/** Paints "Pause" on the canvas. */ public void paintPauseScreen() { Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); GamePainters.paintPauseScreen(g, this, board); strategy.show(); }
/** * Creates a new "game" from the current engine.Globals.game variable. While the ANN stays the * same, the speed, actor positions, score, et cetera, are all reset. */ public void newGame() { stopped = true; player.setLives(STARTING_LIVES); player.setScore(0); Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); waiting = true; Globals.state = ENEMY_HUNTER_STATE; player.setCenter(board.getPlayerStartPoint()); player.setDirection(Player.DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTION); board.reset(); Globals.blipsLeft = Globals.game.getBoard().getBlipCount(); for (Enemy enemy : enemies) { enemy.reset(); } GamePainters.drawBoard(board, g, this); GamePainters.drawEnemies(enemies, g, this); GamePainters.drawPlayer(player, g, this); GamePainters.paintBottomBar(player, board, g, this); strategy.show(); }
/** Paints "Game Over" on the canvas. */ public void paintGameOver() { Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); GamePainters.paintGameOver(g, this, board); strategy.show(); }
/** Replaces the current player icon with one showing that the player has died. */ public void paintDeadPlayer() { Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); GamePainters.drawBoard(board, g, this); GamePainters.drawDeadPlayer(player, g, this); strategy.show(); }
/** Updates the canvas. */ public void update() { Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); GamePainters.drawBoard(board, g, this); GamePainters.drawEnemies(enemies, g, this); GamePainters.drawPlayer(player, g, this); GamePainters.paintBottomBar(player, board, g, this); strategy.show(); }
/** * Causes the ghosts and player to go back to their original starting positions. Used when a * player dies, for example. */ public void resetCanvas() { Graphics g = strategy.getDrawGraphics(); waiting = true; Globals.state = ENEMY_HUNTER_STATE; player.setCenter(board.getPlayerStartPoint()); player.setDirection(Player.DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTION); for (Enemy enemy : enemies) { enemy.reset(); } GamePainters.drawBoard(board, g, this); GamePainters.drawEnemies(enemies, g, this); GamePainters.drawPlayer(player, g, this); GamePainters.paintBottomBar(player, board, g, this); strategy.show(); }
public void run() { long lastTime = System.nanoTime(); double unprocessed = 0; int frames = 0; long lastTimer1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { init(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } // if (!isMultiplayer) { // createLevel(); // } int toTick = 0; long lastRenderTime = System.nanoTime(); int min = 999999999; int max = 0; while (running) { if (!this.hasFocus()) { keys.release(); } double nsPerTick = 1000000000.0 / framerate; boolean shouldRender = false; while (unprocessed >= 1) { toTick++; unprocessed -= 1; } int tickCount = toTick; if (toTick > 0 && toTick < 3) { tickCount = 1; } if (toTick > 20) { toTick = 20; } for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++) { toTick--; // long before = System.nanoTime(); tick(); // long after = System.nanoTime(); // System.out.println("Tick time took " + (after - before) * // 100.0 / nsPerTick + "% of the max time"); shouldRender = true; } // shouldRender = true; BufferStrategy bs = getBufferStrategy(); if (bs == null) { createBufferStrategy(3); continue; } if (shouldRender) { frames++; Graphics g = bs.getDrawGraphics(); Random lastRandom = TurnSynchronizer.synchedRandom; TurnSynchronizer.synchedRandom = null; render(g); TurnSynchronizer.synchedRandom = lastRandom; long renderTime = System.nanoTime(); int timePassed = (int) (renderTime - lastRenderTime); if (timePassed < min) { min = timePassed; } if (timePassed > max) { max = timePassed; } lastRenderTime = renderTime; } long now = System.nanoTime(); unprocessed += (now - lastTime) / nsPerTick; lastTime = now; try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (shouldRender) { if (bs != null) { bs.show(); } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimer1 > 1000) { lastTimer1 += 1000; fps = frames; frames = 0; } } }