фрейма */ void updateSizeWindow(Class className, Dimension size) { sizeWindows.put(className, size); // Запысываем размер основного фрейма, так как при его закрытии происходит остановка приложения sizeWindows.put(MainFrame.class, MonitoringMoney.mainFrame.getSize()); writeData(); }
/** * Сохраняет координату фоейма * * @param className объект класса, позицию фрейма которого нужно перезаписать * @param position координата фрейма */ void updateLocationWindow(Class className, Point position) { locationWindows.put(className, position); // Запысываем положение основного фрейма, так как при его закрытии происходит остановка // приложения locationWindows.put(MainFrame.class, MonitoringMoney.mainFrame.getLocation()); writeData(); }
static { HEADING_LIST.put("H1 head line", 35); HEADING_LIST.put("H2 head line", 30); HEADING_LIST.put("H3 head line", 25); HEADING_LIST.put("H4 head line", 20); HEADING_LIST.put("H5 head line", 15); HEADING_LIST.put("Paragraph", 10); HEADING_LIST.put("Quote", 10); }
private static void initIconTypeMap() { ICON_TYPE_MAP = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-menu", Integer.valueOf(1)); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-small-toolbar", Integer.valueOf(2)); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-large-toolbar", Integer.valueOf(3)); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-button", Integer.valueOf(4)); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-dnd", Integer.valueOf(5)); ICON_TYPE_MAP.put("gtk-dialog", Integer.valueOf(6)); }
private void setEnabled(IdeaPluginDescriptor ideaPluginDescriptor, final boolean enabled) { final Collection<String> disabledPlugins = PluginManager.getDisabledPlugins(); final PluginId pluginId = ideaPluginDescriptor.getPluginId(); if (!enabled && !disabledPlugins.contains(pluginId.toString())) { myEnabled.put(pluginId, null); } else { myEnabled.put(pluginId, enabled); } }
{ cursors.put(1, Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(2, Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(4, Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(8, Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(3, Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(9, Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(6, Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR); cursors.put(12, Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR); }
public NewBotDialog(DarkBotMCUI ui) { super(ui); this.ui = ui; optionsUIs = new HashMap<String, BotOptionsUI>(); optionsUIs.put("Regular", new RegularBotOptionsUI()); optionsUIs.put("Spambot", new SpamBotOptionsUI()); initComponents(); updateSelectedBotType(); typeComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(optionsUIs.keySet().toArray())); setVisible(true); }
private static Map<String, String> tubMachine() { if (tubMachine == null) { tubMachine = new HashMap<>(); tubMachine.put("T502", "Mixer-2201"); tubMachine.put("T503", "Mixer-2201"); tubMachine.put("T504", "Mixer-2201"); tubMachine.put("T101", "StarPress-2402"); tubMachine.put("T102", "StarPress-2402"); } return tubMachine; }
public void registerSeverity(@NotNull SeverityBasedTextAttributes info, Color renderColor) { final HighlightSeverity severity = info.getType().getSeverity(null); myMap.put(severity.getName(), info); if (renderColor != null) { myRendererColors.put(severity.getName(), renderColor); } myOrderMap = null; HighlightDisplayLevel.registerSeverity( severity, getHighlightInfoTypeBySeverity(severity).getAttributesKey()); severitiesChanged(); }
@Nullable private FrameworkSupportNode createNode( final FrameworkSupportInModuleProvider provider, final Map<String, FrameworkSupportNode> nodes, final Map<FrameworkGroup<?>, FrameworkGroupNode> groupNodes, List<FrameworkSupportNodeBase> roots, List<FrameworkSupportInModuleProvider> providers, Set<String> associated, Map<String, FrameworkSupportNodeBase> associatedNodes) { String id = provider.getFrameworkType().getId(); FrameworkSupportNode node = nodes.get(id); if (node != null || associatedNodes.containsKey(id)) { return node; } String underlyingTypeId = provider.getFrameworkType().getUnderlyingFrameworkTypeId(); FrameworkSupportNodeBase parentNode = null; final FrameworkGroup<?> group = provider.getFrameworkType().getParentGroup(); if (underlyingTypeId != null) { FrameworkSupportInModuleProvider parentProvider = FrameworkSupportUtil.findProvider(underlyingTypeId, providers); if (parentProvider == null) {"Cannot find id = " + underlyingTypeId); return null; } parentNode = createNode( parentProvider, nodes, groupNodes, roots, providers, associated, associatedNodes); } else if (group != null) { parentNode = groupNodes.get(group); if (parentNode == null) { FrameworkGroupNode groupNode = new FrameworkGroupNode(group, null); if (associated.contains(groupNode.getId())) { associatedNodes.put(groupNode.getId(), groupNode); } else { groupNodes.put(group, groupNode); parentNode = groupNode; roots.add(groupNode); } } } node = new FrameworkSupportNode(provider, parentNode, myModel, this); if (associated.contains(id)) { associatedNodes.put(id, node); } else { nodes.put(id, node); if (parentNode == null) { roots.add(node); } } return node; }
