public class ChatUI extends Widget {
  public static final RichText.Foundry fnd =
      new RichText.Foundry(
          new ChatParser(
  public static final Text.Foundry qfnd =
      new Text.Foundry(
          new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 14),
          new java.awt.Color(192, 255, 192));
  public static final int selw = 100;
  public Channel sel = null;
  private final Selector chansel;
  public boolean expanded = false;
  private Coord base;
  private QuickLine qline = null;
  private final LinkedList<Notification> notifs = new LinkedList<Notification>();

  public ChatUI(Coord c, int w, Widget parent) {
    super(c.add(0, -50), new Coord(w, 50), parent);
    chansel = new Selector(Coord.z, new Coord(selw, sz.y));
    base = c;

  private static Color lighter(Color col) {
    int hsl[] = new int[3];
    Utils.rgb2hsl(col.getRed(), col.getGreen(), col.getBlue(), hsl);
    hsl[1] = Math.round(0.7f * hsl[1]);
    hsl[2] = 100;
    int rgb[] = Utils.hsl2rgb(hsl);
    return new Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);

  public static class ChatAttribute extends Attribute {
    private ChatAttribute(String name) {

    public static final Attribute HYPERLINK = new ChatAttribute("hyperlink");

  public static class FuckMeGentlyWithAChainsaw {
    /* This wrapper class exists to work around the possibly most
     * stupid Java bug ever (and that's saying a lot): That
     * URL.equals and URL.hashCode do DNS lookups and
     * block. Which, of course, not only sucks performance-wise
     * but also breaks actual correct URL equality. */
    public final URL url;

    public FuckMeGentlyWithAChainsaw(URL url) {
      this.url = url;

  public static class ChatParser extends RichText.Parser {
    public static final Pattern urlpat =
    public static final Map<? extends Attribute, ?> urlstyle =
            new Color(64, 175, 255),

    public ChatParser(Object... args) {

    protected RichText.Part text(PState s, String text, Map<? extends Attribute, ?> attrs)
        throws IOException {
      RichText.Part ret = null;
      int p = 0;
      while (true) {
        Matcher m = urlpat.matcher(text);
        if (!m.find(p)) break;
        URL url;
        try {
          String su = text.substring(m.start(), m.end());
          if (su.indexOf(':') < 0) su = "http://" + su;
          url = new URL(su);
        } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
          p = m.end();
        RichText.Part lead = new RichText.TextPart(text.substring(0, m.start()), attrs);
        if (ret == null) ret = lead;
        else ret.append(lead);
        Map<Attribute, Object> na = new HashMap<Attribute, Object>(attrs);
        na.put(ChatAttribute.HYPERLINK, new FuckMeGentlyWithAChainsaw(url));
        ret.append(new RichText.TextPart(text.substring(m.start(), m.end()), na));
        p = m.end();
      if (ret == null) ret = new RichText.TextPart(text, attrs);
      else ret.append(new RichText.TextPart(text.substring(p), attrs));
      return (ret);

  public abstract static class Channel extends Widget {
    public final List<Message> msgs = new LinkedList<Message>();
    private final Scrollbar sb;
    public IButton cbtn;

    public abstract static class Message {
      public final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

      public abstract Text text();

      public abstract Tex tex();

      public abstract Coord sz();

    public static class SimpleMessage extends Message {
      private final Text t;

      public SimpleMessage(String text, Color col, int w) {
        if (Config.timestamp) text = Utils.timestamp(text);
        if (col == null) this.t = fnd.render(RichText.Parser.quote(text), w);
        else this.t = fnd.render(RichText.Parser.quote(text), w, TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, col);

      public Text text() {
        return (t);

      public Tex tex() {
        return (t.tex());

      public Coord sz() {
        return (t.sz());

    public Channel(Coord c, Coord sz, Widget parent) {
      super(c, sz, parent);
      sb = new Scrollbar(new Coord(sz.x, 0), ih(), this, 0, -ih());
      cbtn = new IButton(Coord.z, this, cbtni[0], cbtni[1], cbtni[2]);
      cbtn.recthit = true;
      cbtn.c = new Coord(sz.x - cbtn.sz.x - sb.sz.x - 3, 0);

    public Channel(Widget parent) {
      this(new Coord(selw, 0), parent.sz.sub(selw, 0), parent);

