// ------------------------------ public void scrollToCaret() { // not called - fixed with putting visible scrollbars on JScrollPane // Rectangle rect1 = scroller1.getViewport().getViewRect(); double x1 = rect1.getX(); double y1 = rect1.getY(); double r1height = rect1.getHeight(); double r1width = rect1.getWidth(); Caret caret1 = editor1.getCaret(); Point pt2 = caret1.getMagicCaretPosition(); // the end of the string double x2 = pt2.getX(); double y2 = pt2.getY(); if (((x2 > x1) && (x2 < (x1 + r1width))) && ((y2 > y1) && (y2 < (y1 + r1height)))) { // inview } else { double newheight = r1height / 2; double newwidth = r1width / 2; double x3 = pt2.getX() - newwidth; double y3 = pt2.getY() - newheight; if (x3 < 0) x3 = 0; if (y3 < 0) y3 = 0; Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle((int) x3, (int) y3, (int) newwidth, (int) newheight); editor1.scrollRectToVisible(rect3); } } // end scrollToCaret
static void updateStyle(JTextComponent comp, SynthContext context, String prefix) { SynthStyle style = context.getStyle(); Color color = comp.getCaretColor(); if (color == null || color instanceof UIResource) { comp.setCaretColor((Color) style.get(context, prefix + ".caretForeground")); } Color fg = comp.getForeground(); if (fg == null || fg instanceof UIResource) { fg = style.getColorForState(context, ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND); if (fg != null) { comp.setForeground(fg); } } Object ar = style.get(context, prefix + ".caretAspectRatio"); if (ar instanceof Number) { comp.putClientProperty("caretAspectRatio", ar); } context.setComponentState(SELECTED | FOCUSED); Color s = comp.getSelectionColor(); if (s == null || s instanceof UIResource) { comp.setSelectionColor(style.getColor(context, ColorType.TEXT_BACKGROUND)); } Color sfg = comp.getSelectedTextColor(); if (sfg == null || sfg instanceof UIResource) { comp.setSelectedTextColor(style.getColor(context, ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND)); } context.setComponentState(DISABLED); Color dfg = comp.getDisabledTextColor(); if (dfg == null || dfg instanceof UIResource) { comp.setDisabledTextColor(style.getColor(context, ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND)); } Insets margin = comp.getMargin(); if (margin == null || margin instanceof UIResource) { margin = (Insets) style.get(context, prefix + ".margin"); if (margin == null) { // Some places assume margins are non-null. margin = SynthLookAndFeel.EMPTY_UIRESOURCE_INSETS; } comp.setMargin(margin); } Caret caret = comp.getCaret(); if (caret instanceof UIResource) { Object o = style.get(context, prefix + ".caretBlinkRate"); if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) { Integer rate = (Integer) o; caret.setBlinkRate(rate.intValue()); } } }
private void paintCaret(Graphics2D g_) { EditorImpl.CaretRectangle[] locations = myEditor.getCaretLocations(true); if (locations == null) return; Graphics2D g = IdeBackgroundUtil.getOriginalGraphics(g_); int lineHeight = myView.getLineHeight(); EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings(); Color caretColor = myEditor.getColorsScheme().getColor(EditorColors.CARET_COLOR); if (caretColor == null) caretColor = new JBColor(CARET_DARK, CARET_LIGHT); g.setColor(caretColor); for (EditorImpl.CaretRectangle location : locations) { int x = location.myPoint.x; int y = location.myPoint.y; Caret caret = location.myCaret; boolean isRtl = location.myIsRtl; if (myEditor.isInsertMode() != settings.isBlockCursor()) { int lineWidth = JBUI.scale(settings.getLineCursorWidth()); g.fillRect(x, y, lineWidth, lineHeight); if (myDocument.getTextLength() > 0 && caret != null && !myView.getLineLayout(caret.getLogicalPosition().line).isLtr()) { g.fillPolygon( new int[] { isRtl ? x + lineWidth : x, isRtl ? x + lineWidth - CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE : x + CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE, isRtl ? x + lineWidth : x }, new int[] {y, y, y + CARET_DIRECTION_MARK_SIZE}, 3); } } else { int width = location.myWidth; int startX = Math.max(0, isRtl ? x - width : x); g.fillRect(startX, y, width, lineHeight - 1); if (myDocument.getTextLength() > 0 && caret != null) { int targetVisualColumn = caret.getVisualPosition().column; for (VisualLineFragmentsIterator.Fragment fragment : VisualLineFragmentsIterator.create(myView, caret.getVisualLineStart(), false)) { int startVisualColumn = fragment.getStartVisualColumn(); int endVisualColumn = fragment.getEndVisualColumn(); if (startVisualColumn < targetVisualColumn && endVisualColumn > targetVisualColumn || startVisualColumn == targetVisualColumn && !isRtl || endVisualColumn == targetVisualColumn && isRtl) { g.setColor(ColorUtil.isDark(caretColor) ? CARET_LIGHT : CARET_DARK); fragment.draw( g, startX, y + myView.getAscent(), targetVisualColumn - startVisualColumn - (isRtl ? 1 : 0), targetVisualColumn - startVisualColumn + (isRtl ? 0 : 1)); break; } } } } } }
