public void setUpProperties() { // <Begin_setUpProperties> // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_Top> // this.setModal(true); setResizable(false); // <UserCode_End_Bean_Top> try { JTable1.setRowHeight(22); JTable1.setModel(ViewTableModel); JTable1.setGridColor(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JTable1, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JTable1> // <UserCode_End_Bean_JTable1> try { JPanel3.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder(resourceBundle.getString(""))); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel3, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JPanel3> // <UserCode_End_Bean_JPanel3> try { JButton1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 12)); JButton1.setText(resourceBundle.getString("Add")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JButton1, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JButton1> JButton1.setMnemonic('A'); // <UserCode_End_Bean_JButton1> try { JButton2.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 13)); JButton2.setText(resourceBundle.getString("Edit")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JButton2, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JButton2> JButton2.setMnemonic('E'); // <UserCode_End_Bean_JButton2> try { JButton3.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 13)); JButton3.setText(resourceBundle.getString("Delete")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JButton3, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JButton3> JButton3.setMnemonic('D'); // <UserCode_End_Bean_JButton3> try { closeButton.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 13)); closeButton.setText(resourceBundle.getString("Close")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + closeButton, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_closeButton> // <UserCode_End_Bean_closeButton> // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JPanel5> // JPanel5.setVisible(false); // <UserCode_End_Bean_JPanel5> try { JLabel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 12)); JLabel1.setForeground(new Color(-16764109)); JLabel1.setText( resourceBundle.getString( "Use the following list to add , edit a View , its Properties and authorized Operations")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( resourceBundle.getString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JLabel1, ex); } // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_JLabel1> // <UserCode_End_Bean_JLabel1> // <UserCode_Begin_Bean_ViewTableModel> ViewTableModel.setDataVector( new Object[0][0], new String[] {resourceBundle.getString("Views List")}); // <UserCode_End_Bean_ViewTableModel> JPanel5.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel5.getPreferredSize().width + 22, JPanel5.getPreferredSize().height + 38)); closeButton.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( closeButton.getPreferredSize().width + 8, closeButton.getPreferredSize().height + 0)); JButton3.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JButton3.getPreferredSize().width + 32, JButton3.getPreferredSize().height + 0)); JButton2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JButton2.getPreferredSize().width + 45, JButton2.getPreferredSize().height + 0)); JButton1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JButton1.getPreferredSize().width + 47, JButton1.getPreferredSize().height + 2)); JPanel2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel2.getPreferredSize().width + 10, JPanel2.getPreferredSize().height + 26)); JLabel2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JLabel2.getPreferredSize().width + 124, JLabel2.getPreferredSize().height + 72)); JPanel6.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel6.getPreferredSize().width + 10, JPanel6.getPreferredSize().height + 114)); JPanel1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel1.getPreferredSize().width + 39, JPanel1.getPreferredSize().height + 38)); // <End_setUpProperties> JPanel1.setBorder( new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder(resourceBundle.getString("View Settings"))); JPanel5.setBorder( new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder( resourceBundle.getString("Views Properties and Operations"))); }
public void setUpProperties() throws Exception { // <Begin_setUpProperties> try { Top.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + Top, ex); } setResizable(false); try { JPanel1.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel1, ex); } try { RouterBtn.setFocusPainted(false); RouterBtn.setIcon( NmsClientUtil.getImageIcon( applet.getDocumentBase() + "../images/router_new1.png")); // No Internationalisation RouterBtn.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + RouterBtn, ex); } try { eight.setOpaque(true); eight.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + eight, ex); } eight.setVisible(false); try { one.setOpaque(true); one.setToolTipText(""); // No Internationalisation one.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + one, ex); } one.setVisible(false); try { six.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + six, ex); } six.setVisible(false); try { three.setOpaque(true); three.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + three, ex); } three.setVisible(false); try { four.setOpaque(true); four.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + four, ex); } four.setVisible(false); try { seven.setOpaque(true); seven.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + seven, ex); } seven.setVisible(false); try { two.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + two, ex); } two.setVisible(false); try { ten.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + ten, ex); } ten.setVisible(false); try { five.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + five, ex); } five.setVisible(false); try { nine.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + nine, ex); } nine.setVisible(false); try { JPanel2.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel2, ex); } try { JPanel3.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel3, ex); } try { JLabel1.setBackground(new Color(-1)); JLabel1.setHorizontalTextPosition(0); JLabel1.setHorizontalAlignment(0); JLabel1.setText(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Router details")); JLabel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 14)); // No Internationalisation } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JLabel1, ex); } try { JPanel4.setBackground(new Color(-1)); java.lang.String[] JPanel4cardAndClassNames_array = new java.lang.String[2]; JPanel4cardAndClassNames_array[0] = "router=com.adventnet.nms.examples.routermap.RouterDetails"; // No Internationalisation JPanel4cardAndClassNames_array[1] = "inter=com.adventnet.nms.examples.routermap.IFDetails"; // No Internationalisation JPanel4.setCardAndClassNames(JPanel4cardAndClassNames_array); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel4, ex); } try { JPanel5.setBackground(new Color(-1)); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + JPanel5, ex); } try { RefreshBtn.setText(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Refresh")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + RefreshBtn, ex); } try { CloseBtn.setText(NmsClientUtil.GetString("Close")); } catch (Exception ex) { showStatus( NmsClientUtil.GetString("Exception while setting properties for bean ") + CloseBtn, ex); } CloseBtn.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( CloseBtn.getPreferredSize().width + 12, CloseBtn.getPreferredSize().height + 0)); JPanel5.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel5.getPreferredSize().width + 229, JPanel5.getPreferredSize().height + 4)); JPanel4.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel4.getPreferredSize().width + 507, JPanel4.getPreferredSize().height + 293)); JLabel1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JLabel1.getPreferredSize().width + 132, JLabel1.getPreferredSize().height + 8)); JPanel3.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( JPanel3.getPreferredSize().width + 168, JPanel3.getPreferredSize().height + 6)); // <End_setUpProperties> }