public void showItem() { if (!this.editorPanel.getViewer().isLanguageFunctionAvailable()) { return; } this.highlight = this.editorPanel .getEditor() .addHighlight(this.position, this.position + this.word.length(), null, true); final FindSynonymsActionHandler _this = this; QTextEditor editor = this.editorPanel.getEditor(); Rectangle r = null; try { r = editor.modelToView(this.position); } catch (Exception e) { // BadLocationException! Environment.logError("Location: " + this.position + " is not valid", e); UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); return; } int y = r.y; // Show a panel of all the items. final QPopup p = this.popup; p.setOpaque(false); Synonyms syns = null; try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonymProvider().getSynonyms(this.word); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("ed"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 2)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } if ((syns.words.size() == 0) && (this.word.toLowerCase().endsWith("s"))) { // Trim off the ed and try again. try { syns = this.projectViewer.getSynonyms(this.word.substring(0, this.word.length() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { UIUtils.showErrorMessage(this.editorPanel, "Unable to display synonyms."); Environment.logError("Unable to lookup synonyms for: " + word, e); return; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (syns.words.size() > 0) { sb.append("6px"); for (int i = 0; i < syns.words.size(); i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("p, 3px, [p,90px], 5px"); } /* if (syns.words.size () > 0) { sb.append (",5px"); } */ } else { sb.append("6px, p, 6px"); } FormLayout summOnly = new FormLayout("3px, fill:380px:grow, 3px", sb.toString()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(summOnly); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); int ind = 2; Map<String, String> names = new HashMap(); names.put(Synonyms.ADJECTIVE + "", "Adjectives"); names.put(Synonyms.NOUN + "", "Nouns"); names.put(Synonyms.VERB + "", "Verbs"); names.put(Synonyms.ADVERB + "", "Adverbs"); names.put(Synonyms.OTHER + "", "Other"); if (syns.words.size() == 0) { JLabel l = new JLabel("No synonyms found."); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, 2)); } // Determine what type of word we are looking for. for (Synonyms.Part i : syns.words) { JLabel l = new JLabel(names.get(i.type + "")); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont((float) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10))); l.setBorder( new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, Environment.getBorderColor()), new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 3, 0))); pb.add(l, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument(); JTextPane t = new JTextPane(doc); t.setEditorKit(kit); t.setEditable(false); t.setOpaque(false); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "<style>a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }</style><span style='color: #000000; font-size: " + ((int) UIUtils.getEditorFontSize(10) /*t.getFont ().getSize () + 2*/) + "pt; font-family: " + t.getFont().getFontName() + ";'>"); for (int x = 0; x < i.words.size(); x++) { String w = (String) i.words.get(x); buf.append("<a class='x' href='http://" + w + "'>" + w + "</a>"); if (x < (i.words.size() - 1)) { buf.append(", "); } } buf.append("</span>"); t.setText(buf.toString()); t.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkAdapter() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent ev) { if (ev.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { QTextEditor ed = _this.editorPanel.getEditor(); ed.replaceText( _this.position, _this.position + _this.word.length(), ev.getURL().getHost()); ed.removeHighlight(_this.highlight); _this.popup.setVisible(false); _this.projectViewer.fireProjectEvent( ProjectEvent.SYNONYM, ProjectEvent.REPLACE, ev.getURL().getHost()); } } }); // Annoying that we have to do this but it prevents the text from being too small. t.setSize(new Dimension(380, Short.MAX_VALUE)); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(t); t.setCaretPosition(0); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); /* sp.setPreferredSize (t.getPreferredSize ()); sp.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (380, 75)); */ sp.getViewport().setOpaque(false); sp.setOpaque(false); sp.setBorder(null); sp.getViewport().setBackground(Color.WHITE); sp.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); pb.add(sp, cc.xy(2, ind)); ind += 2; } JPanel pan = pb.getPanel(); pan.setOpaque(true); pan.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.popup.setContent(pan); // r.y -= this.editorPanel.getScrollPane ().getVerticalScrollBar ().getValue (); Point po = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(editor, r.x, r.y, this.editorPanel); r.x = po.x; r.y = po.y; // Subtract the insets of the editorPanel. Insets ins = this.editorPanel.getInsets(); r.x -= ins.left; r.y -=; this.editorPanel.showPopupAt(this.popup, r, "above", true); }
public void toChatScreen(String toScreen, boolean selfSeen) throws IOException, BadLocationException { // Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(); String toScreenFinal = ""; Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm"); String ts = format.format(now); // chatScreen.append(ts + " " + toScreen + "\n"); toScreenFinal = "<font color=gray>" + ts + "</font> "; if (selfSeen) toScreenFinal = toScreenFinal + "<font color=red>" + toScreen + "</font>"; else toScreenFinal = toScreenFinal + toScreen; // chatter.addTo(toScreen); // if(standardWindow) { // chatScreen.setCaretPosition(chatScreen.getDocument().getLength()); // } // else { JScrollBar vBar = scrollChat.getVerticalScrollBar(); int vSize = vBar.getVisibleAmount(); int maxVBar = vBar.getMaximum(); int currVBar = vBar.getValue() + vSize; kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), toScreenFinal, 0, 0, null); if (maxVBar == currVBar) { chatScreen.setCaretPosition(chatScreen.getDocument().getLength()); } // } // kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), toScreenFinal, 0, 0, null); }
// // Implement the ChangeListener // public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // Keep the scrolling of the row table in sync with main table JViewport viewport = (JViewport) e.getSource(); JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) viewport.getParent(); scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(viewport.getViewPosition().y); }
/** Returns the coordinates of the top left corner of the value at the given index. */ public Point getCoordinates(int index) { JScrollBar bar = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); Rectangle r = segmentTable.getCellRect(index, 1, true); segmentTable.scrollRectToVisible(r); setTopLevelLocation(); return new Point( (int) (r.getX() + topLevelLocation.getX()), (int) (r.getY() + topLevelLocation.getY())); }
/** * This method is used to add obix components to a container pane in the GUI. * * @param pane The pane, to which the obix Components are added. */ private void addComponentToPane(Container pane) { // Create the panel that contains the "cards" for the CardsLayout. cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout()); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(chooseComponents()); scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(16); cards.add(scrollPane); pane.add(cards, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
@Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { Socket s = new Socket(hostin, portin); InputStream ins = s.getInputStream(); OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream(); ir = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ins)); pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os), true); pw.print(nick); while (true) { String line = ir.readLine(); jta.append(line + "\n"); jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum()); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void createAndShowGUI() { JFrame fr = new JFrame("Test"); JLabel label = new JLabel("picture"); label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500)); spane = new JScrollPane(label); fr.getContentPane().add(spane); sbar = spane.getVerticalScrollBar(); fr.setSize(200, 200); fr.setVisible(true); }
