 public Dimension getMinimumSize(int cols) {
   Font f = xtext.getFont();
   FontMetrics fm = xtext.getFontMetrics(f);
   return new Dimension(
       fm.charWidth('0') * cols + 10, fm.getMaxDescent() + fm.getMaxAscent() + PADDING);
文件: HexEdit.java 项目: khyuna/hyun
 public void setFont(Font font) {
   FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(font);
   lineHeight = fm.getHeight();
   charWidth = fm.charWidth('0');
  /** Calculate the width needed to display the maximum line number */
  private void setPreferredWidth() {
    Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
    int lines = root.getElementCount();
    int digits = Math.max(String.valueOf(lines).length(), minimumDisplayDigits);

    //  Update sizes when number of digits in the line number changes

    if (lastDigits != digits) {
      lastDigits = digits;
      FontMetrics fontMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont());
      int width = fontMetrics.charWidth('0') * digits;
      Insets insets = getInsets();
      int preferredWidth = insets.left + insets.right + width;

      Dimension d = getPreferredSize();
      d.setSize(preferredWidth, HEIGHT);
  private void setTabSize(int charactersPerTab) {
    FontMetrics fm = this.getFontMetrics(this.getFont());
    int charWidth = fm.charWidth('w');
    int tabWidth = charWidth * charactersPerTab;

    TabStop[] tabs = new TabStop[10];

    for (int j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {
      int tab = j + 1;
      tabs[j] = new TabStop(tab * tabWidth);

    TabSet tabSet = new TabSet(tabs);
    SimpleAttributeSet attributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setFontSize(attributes, 18);
    StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attributes, "Osaka-Mono");
    StyleConstants.setTabSet(attributes, tabSet);
    int length = getDocument().getLength();
    getStyledDocument().setParagraphAttributes(0, length, attributes, true);
 private static boolean isMonospaced(FontMetrics fontMetrics) {
   boolean isMonospaced = true;
   int charWidth = -1;
   for (int codePoint = 0; codePoint < 128; codePoint++) {
     if (Character.isValidCodePoint(codePoint)) {
       char character = (char) codePoint;
       if (isWordCharacter(character)) {
         int w = fontMetrics.charWidth(character);
         if (charWidth != -1) {
           if (w != charWidth) {
             isMonospaced = false;
         } else {
           charWidth = w;
   return isMonospaced;
  private void establishFontMetrics() {
    final BufferedImage img = createBufferedImage(1, 1);
    final Graphics2D graphics = img.createGraphics();

    final float lineSpace = mySettingsProvider.getLineSpace();
    final FontMetrics fo = graphics.getFontMetrics();

    myDescent = fo.getDescent();
    myCharSize.width = fo.charWidth('W');
    myCharSize.height = fo.getHeight() + (int) (lineSpace * 2);
    myDescent += lineSpace;

    myMonospaced = isMonospaced(fo);
    if (!myMonospaced) {
      LOG.info("WARNING: Font " + myNormalFont.getName() + " is non-monospaced");

   * Converts an x co-ordinate to an offset within a line.
   * @param line The line
   * @param x The x co-ordinate
  public int xToOffset(int line, int x) {
    TokenMarker tokenMarker = getTokenMarker();

    /* Use painter's cached info for speed */
    FontMetrics fm = painter.getFontMetrics();

    getLineText(line, lineSegment);

    char[] segmentArray = lineSegment.array;
    int segmentOffset = lineSegment.offset;
    int segmentCount = lineSegment.count;

    int width = horizontalOffset;

    if (tokenMarker == null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
        char c = segmentArray[i + segmentOffset];
        int charWidth;
        if (c == '\t') charWidth = (int) painter.nextTabStop(width, i) - width;
        else charWidth = fm.charWidth(c);

        if (painter.isBlockCaretEnabled()) {
          if (x - charWidth <= width) return i;
        } else {
          if (x - charWidth / 2 <= width) return i;

        width += charWidth;

      return segmentCount;
    } else {
      Token tokens;
      if (painter.currentLineIndex == line && painter.currentLineTokens != null)
        tokens = painter.currentLineTokens;
      else {
        painter.currentLineIndex = line;
        tokens = painter.currentLineTokens = tokenMarker.markTokens(lineSegment, line);