private void initializePane() { mode = INSERT; addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_INSERT) { toggleTypingMode(); } } }); // all editors display another caret when in overwrite mode // replace it setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); Caret c = new DefaultCaret() { public void paint(Graphics g) { if (mode == INSERT) { super.paint(g); return; } JTextComponent comp = getComponent(); int dot = getDot(); Rectangle r = null; char c; try { r = comp.modelToView(dot); if (r == null) return; c = comp.getText(dot, 1).charAt(0); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return; } // erase provious caret if ((x != r.x) || (y != r.y)) { repaint(); x = r.x; y = r.y; height = r.height; } g.setColor(comp.getCaretColor()); g.setXORMode(comp.getBackground()); width = g.getFontMetrics().charWidth(c); if (c == '\t' || c == '\n') width = g.getFontMetrics().charWidth(' '); if (isVisible()) { g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, width, r.height); } } }; c.setBlinkRate(500); // default rate setCaret(c); }
/** * Provides a way to determine the next visually represented model location at which one might * place a caret. Some views may not be visible, they might not be in the same order found in the * model, or they just might not allow access to some of the locations in the model. * * @param pos the position to convert >= 0 * @param a the allocated region in which to render * @param direction the direction from the current position that can be thought of as the arrow * keys typically found on a keyboard. This will be one of the following values: * <ul> * <li>SwingConstants.WEST * <li>SwingConstants.EAST * <li>SwingConstants.NORTH * <li>SwingConstants.SOUTH * </ul> * * @return the location within the model that best represents the next location visual position * @exception BadLocationException * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>direction</code> doesn't have one of the legal * values above */ public int getNextVisualPositionFrom( int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException { biasRet[0] = Position.Bias.Forward; switch (direction) { case NORTH: case SOUTH: { if (pos == -1) { pos = (direction == NORTH) ? Math.max(0, getEndOffset() - 1) : getStartOffset(); break; } JTextComponent target = (JTextComponent) getContainer(); Caret c = (target != null) ? target.getCaret() : null; // YECK! Ideally, the x location from the magic caret position // would be passed in. Point mcp; if (c != null) { mcp = c.getMagicCaretPosition(); } else { mcp = null; } int x; if (mcp == null) { Rectangle loc = target.modelToView(pos); x = (loc == null) ? 0 : loc.x; } else { x = mcp.x; } if (direction == NORTH) { pos = Utilities.getPositionAbove(target, pos, x); } else { pos = Utilities.getPositionBelow(target, pos, x); } } break; case WEST: if (pos == -1) { pos = Math.max(0, getEndOffset() - 1); } else { pos = Math.max(0, pos - 1); } break; case EAST: if (pos == -1) { pos = getStartOffset(); } else { pos = Math.min(pos + 1, getDocument().getLength()); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad direction: " + direction); } return pos; }
// HDC WINAPI BeginPaint( HWND hwnd, PAINTSTRUCT *lps ) public static int BeginPaint(int hwnd, int lps) { WinWindow win = WinWindow.get(hwnd); if (lps == 0) return 0; Caret.HideCaret(hwnd); int rgn = WinRegion.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, win.rectWindow.width(), win.rectWindow.height()); Message.SendMessageA(hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, rgn, 0); GdiObj.DeleteObject(rgn); WinDC dc = win.getDC(); if (win.invalidationRect == null) { new WinRect(0, 0, win.rectClient.width(), win.rectClient.height()).write(lps + 8); } else { dc.clipX = win.invalidationRect.left; dc.clipY = win.invalidationRect.top; dc.clipCx = win.invalidationRect.width(); dc.clipCy = win.invalidationRect.height(); win.invalidationRect.write(lps + 8); } int hdc = dc.handle; writed(lps, hdc); writed(lps + 4, Message.SendMessageA(hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, hdc, 0)); return readd(lps); }
Dimension getPreferredSize() { int widthWithoutCaret = getPreferredWidth(); int width = widthWithoutCaret; if (!myDocument.isInBulkUpdate()) { for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.isUpToDate()) { int caretX = myView.visualPositionToXY(caret.getVisualPosition()).x; width = Math.max(caretX, width); } } } if (shouldRespectAdditionalColumns(widthWithoutCaret)) { width += myEditor.getSettings().getAdditionalColumnsCount() * myView.getPlainSpaceWidth(); } Insets insets = myView.getInsets(); return new Dimension(width + insets.left + insets.right, getPreferredHeight()); }