    public void append(Message msg) {
      synchronized (msgs) {
        int y = 0;
        for (Message m : msgs) y += m.sz().y;
        boolean b = sb.val >= sb.max;
        sb.max = y - ih();
        if (b) sb.val = sb.max;

    public void append(String line, Color col) {
      append(new SimpleMessage(line, col, iw()));

    public int iw() {
      return (sz.x - sb.sz.x);

    public int ih() {
      return (sz.y);

    public void draw(GOut g) {
      g.chcolor(24, 24, 16, 200);
      g.frect(Coord.z, sz);
      int y = 0;
      boolean sel = false;
      synchronized (msgs) {
        for (Message msg : msgs) {
          if ((selstart != null) && (msg == selstart.msg)) sel = true;
          int y1 = y - sb.val;
          int y2 = y1 + msg.sz().y;
          if ((y2 > 0) && (y1 < ih())) {
            if (sel) drawsel(g, msg, y1);
            g.image(msg.tex(), new Coord(0, y1));
          if ((selend != null) && (msg == selend.msg)) sel = false;
          y += msg.sz().y;
      sb.max = y - ih();

    public boolean mousewheel(Coord c, int amount) {
      sb.ch(amount * 15);
      return (true);

    public void resize(Coord sz) {
      if (sb != null) {
        sb.move(new Coord(sz.x, 0));
        int y = 0;
        for (Message m : msgs) y += m.sz().y;
        boolean b = sb.val >= sb.max;
        sb.max = y - ih();
        if (b) sb.val = sb.max;
      if (cbtn != null) cbtn.c = new Coord(sz.x - cbtn.sz.x - sb.sz.x - 3, 0);

    public void notify(Message msg) {
      getparent(ChatUI.class).notify(this, msg);

    public static class CharPos {
      public final Message msg;
      public final RichText.TextPart part;
      public final TextHitInfo ch;

      public CharPos(Message msg, RichText.TextPart part, TextHitInfo ch) {
        this.msg = msg;
        this.part = part;
        this.ch = ch;

      public boolean equals(Object oo) {
        if (!(oo instanceof CharPos)) return (false);
        CharPos o = (CharPos) oo;
        return ((o.msg == this.msg) && (o.part == this.part) && o.ch.equals(this.ch));

    public final Comparator<CharPos> poscmp =
        new Comparator<CharPos>() {
          public int compare(CharPos a, CharPos b) {
            if (a.msg != b.msg) {
              synchronized (msgs) {
                for (Message msg : msgs) {
                  if (msg == a.msg) return (-1);
                  else if (msg == b.msg) return (1);
              throw (new IllegalStateException(
                  "CharPos message is no longer contained in the log"));
            } else if (a.part != b.part) {
              for (RichText.Part part = ((RichText) a.msg.text()).parts;
                  part != null;
                  part = part.next) {
                if (part == a.part) return (-1);
                else return (1);
              throw (new IllegalStateException("CharPos is no longer contained in the log"));
            } else {
              return (a.ch.getInsertionIndex() - b.ch.getInsertionIndex());

    public Message messageat(Coord c, Coord hc) {
      int y = -sb.val;
      synchronized (msgs) {
        for (Message msg : msgs) {
          Coord sz = msg.sz();
          if ((c.y >= y) && (c.y < y + sz.y)) {
            if (hc != null) {
              hc.x = c.x;
              hc.y = c.y - y;
            return (msg);
          y += sz.y;
      return (null);

    public CharPos charat(Coord c) {
      if (c.y < -sb.val) {
        if (msgs.size() < 1) return (null);
        Message msg = msgs.get(0);
        if (!(msg.text() instanceof RichText)) return (null);
        RichText.TextPart fp = null;
        for (RichText.Part part = ((RichText) msg.text()).parts; part != null; part = part.next) {
          if (part instanceof RichText.TextPart) {
            fp = (RichText.TextPart) part;
        if (fp == null) return (null);
        return (new CharPos(msg, fp, TextHitInfo.leading(0)));

