void createEllipse(ImagePlus imp) { IJ.showStatus("Fitting ellipse"); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { noRoi("Fit Ellipse"); return; } if (roi.isLine()) { IJ.error("Fit Ellipse", "\"Fit Ellipse\" does not work with line selections"); return; } ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); ip.setRoi(roi); int options = Measurements.CENTROID + Measurements.ELLIPSE; ImageStatistics stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, options, null); double dx = stats.major * Math.cos(stats.angle / 180.0 * Math.PI) / 2.0; double dy = -stats.major * Math.sin(stats.angle / 180.0 * Math.PI) / 2.0; double x1 = stats.xCentroid - dx; double x2 = stats.xCentroid + dx; double y1 = stats.yCentroid - dy; double y2 = stats.yCentroid + dy; double aspectRatio = stats.minor / stats.major; imp.killRoi(); imp.setRoi(new EllipseRoi(x1, y1, x2, y2, aspectRatio)); }
void interpolate() { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { noRoi("Interpolate"); return; } if (roi.getType() == Roi.POINT) return; if (IJ.isMacro() && Macro.getOptions() == null) Macro.setOptions("interval=1"); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Interpolate"); gd.addNumericField("Interval:", 1.0, 1, 4, "pixel"); gd.addCheckbox("Smooth", IJ.isMacro() ? false : smooth); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; double interval = gd.getNextNumber(); smooth = gd.getNextBoolean(); Undo.setup(Undo.ROI, imp); FloatPolygon poly = roi.getInterpolatedPolygon(interval, smooth); int t = roi.getType(); int type = roi.isLine() ? Roi.FREELINE : Roi.FREEROI; if (t == Roi.POLYGON && interval > 1.0) type = Roi.POLYGON; if ((t == Roi.RECTANGLE || t == Roi.OVAL || t == Roi.FREEROI) && interval >= 5.0) type = Roi.POLYGON; if ((t == Roi.LINE || t == Roi.FREELINE) && interval >= 5.0) type = Roi.POLYLINE; if (t == Roi.POLYLINE && interval >= 1.0) type = Roi.POLYLINE; ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); if (poly.npoints <= 150 && ic != null && ic.getMagnification() >= 12.0) type = roi.isLine() ? Roi.POLYLINE : Roi.POLYGON; Roi p = new PolygonRoi(poly, type); if (roi.getStroke() != null) p.setStrokeWidth(roi.getStrokeWidth()); p.setStrokeColor(roi.getStrokeColor()); p.setName(roi.getName()); transferProperties(roi, p); imp.setRoi(p); }
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { // if (ij==null) return; int sx = e.getX(); int sy = e.getY(); int ox = offScreenX(sx); int oy = offScreenY(sy); flags = e.getModifiers(); setCursor(sx, sy, ox, oy); IJ.setInputEvent(e); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && (roi.getType() == Roi.POLYGON || roi.getType() == Roi.POLYLINE || roi.getType() == Roi.ANGLE) && roi.getState() == roi.CONSTRUCTING) { PolygonRoi pRoi = (PolygonRoi) roi; pRoi.handleMouseMove(ox, oy); } else { if (ox < imageWidth && oy < imageHeight) { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); // Cursor must move at least 12 pixels before text // displayed using IJ.showStatus() is overwritten. if ((sx - sx2) * (sx - sx2) + (sy - sy2) * (sy - sy2) > 144) showCursorStatus = true; if (win != null && showCursorStatus) win.mouseMoved(ox, oy); } else IJ.showStatus(""); } }
void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required"); return; } if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE && roi.getStrokeWidth() == 1) { IJ.error("Line to Area", "Straight line width must be > 1"); return; } ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); ip2.setColor(255); if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE) ip2.fillPolygon(roi.getPolygon()); else { roi.drawPixels(ip2); // BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), // BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); // Graphics g = bi.getGraphics(); // Roi roi2 = (Roi)roi.clone(); // roi2.setStrokeColor(Color.white); // roi2.drawOverlay(g); // ip2 = new ByteProcessor(bi); } // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show(); ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE); ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection(); Roi roi2 = tts.convert(ip2); imp.setRoi(roi2); Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone(); }
