public Component add(JInternalFrame frame) { JInternalFrame[] array = getAllFrames(); Point p; int w; int h; Component retval = super.add(frame); checkDesktopSize(); if (array.length > 0) { p = array[0].getLocation(); p.x = p.x + FRAME_OFFSET; p.y = p.y + FRAME_OFFSET; } else { p = new Point(0, 0); } frame.setLocation(p.x, p.y); /* Jimmy: this is a bit buggy (frames get constant size) if (frame.isResizable()) { w = getWidth() - (getWidth()/3); h = getHeight() - (getHeight()/3); if (w < frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth()) w = (int)frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth(); if (h < frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight()) h = (int)frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight(); frame.setSize(w, h); }*/ moveToFront(frame); frame.setVisible(true); try { frame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { frame.toBack(); } return retval; }
private synchronized void display(ExtSed sed) { manageAssociatedManagerWindows(sed); try { SpectrumContainer container = (SpectrumContainer) sed.getAttachment(IrisDisplayManager.FIT_MODEL); // There is no Sed attachment, so build a model manager and attach it. if (container == null) { if (buildAttachment(sed)) { return; } } // VAOPD-879: spectrum name must be identical with Sed name. if (container != null) { container.getSpectrum().setName(sed.getId()); } // Now display the Sed. idm.display(sed, sed.getId()); // and add its frame to the workspace. JInternalFrame frame = idm.getInternalFrame(); // VAOPD-863 frame.setTitle(sed.getId()); if (container != null) { JFrame modelManagerFrame = container.getModelManager().getFrame(); if (modelManagerFrame != null) { modelManagerFrame.setTitle(sed.getId()); } } if (frame != currentFrame) { lastLocation = null; disposeCurrentFrame(); currentFrame = frame; currentFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JInternalFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); if (lastLocation != null) { currentFrame.setLocation(lastLocation); } frame.setTitle("Iris Visualizer"); ws.addFrame(frame); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Error: " + ex.getMessage(), sed)); Logger.getLogger("IrisVisualizer").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JDesktopPane dp = (JDesktopPane) e.getSource(); String key = getName(); if (CLOSE == key || MAXIMIZE == key || MINIMIZE == key || RESTORE == key) { setState(dp, key); } else if (ESCAPE == key) { if (sourceFrame == dp.getSelectedFrame() && focusOwner != null) { focusOwner.requestFocus(); } moving = false; resizing = false; sourceFrame = null; focusOwner = null; } else if (MOVE == key || RESIZE == key) { sourceFrame = dp.getSelectedFrame(); if (sourceFrame == null) { return; } moving = (key == MOVE) ? true : false; resizing = (key == RESIZE) ? true : false; focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); if (!SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(focusOwner, sourceFrame)) { focusOwner = null; } sourceFrame.requestFocus(); } else if (LEFT == key || RIGHT == key || UP == key || DOWN == key || SHRINK_RIGHT == key || SHRINK_LEFT == key || SHRINK_UP == key || SHRINK_DOWN == key) { JInternalFrame c = dp.getSelectedFrame(); if (sourceFrame == null || c != sourceFrame || KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner() != sourceFrame) { return; } Insets minOnScreenInsets = UIManager.getInsets("Desktop.minOnScreenInsets"); Dimension size = c.getSize(); Dimension minSize = c.getMinimumSize(); int dpWidth = dp.getWidth(); int dpHeight = dp.getHeight(); int delta; Point loc = c.getLocation(); if (LEFT == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x + size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT < minOnScreenInsets.right ? -size.width + minOnScreenInsets.right : loc.x - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); } else if (resizing) { c.setLocation(loc.x - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); c.setSize(size.width + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, size.height); } } else if (RIGHT == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT > dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.left ? dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.left : loc.x + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); } else if (resizing) { c.setSize(size.width + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, size.height); } } else if (UP == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x, loc.y + size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT < minOnScreenInsets.bottom ? -size.height + minOnScreenInsets.bottom : loc.y - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } else if (resizing) { c.setLocation(loc.x, loc.y - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); c.setSize(size.width, size.height + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } } else if (DOWN == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x, loc.y + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT > dpHeight - ? dpHeight - : loc.y + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } else if (resizing) { c.setSize(size.width, size.height + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } } else if (SHRINK_LEFT == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.width < (size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.width - minSize.width; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.x + size.width - delta < minOnScreenInsets.left) { delta = loc.x + size.width - minOnScreenInsets.left; } c.setSize(size.width - delta, size.height); } else if (SHRINK_RIGHT == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.width < (size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.width - minSize.width; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.x + delta > dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.right) { delta = (dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.right) - loc.x; } c.setLocation(loc.x + delta, loc.y); c.setSize(size.width - delta, size.height); } else if (SHRINK_UP == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.height < (size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.height - minSize.height; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.y + size.height - delta < minOnScreenInsets.bottom) { delta = loc.y + size.height - minOnScreenInsets.bottom; } c.setSize(size.width, size.height - delta); } else if (SHRINK_DOWN == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.height < (size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.height - minSize.height; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.y + delta > dpHeight - { delta = (dpHeight - - loc.y; } c.setLocation(loc.x, loc.y + delta); c.setSize(size.width, size.height - delta); } } else if (NEXT_FRAME == key || PREVIOUS_FRAME == key) { dp.selectFrame((key == NEXT_FRAME) ? true : false); } else if (NAVIGATE_NEXT == key || NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS == key) { boolean moveForward = true; if (NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS == key) { moveForward = false; } Container cycleRoot = dp.getFocusCycleRootAncestor(); if (cycleRoot != null) { FocusTraversalPolicy policy = cycleRoot.getFocusTraversalPolicy(); if (policy != null && policy instanceof SortingFocusTraversalPolicy) { SortingFocusTraversalPolicy sPolicy = (SortingFocusTraversalPolicy) policy; boolean idc = sPolicy.getImplicitDownCycleTraversal(); try { sPolicy.setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(false); if (moveForward) { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusNextComponent(dp); } else { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusPreviousComponent(dp); } } finally { sPolicy.setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(idc); } } } } }
/** * Method to handle hyper link events. * * @param event hyper link event */ public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { setCursor(cbusy); try { URL url = event.getURL(); int ind1 = event.getDescription().indexOf("["); int ind2 = event.getDescription().lastIndexOf("]"); String search = ""; if (ind1 > -1 && ind2 > -1) search = event.getDescription().substring(ind1 + 1, ind2); else { ind1 = event.getDescription().indexOf("=") + 1; // genedb if (ind1 > -1) search = event.getDescription().substring(ind1); } if (desktop != null) { if (BigPane.srsTabPane.isSelected()) setUpSRSFrame(url, search); if (BigPane.srsWin.isSelected()) { int hgt = (2 * desktop.getHeight()) / 3; Annotation edPane = new Annotation(url); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(edPane); JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame( "SRS " + search, true, // resizable true, // closable true, // maximizable true); // iconifiable); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); menuBar.add(new CommonMenu(jif)); jif.setJMenuBar(menuBar); jif.getContentPane().add(jsp); jif.setLocation(0, 0); jif.setSize(800, hgt); jif.setVisible(true); desktop.add(jif); } if (BigPane.srsBrowser.isSelected()) BrowserControl.displayURL(event.getDescription()); } else { setPage(url); back.add(url); } } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = event.getDescription(); if (msg.length() > 50) msg = msg.substring(0, 50) + "...."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot reach URL:\n" + msg, "Cannot Connect", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); // ioe.printStackTrace(); // ("Can't follow link to " + // event.getURL().toExternalForm() ); } setCursor(cdone); } else if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ENTERED) { try { JTextField statusField = (JTextField) BigPane.srsFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(1); statusField.setText(event.getDescription()); } catch (Exception exp) { } } else if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED) { try { JTextField statusField = (JTextField) BigPane.srsFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(1); statusField.setText(""); } catch (Exception exp) { } } }