      Coord hc = new Coord();
      Message msg = messageat(c, hc);
      if ((msg == null) || !(msg.text() instanceof RichText)) return (null);
      RichText rt = (RichText) msg.text();
      RichText.Part p = rt.partat(hc);
      if (p == null) {
        RichText.TextPart lp = null;
        for (RichText.Part part = ((RichText) msg.text()).parts; part != null; part = part.next) {
          if (part instanceof RichText.TextPart) lp = (RichText.TextPart) part;
        if (lp == null) return (null);
        return (new CharPos(msg, lp, TextHitInfo.trailing(lp.end - lp.start - 1)));
      if (!(p instanceof RichText.TextPart)) return (null);
      RichText.TextPart tp = (RichText.TextPart) p;
      return (new CharPos(msg, tp, tp.charat(hc)));

    private CharPos selorig, lasthit, selstart, selend;
    private boolean dragging;

    public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int btn) {
      if (super.mousedown(c, btn)) return (true);
      if (btn == 1) {
        selstart = selend = null;
        CharPos ch = charat(c);
        if (ch != null) {
          selorig = lasthit = ch;
          dragging = false;
        return (true);
      return (false);

    public void mousemove(Coord c) {
      if (selorig != null) {
        CharPos ch = charat(c);
        if ((ch != null) && !ch.equals(lasthit)) {
          lasthit = ch;
          if (!dragging && !ch.equals(selorig)) dragging = true;
          int o = poscmp.compare(selorig, ch);
          if (o < 0) {
            selstart = selorig;
            selend = ch;
          } else if (o > 0) {
            selstart = ch;
            selend = selorig;
          } else {
            selstart = selend = null;
      } else {

    protected void selected(CharPos start, CharPos end) {
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      synchronized (msgs) {
        boolean sel = false;
        for (Message msg : msgs) {
          if (!(msg.text() instanceof RichText)) continue;
          RichText rt = (RichText) msg.text();
          RichText.Part part = null;
          if (sel) {
            part = rt.parts;
          } else if (msg == start.msg) {
            sel = true;
            for (part = rt.parts; part != null; part = part.next) {
              if (part == start.part) break;
          if (sel) {
            for (; part != null; part = part.next) {
              if (!(part instanceof RichText.TextPart)) continue;
              RichText.TextPart tp = (RichText.TextPart) part;
              CharacterIterator iter = tp.ti();
              int sch;
              if (tp == start.part) sch = tp.start + start.ch.getInsertionIndex();
              else sch = tp.start;
              int ech;
              if (tp == end.part) ech = tp.start + end.ch.getInsertionIndex();
              else ech = tp.end;
              for (int i = sch; i < ech; i++) buf.append(iter.setIndex(i));
              if (part == end.part) {
                sel = false;
              buf.append(' ');
            if (sel) buf.append('\n');
          if (msg == end.msg) break;
      Clipboard cl;
      if ((cl = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemSelection()) == null)
        cl = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
      try {
        final CharPos ownsel = selstart;
            new StringSelection(buf.toString()),
            new ClipboardOwner() {
              public void lostOwnership(Clipboard cl, Transferable tr) {
                if (selstart == ownsel) selstart = selend = null;
      } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

    protected void clicked(CharPos pos) {
      AttributedCharacterIterator inf = pos.part.ti();
      FuckMeGentlyWithAChainsaw url =
          (FuckMeGentlyWithAChainsaw) inf.getAttribute(ChatAttribute.HYPERLINK);
      if ((url != null) && (WebBrowser.self != null)) WebBrowser.self.show(url.url);

    public boolean mouseup(Coord c, int btn) {
      if (btn == 1) {
        if (selorig != null) {
          if (selstart != null) selected(selstart, selend);
          else clicked(selorig);
          selorig = null;
          dragging = false;
      return (super.mouseup(c, btn));

    private void drawsel(GOut g, Message msg, int y) {
      RichText rt = (RichText) msg.text();
      boolean sel = msg != selstart.msg;
      for (RichText.Part part = rt.parts; part != null; part = part.next) {
        if (!(part instanceof RichText.TextPart)) continue;
        RichText.TextPart tp = (RichText.TextPart) part;
        if (tp.start == tp.end) continue;
        TextHitInfo a, b;
        if (sel) {
          a = TextHitInfo.leading(0);
        } else if (tp == selstart.part) {
          a = selstart.ch;
          sel = true;
        } else {
        if (tp == selend.part) {
          sel = false;
          b = selend.ch;
        } else {
          b = TextHitInfo.trailing(tp.end - tp.start - 1);
        Coord ul = new Coord(tp.x + (int) tp.advance(0, a.getInsertionIndex()), tp.y + y);
        Coord sz =
            new Coord((int) tp.advance(a.getInsertionIndex(), b.getInsertionIndex()), tp.height());
        g.chcolor(0, 0, 255, 255);
        g.frect(ul, sz);
        if (!sel) break;