public Zipper<Map<Integer, MZipper<RoiContainer>>> exec( Zipper<Map<Integer, MZipper<RoiContainer>>> z, int frame) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(WindowManager.getCurrentWindow().getCanvas()); Map<Integer, MZipper<RoiContainer>> newRois; if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(fc.getSelectedFile().getCanonicalPath()); MroiLisp parser = new MroiLisp(f); parser.ReInit(f); newRois = parser.roiFile(); // z.rights.clear(); // z.rights.add(newRois); // z = z.right(); // return z; return z.insertAndStep(newRois); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("Couldn't open from " + fc.getSelectedFile().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } catch (mroi.ParseException e) { IJ.error("Failed in parsing: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { IJ.error("Malformed input file: " + e.getMessage()); } } return z; }
void loadTransformation(String filename, ResultsTable res) { try { String line; FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); if (!br.readLine().equals(" Z-Step Raw Width minus Heigh Calibration Width minus Height")) { IJ.error("File does not seam to be an Astigmatism calibration file"); return; } // java.lang.String [] elements = new java.lang.String [3]; java.lang.String[] elements; int counter = 1; res.reset(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { IJ.showStatus("Loading element " + counter + "... sit back and relax."); counter++; line.trim(); elements = line.split("\t"); res.incrementCounter(); res.addValue("Z-Step", Double.parseDouble(elements[1])); res.addValue("Raw Width minus Heigh", Double.parseDouble(elements[2])); res.addValue("Calibration Width minus Height", Double.parseDouble(elements[3])); } fr.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { IJ.error("File not found exception" + e); return; } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("IOException exception" + e); return; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { IJ.error("Number format exception" + e); return; } }
public synchronized void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { if (!checkImage()) { IJ.beep(); IJ.showStatus("No Image"); return; } if (e.getSource() == minSlider) { adjustMinHue((int) minSlider.getValue()); } else if (e.getSource() == maxSlider) { adjustMaxHue((int) maxSlider.getValue()); } else if (e.getSource() == minSlider2) { adjustMinSat((int) minSlider2.getValue()); } else if (e.getSource() == maxSlider2) { adjustMaxSat((int) maxSlider2.getValue()); } else if (e.getSource() == minSlider3) { adjustMinBri((int) minSlider3.getValue()); } else if (e.getSource() == maxSlider3) { adjustMaxBri((int) maxSlider3.getValue()); } originalB.setEnabled(true); updateLabels(); updatePlot(); notify(); }
/** * Creates a new GenericDialog with the specified title. Uses the current image image window as * the parent frame or the ImageJ frame if no image windows are open. Dialog parameters are * recorded by ImageJ's command recorder but this requires that the first word of each label be * unique. */ public GenericDialog(String title) { this( title, WindowManager.getCurrentImage() != null ? (Frame) WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getWindow() : IJ.getInstance() != null ? IJ.getInstance() : new Frame()); }
void fitSpline() { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { IJ.error("Spline", "Selection required"); return; } int type = roi.getType(); boolean segmentedSelection = type == Roi.POLYGON || type == Roi.POLYLINE; if (!(segmentedSelection || type == Roi.FREEROI || type == Roi.TRACED_ROI || type == Roi.FREELINE)) { IJ.error("Spline", "Polygon or polyline selection required"); return; } if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) return; PolygonRoi p = (PolygonRoi) roi; if (!segmentedSelection) p = trimPolygon(p, p.getUncalibratedLength()); String options = Macro.getOptions(); if (options != null && options.indexOf("straighten") != -1) p.fitSplineForStraightening(); else if (options != null && options.indexOf("remove") != -1) p.removeSplineFit(); else p.fitSpline(); imp.draw(); LineWidthAdjuster.update(); }
void runMacro(String arg) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (IJ.macroRunning()) { String options = Macro.getOptions(); if (options != null && (options.indexOf("grid=") != -1 || options.indexOf("interpolat") != -1)) { IJ.run("Rotate... ", options); // run Image>Transform>Rotate return; } } if (roi == null) { noRoi("Rotate>Selection"); return; } roi = (Roi) roi.clone(); if (arg.equals("rotate")) { double d = Tools.parseDouble(angle); if (Double.isNaN(d)) angle = "15"; String value = IJ.runMacroFile("ij.jar:RotateSelection", angle); if (value != null) angle = value; } else if (arg.equals("enlarge")) { String value = IJ.runMacroFile("ij.jar:EnlargeSelection", enlarge); if (value != null) enlarge = value; Roi.previousRoi = roi; } }
public void run(String arg) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack(); String fileName = imp.getTitle(); int endslice = stack1.getSize(); ImagePlus imp2 = duplicateStack(imp); imp2.show(); String duplicateName = imp2.getTitle(); // IJ.showMessage("Box",fileName); ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack(); stack1.deleteSlice(1); stack2.deleteSlice(endslice); String calculatorstring = ("image1='" + fileName + "' operation=Subtract image2=" + imp2.getTitle() + " create stack"); IJ.run("Image Calculator...", calculatorstring); ImagePlus imp3 = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); imp3.setTitle(fileName + " DeltaF up"); imp2.getWindow().close(); imp.getWindow().close(); }
public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { this.arg = arg; this.imp = imp; IJ.register(ParticleAnalyzer.class); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return DONE; } if (imp.getBitDepth() == 24 && !isThresholdedRGB(imp)) { IJ.error( "Particle Analyzer", "RGB images must be thresholded using\n" + "Image>Adjust>Color Threshold."); return DONE; } if (!showDialog()) return DONE; int baseFlags = DOES_ALL + NO_CHANGES + NO_UNDO; int flags = IJ.setupDialog(imp, baseFlags); processStack = (flags & DOES_STACKS) != 0; slice = 0; saveRoi = imp.getRoi(); if (saveRoi != null && saveRoi.getType() != Roi.RECTANGLE && saveRoi.isArea()) polygon = saveRoi.getPolygon(); imp.startTiming(); nextFontSize = defaultFontSize; nextLineWidth = 1; return flags; }
/** * Notify any DialogListeners of changes having occurred If a listener returns false, do not call * further listeners and disable the OK button and preview Checkbox (if it exists). For * PlugInFilters, this ensures that the PlugInFilterRunner, which listens as the last one, is not * called if the PlugInFilter has detected invalid parameters. Thus, unnecessary calling the * run(ip) method of the PlugInFilter for preview is avoided in that case. */ private void notifyListeners(AWTEvent e) { if (dialogListeners == null) return; boolean everythingOk = true; for (int i = 0; everythingOk && i < dialogListeners.size(); i++) try { resetCounters(); if (!((DialogListener) dialogListeners.elementAt(i)).dialogItemChanged(this, e)) everythingOk = false; } // disable further listeners if false (invalid parameters) returned catch (Exception err) { // for exceptions, don't cover the input by a window but IJ.beep(); // show them at in the "Log" IJ.log( "ERROR: " + err + "\nin DialogListener of " + dialogListeners.elementAt(i) + "\nat " + (err.getStackTrace()[0]) + "\nfrom " + (err.getStackTrace()[1])); // requires Java 1.4 } boolean workaroundOSXbug = IJ.isMacOSX() && okay != null && !okay.isEnabled() && everythingOk; if (previewCheckbox != null) previewCheckbox.setEnabled(everythingOk); if (okay != null) okay.setEnabled(everythingOk); if (workaroundOSXbug) repaint(); // OSX 10.4 bug delays update of enabled until the next input }
public void reduceHyperstack(ImagePlus imp, int factor, boolean reduceSlices) { int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int zfactor = reduceSlices ? factor : 1; int tfactor = reduceSlices ? 1 : factor; ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); boolean virtual = stack.isVirtual(); int slices2 = slices / zfactor + ((slices % zfactor) != 0 ? 1 : 0); int frames2 = frames / tfactor + ((frames % tfactor) != 0 ? 1 : 0); int n = channels * slices2 * frames2; int count = 1; for (int t = 1; t <= frames; t += tfactor) { for (int z = 1; z <= slices; z += zfactor) { for (int c = 1; c <= channels; c++) { int i = imp.getStackIndex(c, z, t); IJ.showProgress(i, n); ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(c, z, t)); // IJ.log(count++ +" "+i+" "+c+" "+z+" "+t); stack2.addSlice(stack.getSliceLabel(i), ip); } } } imp.setStack(stack2, channels, slices2, frames2); Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); if (cal.scaled()) cal.pixelDepth *= zfactor; if (virtual) imp.setTitle(imp.getTitle()); IJ.showProgress(1.0); }
