/** Update date spinner to synchronize with the other spinners */ private void updateDate() { // Get current month and year in int int month = ((SpinnerListModel) jspMonth.getModel()).getList().indexOf(jspMonth.getValue()); int year = ((Integer) spinnerYear.getValue()).intValue(); // Set a new maximum number of days for the new month and year SpinnerNumberModel numberModel = (SpinnerNumberModel) jspDay.getModel(); numberModel.setMaximum(new Integer(maxDaysInMonth(year, month))); // Set a new current day if it exceeds the maximum if (((Integer) (numberModel.getValue())).intValue() > maxDaysInMonth(year, month)) numberModel.setValue(new Integer(maxDaysInMonth(year, month))); // Get the current day int day = ((Integer) jspDay.getValue()).intValue(); // Set a new date in the date spinner jspDate.setValue(new GregorianCalendar(year, month, day).getTime()); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == remoteAppletPath) {//apparently no events are fired to reach this, maybe "enter" does it String path = remoteAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, true); return; } if (e.getSource() == localAppletPath) {//apparently no events are fired to reach this, maybe "enter" does it String path = localAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, false); return; } //Handle open button action. if (e.getSource() == addInstanceButton) { //make dialog to get name for instance //create an instance with this name. Each instance is just a container for a string with the Jmol state //which contains the full information on the file that is loaded and manipulations done. String label = (instanceList.getSelectedIndices().length != 1 ? "" : getInstanceName(-1)); String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( GT._("Give the occurrence of Jmol a name:"), label); if (name == null) return; //need to get the script... String script = viewer.getStateInfo(); if (script == null) { LogPanel.log("Error trying to get Jmol State within pop_in_Jmol."); } DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); int width = 300; int height = 300; if (appletSizeSpinnerH != null) { width = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerW.getModel())) .getNumber().intValue(); height = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerH.getModel())) .getNumber().intValue(); } JmolInstance instance = new JmolInstance(viewer, name, script, width, height); if (instance == null) { LogPanel .log(GT._("Error creating new instance containing script(s) and image.")); } int i; for (i = instanceList.getModel().getSize(); --i >= 0;) if (getInstanceName(i).equals(instance.name)) break; if (i < 0) { i = listModel.getSize(); listModel.addElement(instance); LogPanel.log(GT._("added Instance {0}", instance.name)); } else { listModel.setElementAt(instance, i); LogPanel.log(GT._("updated Instance {0}", instance.name)); } instanceList.setSelectedIndex(i); syncLists(); return; } if (e.getSource() == deleteInstanceButton) { DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); //find out which are selected and remove them. int[] todelete = instanceList.getSelectedIndices(); int nDeleted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < todelete.length; i++){ JmolInstance instance = (JmolInstance) listModel.get(todelete[i]); try { instance.delete(); } catch (IOException err) { LogPanel.log(err.getMessage()); } listModel.remove(todelete[i] - nDeleted++); } syncLists(); return; } if (e.getSource() == showInstanceButton) { DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) instanceList.getModel(); //find out which are selected and remove them. int[] list = instanceList.getSelectedIndices(); if (list.length != 1) return; JmolInstance instance = (JmolInstance) listModel.get(list[0]); viewer.evalStringQuiet(")" + instance.script); //leading paren disabled history return; } if (e.getSource() == saveButton) { fc.setDialogTitle(GT._("Select a directory to create or an HTML file to save")); int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); boolean retVal = true; try { String path = remoteAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, true); path = localAppletPath.getText(); WebExport.setAppletPath(path, false); String authorName = pageAuthorName.getText(); WebExport.setWebPageAuthor(authorName); retVal = fileWriter(file, instanceList); } catch (IOException IOe) { LogPanel.log(IOe.getMessage()); } if (!retVal) { LogPanel.log(GT._("Call to FileWriter unsuccessful.")); } } if (e.getSource() == helpButton){ HelpDialog webExportHelp = new HelpDialog(WebExport.getFrame(), WebExport.getHtmlResource(this, panelName + "_instructions")); webExportHelp.setVisible(true); webExportHelp.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } }