public String getTextForGesture(long parId, Point topLeft, Point bottomRight) { try { Paragraph p = lockManager.getParFromId(parId); int parY = documentPanel.textPane.modelToView(p.getOffset()).y; topLeft.y = topLeft.y + parY; bottomRight.y = bottomRight.y + parY; int startOffset = documentPanel.textPane.viewToModel(topLeft); int endOffset = documentPanel.textPane.viewToModel(bottomRight); while (startOffset > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit((document.getText(startOffset - 1, 1).charAt(0)))) startOffset--; while (endOffset < document.getLength() && Character.isLetterOrDigit((document.getText(endOffset, 1).charAt(0)))) endOffset++; String text = document.getText(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); return text; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EditorClient: addGestureAction. error identifying text"); e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } // return "PLACEBO"; }
/** * Sets a mnemomic for the specified button. * * @param b button * @param mnem mnemonics that have already been assigned */ public static void setMnemonic(final AbstractButton b, final StringBuilder mnem) { // do not set mnemonics for Mac! Alt+key used for special characters. if (Prop.MAC) return; // find and assign unused mnemomic final String label = b.getText(); final int ll = label.length(); for (int l = 0; l < ll; l++) { final char ch = Character.toLowerCase(label.charAt(l)); if (!letter(ch) || mnem.indexOf(Character.toString(ch)) != -1) continue; b.setMnemonic(ch); mnem.append(ch); break; } }
public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(string); for (int i = builder.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int cp = builder.codePointAt(i); if (!Character.isDigit(cp) && cp != '-') { builder.deleteCharAt(i); if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(cp)) { i--; builder.deleteCharAt(i); } } } super.insertString(fb, offset, builder.toString(), attr); }
public PropertyAction(RADProperty<?> aProperty) { super(); property = (RADProperty<Object>) aProperty; String name = (String) aProperty.getValue("actionName"); // NOI18N if (name == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(aProperty.getName()); sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(0))); name = sb.toString(); } putValue(Action.NAME, name); }
/** Controls the movements and actions of character and tetris pieces */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent key) { String keyText = KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()); if (!pause) { if (!shapeAI.getAI()) { if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { shapes.get(0).moveLeft(map); shapeTrack.add(1); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("d")) { shapes.get(0).moveRight(map); shapeTrack.add(2); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) { shapes.get(0).turn(map, shapeTrack); } } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { character.moveLeft(); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) { character.moveRight(); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("up")) { character.jump(); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("Slash")) { guntrack += 1; if (guntrack > weapons.length - 1) { guntrack = 0; } } } repaint(); }
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { int k = html.viewToModel(e.getPoint()); if (html.hasFocus() && html.getSelectionStart() <= k && k < html.getSelectionEnd()) { setMessage("(on selection)", MOVE); return; } String s = text.getText(); // ""; int m = s.length(); // html.getDocument().getLength(); /*try { s = html.getText(0, m); } catch (BadLocationException x) { setMessage("BadLocation "+m, TEXT); return; } */ if (!Character.isLetter(s.charAt(k))) { setMessage("(not a letter)", TEXT); return; } selB = k; selE = k + 1; while (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(selB - 1))) selB--; while (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(selE))) selE++; setMessage(selB + "-" + selE, HAND); word = ""; for (int i = selB; i < selE; i++) if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i))) word += s.charAt(i); html.setToolTipText(word); }