public void setScrollPane(JScrollPane parent) { this.parent = parent; JScrollBar jsb = parent.getVerticalScrollBar(); jsb.addAdjustmentListener( new AdjustmentListener() { @Override public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent ae) { if (!ae.getValueIsAdjusting() && autoscroll) { jsb.setValue(jsb.getMaximum()); } } }); }
// populate version for corrections public void showCorrectionTokenUpgrades(MapCorrectionAction action) { // activate correctionTokenMode and deactivate standard tokenMode correctionTokenMode = true; tokenMode = false; // activate upgrade panel upgradePanel.removeAll(); GridLayout panelLayout = (GridLayout) upgradePanel.getLayout(); List<? extends TokenI> tokens = orUIManager.tokenLays; if (tokens == null || tokens.size() == 0) { // reset to the number of elements panelLayout.setRows(defaultNbPanelElements); // set to position 0 scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); } else { Color fgColour = null; Color bgColour = null; String text = null; String description = null; TokenIcon icon; CorrectionTokenLabel tokenLabel; correctionTokenLabels = new ArrayList<CorrectionTokenLabel>(); for (TokenI token : tokens) { if (token instanceof BaseToken) { PublicCompanyI comp = ((BaseToken) token).getCompany(); fgColour = comp.getFgColour(); bgColour = comp.getBgColour(); description = text = comp.getName(); } icon = new TokenIcon(25, fgColour, bgColour, text); tokenLabel = new CorrectionTokenLabel(icon, token); tokenLabel.setName(description); tokenLabel.setText(description); tokenLabel.setBackground(defaultLabelBgColour); tokenLabel.setOpaque(true); tokenLabel.setVisible(true); tokenLabel.setBorder(border); tokenLabel.addMouseListener(this); tokenLabel.addPossibleAction(action); correctionTokenLabels.add(tokenLabel); upgradePanel.add(tokenLabel); } } upgradePanel.add(doneButton); upgradePanel.add(cancelButton); // repaint(); revalidate(); }
// populate version for corrections public void showCorrectionTileUpgrades() { // deactivate correctionTokenMode and tokenmode correctionTokenMode = false; tokenMode = false; // activate upgrade panel upgradePanel.removeAll(); GridLayout panelLayout = (GridLayout) upgradePanel.getLayout(); List<TileI> tiles = orUIManager.tileUpgrades; if (tiles == null || tiles.size() == 0) { // reset to the number of elements panelLayout.setRows(defaultNbPanelElements); // set to position 0 scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); } else { // set to the max of available or the default number of elements panelLayout.setRows(Math.max(tiles.size() + 2, defaultNbPanelElements)); for (TileI tile : tiles) { BufferedImage hexImage = getHexImage(tile.getId()); ImageIcon hexIcon = new ImageIcon(hexImage); // Cheap n' Easy rescaling. hexIcon.setImage( hexIcon .getImage() .getScaledInstance( (int) (hexIcon.getIconWidth() * GUIHex.NORMAL_SCALE * 0.8), (int) (hexIcon.getIconHeight() * GUIHex.NORMAL_SCALE * 0.8), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)); HexLabel hexLabel = new HexLabel(hexIcon, tile.getId()); hexLabel.setName(tile.getName()); hexLabel.setTextFromTile(tile); hexLabel.setOpaque(true); hexLabel.setVisible(true); hexLabel.setBorder(border); hexLabel.addMouseListener(this); upgradePanel.add(hexLabel); } } upgradePanel.add(doneButton); upgradePanel.add(cancelButton); // repaint(); revalidate(); }
public void createFileChooserDemo() { theImage = new JLabel(""); jpgIcon = createImageIcon("filechooser/jpgIcon.jpg", "jpg image"); gifIcon = createImageIcon("filechooser/gifIcon.gif", "gif image"); JPanel demoPanel = getDemoPanel(); demoPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(demoPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); JPanel innerPanel = new JPanel(); innerPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(innerPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); demoPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(VGAP20)); demoPanel.add(innerPanel); demoPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(VGAP20)); innerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(HGAP20)); // Create a panel to hold buttons JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel() { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(getPreferredSize().width, super.getMaximumSize().height); } }; buttonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); buttonPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(VGAP15)); buttonPanel.add(createPlainFileChooserButton()); buttonPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(VGAP15)); buttonPanel.add(createPreviewFileChooserButton()); buttonPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(VGAP15)); buttonPanel.add(createCustomFileChooserButton()); buttonPanel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); // Create a panel to hold the image JPanel imagePanel = new JPanel(); imagePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); imagePanel.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED)); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(theImage); scroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); scroller.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); imagePanel.add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER); // add buttons and image panels to inner panel innerPanel.add(buttonPanel); innerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(HGAP30)); innerPanel.add(imagePanel); innerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(HGAP20)); }
/** Class constructor; creates a user interface and loads it with values from the props file. */ public ControlPanel() { super(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance(); config.setControlPanel(this); props = config.getProperties(); profiles = new Profiles(); profileLoader = new ProfileLoader(); profileSaver = new ProfileSaver(); profileDeleter = new ProfileDeleter(); selectorPanel = new SelectorPanel(); jsp = new JScrollPane(); jsp.setViewportView(selectorPanel); this.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); footerPanel = new FooterPanel(); this.add(footerPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(25); jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(25); }
@Override protected Component createDatabaseDemoPanel() throws SQLException { if (_connection == null) { return new JPanel(); } final TableModel tableModel = createTableModel(); final SortableTable table = new SortableTable(tableModel); final JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(table); scroller .getVerticalScrollBar() .addAdjustmentListener( new AdjustmentListener() { public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { table.setCellContentVisible(!e.getValueIsAdjusting()); } }); scroller.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { int rowCount = scroller.getViewport().getHeight() / table.getRowHeight(); PageNavigationSupport pageNavigationSupport = (PageNavigationSupport) TableModelWrapperUtils.getActualTableModel( table.getModel(), PageNavigationSupport.class); if (pageNavigationSupport != null) { pageNavigationSupport.setPageSize(rowCount); } } }); JPanel demoPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(4, 4)); demoPanel.add(scroller); customizeDemoPanel(table, tableModel, demoPanel); return demoPanel; }