private Map<Integer, Couple<Integer>> createVirtualSelectionMap( int startVisualLine, int endVisualLine) { HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>>(); for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.hasSelection()) { VisualPosition selectionStart = caret.getSelectionStartPosition(); VisualPosition selectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEndPosition(); if (selectionStart.line == selectionEnd.line) { int line = selectionStart.line; if (line >= startVisualLine && line <= endVisualLine) { map.put(line, Couple.of(selectionStart.column, selectionEnd.column)); } } } } return map; }
// BOOL EndPaint(HWND hWnd, const PAINTSTRUCT *lpPaint) public static int EndPaint(int hWnd, int lpPaint) { WinDC dc = WinDC.get(readd(lpPaint)); if (dc != null) dc.close(); Caret.ShowCaret(hWnd); Main.drawImage(StaticData.screen.getImage()); WinWindow.get(hWnd).validate(); return TRUE; }
public void collapseFoldRegion(FoldRegion region) { assertIsDispatchThreadForEditor(); if (!region.isExpanded()) return; if (!myIsBatchFoldingProcessing) { LOG.error("Fold regions must be collapsed or expanded inside batchFoldProcessing() only."); } List<Caret> carets = myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets(); for (Caret caret : carets) { LogicalPosition caretPosition = caret.getLogicalPosition(); int caretOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(caretPosition); if (FoldRegionsTree.contains(region, caretOffset)) { if (myDoNotCollapseCaret) return; } } for (Caret caret : carets) { LogicalPosition caretPosition = caret.getLogicalPosition(); int caretOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(caretPosition); if (FoldRegionsTree.contains(region, caretOffset)) { if (caret.getUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION) == null) { caret.putUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION, caretPosition.withoutVisualPositionInfo()); } } } myFoldRegionsProcessed = true; ((FoldRegionImpl) region).setExpandedInternal(false); notifyListenersOnFoldRegionStateChange(region); }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int line1 = map.getElementIndex(dot); if (dot != mark) { int line2 = map.getElementIndex(mark); int begin = Math.min(line1, line2); int end = Math.max(line1, line2); Element elem; try { for (line1 = begin; line1 < end; line1++) { elem = map.getElement(line1); handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } elem = map.getElement(end); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { handleDecreaseIndent(end, elem, doc); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { Element elem = map.getElement(line1); try { handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); boolean indentError = false; Document doc = text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); String tabWhitespace = PreferencesUser.getInstance().getTabWhitespace(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int dotLine = map.getElementIndex(dot); int markLine = map.getElementIndex(mark); if (dotLine != markLine) { int first = Math.min(dotLine, markLine); int last = Math.max(dotLine, markLine); Element elem; int start; try { for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { elem = map.getElement(i); start = elem.getStartOffset(); doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } elem = map.getElement(last); start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { text.replaceSelection(tabWhitespace); } }
public void expandFoldRegion(FoldRegion region) { assertIsDispatchThreadForEditor(); if (region.isExpanded() || region.shouldNeverExpand()) return; if (!myIsBatchFoldingProcessing) { LOG.error("Fold regions must be collapsed or expanded inside batchFoldProcessing() only."); } for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { LogicalPosition savedPosition = caret.getUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION); if (savedPosition != null) { int savedOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(savedPosition); FoldRegion[] allCollapsed = myFoldTree.fetchCollapsedAt(savedOffset); if (allCollapsed.length == 1 && allCollapsed[0] == region) { caret.moveToLogicalPosition(savedPosition); } } } myFoldRegionsProcessed = true; ((FoldRegionImpl) region).setExpandedInternal(true); notifyListenersOnFoldRegionStateChange(region); }
public void setCaretPosition(int position) { Caret c = textView.getCaret(); // move the caret c.setDot(position); }
public int getCaretPosition() { Caret c = textView.getCaret(); return c.getDot(); }
public void flushCaretPosition() { for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { caret.putUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION, null); } }