    public void wdgmsg(Widget sender, String msg, Object... args) {
      if (sender == cbtn) {
      } else {
        super.wdgmsg(sender, msg, args);

    public abstract String name();

  public static class Log extends Channel {
    private final String name;

    public Log(Widget parent, String name) {
      this.name = name;

    public String name() {
      return (name);

  public abstract static class EntryChannel extends Channel {
    private final TextEntry in;

    public EntryChannel(Widget parent) {
      this.in =
          new TextEntry(new Coord(0, sz.y - 20), new Coord(sz.x, 20), this, "") {
            public void activate(String text) {
              if (text.length() > 0) send(text);

    public int ih() {
      return (sz.y - 20);

    public void resize(Coord sz) {
      if (in != null) {
        in.c = new Coord(0, this.sz.y - 20);
        in.resize(new Coord(this.sz.x, 20));

    public void send(String text) {
      wdgmsg("msg", text);

  public static class MultiChat extends EntryChannel {
    private final String name;
    private final boolean notify;

    public class NamedMessage extends Message {
      public final int from;
      public final String text;
      public final int w;
      public final Color col;
      private String cn;
      private Text r = null;

      public NamedMessage(int from, String text, Color col, int w) {
        this.from = from;
        this.text = text;
        this.w = w;
        this.col = col;

      public Text text() {
        BuddyWnd.Buddy b = getparent(GameUI.class).buddies.find(from);
        String nm = (b == null) ? "???" : (b.name);
        if ((r == null) || !nm.equals(cn)) {
          String msg = RichText.Parser.quote(String.format("%s: %s", nm, text));
          if (Config.timestamp) {
            msg = Utils.timestamp(msg);
          r = fnd.render(msg, w, TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, col);
          cn = nm;
        return (r);

      public Tex tex() {
        return (text().tex());

      public Coord sz() {
        if (r == null) return (text().sz());
        else return (r.sz());

    public class MyMessage extends SimpleMessage {
      public MyMessage(String text, int w) {
        super(text, new Color(192, 192, 255), w);

    public MultiChat(Widget parent, String name, boolean notify) {
      this.name = name;
      this.notify = notify;

    public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) {
      if (msg == "msg") {
        Integer from = (Integer) args[0];
        String line = (String) args[1];
        if (from == null) {
          append(new MyMessage(line, iw()));
        } else {
          Message cmsg = new NamedMessage(from, line, Color.WHITE, iw());
          if (notify) notify(cmsg);

    public String name() {
      return (name);

  public static class PartyChat extends MultiChat {
    public PartyChat(Widget parent) {
      super(parent, "Party", true);

    public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) {
      if (msg == "msg") {
        Integer from = (Integer) args[0];
        int gobid = (Integer) args[1];
        String line = (String) args[2];
        Color col = Color.WHITE;
        synchronized (ui.sess.glob.party.memb) {
          Party.Member pm = ui.sess.glob.party.memb.get((long) gobid);
          if (pm != null) col = lighter(pm.col);
        if (from == null) {
          append(new MyMessage(line, iw()));
        } else {
          Message cmsg = new NamedMessage(from, line, col, iw());

  public static class PrivChat extends EntryChannel {
    private final int other;
    public static final Color[] gc =
        new Color[] {
          new Color(230, 48, 32), new Color(64, 180, 200),

    public class InMessage extends SimpleMessage {
      public InMessage(String text, int w) {
        super(text, PrivChat.gc[0], w);

    public class OutMessage extends SimpleMessage {
      public OutMessage(String text, int w) {
        super(text, PrivChat.gc[1], w);

    public PrivChat(Widget parent, int other) {
      this.other = other;