      int offset = 0;
      Toolkit toolkit = painter.getToolkit();
      Font defaultFont = painter.getFont();
      SyntaxStyle[] styles = painter.getStyles();

      for (; ; ) {
        byte id = tokens.id;
        if (id == Token.END) return offset;

        if (id == Token.NULL) fm = painter.getFontMetrics();
        else fm = styles[id].getFontMetrics(defaultFont);

        int length = tokens.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          char c = segmentArray[segmentOffset + offset + i];
          int charWidth;
          if (c == '\t') charWidth = (int) painter.nextTabStop(width, offset + i) - width;
          else charWidth = fm.charWidth(c);

          if (painter.isBlockCaretEnabled()) {
            if (x - charWidth <= width) return offset + i;
          } else {
            if (x - charWidth / 2 <= width) return offset + i;

          width += charWidth;

        offset += length;
        tokens = tokens.next;
   * The constructor for this class has a bunch of arguments: The frame argument is required for all
   * printing in Java. The jobname appears left justified at the top of each printed page. The font
   * size is specified in points, as on-screen font sizes are. The margins are specified in inches
   * (or fractions of inches).
  public HardcopyWriter(
      Frame frame,
      String jobname,
      int fontsize,
      double leftmargin,
      double rightmargin,
      double topmargin,
      double bottommargin)
      throws HardcopyWriter.PrintCanceledException {
    // Get the PrintJob object with which we'll do all the printing.
    // The call is synchronized on the static printprops object, which
    // means that only one print dialog can be popped up at a time.
    // If the user clicks Cancel in the print dialog, throw an exception.
    Toolkit toolkit = frame.getToolkit(); // get Toolkit from Frame
    synchronized (printprops) {
      job = toolkit.getPrintJob(frame, jobname, printprops);
    if (job == null) throw new PrintCanceledException("User cancelled print request");

    pagesize = job.getPageDimension(); // query the page size
    pagedpi = job.getPageResolution(); // query the page resolution

    // Bug Workaround:
    // On windows, getPageDimension() and getPageResolution don't work, so
    // we've got to fake them.
    if (System.getProperty("os.name").regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) {
      // Use screen dpi, which is what the PrintJob tries to emulate, anyway
      pagedpi = toolkit.getScreenResolution();
      // Assume a 8.5" x 11" page size.  A4 paper users have to change this.
      pagesize = new Dimension((int) (8.5 * pagedpi), 11 * pagedpi);
      // We also have to adjust the fontsize.  It is specified in points,
      // (1 point = 1/72 of an inch) but Windows measures it in pixels.
      fontsize = fontsize * pagedpi / 72;

    // Compute coordinates of the upper-left corner of the page.
    // I.e. the coordinates of (leftmargin, topmargin).  Also compute
    // the width and height inside of the margins.
    x0 = (int) (leftmargin * pagedpi);
    y0 = (int) (topmargin * pagedpi);
    width = pagesize.width - (int) ((leftmargin + rightmargin) * pagedpi);
    height = pagesize.height - (int) ((topmargin + bottommargin) * pagedpi);

    // Get body font and font size
    font = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, fontsize);
    metrics = toolkit.getFontMetrics(font);
    lineheight = metrics.getHeight();
    lineascent = metrics.getAscent();
    charwidth = metrics.charWidth('0'); // Assumes a monospaced font!

    // Now compute columns and lines will fit inside the margins
    chars_per_line = width / charwidth;
    lines_per_page = height / lineheight;

    // Get header font information
    // And compute baseline of page header: 1/8" above the top margin
    headerfont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.ITALIC, fontsize);
    headermetrics = toolkit.getFontMetrics(headerfont);
    headery = y0 - (int) (0.125 * pagedpi) - headermetrics.getHeight() + headermetrics.getAscent();

    // Compute the date/time string to display in the page header
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.SHORT);
    time = df.format(new Date());

    this.jobname = jobname; // save name
    this.fontsize = fontsize; // save font size