// gui constructor public Gui() throws IOException { // sets frame text and features super("Doge Clicker 1.0"); this.setIconImage(new ImageIcon("Images//doge.jpg").getImage()); // initializes sound files Sounds.initialize(); // gui dimensions and features setSize(1000, 700); setResizable(false); setLayout(null); Container c = getContentPane(); c.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255)); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // timer for doge per second run method runs every millisecond timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), 1000, 10); // bolded title title = new JLabel("Doge Clicker v1.0"); title.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), 40); title.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 26)); title.setForeground(Color.white); title.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); add(title); // reads news.txt to have import text to array String filePath = "Data\\news.txt"; BufferedReader fileIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath)); for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { // reads lines and saves until done reading if ((line[i] = fileIn.readLine()) != null) {} } fileIn.close(); // close file // read flavor text.txt to import text to array filePath = "Data\\flavourtext.txt"; fileIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath)); for (int i = 0; i < flavourText.length; i++) { // reads lines until complety reading if ((flavourText[i] = fileIn.readLine()) != null) {} } fileIn.close(); // flavour label that pops up randomly when doge is clicked flavourClick = new JLabel("Wow! Such click!"); flavourClick.setBounds(400, 100, getWidth(), getHeight()); flavourClick.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 25)); flavourClick.setForeground(Color.white); flavourClick.setOpaque(false); add(flavourClick); // label for achievements achievementText = new JLabel("These are your achievements"); achievementText.setBounds(75, 2, getWidth(), 15); achievementText.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 13)); achievementText.setForeground(Color.white); add(achievementText); // label for doge buying and click upgrades dogeProducers = new JLabel("Buy to make more doge"); dogeProducers.setBounds(50, 160, getWidth(), 40); dogeProducers.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 13)); dogeProducers.setForeground(Color.white); add(dogeProducers); dogeClickers = new JLabel("Miscellaneous upgrades wow"); dogeClickers.setBounds(700, 160, getWidth(), 40); dogeClickers.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 13)); dogeClickers.setForeground(Color.white); add(dogeClickers); // doge click button dogeClick = new JButton(new ImageIcon("Images/doge.jpg")); dogeClick.addActionListener(this); dogeClick.setBounds(450, 100, 100, 100); dogeClick.setOpaque(false); dogeClick.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; dogeClick.setToolTipText("Each click gives you " + clickUpgrade + " doge. wow"); add(dogeClick); // click multiplier clickMultiplier = new JLabel(multiplier + "x"); clickMultiplier.setBounds(570, 120, getWidth(), 50); clickMultiplier.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 30)); clickMultiplier.setForeground(Color.white); add(clickMultiplier); // clicks per second indicator cpsIndicator = new JLabel(cps + " clicks per second"); cpsIndicator.setBounds(570, 150, getWidth(), 50); cpsIndicator.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 10)); cpsIndicator.setForeground(Color.white); add(cpsIndicator); // event indicator eventIndicator = new JLabel("Welcome to doge clicker!"); eventIndicator.setBounds(700, 530, getWidth(), 50); eventIndicator.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 15)); eventIndicator.setForeground(Color.white); add(eventIndicator); // states the num of doge and doge per second dogeCount = new JLabel("Doge: " + doge); dogeCount.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), 120); dogeCount.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20)); dogeCount.setForeground(Color.white); dogeCount.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); add(dogeCount); dogePerSecond = new JLabel("You get " + dps + " doge per second"); dogePerSecond.setBounds(0, 25, getWidth(), 120); dogePerSecond.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 11)); dogePerSecond.setForeground(Color.white); dogePerSecond.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); add(dogePerSecond); dogeClicktext = new JLabel("Click for more doge"); dogeClicktext.setBounds(400, 185, 200, 50); dogeClicktext.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 13)); dogeClicktext.setForeground(Color.white); dogeClicktext.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); add(dogeClicktext); // doge button testing button devButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon()); devButton.addActionListener(this); devButton.setBounds(0, 0, 50, 50); devButton.setToolTipText("Such Secret"); devButton.setOpaque(false); devButton.setContentAreaFilled(false); devButton.setBorderPainted(false); add(devButton); // options and save buttons options = new JButton(new ImageIcon("Images/option.png")); options.addActionListener(this); options.setBounds(900, 10, 70, 70); options.setOpaque(false); options.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; options.setToolTipText("Go to options"); add(options); save = new JButton(new ImageIcon("Images/save.png")); save.addActionListener(this); save.setBounds(820, 10, 70, 70); save.setOpaque(false); save.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; save.setToolTipText("Save a file"); add(save); open = new JButton(new ImageIcon("Images/open.png")); open.addActionListener(this); open.setBounds(740, 10, 70, 70); open.setOpaque(false); open.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; open.setToolTipText("Open a file"); add(open); // news headline label that will move for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { newsHeadline[i] = new JLabel("Welcome to Doge clicker this is a news headline!"); newsHeadline[i].setBounds(-200 - (475 * i), 615, getWidth(), 40); newsHeadline[i].setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 13)); newsHeadline[i].setForeground(Color.white); add(newsHeadline[i]); } // create all buttons and button stats and labels for producers for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPGRADES; i++) { producerStats[i] = new Producers(i); producers[i] = new JButton(new ImageIcon(producerStats[i].getImage())); producers[i].addActionListener(this); producers[i].setOpaque(false); producers[i].setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; producers[i].setToolTipText( "Your " + producerStats[i].getButtonName() + " gives " + producerStats[i].getDogeProduction() * producerStats[i].getCount() + " doge per second"); producers[i].setBounds(0, 0, 70, 70); buyProducers[i] = new JLabel( "Buy " + producerStats[i].getButtonName() + " for " + producerStats[i].getCost() + " doge"); buyProducers[i].setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), 100); buyProducers[i].setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.PLAIN, 12)); buyProducers[i].setForeground(Color.white); buyDetails[i] = new JLabel( "You have: " + producerStats[i].getCount() + " " + producerStats[i].getButtonName()); buyDetails[i].setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), 100); buyDetails[i].setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.PLAIN, 12)); buyDetails[i].setForeground(Color.white); } // buttons and labels for click upgrades clickers for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLICK; i++) { clickerStats[i] = new Clickers(i); clickers[i] = new JButton(new ImageIcon(clickerStats[i].getImage())); clickers[i].addActionListener(this); if (clickerStats[i].getClickMultiplier() == 1) { clickers[i].setToolTipText( "Buy this " + clickerStats[i].getButtonName() + " to get +" + clickerStats[i].getClickBonus() + " doge per click"); } else { clickers[i].setToolTipText( "Buy this " + clickerStats[i].getButtonName() + " to get x" + clickerStats[i].getClickMultiplier() + " doge per click"); } clickers[i].setOpaque(false); clickers[i].setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; clickers[i].setBounds(0, 0, 70, 70); buyClickers[i] = new JLabel( "Buy " + clickerStats[i].getButtonName() + " for " + clickerStats[i].getCost() + " doge"); buyClickers[i].setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), 100); buyClickers[i].setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.PLAIN, 12)); buyClickers[i].setForeground(Color.white); } // labels for achievements for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++) { achievementStats[i] = new Achievements(i); achievements[i] = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(achievementStats[i].getImage())); achievements[i].setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; achievements[i].setToolTipText("Achievement: " + achievementStats[i].getButtonName()); achievements[i].setBounds(0, 0, 70, 70); } // JPanel containing achievements JPanel achievementPanel = new JPanel(); achievementPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 70)); achievementPanel.setLayout(null); achievementPanel.setOpaque(false); // JScrollpane containing JPanel for achievements JScrollPane achievementDisplay = new JScrollPane(); achievementDisplay.setViewportBorder(new LineBorder(; achievementDisplay.setSize(280, 90); achievementDisplay.