public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { this.pfr = pfr; String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions(); if (macroOptions != null) { if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolate") != -1) macroOptions.replaceAll(" interpolate", " interpolation=Bilinear"); else if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolation=") == -1) macroOptions = macroOptions + " interpolation=None"; Macro.setOptions(macroOptions); } gd = new GenericDialog("Rotate", IJ.getInstance()); gd.addNumericField("Angle (degrees):", angle, (int) angle == angle ? 1 : 2); gd.addNumericField("Grid Lines:", gridLines, 0); gd.addChoice("Interpolation:", methods, methods[interpolationMethod]); if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) gd.addCheckbox("Fill with Background Color", fillWithBackground); if (canEnlarge) gd.addCheckbox("Enlarge Image to Fit Result", enlarge); else enlarge = false; gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); gd.showDialog(); drawGridLines(0); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { return DONE; } if (!enlarge) flags |= KEEP_PREVIEW; // standard filter without enlarge else if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) flags |= NO_CHANGES; // undoable as a "compound filter" return IJ.setupDialog(imp, flags); }
/** Called by ImageJ when the user selects Quit. */ public void quit() { quitMacro = IJ.macroRunning(); Thread thread = new Thread(this, "Quit"); thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); thread.start(); IJ.wait(10); }
/* Are we tracing a one pixel wide line? Makes Legacy mode 8-connected instead of 4-connected */ private boolean isLine(int xs, int ys) { int r = 5; int xmin = xs; int xmax = xs + 2 * r; if (xmax >= width) xmax = width - 1; int ymin = ys - r; if (ymin < 0) ymin = 0; int ymax = ys + r; if (ymax >= height) ymax = height - 1; int area = 0; int insideCount = 0; for (int x = xmin; (x <= xmax); x++) for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { area++; if (inside(x, y)) insideCount++; } if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log( (((double) insideCount) / area < 0.25 ? "line " : "blob ") + insideCount + " " + area + " " + IJ.d2s(((double) insideCount) / area)); return ((double) insideCount) / area < 0.25; }
/** Handle menu events. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ((e.getSource() instanceof MenuItem)) { MenuItem item = (MenuItem) e.getSource(); String cmd = e.getActionCommand(); commandName = cmd; ImagePlus imp = null; if (item.getParent() == Menus.getOpenRecentMenu()) { new RecentOpener(cmd); // open image in separate thread return; } else if (item.getParent() == Menus.getPopupMenu()) { Object parent = Menus.getPopupMenu().getParent(); if (parent instanceof ImageCanvas) imp = ((ImageCanvas) parent).getImage(); } int flags = e.getModifiers(); hotkey = false; actionPerformedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long ellapsedTime = actionPerformedTime - keyPressedTime; if (cmd != null && (ellapsedTime >= 200L || !cmd.equals(lastKeyCommand))) { if ((flags & Event.ALT_MASK) != 0) IJ.setKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); if ((flags & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) IJ.setKeyDown(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); new Executer(cmd, imp); } lastKeyCommand = null; if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("actionPerformed: time=" + ellapsedTime + ", " + e); } }