/** Fires weapons when left mouse is pressed */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { int mx = evt.getX(); // x-coordinate where user clicked. int my = evt.getY(); // y-coordinate where user clicked. if (!pause) { if (!evt.isMetaDown()) { if (weapons[guntrack].equals("gun") && bshoot) { weaponList.add( new Bullet( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 7)); bshoot = false; ammo.useBullet(); bulletTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("grenade") && gshoot) { weaponList.add( new Grenade( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 12)); gshoot = false; ammo.useGrenade(); grenadeTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("laser") && lshoot) { weaponList.add( new Laser( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 20)); lshoot = false; ammo.useLaser(); laserTime.restart(); } if (weapons[guntrack].equals("shotgun") && sgshoot) { weaponList.add( new ShotGun( mx, my, character.getX(), character.getY(), 0, THA.WIDTH, 0, THA.HEIGHT, 7, character.getX(), character.getY(), 25, 90, weaponList)); sgshoot = false; ammo.useShotgun(); shotgunTime.restart(); } } } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent key) { String keyText = KeyEvent.getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()); if (!pause) { if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { character.stop(); } if (keyText.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) { character.stop(); } } repaint(); }
/** * Retrieves the word on which the mouse pointer is present * * @param evt - the MouseEvent which triggered this method */ private String fetchPhrase(MouseEvent evt) { Messages.log("--handle Mouse Right Click--"); int off = xyToOffset(evt.getX(), evt.getY()); if (off < 0) return null; int line = getLineOfOffset(off); if (line < 0) return null; String s = getLineText(line); if (s == null) return null; else if (s.length() == 0) return null; else { int x = xToOffset(line, evt.getX()), x2 = x + 1, x1 = x - 1; int xLS = off - getLineStartNonWhiteSpaceOffset(line); Messages.log("x=" + x); if (x < 0 || x >= s.length()) return null; String word = s.charAt(x) + ""; if (s.charAt(x) == ' ') return null; if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(x)) || s.charAt(x) == '_' || s.charAt(x) == '$')) return null; int i = 0; while (true) { i++; if (x1 >= 0 && x1 < s.length()) { if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(x1)) || s.charAt(x1) == '_') { word = s.charAt(x1--) + word; xLS--; } else x1 = -1; } else x1 = -1; if (x2 >= 0 && x2 < s.length()) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(x2)) || s.charAt(x2) == '_' || s.charAt(x2) == '$') word = word + s.charAt(x2++); else x2 = -1; } else x2 = -1; if (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) break; if (i > 200) { // time out! break; } } if (Character.isDigit(word.charAt(0))) { return null; } Messages.log("Mouse click, word: " + word.trim()); ASTGenerator astGenerator = editor.getErrorChecker().getASTGenerator(); synchronized (astGenerator) { astGenerator.setLastClickedWord(line, word, xLS); } return word.trim(); } }
/** * Set the fields from the ProjectionClass * * @param projClass projection class to use */ private void setFieldsWithClassParams(ProjectionClass projClass) { // set the projection in the JComboBox String want = projClass.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < projClassCB.getItemCount(); i++) { ProjectionClass pc = (ProjectionClass) projClassCB.getItemAt(i); if (pc.toString().equals(want)) { projClassCB.setSelectedItem((Object) pc); break; } } // set the parameter fields paramPanel.removeAll(); paramPanel.setVisible(0 < projClass.paramList.size()); List widgets = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < projClass.paramList.size(); i++) { ProjectionParam pp = (ProjectionParam) projClass.paramList.get(i); // construct the label String name =; String text = ""; // Create a decent looking label for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < name.length(); cIdx++) { char c = name.charAt(cIdx); if (cIdx == 0) { c = Character.toUpperCase(c); } else { if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { text += " "; c = Character.toLowerCase(c); } } text += c; } widgets.add(GuiUtils.rLabel(text + ": ")); // text input field JTextField tf = new JTextField(); pp.setTextField(tf); tf.setColumns(12); widgets.add(tf); } GuiUtils.tmpInsets = new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); JPanel widgetPanel = GuiUtils.doLayout(widgets, 2, GuiUtils.WT_N, GuiUtils.WT_N); paramPanel.add("North", widgetPanel); paramPanel.add("Center", GuiUtils.filler()); }
@Override public void insertString(final int offs, final String str, final AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { // NavigatorLogger.printMessage("Offset:"+offs+" STr:"+str+"L:"+getLength()+"attr:"+a); if ((getLength() + str.length()) <= maxLength) { final char[] source = str.toCharArray(); final char[] result = new char[source.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (Character.isDigit(source[i])) { result[j++] = source[i]; } else { toolkit.beep(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("insertString: " + source[i]); // NOI18N } } } super.insertString(offs, new String(result, 0, j), a); checked = false; } else { toolkit.beep(); } if ((getLength()) == maxLength) { // getLength() ist schon aktualisiert if (bringFocus2Next == true) { checked = true; nextField.requestFocus(); } // NavigatorLogger.printMessage("Sprung"); // NavigatorLogger.printMessage(nextField); } }