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); achievementDisplay.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); achievementDisplay.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); achievementDisplay.setLocation(50, 20); achievementDisplay.setOpaque(false); add(achievementDisplay); // adds the panel achievementDisplay.getViewport().add(achievementPanel); achievementDisplay.getViewport().setOpaque(false); // adds all achievements for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++) { achievementPanel.add(achievements[i]); achievements[i].setLocation(0 + i * 70, 0); achievements[i].setVisible(false); } // jpanel containing upgrades for producers JPanel upgradePanel = new JPanel(); upgradePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 770)); upgradePanel.setLayout(null); upgradePanel.setOpaque(false); // Jscrollpane containing jpanel for producers JScrollPane producerUpgrades = new JScrollPane(); producerUpgrades.setViewportBorder(new LineBorder(; producerUpgrades.setSize(350, 300); producerUpgrades.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); producerUpgrades.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); producerUpgrades.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); producerUpgrades.setLocation(0, 200); producerUpgrades.setOpaque(false); add(producerUpgrades); producerUpgrades.getViewport().setOpaque(false); producerUpgrades.getViewport().add(upgradePanel); // adds all upgrades for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPGRADES; i++) { upgradePanel.add(producers[i]); producers[i].setLocation(0, (i) * 70); upgradePanel.add(buyProducers[i]); buyProducers[i].setLocation(90, (i * 70) - 35); upgradePanel.add(buyDetails[i]); buyDetails[i].setLocation(90, (i * 70) - 20); } // jpanel containing upgrades for clickers JPanel clickPanel = new JPanel(); clickPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 350)); clickPanel.setLayout(null); clickPanel.setOpaque(false); // Jscrollpane containing jpanel for clickers JScrollPane clickUpgrades = new JScrollPane(); clickUpgrades.setViewportBorder(new LineBorder(; clickUpgrades.setSize(350, 300); clickUpgrades.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); clickUpgrades.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); clickUpgrades.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(10); clickUpgrades.setLocation(650, 200); clickUpgrades.setOpaque(false); add(clickUpgrades); clickUpgrades.getViewport().add(clickPanel); clickUpgrades.getViewport().setOpaque(false); // adds all click upgrades for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLICK; i++) { clickPanel.add(clickers[i]); clickers[i].setLocation(0, (i) * 70); clickPanel.add(buyClickers[i]); buyClickers[i].setLocation(80, (i * 70) - 30); } // dancing snoop dog image JLabel snoop = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("Images//snoop.gif")); snoop.setBounds(450, 370, 150, 308); snoop.setOpaque(false); add(snoop); // background image JLabel background = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("Images//dogebackground.png")); background.setBounds(0, 0, 1000, 700); add(background); // makes everything above visible setVisible(true); // flavour click will remain invisible flavourClick.setVisible(false); // timer for news headline, runs every 20 milliseconds MyTimerTask task = new MyTimerTask(); Timer newsTimer = new Timer(); newsTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, 20); }
private void displayEntry( DXEntry entry, DataBrokerQueryInterface ds, boolean storeOriginalEntry) { myEditor.stopCellEditing(); // checkedDN = null; // hack - resets promptForSave. // Store original Entry for reset if (entry != null && storeOriginalEntry && entry.getStatus() == DXEntry.NORMAL) originalEntry = new DXEntry(entry); // Set the globals... currentEntry = entry; dataSource = ds; if (entry != null && entry.size() == 0) { // If there is an entry and its size is zero - it's probably a virtual entry. // We need to give the user the option of adding an object class to it i.e. so that // it can be added to the directory as a real entry. // // Disable all the buttons except the 'Change Class' button - but rename this button // to 'Add Class' so the user hopefully has a bit more of an idea about what is going on. // Sets editor to a blank screen... tableData.clear(); // Disable all buttons except the 'Change Class' button - rename this one... submit.setEnabled(false); reset.setEnabled(false); changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Add Class")); changeClass.setEnabled(true); opAttrs.setEnabled(false); virtualEntry = true; return; } virtualEntry = false; // Isn't a virtual entry... if (entry != null) currentDN = entry.getDN(); // May have been changed to 'Add Class'... changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Change Class")); // Some quick faffing around, to see if we're coming back from a // change classes operation. if (classChangedOriginalEntry != null) { // If they have the same name, then we're reviewing the same entry - otherwise we've moved on if (entry == null || entry.getDN().equals(classChangedOriginalEntry.getDN()) == false) classChangedOriginalEntry = null; } /* * Check that we're not displaying a new entry, and leaving unsaved changes * behind. * * This turns out to be quite tricky, and involves a bunch 'o special cases. * * First check whether the table data has changed (if not, do nothing) * -> if the new entry is null, prompt user to save * -> OR if the DN has changed, and it wasn't due to a rename, prompt user to save * */ if (tableData.changedByUser()) // user made changes - were they saved? (i.e., are we { // displaying the result of those changes?) boolean prompt = false; DXEntry oldEntry = tableData.getOldEntry(); if (oldEntry != null) { /* * The code below is simply checking to see if the name of the * new entry is different from the old entry, and if it is, * whether that's due to the old entry being renamed. */ if (entry == null) { prompt = true; } // TE: added the isEmpty check see bug: 3194. else if (!oldEntry.getDN().isEmpty() && entry.getDN().equals(oldEntry.getDN()) == false) { DN oldParent = oldEntry.getDN().getParent(); DN newParent = entry.getDN().getParent(); if (oldParent.equals(newParent) == false) { prompt = true; } else { if (entry.getDN().getLowestRDN().equals(tableData.getRDN()) == false) { prompt = true; } } } if (prompt) // yes, there is a risk of data loss - prompt the user. { checkForUnsavedChanges(); // see if the user wants to save their data } } } myEditor.setDataSource( ds); // Sets the DataBrokerQueryInterface in AttributeValueCellEditor used to get the syntax // of attributes. // only enable buttons if DataBrokerQueryInterface // is valid *and* we can modify data... if (dataSource == null || entry == null || dataSource.isModifiable() == false) { setReadWrite(false, entry); } else { setReadWrite(true, entry); } // myEditor.stopCellEditing(); if (entry != null) { entry.expandAllAttributes(); currentDN = entry.getDN(); tableData.insertAttributes(entry); popupTableTool.setDN(currentDN); // Sets the DN in SmartPopupTableTool. myEditor.setDN( currentDN); // Sets the DN in the attributeValueCellEditor which can be used to identify // the entry that is being modified/ } else { tableData.clear(); // Sets editor to a blank screen. } tableScroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); // Sets the scroll bar back to the top. }