public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { if (doOptions) { this.imp = imp; this.pfr = pfr; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Binary Options"); gd.addNumericField("Iterations (1-" + MAX_ITERATIONS + "):", iterations, 0, 3, ""); gd.addNumericField("Count (1-8):", count, 0, 3, ""); gd.addCheckbox("Black background", Prefs.blackBackground); gd.addCheckbox("Pad edges when eroding", Prefs.padEdges); gd.addChoice("EDM output:", outputTypes, outputTypes[EDM.getOutputType()]); if (imp != null) { gd.addChoice("Do:", operations, operation); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); previewing = true; } gd.addHelp(IJ.URL + "/docs/menus/process.html#options"); gd.showDialog(); previewing = false; if (gd.wasCanceled()) return DONE; if (imp == null) { // options dialog only, no do/preview dialogItemChanged(gd, null); // read dialog result return DONE; } return operation.equals(NO_OPERATION) ? DONE : IJ.setupDialog(imp, flags); } else { // no dialog, 'arg' is operation type if (!((ByteProcessor) imp.getProcessor()).isBinary()) { IJ.error("8-bit binary (black and white only) image required."); return DONE; } return IJ.setupDialog(imp, flags); } }
public Channels() { super("Channels"); if (instance != null) { instance.toFront(); return; } WindowManager.addWindow(this); instance = this; GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(gridbag); int y = 0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = y++; c.gridwidth = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; int margin = 32; if (IJ.isMacOSX()) margin = 20; c.insets = new Insets(10, margin, 10, margin); choice = new Choice(); for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) choice.addItem(modes[i]); choice.select(0); choice.addItemListener(this); add(choice, c); CompositeImage ci = getImage(); int nCheckBoxes = ci != null ? ci.getNChannels() : 3; if (nCheckBoxes > CompositeImage.MAX_CHANNELS) nCheckBoxes = CompositeImage.MAX_CHANNELS; checkbox = new Checkbox[nCheckBoxes]; for (int i = 0; i < nCheckBoxes; i++) { checkbox[i] = new Checkbox("Channel " + (i + 1), true); c.insets = new Insets(0, 25, i < nCheckBoxes - 1 ? 0 : 10, 5); c.gridy = y++; add(checkbox[i], c); checkbox[i].addItemListener(this); } c.insets = new Insets(0, 15, 10, 15); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; c.gridy = y++; moreButton = new Button(moreLabel); moreButton.addActionListener(this); add(moreButton, c); update(); pm = new PopupMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) addPopupItem(menuItems[i]); add(pm); addKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); // ImageJ handles keyboard shortcuts setResizable(false); pack(); if (location == null) { GUI.center(this); location = getLocation(); } else setLocation(location); show(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); if (command == null) return; if (command.equals(moreLabel)) { Point bloc = moreButton.getLocation(); pm.show(this, bloc.x, bloc.y); } else if (command.equals("Convert to RGB")) IJ.doCommand("Stack to RGB"); else IJ.doCommand(command); }
void handleMouseMove(int sx, int sy) { // Do rubber banding int tool = Toolbar.getToolId(); if (!(tool == Toolbar.POLYGON || tool == Toolbar.POLYLINE || tool == Toolbar.ANGLE)) { imp.deleteRoi(); imp.draw(); return; } drawRubberBand(sx, sy); degrees = Double.NaN; double len = -1; if (nPoints > 1) { double x1, y1, x2, y2; if (xpf != null) { x1 = xpf[nPoints - 2]; y1 = ypf[nPoints - 2]; x2 = xpf[nPoints - 1]; y2 = ypf[nPoints - 1]; } else { x1 = xp[nPoints - 2]; y1 = yp[nPoints - 2]; x2 = xp[nPoints - 1]; y2 = yp[nPoints - 1]; } degrees = getAngle( (int) Math.round(x1), (int) Math.round(y1), (int) Math.round(x2), (int) Math.round(y2)); if (tool != Toolbar.ANGLE) { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); double pw = cal.pixelWidth, ph = cal.pixelHeight; if (IJ.altKeyDown()) { pw = 1.0; ph = 1.0; } len = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * pw * (x2 - x1) * pw + (y2 - y1) * ph * (y2 - y1) * ph); } } if (tool == Toolbar.ANGLE) { if (nPoints == 2) angle1 = degrees; else if (nPoints == 3) { double angle2 = getAngle(xp[1], yp[1], xp[2], yp[2]); degrees = Math.abs(180 - Math.abs(angle1 - angle2)); if (degrees > 180.0) degrees = 360.0 - degrees; } } String length = len != -1 ? ", length=" + IJ.d2s(len) : ""; double degrees2 = tool == Toolbar.ANGLE && nPoints == 3 && Prefs.reflexAngle ? 360.0 - degrees : degrees; String angle = !Double.isNaN(degrees) ? ", angle=" + IJ.d2s(degrees2) : ""; int ox = ic != null ? ic.offScreenX(sx) : sx; int oy = ic != null ? ic.offScreenY(sy) : sy; IJ.showStatus(imp.getLocationAsString(ox, oy) + length + angle); }