protected void initFonts() { String editorFontName = getEditorFontName(); int editorFontSize = getEditorFontSize(); myFallbackFontName = FontPreferences.getFallbackName(editorFontName, editorFontSize, myParentScheme); if (myFallbackFontName != null) { editorFontName = myFallbackFontName; } Font plainFont = new Font(editorFontName, Font.PLAIN, editorFontSize); Font boldFont = new Font(editorFontName, Font.BOLD, editorFontSize); Font italicFont = new Font(editorFontName, Font.ITALIC, editorFontSize); Font boldItalicFont = new Font(editorFontName, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, editorFontSize); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.PLAIN, plainFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.BOLD, boldFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.ITALIC, italicFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.BOLD_ITALIC, boldItalicFont); String consoleFontName = getConsoleFontName(); int consoleFontSize = getConsoleFontSize(); Font consolePlainFont = new Font(consoleFontName, Font.PLAIN, consoleFontSize); Font consoleBoldFont = new Font(consoleFontName, Font.BOLD, consoleFontSize); Font consoleItalicFont = new Font(consoleFontName, Font.ITALIC, consoleFontSize); Font consoleBoldItalicFont = new Font(consoleFontName, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, consoleFontSize); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.CONSOLE_PLAIN, consolePlainFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.CONSOLE_BOLD, consoleBoldFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.CONSOLE_ITALIC, consoleItalicFont); myFonts.put(EditorFontType.CONSOLE_BOLD_ITALIC, consoleBoldItalicFont); }
private String setup( String text, boolean isDisabled, boolean isStrikeout, Color background, @Nullable TextRange range) { Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap = new TreeMap<>(TEXT_RANGE_COMPARATOR); if (range != null) flagsMap.put(range, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT); if (isDisabled) flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(0, text.length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); if (isStrikeout) flagsMap.put(TextRange.create(0, text.length()), ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.STRIKEOUT); return setup(text, flagsMap, background); }
public static ColorSampleLookupValue[] getColors() { if (ourColors == null) { synchronized (ColorSampleLookupValue.class) { if (ourColors == null) { ourColorNameToHexCodeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(25); ourHexCodeToColorNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(25); List<ColorSampleLookupValue> colorsList = new LinkedList<ColorSampleLookupValue>(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(systemColorsString, "\n"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String name = tokenizer.nextToken(); colorsList.add(new ColorSampleLookupValue(name, name, false)); tokenizer.nextToken(); } tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(standardColorsString, ", \n"); HashMap<String, String> standardColors = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String name = tokenizer.nextToken(); String value = tokenizer.nextToken(); standardColors.put(name, name); ourColorNameToHexCodeMap.put(name, value); ourHexCodeToColorNameMap.put(value, name); colorsList.add(new ColorSampleLookupValue(name, value, true)); } tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(colorsString, " \t\n"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String name = tokenizer.nextToken(); String hexValue = tokenizer.nextToken(); tokenizer.nextToken(); // skip rgb if (!standardColors.containsKey(name)) { colorsList.add(new ColorSampleLookupValue(name, hexValue, false)); ourColorNameToHexCodeMap.put(name, hexValue); ourHexCodeToColorNameMap.put(hexValue, name); } } colorsList.toArray(ourColors = new ColorSampleLookupValue[colorsList.size()]); } } } return ourColors; }