public void installComponents(JFileChooser fc) { fc.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10)); fc.setAlignmentX(JComponent.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); JPanel interior = new JPanel() { public Insets getInsets() { return insets; } }; align(interior); interior.setLayout(new BoxLayout(interior, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); fc.add(interior, BorderLayout.CENTER); // PENDING(jeff) - I18N JLabel l = new JLabel(pathLabelText); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(pathLabelMnemonic); align(l); interior.add(l); File currentDirectory = fc.getCurrentDirectory(); String curDirName = null; if (currentDirectory != null) { curDirName = currentDirectory.getPath(); } pathField = new JTextField(curDirName) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { Dimension d = super.getMaximumSize(); d.height = getPreferredSize().height; return d; } }; l.setLabelFor(pathField); align(pathField); // Change to folder on return pathField.addActionListener(getUpdateAction()); interior.add(pathField); interior.add(Box.createRigidArea(vstrut10)); // CENTER: left, right accessory JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel(); centerPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(centerPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); align(centerPanel); // left panel - Filter & folderList JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel(); leftPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(leftPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); align(leftPanel); // add the filter PENDING(jeff) - I18N l = new JLabel(filterLabelText); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(filterLabelMnemonic); align(l); leftPanel.add(l); filterComboBox = new JComboBox() { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { Dimension d = super.getMaximumSize(); d.height = getPreferredSize().height; return d; } }; l.setLabelFor(filterComboBox); filterComboBoxModel = createFilterComboBoxModel(); filterComboBox.setModel(filterComboBoxModel); filterComboBox.setRenderer(createFilterComboBoxRenderer()); fc.addPropertyChangeListener(filterComboBoxModel); align(filterComboBox); leftPanel.add(filterComboBox); // leftPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(vstrut10)); // Add the Folder List PENDING(jeff) - I18N l = new JLabel(foldersLabelText); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(foldersLabelMnemonic); align(l); leftPanel.add(l); JScrollPane sp = createDirectoryList(); sp.getVerticalScrollBar().setFocusable(false); sp.getHorizontalScrollBar().setFocusable(false); l.setLabelFor(sp.getViewport().getView()); leftPanel.add(sp); // create files list JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(); align(rightPanel); rightPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(rightPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); l = new JLabel(filesLabelText); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(filesLabelMnemonic); align(l); rightPanel.add(l); sp = createFilesList(); l.setLabelFor(sp); rightPanel.add(sp); centerPanel.add(leftPanel); centerPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(hstrut10)); centerPanel.add(rightPanel); JComponent accessoryPanel = getAccessoryPanel(); JComponent accessory = fc.getAccessory(); if (accessoryPanel != null) { if (accessory == null) { accessoryPanel.setPreferredSize(ZERO_ACC_SIZE); accessoryPanel.setMaximumSize(ZERO_ACC_SIZE); } else { getAccessoryPanel().add(accessory, BorderLayout.CENTER); accessoryPanel.setPreferredSize(PREF_ACC_SIZE); accessoryPanel.setMaximumSize(MAX_SIZE); } align(accessoryPanel); centerPanel.add(accessoryPanel); } interior.add(centerPanel); interior.add(Box.createRigidArea(vstrut10)); // add the filename field PENDING(jeff) - I18N l = new JLabel(enterFileNameLabelText); l.setDisplayedMnemonic(enterFileNameLabelMnemonic); align(l); interior.add(l); filenameTextField = new JTextField() { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { Dimension d = super.getMaximumSize(); d.height = getPreferredSize().height; return d; } }; l.setLabelFor(filenameTextField); filenameTextField.addActionListener(getApproveSelectionAction()); align(filenameTextField); filenameTextField.setAlignmentX(JComponent.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); interior.add(filenameTextField); bottomPanel = getBottomPanel(); bottomPanel.add(new JSeparator(), BorderLayout.NORTH); // Add buttons JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); align(buttonPanel); buttonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); buttonPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); approveButton = new JButton(getApproveButtonText(fc)) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(MAX_SIZE.width, this.getPreferredSize().height); } }; approveButton.setMnemonic(getApproveButtonMnemonic(fc)); approveButton.setToolTipText(getApproveButtonToolTipText(fc)); align(approveButton); approveButton.setMargin(buttonMargin); approveButton.addActionListener(getApproveSelectionAction()); buttonPanel.add(approveButton); buttonPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); JButton updateButton = new JButton(updateButtonText) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(MAX_SIZE.width, this.getPreferredSize().height); } }; updateButton.setMnemonic(updateButtonMnemonic); updateButton.setToolTipText(updateButtonToolTipText); align(updateButton); updateButton.setMargin(buttonMargin); updateButton.addActionListener(getUpdateAction()); buttonPanel.add(updateButton); buttonPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); JButton cancelButton = new JButton(cancelButtonText) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(MAX_SIZE.width, this.getPreferredSize().height); } }; cancelButton.setMnemonic(cancelButtonMnemonic); cancelButton.setToolTipText(cancelButtonToolTipText); align(cancelButton); cancelButton.setMargin(buttonMargin); cancelButton.addActionListener(getCancelSelectionAction()); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); buttonPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); JButton helpButton = new JButton(helpButtonText) { public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return new Dimension(MAX_SIZE.width, this.getPreferredSize().height); } }; helpButton.setMnemonic(helpButtonMnemonic); helpButton.setToolTipText(helpButtonToolTipText); align(helpButton); helpButton.setMargin(buttonMargin); helpButton.setEnabled(false); buttonPanel.add(helpButton); buttonPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); bottomPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); if (fc.getControlButtonsAreShown()) { fc.add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } }
/** * Create a new FeatureListFrame component. The constructor does not call setVisible (true). * * @param title The title to use for the new JFrame. * @param feature_list The FeatureList to show. * @param selection The Selection that the commands in the menus will operate on. * @param entry_group The EntryGroup object where new features/entries will be added. * @param goto_event_source The object that the menu item will call makeBaseVisible() on. */ public FeatureListFrame( final String title, final Selection selection, final GotoEventSource goto_event_source, final EntryGroup entry_group, final BasePlotGroup base_plot_group) { super(title); this.entry_group = entry_group; feature_list = new FeatureList(entry_group, selection, goto_event_source, base_plot_group); final Font default_font = Options.getOptions().getFont(); setFont(default_font); final JMenuBar menu_bar = new JMenuBar(); menu_bar.setFont(default_font); setJMenuBar(menu_bar); final JMenu file_menu = new JMenu("File"); final JMenuItem close = new JMenuItem("Close"); close.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { setVisible(false); FeatureListFrame.this.dispose(); feature_list.stopListening(); } }); file_menu.add(close); menu_bar.add(file_menu); final JMenu select_menu = new SelectMenu(this, selection, goto_event_source, entry_group, base_plot_group); menu_bar.add(select_menu); final JMenu view_menu = new ViewMenu(this, selection, goto_event_source, entry_group, base_plot_group); menu_bar.add(view_menu); final JMenu goto_menu = new GotoMenu(this, selection, goto_event_source, entry_group); menu_bar.add(goto_menu); if (Options.readWritePossible()) { final JMenu edit_menu = new EditMenu(this, selection, goto_event_source, entry_group, base_plot_group, null); menu_bar.add(edit_menu); final JMenu write_menu = new WriteMenu(this, selection, entry_group); menu_bar.add(write_menu); final JMenu run_menu = new RunMenu(this, selection); menu_bar.add(run_menu); } final JScrollPane jsp_feature_list = new JScrollPane(feature_list); getContentPane().add(jsp_feature_list, "Center"); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); final JButton close_button = new JButton("Close"); panel.add(close_button); close_button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setVisible(false); FeatureListFrame.this.dispose(); feature_list.stopListening(); } }); getContentPane().add(panel, "South"); pack(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { setVisible(false); entry_group.removeEntryGroupChangeListener(FeatureListFrame.this); FeatureListFrame.this.dispose(); feature_list.stopListening(); } }); entry_group.addEntryGroupChangeListener(this); final Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int screen_height = screen.height; int screen_width = screen.width; if (screen_width <= 700 || screen_height <= 400) setSize(screen_width * 9 / 10, screen_height * 9 / 10); else setSize(700, 400); final int hgt = entry_group.getAllFeaturesCount() * feature_list.getLineHeight(); feature_list.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getSize().width * 4, hgt)); jsp_feature_list.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(feature_list.getLineHeight()); setLocation( new Point((screen.width - getSize().width) / 2, (screen.height - getSize().height) / 2)); }
public Reflexology2() { frame.setSize(615, 455); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setTitle("Reflexology 2.0"); frame.setResizable(false); frame2.setSize(600, 475); frame2.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame2.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame2.setTitle("Reflexology 2.0"); frame2.setResizable(false); frame3.setSize(600, 475); frame3.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame3.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame3.setTitle("Reflexology Survey"); frame3.setResizable(false); button1 = new JButton("Accept"); button2 = new JButton("Decline"); // movingButton = new JButton("Click Me"); ListenForAcceptButton lForAButton = new ListenForAcceptButton(); ListenForDeclineButton lForDButton = new ListenForDeclineButton(); button1.addActionListener(lForAButton); button2.addActionListener(lForDButton); // movingButton.addActionListener(lForMButton); textArea1.setText("Tracking Events\n"); textArea1.setLineWrap(true); textArea1.setWrapStyleWord(true); textArea1.setSize(15, 50); textArea1.setEditable(false); FileReader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader("EULA.txt");, "EULA.txt"); } catch (IOException exception) { System.err.println("Problem loading file"); exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { System.err.println("Error closing reader"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } } AdjustmentListener sListener = new MyAdjustmentListener(); scrollBar1.getVerticalScrollBar().addAdjustmentListener(sListener); thePanel.add(scrollBar1); button1.setEnabled(false); thePanel.add(button1); thePanel.add(button2); frame.add(thePanel); ListenForMouse lForMouse = new ListenForMouse(); thePlacebo.addMouseListener(lForMouse); label1.setFont(font); thePlacebo.add(label1); frame2.add(thePlacebo); ListenForWindow lForWindow = new ListenForWindow(); frame.addWindowListener(lForWindow); frame2.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyChar() == 'X' || e.getKeyChar() == 'x') { moveBallTimer.start(); } } }); frame.setVisible(true); moveBallTimer = new Timer( 900, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { moveBall(); // System.out.println("Timer started!"); repaint(); } }); addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (frame2.isVisible()) { moveBallTimer.start(); } } }); setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11)); panelSurv1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11)); frame3.getContentPane().setLayout(new CardLayout(0, 0)); frame3.getContentPane().add(panelSurv1, ""); panelSurv1.setLayout(null); /* frame3.setVisible(true); frame3.setSize(600, 475); frame3.setResizable(false); frame3.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame3.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); */ JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("How old are you?"); lblNewLabel.setBounds(22, 26, 112, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblNewLabel); JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Select your gender:"); lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(366, 37, 115, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblNewLabel_1); JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Current class level:"); lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(22, 56, 112, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblNewLabel_2); String[] classLevel = { "", "Freshman", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior", "Senior+", "Graduate Student", "Other" }; cmbClass = new JComboBox(classLevel); cmbClass.setName(""); cmbClass.setBounds(144, 53, 195, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbClass); JLabel lblWhatIsYour = new JLabel("What is your major or field?"); lblWhatIsYour.setBounds(22, 102, 161, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblWhatIsYour); txtMajor = new JTextField(); txtMajor.setName(""); txtMajor.setColumns(10); txtMajor.setBounds(193, 99, 347, 20); panelSurv1.add(txtMajor); JLabel lblDidYouRead = new JLabel("Did you read the license agreement before installing Reflexology?"); lblDidYouRead.setBounds(22, 143, 392, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblDidYouRead); JLabel lblIfTheLicensing = new JLabel( "If the licensing agreement raised any privacy concerns, please type them below:"); lblIfTheLicensing.setBounds(22, 178, 503, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblIfTheLicensing); JLabel lblToHowMany = new JLabel("Up to how many friends may you gift Reflexology?"); lblToHowMany.setBounds(22, 247, 303, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblToHowMany); String[] numGifts = {"", "Don't know", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}; cmbNumGifts = new JComboBox(numGifts); cmbNumGifts.setBounds(320, 244, 205, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbNumGifts); JLabel lblReflexologyProvidesThe = new JLabel("Reflexology provides the following warranty:"); lblReflexologyProvidesThe.setBounds(22, 280, 254, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblReflexologyProvidesThe); String[] theWarranty = { "", "Don't know", "Won't harm my computer", "Doesn't have viruses", "Money back guarantee", "None" }; cmbWarranty = new JComboBox(theWarranty); cmbWarranty.setBounds(296, 277, 157, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbWarranty); JLabel lblWhoOwnsIntellectual = new JLabel("Who owns intellectual property created with Reflexology?"); lblWhoOwnsIntellectual.setBounds(22, 316, 372, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblWhoOwnsIntellectual); String[] IPOwner = { "", "Don't know", "Me", "The researchers", "Penn State", "Reflexology programmers" }; cmbIPOwner = new JComboBox(IPOwner); cmbIPOwner.setBounds(408, 313, 157, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbIPOwner); btnPage2.setBounds(340, 400, 89, 23); panelSurv1.add(btnPage2); JLabel lblNewLabel_3 = new JLabel("*WARNING* You cannot return to these answers."); lblNewLabel_3.setForeground(Color.RED); lblNewLabel_3.setBounds(35, 404, 277, 14); panelSurv1.add(lblNewLabel_3); String[] gender = {"", "M", "F"}; cmbGender = new JComboBox(gender); cmbGender.setBounds(491, 34, 70, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbGender); String[] didRead = {"", "Yes", "No"}; cmbDidRead = new JComboBox(didRead); cmbDidRead.setBounds(424, 140, 98, 20); panelSurv1.add(cmbDidRead); spnAge = new JSpinner(); spnAge.setModel(new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 111, 1)); spnAge.setBounds(148, 23, 47, 20); panelSurv1.add(spnAge); txtPrivacyConcerns = new JTextField(); txtPrivacyConcerns.setName(""); txtPrivacyConcerns.setColumns(10); txtPrivacyConcerns.setBounds(22, 204, 547, 23); panelSurv1.add(txtPrivacyConcerns); frame3.getContentPane().add(panelSurv2, ""); panelSurv2.setLayout(null); JLabel lblNewLabel_4 = new JLabel("Estimate your overall comprehension of the License Agreement:"); lblNewLabel_4.setBounds(20, 18, 386, 14); panelSurv2.add(lblNewLabel_4); sldComp = new JSlider(); sldComp.