    public void uimsg(String msg, Object... args) {
      if (msg == "msg") {
        String t = (String) args[0];
        String line = (String) args[1];
        if (t.equals("in")) {
          Message cmsg = new InMessage(line, iw());
        } else if (t.equals("out")) {
          append(new OutMessage(line, iw()));
      } else if (msg == "err") {
        String err = (String) args[0];
        Message cmsg = new SimpleMessage(err, Color.RED, iw());

    public String name() {
      BuddyWnd.Buddy b = getparent(GameUI.class).buddies.find(other);
      if (b == null) return ("???");
      else return (b.name);

  static {
        new WidgetFactory() {
          public Widget create(Coord c, Widget parent, Object[] args) {
            String name = (String) args[0];
            boolean notify = ((Integer) args[1]) != 0;
            return (new MultiChat(parent, name, notify));
        new WidgetFactory() {
          public Widget create(Coord c, Widget parent, Object[] args) {
            return (new PartyChat(parent));
        new WidgetFactory() {
          public Widget create(Coord c, Widget parent, Object[] args) {
            int other = (Integer) args[0];
            return (new PrivChat(parent, other));

  public Widget makechild(String type, Object[] pargs, Object[] cargs) {
    return (gettype(type).create(Coord.z, this, cargs));

  private class Selector extends Widget {
    public final Text.Foundry nf = new Text.Foundry("SansSerif", 10);
    private final List<DarkChannel> chls = new ArrayList<DarkChannel>();
    private int s = 0;

    private class DarkChannel {
      public final Channel chan;
      public Text rname;

      private DarkChannel(Channel chan) {
        this.chan = chan;

    public Selector(Coord c, Coord sz) {
      super(c, sz, ChatUI.this);

    private void add(Channel chan) {
      synchronized (chls) {
        chls.add(new DarkChannel(chan));

    private void rm(Channel chan) {
      synchronized (chls) {
        for (Iterator<DarkChannel> i = chls.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
          DarkChannel c = i.next();
          if (c.chan == chan) i.remove();

    public void draw(GOut g) {
      g.chcolor(64, 64, 64, 192);
      g.frect(Coord.z, sz);
      int i = s;
      int y = 0;
      synchronized (chls) {
        while (i < chls.size()) {
          DarkChannel ch = chls.get(i);
          if (ch.chan == sel) {
            g.chcolor(128, 128, 192, 255);
            g.frect(new Coord(0, y), new Coord(sz.x, 19));
          g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 255);
          if ((ch.rname == null) || !ch.rname.text.equals(ch.chan.name()))
            ch.rname = nf.render(ch.chan.name());
          g.aimage(ch.rname.tex(), new Coord(sz.x / 2, y + 10), 0.5, 0.5);
          g.line(new Coord(5, y + 19), new Coord(sz.x - 5, y + 19), 1);
          y += 20;
          if (y >= sz.y) break;

    public boolean up() {
      Channel prev = null;
      for (DarkChannel ch : chls) {
        if (ch.chan == sel) {
          if (prev != null) {
            return (true);
          } else {
            return (false);
        prev = ch.chan;
      return (false);

    public boolean down() {
      for (Iterator<DarkChannel> i = chls.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        DarkChannel ch = i.next();
        if (ch.chan == sel) {
          if (i.hasNext()) {
            return (true);
          } else {
            return (false);
      return (false);

    private Channel bypos(Coord c) {
      int i = (c.y / 20) + s;
      if ((i >= 0) && (i < chls.size())) return (chls.get(i).chan);
      return (null);

    public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) {
      if (button == 1) {
        Channel chan = bypos(c);
        if (chan != null) select(chan);
      return (true);

    public boolean mousewheel(Coord c, int amount) {
      s += amount;
      if (s >= chls.size() - (sz.y / 20)) s = chls.size() - (sz.y / 20);
      if (s < 0) s = 0;
      return (true);

  public void select(Channel chan) {
    Channel prev = sel;
    sel = chan;
    if (expanded) {
      if (prev != null) prev.hide();

  private class Notification {
    public final Channel chan;
    public final Text chnm;
    public final Channel.Message msg;
    public final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

    private Notification(Channel chan, Channel.Message msg) {
      this.chan = chan;
      this.msg = msg;
      this.chnm = chansel.nf.render(chan.name(), Color.WHITE);

  private Text.Line rqline = null;
  private int rqpre;