String cleanupSource(String source) { if (source.isEmpty()) { return source.concat("\n"); } int lastChIdx = source.length() - 1; if (source.charAt(lastChIdx) != '\n') { // Append a newline at the end source = source.concat("\n"); } else { // Remove all newlines at the end but one while (lastChIdx >= 1) { Character ch1 = source.charAt(lastChIdx); if (ch1 == '\n' || Character.isWhitespace(ch1)) { source = source.substring(0, lastChIdx--); } else { break; } } source = source.concat("\n"); } return source; }
/** Returns the contents of the next text field. */ public String getNextString() { String theText; if (stringField == null) return ""; TextField tf = (TextField) (stringField.elementAt(sfIndex)); theText = tf.getText(); if (macro) { String label = (String) labels.get((Object) tf); theText = Macro.getValue(macroOptions, label, theText); if (theText != null && (theText.startsWith("&") || label.toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(theText))) { // Is the value a macro variable? if (theText.startsWith("&")) theText = theText.substring(1); Interpreter interp = Interpreter.getInstance(); String s = interp != null ? interp.getVariableAsString(theText) : null; if (s != null) theText = s; } } if (recorderOn) { String s = theText; if (s != null && s.length() >= 3 && Character.isLetter(s.charAt(0)) && s.charAt(1) == ':' && s.charAt(2) == '\\') s = s.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); // replace "\" with "\\" in Windows file paths if (!smartRecording || !s.equals((String) defaultStrings.elementAt(sfIndex))) recordOption(tf, s); else if (Recorder.getCommandOptions() == null) Recorder.recordOption(" "); } sfIndex++; return theText; }
@Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { if (!(e.isAltDown() || e.isMetaDown() || e.isControlDown() || myPanel.isNodePopupActive())) { if (!Character.isLetter(e.getKeyChar())) { return; } final IdeFocusManager focusManager = IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myPanel.getProject()); final ActionCallback firstCharTyped = new ActionCallback(); focusManager.typeAheadUntil(firstCharTyped); myPanel.moveDown(); //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final Robot robot = new Robot(); final boolean shiftOn = e.isShiftDown(); final int code = e.getKeyCode(); if (shiftOn) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); } robot.keyPress(code); robot.keyRelease(code); // don't release Shift firstCharTyped.setDone(); } catch (AWTException ignored) { } } }); } }
// keyboard discovery code private void _mapKey(char charCode, int keyindex, boolean shift, boolean altgraph) { log("_mapKey: " + charCode); // if character is not in map, add it if (!charMap.containsKey(new Integer(charCode))) { log("Notified: " + (char) charCode); KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent( applet(), 0, 0, (shift ? KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK : 0) + (altgraph ? KeyEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK : 0), ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue(), (char) charCode); charMap.put(new Integer(charCode), event); log("Mapped char " + (char) charCode + " to KeyEvent " + event); if (((char) charCode) >= 'a' && ((char) charCode) <= 'z') { // put shifted version of a-z in automatically int uppercharCode = (int) Character.toUpperCase((char) charCode); event = new KeyEvent( applet(), 0, 0, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK + (altgraph ? KeyEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK : 0), ((Integer) vkKeys.get(keyindex)).intValue(), (char) uppercharCode); charMap.put(new Integer(uppercharCode), event); log("Mapped char " + (char) uppercharCode + " to KeyEvent " + event); } } }
/** * This is the write() method of the stream. All Writer subclasses implement this. All other * versions of write() are variants of this one */ public void write(char[] buffer, int index, int len) { synchronized (this.lock) { // Loop through all the characters passed to us for (int i = index; i < index + len; i++) { // If we haven't begun a page (or a new page), do that now. if (page == null) newpage(); // If the character is a line terminator, then begin new line, // unless it is a \n immediately after a \r. if (buffer[i] == '\n') { if (!last_char_was_return) newline(); continue; } if (buffer[i] == '\r') { newline(); last_char_was_return = true; continue; } else last_char_was_return = false; // If it some other non-printing character, ignore it. if (Character.isWhitespace(buffer[i]) && !Character.isSpaceChar(buffer[i]) && (buffer[i] != '\t')) continue; // If no more characters will fit on the line, start a new line. if (charnum >= chars_per_line) { newline(); if (page == null) newpage(); // and