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldComp.setPaintTicks(true); sldComp.setPaintLabels(true); sldComp.setSnapToTicks(true); sldComp.setValue(-1); sldComp.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldComp.setMinimum(1); sldComp.setMaximum(5); sldComp.setBounds(154, 43, 274, 45); panelSurv2.add(sldComp); JLabel lblNewLabel_5 = new JLabel("No comprehension"); lblNewLabel_5.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); lblNewLabel_5.setBounds(20, 43, 124, 25); panelSurv2.add(lblNewLabel_5); JLabel lblNewLabel_6 = new JLabel("Perfect Comprehension"); lblNewLabel_6.setBounds(438, 43, 138, 25); panelSurv2.add(lblNewLabel_6); JLabel lblIEnjoyUsing = new JLabel("I enjoy using technological applications (apps):"); lblIEnjoyUsing.setBounds(20, 99, 386, 14); panelSurv2.add(lblIEnjoyUsing); JLabel lblStronglyDisagree = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); lblStronglyDisagree.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); lblStronglyDisagree.setBounds(20, 124, 124, 25); panelSurv2.add(lblStronglyDisagree); sldEnjoyTech = new JSlider(); sldEnjoyTech.setValue(-1); sldEnjoyTech.setSnapToTicks(true); sldEnjoyTech.setPaintTicks(true); sldEnjoyTech.setPaintLabels(true); sldEnjoyTech.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldEnjoyTech.setMinimum(1); sldEnjoyTech.setMaximum(5); sldEnjoyTech.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldEnjoyTech.setBounds(154, 124, 274, 45); panelSurv2.add(sldEnjoyTech); JLabel lblStronglyAgree = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); lblStronglyAgree.setBounds(438, 124, 138, 25); panelSurv2.add(lblStronglyAgree); JLabel lblIAmGood = new JLabel("I am good at using technological applications (apps):"); lblIAmGood.setBounds(20, 180, 386, 14); panelSurv2.add(lblIAmGood); sldUseTech = new JSlider(); sldUseTech.setValue(-1); sldUseTech.setSnapToTicks(true); sldUseTech.setPaintTicks(true); sldUseTech.setPaintLabels(true); sldUseTech.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldUseTech.setMinimum(1); sldUseTech.setMaximum(5); sldUseTech.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldUseTech.setBounds(154, 205, 274, 45); panelSurv2.add(sldUseTech); JLabel lblHowOftenDo = new JLabel("My friends ask me for computer and technology advice:"); lblHowOftenDo.setBounds(20, 261, 386, 14); panelSurv2.add(lblHowOftenDo); sldFriendsTech = new JSlider(); sldFriendsTech.setValue(-1); sldFriendsTech.setSnapToTicks(true); sldFriendsTech.setPaintTicks(true); sldFriendsTech.setPaintLabels(true); sldFriendsTech.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldFriendsTech.setMinimum(1); sldFriendsTech.setMaximum(5); sldFriendsTech.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldFriendsTech.setBounds(154, 286, 274, 45); panelSurv2.add(sldFriendsTech); JLabel label_1 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_1.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_1.setBounds(20, 205, 124, 25); panelSurv2.add(label_1); JLabel label_2 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_2.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_2.setBounds(20, 286, 124, 25); panelSurv2.add(label_2); JLabel label_3 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_3.setBounds(438, 205, 138, 25); panelSurv2.add(label_3); JLabel label_4 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_4.setBounds(438, 286, 138, 25); panelSurv2.add(label_4); JLabel label_5 = new JLabel("*WARNING* You cannot return to these answers."); label_5.setForeground(Color.RED); label_5.setBounds(80, 382, 277, 14); panelSurv2.add(label_5); btnPage3.setBounds(385, 378, 89, 23); panelSurv2.add(btnPage3); frame3.getContentPane().add(panelSurv3, ""); panelSurv3.setLayout(null); JLabel lblNewLabel_7 = new JLabel("Is there anything you enjoyed about the license agreement?"); lblNewLabel_7.setBounds(10, 11, 349, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblNewLabel_7); txtEnjoyedLic = new JTextField(); txtEnjoyedLic.setBounds(364, 8, 220, 20); panelSurv3.add(txtEnjoyedLic); txtEnjoyedLic.setColumns(10); JLabel lblNewLabel_8 = new JLabel("When you install reflexology, who are you entering an agreement with?"); lblNewLabel_8.setBounds(10, 36, 412, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblNewLabel_8); String[] whoAgree = { "", "Don't know", "State of PA", "Penn State", "PA Court of Common Pleas", "PA District Court", "Reflexology Development Team" }; cmbWhoAgree = new JComboBox(whoAgree); cmbWhoAgree.setBounds(432, 33, 152, 20); panelSurv3.add(cmbWhoAgree); JLabel lblTheLicenseAgreement = new JLabel("The license agreement applies to the following types of media:"); lblTheLicenseAgreement.setBounds(10, 61, 368, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblTheLicenseAgreement); String[] mediaTypes = { "", "Don't know", "Software", "Digital Media Content", "Print Material", "Documentation", "All of the above" }; cmbMediaTypes = new JComboBox(mediaTypes); cmbMediaTypes.setBounds(388, 61, 196, 20); panelSurv3.add(cmbMediaTypes); JLabel lblNewLabel_9 = new JLabel("Is it possible to purchase the Reflexology software? (explain below)"); lblNewLabel_9.setBounds(10, 86, 566, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblNewLabel_9); txtPurchasing = new JTextField(); txtPurchasing.setBounds(10, 111, 574, 20); panelSurv3.add(txtPurchasing); txtPurchasing.setColumns(10); JLabel lblTheLicenseAgreement_1 = new JLabel("The license agreement was visually appealing"); lblTheLicenseAgreement_1.setBounds(20, 145, 386, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblTheLicenseAgreement_1); JLabel label_7 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_7.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_7.setBounds(20, 170, 124, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_7); sldAesthetics = new JSlider(); sldAesthetics.setValue(-1); sldAesthetics.setSnapToTicks(true); sldAesthetics.setPaintTicks(true); sldAesthetics.setPaintLabels(true); sldAesthetics.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldAesthetics.setMinimum(1); sldAesthetics.setMaximum(5); sldAesthetics.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldAesthetics.setBounds(154, 170, 274, 45); panelSurv3.add(sldAesthetics); JLabel label_8 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_8.setBounds(438, 170, 138, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_8); JLabel lblTheTextOf = new JLabel("This license agreement was easy to understand"); lblTheTextOf.setBounds(20, 226, 463, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblTheTextOf); JLabel label_10 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_10.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_10.setBounds(20, 251, 124, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_10); sldUnderstandLic = new JSlider(); sldUnderstandLic.setValue(-1); sldUnderstandLic.setSnapToTicks(true); sldUnderstandLic.setPaintTicks(true); sldUnderstandLic.setPaintLabels(true); sldUnderstandLic.