private void notifyBatchFoldingProcessingDone(final boolean moveCaretFromCollapsedRegion) { rebuild(); for (FoldingListener listener : myListeners) { listener.onFoldProcessingEnd(); } myEditor.updateCaretCursor(); myEditor.recalculateSizeAndRepaint(); myEditor.getGutterComponentEx().updateSize(); myEditor.getGutterComponentEx().repaint(); for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { // There is a possible case that caret position is already visual position aware. But visual // position depends on number of folded // logical lines as well, hence, we can't be sure that target logical position defines correct // visual position because fold // regions have just changed. Hence, we use 'raw' logical position instead. LogicalPosition caretPosition = caret.getLogicalPosition().withoutVisualPositionInfo(); int caretOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(caretPosition); int selectionStart = caret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEnd(); LogicalPosition positionToUse = null; int offsetToUse = -1; FoldRegion collapsed = myFoldTree.fetchOutermost(caretOffset); LogicalPosition savedPosition = caret.getUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION); if (savedPosition != null) { int savedOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(savedPosition); FoldRegion collapsedAtSaved = myFoldTree.fetchOutermost(savedOffset); if (collapsedAtSaved == null) { positionToUse = savedPosition; } else { offsetToUse = collapsedAtSaved.getStartOffset(); } } if (collapsed != null && positionToUse == null) { positionToUse = myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(collapsed.getStartOffset()); } if (moveCaretFromCollapsedRegion && caret.isUpToDate()) { if (offsetToUse >= 0) { caret.moveToOffset(offsetToUse); } else if (positionToUse != null) { caret.moveToLogicalPosition(positionToUse); } else { caret.moveToLogicalPosition(caretPosition); } } caret.putUserData(SAVED_CARET_POSITION, savedPosition); if (isOffsetInsideCollapsedRegion(selectionStart) || isOffsetInsideCollapsedRegion(selectionEnd)) { caret.removeSelection(); } else if (selectionStart < myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength()) { caret.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } } if (mySavedCaretShift > 0) { final ScrollingModel scrollingModel = myEditor.getScrollingModel(); scrollingModel.disableAnimation(); scrollingModel.scrollVertically( myEditor.visibleLineToY(myEditor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition().line) - mySavedCaretShift); scrollingModel.enableAnimation(); } }
@Nullable @Override public TextBlockTransferableData collectTransferableData( PsiFile file, Editor editor, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets) { if (!Registry.is("editor.richcopy.enable")) { return null; } try { for (TextWithMarkupBuilder builder : myBuilders) { builder.reset(); } SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel.hasBlockSelection()) { return null; // unsupported legacy mode } RichCopySettings settings = RichCopySettings.getInstance(); List<Caret> carets = editor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets(); Caret firstCaret = carets.get(0); final int indentSymbolsToStrip; final int firstLineStartOffset; if (settings.isStripIndents() && carets.size() == 1) { Pair<Integer, Integer> p = calcIndentSymbolsToStrip( editor.getDocument(), firstCaret.getSelectionStart(), firstCaret.getSelectionEnd()); firstLineStartOffset = p.first; indentSymbolsToStrip = p.second; } else { firstLineStartOffset = firstCaret.getSelectionStart(); indentSymbolsToStrip = 0; } logInitial(editor, startOffsets, endOffsets, indentSymbolsToStrip, firstLineStartOffset); CharSequence text = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); EditorColorsScheme schemeToUse = settings.getColorsScheme(editor.getColorsScheme()); EditorHighlighter highlighter = HighlighterFactory.createHighlighter( file.getVirtualFile(), schemeToUse, file.getProject()); highlighter.setText(text); MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(editor.getDocument(), file.getProject(), false); Context context = new Context(text, schemeToUse, indentSymbolsToStrip); int shift = 0; int endOffset = 0; Caret prevCaret = null; for (Caret caret : carets) { int caretSelectionStart = caret.getSelectionStart(); int caretSelectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEnd(); int startOffsetToUse; if (caret == firstCaret) { startOffsetToUse = firstLineStartOffset; } else { startOffsetToUse = caretSelectionStart; assert prevCaret != null; String prevCaretSelectedText = prevCaret.getSelectedText(); // Block selection fills short lines by white spaces. int fillStringLength = prevCaretSelectedText == null ? 