start a new page, if necessary } // Now print the character: // If it is a space, skip one space, without output. // If it is a tab, skip the necessary number of spaces. // Otherwise, print the character. // It is inefficient to draw only one character at a time, but // because our FontMetrics don't match up exactly to what the // printer uses we need to position each character individually. if (Character.isSpaceChar(buffer[i])) charnum++; else if (buffer[i] == '\t') charnum += 8 - (charnum % 8); else { page.drawChars( buffer, i, 1, x0 + charnum * charwidth, y0 + (linenum * lineheight) + lineascent); charnum++; } } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == from) { String tmpFrom = from.getText().trim(); String tmpTo = to.getText().trim(); if (tmpFrom.equals("MST") || tmpFrom.equals("mst")) findMinSpan(); else { try { // check if from exists // String str = from.getText(); // fixa så man kan skippa att skriva första med stor bokstav tmpFrom = Character.toUpperCase(tmpFrom.charAt(0)) + tmpFrom.substring(1); int pos = noderna.findLeading(tmpFrom).getNodeNo(); route.setText(introText + "\n"); from.setText(noderna.find(pos).toString()); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { route.setText(felTextStart + "\n"); return; } if (!tmpTo.equals("")) { findShort(); } } } else if (e.getSource() == to) { String tmpFrom = from.getText().trim(); String tmpTo = to.getText().trim(); if (tmpTo.equals("MST") || tmpTo.equals("mst")) findMinSpan(); else { try { // check if to exists // String str = to.getText(); tmpTo = Character.toUpperCase(tmpTo.charAt(0)) + tmpTo.substring(1); int pos = noderna.findLeading(tmpTo).getNodeNo(); route.setText(introText + "\n"); to.setText(noderna.find(pos).toString()); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { route.setText(felTextStart + "\n"); return; } if (!tmpFrom.equals("")) { findShort(); } } /* else if ( ! from.getText().equals("") ) findShort(); */ } }
/** Handle a key typed event. This inserts the key into the text area. */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) { int modifiers = evt.getModifiers(); char c = evt.getKeyChar(); // this is the apple/cmd key on macosx.. so menu commands // were being passed through as legit keys.. added this line // in an attempt to prevent. if ((modifiers & KeyEvent.META_MASK) != 0) return; if (c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) // && // (modifiers & KeyEvent.ALT_MASK) == 0) { if (c >= 0x20 && c != 0x7f) { KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Character.toUpperCase(c)); Object o = currentBindings.get(keyStroke); if (o instanceof Hashtable) { currentBindings = (Hashtable) o; return; } else if (o instanceof ActionListener) { currentBindings = bindings; executeAction((ActionListener) o, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(c)); return; } currentBindings = bindings; if (grabAction != null) { handleGrabAction(evt); return; } // 0-9 adds another 'digit' to the repeat number if (repeat && Character.isDigit(c)) { repeatCount *= 10; repeatCount += (c - '0'); return; } executeAction(INSERT_CHAR, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(evt.getKeyChar())); repeatCount = 0; repeat = false; } } }
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) { evt = KeyEventWorkaround.processKeyEvent(evt); if (evt == null) return; switch (evt.getID()) { case KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED: char ch = evt.getKeyChar(); if (!nonDigit && Character.isDigit(ch)) { super.processKeyEvent(evt); repeat = true; repeatCount = Integer.parseInt(action.getText()); } else { nonDigit = true; if (repeat) { passToView(evt); } else super.processKeyEvent(evt); } break; case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED: int keyCode = evt.getKeyCode(); if (evt.isActionKey() || evt.isControlDown() || evt.isAltDown() || evt.isMetaDown() || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { nonDigit = true; if (repeat) { passToView(evt); break; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) { complete(true); evt.consume(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { evt.consume(); if (popup != null) { popup.dispose(); popup = null; action.requestFocus(); } else { if (temp) view.removeToolBar(ActionBar.this); view.getEditPane().focusOnTextArea(); } break; } else if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) && popup != null) { popup.list.processKeyEvent(evt); break; } } super.processKeyEvent(evt); break; } }