public void run(String arg) { ImageWindow iw = WindowManager.getCurrentWindow(); pw = jutils.getPW4SelCopy(iw); String title = pw.getTitle(); float[][] yvals = pw.getYValues(); float[][] xvals = pw.getXValues(); int length = yvals[0].length; if (pw.getShowErrors()) errs = pw.getErrors(0, false); int[] colors = pw.getColors(); colors[0] = 0; ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); engine = manager.getEngineByName("js"); ce = (Compilable) engine; // hitcounter=0; c2 = 0.0f; iterations = 0; checkc2 = false; double[] stats = new double[3]; tempx = new float[length]; tempdata = new float[length]; System.arraycopy(xvals[0], 0, tempx, 0, length); System.arraycopy(yvals[0], 0, tempdata, 0, length); pw.addPoints(tempx, new float[tempx.length], false); series = pw.getNpts().length - 1; double[] params = new double[10]; int[] fixes = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; init_options(params, fixes); if (!init_functions()) { return; } while (showoptions(params, fixes)) { NLLSfit_v2 fitclass; if (checkc2) { fitclass = new NLLSfit_v2(this, 0); } else { fitclass = new NLLSfit_v2(this, 0.0001, 50, 0.1); } float[] fit = fitclass.fitdata(params, fixes, constraints, yvals[0], weights, stats, true); pw.updateSeries(fit, series, false); c2 = (float) stats[1]; iterations = (int) stats[0]; } IJ.log("Chi Squared = " + (float) stats[1]); IJ.log("Iterations = " + (int) stats[0]); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IJ.log("P" + (i + 1) + " = " + (float) params[i] + " fixed = " + fixes[i]); } IJ.log("AIC = " + (float) stats[2]); // IJ.log("hits = "+hitcounter); set_options(params, fixes); }
public boolean beadCalibration3d() { imp = IJ.getImage(); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return false; } else if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) { IJ.error("Stack required"); return false; } else if (imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY8 && imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY16) { // In order to support 32bit images, pict[] must be changed to float[], and getPixel(x, y); // requires a Float.intBitsToFloat() conversion IJ.error("8 or 16 bit greyscale image required"); return false; } width = imp.getWidth(); height = imp.getHeight(); nslices = imp.getStackSize(); imtitle = imp.getTitle(); models[0] = "*None*"; models[1] = "line"; models[2] = "2nd degree polynomial"; models[3] = "3rd degree polynomial"; models[4] = "4th degree polynomial"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("3D PALM calibration"); gd.addNumericField("Maximum FWHM (in px)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", 20), 0); gd.addNumericField( "Particle local threshold (% maximum intensity)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.pthrsh", 20), 0); gd.addNumericField("Z-spacing (nm)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.z-step", 10), 2); gd.addNumericField("Calibration Z-smoothing (radius)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.window", 1), 0); gd.addChoice("Model", models, prefs.get("QuickPALM.model", models[3])); gd.addCheckbox( "Show divergence of bead positions against model", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", false)); gd.addCheckbox("Show extra particle info", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", false)); gd.addMessage("\n\nDon't forget to save the table in the end..."); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; fwhm = gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", fwhm); pthrsh = gd.getNextNumber() / 100; prefs.set("QuickPALM.pthrsh", pthrsh * 100); cal_z = gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.z-step", cal_z); window = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.window", window); model = gd.getNextChoice(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.model", model); part_divergence = gd.getNextBoolean(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", part_divergence); part_extrainfo = gd.getNextBoolean(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", part_extrainfo); return true; }
private boolean checkImage() { imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp == null) { IJ.beep(); IJ.showStatus("No image"); return false; } ip = setup(imp); if (ip == null) return false; return true; }