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldUnderstandLic.setMinimum(1); sldUnderstandLic.setMaximum(5); sldUnderstandLic.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldUnderstandLic.setBounds(154, 251, 274, 45); panelSurv3.add(sldUnderstandLic); JLabel label_11 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_11.setBounds(438, 251, 138, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_11); JLabel label_6 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_6.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_6.setBounds(20, 332, 124, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_6); sldAnnoyed = new JSlider(); sldAnnoyed.setValue(-1); sldAnnoyed.setSnapToTicks(true); sldAnnoyed.setPaintTicks(true); sldAnnoyed.setPaintLabels(true); sldAnnoyed.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldAnnoyed.setMinimum(1); sldAnnoyed.setMaximum(5); sldAnnoyed.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldAnnoyed.setBounds(154, 332, 274, 45); panelSurv3.add(sldAnnoyed); JLabel label_9 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_9.setBounds(438, 332, 138, 25); panelSurv3.add(label_9); JLabel lblframe3LicenseAgreement = new JLabel("Something about this license agreement annoyed me"); lblframe3LicenseAgreement.setBounds(10, 304, 463, 14); panelSurv3.add(lblframe3LicenseAgreement); JLabel label_12 = new JLabel("*WARNING* You cannot return to these answers."); label_12.setForeground(Color.RED); label_12.setBounds(89, 404, 277, 14); panelSurv3.add(label_12); btnPage4.setBounds(394, 400, 89, 23); panelSurv3.add(btnPage4); frame3.getContentPane().add(panelSurv4, ""); panelSurv4.setLayout(null); JLabel lblNewLabel_10 = new JLabel("According to the license agreement, what does Penn State have "); lblNewLabel_10.setBounds(10, 11, 537, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblNewLabel_10); JLabel lblTheRightTo = new JLabel("the right to download from your computer?"); lblTheRightTo.setBounds(10, 26, 504, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblTheRightTo); txtPSUDownload = new JTextField(); txtPSUDownload.setBounds(10, 48, 553, 20); panelSurv4.add(txtPSUDownload); txtPSUDownload.setColumns(10); JLabel lblHowManyCopies = new JLabel("How many copies of Reflexology can you make for archival purposes?"); lblHowManyCopies.setBounds(10, 79, 438, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblHowManyCopies); String[] archCopies = {"", "Don't know", "0", "1", "3", "5", "Unlimited"}; cmbArchCopies = new JComboBox(archCopies); cmbArchCopies.setBounds(458, 79, 105, 20); panelSurv4.add(cmbArchCopies); JLabel lblYouCanLend = new JLabel("What can you do if you want to sue about Reflexology?"); lblYouCanLend.setBounds(10, 116, 323, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblYouCanLend); JLabel lblUnderWhatCircumstances = new JLabel("Under what circumstances can Penn State terminate your use of the software? "); lblUnderWhatCircumstances.setBounds(10, 184, 537, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblUnderWhatCircumstances); txtTerminate = new JTextField(); txtTerminate.setBounds(10, 209, 553, 20); panelSurv4.add(txtTerminate); txtTerminate.setColumns(10); sldTradKs = new JSlider(); sldTradKs.setValue(-1); sldTradKs.setSnapToTicks(true); sldTradKs.setPaintTicks(true); sldTradKs.setPaintLabels(true); sldTradKs.setMinorTickSpacing(1); sldTradKs.setMinimum(1); sldTradKs.setMaximum(5); sldTradKs.setMajorTickSpacing(1); sldTradKs.setBounds(154, 268, 274, 45); panelSurv4.add(sldTradKs); JLabel label_13 = new JLabel("Strongly disagree"); label_13.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); label_13.setBounds(20, 268, 124, 25); panelSurv4.add(label_13); JLabel label_14 = new JLabel("Strongly agree"); label_14.setBounds(438, 268, 138, 25); panelSurv4.add(label_14); JLabel lblPeopleAreMore = new JLabel( "People are more likely to read traditional contracts than software license agreemenets"); lblPeopleAreMore.setBounds(10, 240, 553, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblPeopleAreMore); JLabel lblwarningframe3Button = new JLabel("*WARNING* this button will instantly end the experiment ---->"); lblwarningframe3Button.setForeground(Color.RED); lblwarningframe3Button.setBounds(38, 400, 350, 14); panelSurv4.add(lblwarningframe3Button); btnDone.setBounds(398, 391, 89, 23); panelSurv4.add(btnDone); txtArbite = new JTextField(); txtArbite.setColumns(10); txtArbite.setBounds(10, 141, 553, 20); panelSurv4.add(txtArbite); ListenFor2Button lFor2Button = new ListenFor2Button(); ListenFor3Button lFor3Button = new ListenFor3Button(); ListenFor4Button lFor4Button = new ListenFor4Button(); ListenFor5Button lFor5Button = new ListenFor5Button(); btnPage2.addActionListener(lFor2Button); btnPage3.addActionListener(lFor3Button); btnPage4.addActionListener(lFor4Button); btnDone.addActionListener(lFor5Button); }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public JTableRenderer(final Object cell, final GraphComponent graphContainer) { this.cell = cell; this.graphContainer = graphContainer; this.graph = graphContainer.getGraph(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( ShadowBorder.getSharedInstance(), BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED))); JPanel title = new JPanel(); title.setBackground(new Color(149, 173, 239)); title.setOpaque(true); title.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 1)); title.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel icon = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(JTableRenderer.class.getResource(IMAGE_PATH + "preferences.gif"))); icon.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, 1)); title.add(icon, BorderLayout.WEST); JLabel label = new JLabel(String.valueOf(graph.getLabel(cell))); label.setForeground(Color.WHITE); label.setFont(title.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 11)); label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 2)); title.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel toolBar2 = new JPanel(); toolBar2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 1, 2)); toolBar2.setOpaque(false); JButton button = new JButton( new AbstractAction( "", new ImageIcon(JTableRenderer.class.getResource(IMAGE_PATH + "minimize.gif"))) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { graph.foldCells(graph.isCellCollapsed(cell), false, new Object[] {cell}); ((JButton) e.getSource()) .setIcon( new ImageIcon( JTableRenderer.class.getResource( IMAGE_PATH + ((graph.isCellCollapsed(cell)) ? "maximize.gif" : "minimize.gif")))); } }); button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(16, 16)); button.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); button.setToolTipText("Collapse/Expand"); button.setOpaque(false); toolBar2.add(button); title.add(toolBar2, BorderLayout.EAST); add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH); // CellStyle style = // graph.getStylesheet().getCellStyle(graph.getModel(), // cell); // if (style.getStyleClass() == null) { table = new MyTable(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); scrollPane.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); if (graph.getModel().getChildCount(cell) == 0) { scrollPane.getViewport().setBackground(Color.WHITE); setOpaque(true); add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } scrollPane .getVerticalScrollBar() .addAdjustmentListener( new AdjustmentListener() { public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { graphContainer.refresh(); } }); label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(JTableRenderer.class.getResource(IMAGE_PATH + "resize.gif"))); label.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(label, BorderLayout.EAST); add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); ResizeHandler resizeHandler = new ResizeHandler(); label.addMouseListener(resizeHandler); label.addMouseMotionListener(resizeHandler); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(20, 30)); }