/** * Converts a string to a keystroke. The string should be of the form * <i>modifiers</i>+<i>shortcut</i> where <i>modifiers</i> is any combination of A for Alt, C for * Control, S for Shift or M for Meta, and <i>shortcut</i> is either a single character, or a * keycode name from the <code>KeyEvent</code> class, without the <code>VK_</code> prefix. * * @param keyStroke A string description of the key stroke */ public static KeyStroke parseKeyStroke(String keyStroke) { if (keyStroke == null) return null; int modifiers = 0; int index = keyStroke.indexOf('+'); if (index != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { switch (Character.toUpperCase(keyStroke.charAt(i))) { case 'A': modifiers |= InputEvent.ALT_MASK; break; case 'C': modifiers |= InputEvent.CTRL_MASK; break; case 'M': modifiers |= InputEvent.META_MASK; break; case 'S': modifiers |= InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK; break; } } } String key = keyStroke.substring(index + 1); if (key.length() == 1) { char ch = Character.toUpperCase(key.charAt(0)); if (modifiers == 0) return KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch); else return KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers); } else if (key.length() == 0) { System.err.println("Invalid key stroke: " + keyStroke); return null; } else { int ch; try { ch = KeyEvent.class.getField("VK_".concat(key)).getInt(null); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Invalid key stroke: " + keyStroke); return null; } return KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers); } }
/** Handle a key typed event. This inserts the key into the text area. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) { int modifiers = evt.getModifiers(); char c = evt.getKeyChar(); if (c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED && (modifiers & InputEvent.ALT_MASK) == 0) { if (c >= 0x20 && c != 0x7f) { KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Character.toUpperCase(c)); Object o = currentBindings.get(keyStroke); if (o instanceof Hashtable) { currentBindings = (Hashtable) o; return; } else if (o instanceof ActionListener) { currentBindings = bindings; executeAction((ActionListener) o, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(c)); return; } currentBindings = bindings; if (grabAction != null) { handleGrabAction(evt); return; } // 0-9 adds another 'digit' to the repeat number if (repeat && Character.isDigit(c)) { repeatCount *= 10; repeatCount += (c - '0'); return; } executeAction(INSERT_CHAR, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(evt.getKeyChar())); repeatCount = 0; repeat = false; } } }
// ==================================================================== private void findShort() { // svårt att behålla linjefärgerna? int start, s**t; try { // read from station String str = from.getText(); str = Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0)) + str.substring(1); start = noderna.find(str).getNodeNo(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { route.setText(felTextStart + "\n"); return; } try { // read to station String str = to.getText(); str = Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0)) + str.substring(1); s**t = noderna.find(str).getNodeNo(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { route.setText(felTextSlut + "\n"); return; } double totWeight = 0; int totNodes = 0; route.setText(""); karta.clearLayer(DrawGraph.Layer.OVERLAY); Iterator<BusEdge> it = grafen.shortestPath(start, s**t); while (it.hasNext()) { BusEdge e =; route.append(makeText1(e) + "\n"); totNodes++; totWeight += e.getWeight(); // draw the shortest path BusStop from = noderna.find(e.from), to = noderna.find(; karta.drawLine( from.xpos, from.ypos, to.xpos, to.ypos,, 4.0, DrawGraph.Layer.OVERLAY); } karta.repaint(); route.append("Antal: " + totNodes + " totalvikt: " + totWeight + "\n"); from.setText(""); to.setText(""); } // findShort
private boolean isNameAddress(String text) { boolean maybe = false; if (text != null) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (Character.getType(c) == Character.OTHER_LETTER) { maybe = true; break; } } } return maybe; }
/** * Handles info messages resulting from a query execution. * * @param msg info message * @return true if error was found */ private boolean error(final String msg) { final String line = msg.replaceAll("[\\r\\n].*", ""); Matcher m = XQERROR.matcher(line); int el, ec = 2; if (!m.matches()) { m = XMLERROR.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) return true; el = Integer.parseInt(; errFile = getEditor().file.path(); } else { el = Integer.parseInt(; ec = Integer.parseInt(; errFile =; } final EditorArea edit = find(IO.get(errFile), false); if (edit == null) return true; // find approximate error position final int ll = edit.last.length; int ep = ll; for (int e = 1, l = 1, c = 1; e < ll; ++c, e += cl(edit.last, e)) { if (l > el || l == el && c == ec) { ep = e; break; } if (edit.last[e] == '\n') { ++l; c = 0; } } if (ep < ll && Character.isLetterOrDigit(cp(edit.last, ep))) { while (ep > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(cp(edit.last, ep - 1))) ep--; } edit.error(ep); errPos = ep; return true; }