0 : prevCaretSelectedText.length() - (prevCaret.getSelectionEnd() - prevCaret.getSelectionStart()); int endLineOffset = endOffset + shift + fillStringLength; context.builder.addText(endLineOffset, endLineOffset + 1); shift++; // Block selection ends '\n' at line end shift += fillStringLength; } shift += endOffset - caretSelectionStart; endOffset = caretSelectionEnd; context.reset(shift); prevCaret = caret; if (endOffset <= startOffsetToUse) { continue; } MarkupIterator markupIterator = new MarkupIterator( text, new CompositeRangeIterator( schemeToUse, new HighlighterRangeIterator(highlighter, startOffsetToUse, endOffset), new MarkupModelRangeIterator( markupModel, schemeToUse, startOffsetToUse, endOffset)), schemeToUse); try { context.iterate(markupIterator, endOffset); } finally { markupIterator.dispose(); } } SyntaxInfo syntaxInfo = context.finish(); logSyntaxInfo(syntaxInfo); for (TextWithMarkupBuilder builder : myBuilders) { builder.build(syntaxInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { // catching the exception so that the rest of copy/paste functionality can still work fine LOG.error(e); } return null; }
public static void verifyCaretAndSelectionState( Editor editor, CaretAndSelectionState caretState, String message) { boolean hasChecks = false; for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { EditorTestUtil.CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null || expected.selection != null) { hasChecks = true; break; } } if (!hasChecks) { return; // nothing to check, so we skip caret/selection assertions } String messageSuffix = message == null ? "" : (message + ": "); CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); List<Caret> allCarets = new ArrayList<Caret>(caretModel.getAllCarets()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + " Unexpected number of carets", caretState.carets.size(), allCarets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { String caretDescription = caretState.carets.size() == 1 ? "" : "caret " + (i + 1) + "/" + caretState.carets.size() + " "; Caret currentCaret = allCarets.get(i); int actualCaretLine = editor.getDocument().getLineNumber(currentCaret.getOffset()); int actualCaretColumn = currentCaret.getOffset() - editor.getDocument().getLineStartOffset(actualCaretLine); LogicalPosition actualCaretPosition = new LogicalPosition(actualCaretLine, actualCaretColumn); int selectionStart = currentCaret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = currentCaret.getSelectionEnd(); LogicalPosition actualSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionStart); LogicalPosition actualSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionEnd); CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null) { assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected caret position", expected.position, actualCaretPosition); } if (expected.selection != null) { LogicalPosition expectedSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getStartOffset()); LogicalPosition expectedSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getEndOffset()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection start", expectedSelectionStart, actualSelectionStart); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection end", expectedSelectionEnd, actualSelectionEnd); } else { assertFalse( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "should has no selection, but was: (" + actualSelectionStart + ", " + actualSelectionEnd + ")", currentCaret.hasSelection()); } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextComponent textArea = (JTextComponent) e.getSource(); Caret caret = textArea.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); /* * Move to the beginning/end of selection on a "non-shifted" * left- or right-keypress. We shouldn't have to worry about * navigation filters as, if one is being used, it let us get * to that position before. */ if (!select) { switch (direction) { case SwingConstants.EAST: int mark = caret.getMark(); if (dot != mark) { caret.setDot(Math.max(dot, mark)); return; } break; case SwingConstants.WEST: mark = caret.getMark(); if (dot != mark) { caret.setDot(Math.min(dot, mark)); return; } break; default: } } Position.Bias[] bias = new Position.Bias[1]; Point magicPosition = caret.getMagicCaretPosition(); try { if (magicPosition == null && (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH)) { Rectangle r = textArea.modelToView(dot); magicPosition = new Point(r.x, r.y); } NavigationFilter filter = textArea.getNavigationFilter(); if (filter != null) { dot = filter.getNextVisualPositionFrom( textArea, dot, Position.Bias.Forward, direction, bias); } else { if (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH) { dot = getNSVisualPosition((EditorPane) textArea, dot, direction); } else { dot = textArea .getUI() .getNextVisualPositionFrom( textArea, dot, Position.Bias.Forward, direction, bias); } } if (select) { caret.moveDot(dot); } else { caret.setDot(dot); } if (magicPosition != null && (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH)) { caret.setMagicCaretPosition(magicPosition); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while trying to move caret\n%s", ble.getMessage()); } }