/** * Tries to calculate given line's indent column assuming that there might be a comment at the * given indent offset (see {@link #getCommentPrefix(IElementType)}). * * @param line target line * @param indentOffset start indent offset to use for the given line * @param lineEndOffset given line's end offset * @param fallbackColumn column to return if it's not possible to apply comment-specific indent * calculation rules * @return given line's indent column to use */ private int calcIndent(int line, int indentOffset, int lineEndOffset, int fallbackColumn) { final HighlighterIterator it = myEditor.getHighlighter().createIterator(indentOffset); IElementType tokenType = it.getTokenType(); Language language = tokenType.getLanguage(); TokenSet comments = myComments.get(language); if (comments == null) { ParserDefinition definition = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE.forLanguage(language); if (definition != null) { comments = definition.getCommentTokens(); } if (comments == null) { return fallbackColumn; } else { myComments.put(language, comments); } } if (comments.contains(tokenType) && indentOffset == it.getStart()) { String prefix = COMMENT_PREFIXES.get(tokenType); if (prefix == null) { prefix = getCommentPrefix(tokenType); } if (!NO_COMMENT_INFO_MARKER.equals(prefix)) { final int indentInsideCommentOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward( myChars, indentOffset + prefix.length(), lineEndOffset, " \t"); if (indentInsideCommentOffset < lineEndOffset) { int indent = myEditor.calcColumnNumber(indentInsideCommentOffset, line); indentAfterUncomment.put(line, indent - prefix.length()); return indent; } } } return fallbackColumn; }
/** * ** Returns an I18N instance based on the specified package name and Locale ** @param pkgName * The resource package name ** @param loc The Locale resource from with the localized text is * loaded */ public static I18N getI18N(String pkgName, Locale loc) { if (pkgName != null) { loc = I18N.getLocale(loc); /* get package map for specific Locale */ Map<String, I18N> packageMap = localeMap.get(loc); if (packageMap == null) { packageMap = new HashMap<String, I18N>(); localeMap.put(loc, packageMap); } /* get I18N instance for package */ I18N i18n = packageMap.get(pkgName); if (i18n == null) { i18n = new I18N(pkgName, loc); packageMap.put(pkgName, i18n); } return i18n; } else { /* no package specified */ return null; } }
@NotNull private InlineProgressIndicator createInlineDelegate( @NotNull TaskInfo info, @NotNull ProgressIndicatorEx original, final boolean compact) { final Collection<InlineProgressIndicator> inlines = myOriginal2Inlines.get(original); if (inlines != null) { for (InlineProgressIndicator eachInline : inlines) { if (eachInline.isCompact() == compact) return eachInline; } } final InlineProgressIndicator inline = new MyInlineProgressIndicator(compact, info, original); myInline2Original.put(inline, original); myOriginal2Inlines.put(original, inline); if (compact) { inline .getComponent() .addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { handle(e); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { handle(e); } }); } return inline; }
private synchronized void startAnimation( JComponent component, Part part, State startState, State endState, long millis) { boolean isForwardAndReverse = false; if (endState == State.DEFAULTED) { isForwardAndReverse = true; } Map<Part, AnimationState> map = animationStateMap.get(component); if (millis <= 0) { if (map != null) { map.remove(part); if (map.size() == 0) { animationStateMap.remove(component); } } return; } if (map == null) { map = new EnumMap<Part, AnimationState>(Part.class); animationStateMap.put(component, map); } map.put(part, new AnimationState(startState, millis, isForwardAndReverse)); if (!timer.isRunning()) { timer.start(); } }
public Map<String, ValidationResult.Option> getResult() { Map<String, ValidationResult.Option> result = new HashMap<String, ValidationResult.Option>(); for (Item each : myItems) { result.put(each.validationResult.path, each.option); } return result; }
@Override public void saveAllDocuments() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); myMultiCaster.beforeAllDocumentsSaving(); if (myUnsavedDocuments.isEmpty()) return; final Map<Document, IOException> failedToSave = new HashMap<Document, IOException>(); final Set<Document> vetoed = new HashSet<Document>(); while (true) { int count = 0; for (Document document : myUnsavedDocuments) { if (failedToSave.containsKey(document)) continue; if (vetoed.contains(document)) continue; try { doSaveDocument(document); } catch (IOException e) { //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored failedToSave.put(document, e); } catch (SaveVetoException e) { vetoed.add(document); } count++; } if (count == 0) break; } if (!failedToSave.isEmpty()) { handleErrorsOnSave(failedToSave); } }