  public void drawsmall(GOut g, Coord br, int h) {
    Coord c;
    if (qline != null) {
      if ((rqline == null) || !rqline.text.equals(qline.line)) {
        String pre = String.format("%s> ", qline.chan.name());
        rqline = qfnd.render(pre + qline.line);
        rqpre = pre.length();
      c = br.sub(0, 20);
      g.chcolor(24, 24, 16, 200);
      g.frect(c, rqline.tex().sz());
      g.image(rqline.tex(), c);
      int lx = rqline.advance(qline.point + rqpre);
      g.line(new Coord(br.x + lx + 1, br.y - 18), new Coord(br.x + lx + 1, br.y - 6), 1);
    } else {
      c = br.sub(0, 5);
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    synchronized (notifs) {
      for (Iterator<Notification> i = notifs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Notification n = i.next();
        if (now - n.time > 5000) {
        if ((c.y -= n.msg.sz().y) < br.y - h) break;

        g.chcolor(24, 24, 16, 200);
        g.frect(c, n.chnm.tex().sz().add(n.msg.tex().sz().x + selw, 0));
        g.image(n.chnm.tex(), c, br.sub(0, h), br.add(selw - 10, 0));
        g.image(n.msg.tex(), c.add(selw, 0));

  public static final Resource notifsfx = Resource.load("sfx/tick");

  public void notify(Channel chan, Channel.Message msg) {
    synchronized (notifs) {
      notifs.addFirst(new Notification(chan, msg));

  public void newchild(Widget w) {
    if (w instanceof Channel) {
      Channel chan = (Channel) w;
      if (!expanded) chan.hide();

  public void cdestroy(Widget w) {
    if (w instanceof Channel) {
      Channel chan = (Channel) w;
      if (chan == sel) sel = null;

  public void resize(Coord sz) {
    this.c = base.add(0, -this.sz.y);
    chansel.resize(new Coord(selw, this.sz.y));
    if (sel != null) sel.resize(new Coord(this.sz.x - selw, this.sz.y));

  public void resize(int w) {
    resize(new Coord(w, sz.y));

  public void move(Coord base) {
    this.c = (this.base = base).add(0, -sz.y);

  private void expand() {
    resize(new Coord(sz.x, 100));
    if (sel != null) sel.show();
    expanded = true;

  private void contract() {
    resize(new Coord(sz.x, 50));
    if (sel != null) sel.hide();
    expanded = false;

  private class QuickLine extends LineEdit {
    public final EntryChannel chan;

    private QuickLine(EntryChannel chan) {
      this.chan = chan;

    private void cancel() {
      qline = null;

    protected void done(String line) {
      if (line.length() > 0) chan.send(line);

    public boolean key(char c, int code, int mod) {
      if (c == 27) {
      } else {
        return (super.key(c, code, mod));
      return (true);

  public boolean keydown(KeyEvent ev) {
    boolean M = (ev.getModifiersEx() & (KeyEvent.META_DOWN_MASK | KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK)) != 0;
    if (qline != null) {
      if (M && (ev.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP)) {
        Channel prev = this.sel;
        while (chansel.up()) {
          if (this.sel instanceof EntryChannel) break;
        if (!(this.sel instanceof EntryChannel)) {
          return (true);
        qline = new QuickLine((EntryChannel) sel);
        return (true);
      } else if (M && (ev.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) {
        Channel prev = this.sel;
        while (chansel.down()) {
          if (this.sel instanceof EntryChannel) break;
        if (!(this.sel instanceof EntryChannel)) {
          return (true);
        qline = new QuickLine((EntryChannel) sel);
        return (true);
      return (true);
    } else {
      if (M && (ev.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP)) {
        return (true);
      } else if (M && (ev.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) {
        return (true);
      return (super.keydown(ev));

  public void toggle() {
    if (!expanded) {
    } else {
      if (hasfocus) {
        if (sz.y == 100) resize(new Coord(sz.x, 300));
        else contract();
      } else {

  public boolean type(char key, KeyEvent ev) {
    if (qline != null) {
      return (true);
    } else {
      return (super.type(key, ev));

  public boolean globtype(char key, KeyEvent ev) {
    if (key == 10) {
      if (!expanded && (sel instanceof EntryChannel)) {
        qline = new QuickLine((EntryChannel) sel);
        return (true);
    return (super.globtype(key, ev));