/** Performs actual projection using specified method. */ public void doProjection() { if (imp == null) return; sliceCount = 0; if (method < AVG_METHOD || method > MEDIAN_METHOD) method = AVG_METHOD; for (int slice = startSlice; slice <= stopSlice; slice += increment) sliceCount++; if (method == MEDIAN_METHOD) { projImage = doMedianProjection(); return; } // Create new float processor for projected pixels. FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); RayFunction rayFunc = getRayFunction(method, fp); if (IJ.debugMode == true) { IJ.log("\nProjecting stack from: " + startSlice + " to: " + stopSlice); } // Determine type of input image. Explicit determination of // processor type is required for subsequent pixel // manipulation. This approach is more efficient than the // more general use of ImageProcessor's getPixelValue and // putPixel methods. int ptype; if (stack.getProcessor(1) instanceof ByteProcessor) ptype = BYTE_TYPE; else if (stack.getProcessor(1) instanceof ShortProcessor) ptype = SHORT_TYPE; else if (stack.getProcessor(1) instanceof FloatProcessor) ptype = FLOAT_TYPE; else { IJ.error("Z Project", "Non-RGB stack required"); return; } // Do the projection. for (int n = startSlice; n <= stopSlice; n += increment) { IJ.showStatus("ZProjection " + color + ": " + n + "/" + stopSlice); IJ.showProgress(n - startSlice, stopSlice - startSlice); projectSlice(stack.getPixels(n), rayFunc, ptype); } // Finish up projection. if (method == SUM_METHOD) { fp.resetMinAndMax(); projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), fp); } else if (method == SD_METHOD) { rayFunc.postProcess(); fp.resetMinAndMax(); projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), fp); } else { rayFunc.postProcess(); projImage = makeOutputImage(imp, fp, ptype); } if (projImage == null) IJ.error("Z Project", "Error computing projection."); }
private void rotate(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (IJ.macroRunning()) { String options = Macro.getOptions(); if (options != null && (options.indexOf("grid=") != -1 || options.indexOf("interpolat") != -1)) { IJ.run("Rotate... ", options); // run Image>Transform>Rotate return; } } (new RoiRotator()).run(""); }
boolean setProperties(String title, Roi roi) { Frame f = WindowManager.getFrontWindow(); if (f != null && f.getTitle().indexOf("3D Viewer") != -1) return false; if (roi == null) { IJ.error("This command requires a selection."); return false; } RoiProperties rp = new RoiProperties(title, roi); boolean ok = rp.showDialog(); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log(roi.getDebugInfo()); return ok; }
private static Frame getParentFrame() { Frame parent = WindowManager.getCurrentImage() != null ? (Frame) WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getWindow() : IJ.getInstance() != null ? IJ.getInstance() : new Frame(); if (IJ.isMacOSX() && IJ.isJava18()) { ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance(); if (ij != null && ij.isActive()) parent = ij; else parent = null; } return parent; }
protected void handleRoiMouseDown(MouseEvent e) { int sx = e.getX(); int sy = e.getY(); int ox = offScreenX(sx); int oy = offScreenY(sy); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); int handle = roi != null ? roi.isHandle(sx, sy) : -1; boolean multiPointMode = roi != null && (roi instanceof PointRoi) && handle == -1 && Toolbar.getToolId() == Toolbar.POINT && Toolbar.getMultiPointMode(); if (multiPointMode) { imp.setRoi(((PointRoi) roi).addPoint(ox, oy)); return; } setRoiModState(e, roi, handle); if (roi != null) { if (handle >= 0) { roi.mouseDownInHandle(handle, sx, sy); return; } Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); int type = roi.getType(); if (type == Roi.RECTANGLE && r.width == imp.getWidth() && r.height == imp.getHeight() && roi.getPasteMode() == Roi.NOT_PASTING && !(roi instanceof ImageRoi)) { imp.killRoi(); return; } if (roi.contains(ox, oy)) { if (roi.modState == Roi.NO_MODS) roi.handleMouseDown(sx, sy); else { imp.killRoi(); imp.createNewRoi(sx, sy); } return; } if ((type == Roi.POLYGON || type == Roi.POLYLINE || type == Roi.ANGLE) && roi.getState() == roi.CONSTRUCTING) return; int tool = Toolbar.getToolId(); if ((tool == Toolbar.POLYGON || tool == Toolbar.POLYLINE || tool == Toolbar.ANGLE) && !(IJ.shiftKeyDown() || IJ.altKeyDown())) { imp.killRoi(); return; } } imp.createNewRoi(sx, sy); }