/** Handle remove. */ public void remove(int offs, int length) throws BadLocationException { int sourceLength = getLength(); // Allow user to restore uninitialized state again by removing all if (offs == 0 && sourceLength == length) { super.remove(0, sourceLength); return; } // Do custom remove String sourceText = getText(0, sourceLength); StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer(sourceText.substring(0, offs)); int counter; for (counter = offs; counter < offs + length; counter++) { // Only remove digits and intDelims char currChar = sourceText.charAt(counter); if (Character.isDigit(currChar) || currChar == intDelim) { continue; } strBuffer.append(currChar); } // Append last part of sourceText if (counter < sourceLength) { strBuffer.append(sourceText.substring(counter)); } // Set text in field super.remove(0, sourceLength); insertString(0, strBuffer.toString(), (AttributeSet) getDefaultRootElement()); // Set caret pos int newDiff = sourceLength - getLength() - 1; if (newDiff < 0) { newDiff = 0; } if (offs - newDiff < 0) { newDiff = 0; } textField.setCaretPosition(offs - newDiff); }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); map.drawMap(g); gs.imitate(shapes.get(0), map); gs.draw(g); if (shapes.size() > 0) shapes.get(0).draw(g); character.putCharacter(g); // draws the character for (int i = 0; i < weaponList.size(); i++) { weaponList.get(i).draw(g); // draws each weapon object } water.draw(g); // draws the water image g.setColor(; g.drawString("score: ", 300, 350); }
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int l_keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); char l_keyChar = e.getKeyChar(); // System.out.println(e.paramString()); if (m_ac.isGameInProgress() && m_inputControls.isWeaponEvent(l_keyChar)) { Weapon l_weapon = null; int l_weaponSlot = Character.digit(l_keyChar, 10); l_weapon = (Weapon) m_inventory.getAndRemoveItemAt(l_weaponSlot); if (null != l_weapon) { m_ac.useWeapon(l_weapon); } } else { Integer l_btEvent = m_inputControls.getEventForKey(l_keyCode); // System.out.println("BTEvent="+l_btEvent); if (null != l_btEvent) { int l_btEventInt = l_btEvent.intValue(); switch (l_btEventInt) { case BattleTrisKeyEvents.MOVE_LEFT: m_pc.moveLeft(); break; case BattleTrisKeyEvents.MOVE_RIGHT: m_pc.moveRight(); break; case BattleTrisKeyEvents.DROP: m_pc.drop(); break; case BattleTrisKeyEvents.ROTATE_CCW: // Disallow this until we can fix rotation // m_pc.rotateCCW(); break; case BattleTrisKeyEvents.ROTATE_CW: m_pc.rotateCW(); break; case BattleTrisKeyEvents.PAUSE: // TODO: Put pause back as a synchronized event // only when both players have it enabled // m_ac.pauseGame(); break; } } } }
public void printLocation() { txtTranscript.insert( "You are at location " + row + "," + col + " in terrain: " + myMap.terrainTypes.get(Character.toString(myMap.terrain(row, col))) + "\n", txtTranscript.getText().length()); if (myMap.terrain(row, col) == '*') { Dragon found = new Dragon(); found.Dragon(); } }
// Initialize Board public void init() { // Create cells and handlers cells = new JTextField[gameBoard.boardSize * gameBoard.boardSize + 1]; // Redraw Panel boardPanel.removeAll(); boardPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(gameBoard.boardSize, gameBoard.boardSize)); // Set layout JTextFilter TextFilter = new JTextFilter(3); JTextDocumentListener JTextDocFilter = new JTextDocumentListener(); for (int i = 1; i <= gameBoard.boardSize * gameBoard.boardSize; i++) { cells[i] = new JTextField(); ((AbstractDocument) cells[i].getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(TextFilter); ((AbstractDocument) cells[i].getDocument()).addDocumentListener(JTextDocFilter); ((AbstractDocument) cells[i].getDocument()).putProperty("index", i); cells[i].setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER); cells[i].setFont(new Font("Agency FB", Font.BOLD, 24)); // Add elements to the grid content pane boardPanel.add(cells[i]); } // Initialize booleans gameOver = false; // Clear Board for (int i = 1; i <= (gameBoard.boardSize * gameBoard.boardSize); i++) { String ch = Integer.toString(this.gameBoard.cells[i]); char chr = '-'; if (ch.compareTo("0") == 0 || ch == Character.toString(chr)) { cells[i].setText(""); } else { cells[i].setText(ch); cells[i].setBackground(Color.lightGray); } } // gameBoard.out(); setVisible(true); this.boardPanel.repaint(); this.gameTimer.reset(); jButtonSOLVE.setEnabled(true); }
private boolean isTelephoneZip(String text) { boolean maybe = true; if (text != null) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); int type = Character.getType(c); if (type == Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER || c == '-' || c == '(' || c == ')') { continue; } else { maybe = false; break; } } return maybe; } return false; }