private BlockNode processIf( IRegion currentRegion, BlockNode block, IfNode ifnode, RegionStack stack) { if (block.contains(AFlag.SKIP)) { // block already included in other 'if' region return ifnode.getThenBlock(); } IfInfo currentIf = makeIfInfo(block); IfInfo mergedIf = mergeNestedIfNodes(currentIf); if (mergedIf != null) { currentIf = mergedIf; } else { // invert simple condition (compiler often do it) currentIf = IfInfo.invert(currentIf); } IfInfo modifiedIf = IfMakerHelper.restructureIf(mth, block, currentIf); if (modifiedIf != null) { currentIf = modifiedIf; } else { if (currentIf.getMergedBlocks().size() <= 1) { return null; } currentIf = makeIfInfo(block); currentIf = IfMakerHelper.restructureIf(mth, block, currentIf); if (currentIf == null) { // all attempts failed return null; } } confirmMerge(currentIf); IfRegion ifRegion = new IfRegion(currentRegion, block); ifRegion.setCondition(currentIf.getCondition()); currentRegion.getSubBlocks().add(ifRegion); stack.push(ifRegion); stack.addExit(currentIf.getOutBlock()); ifRegion.setThenRegion(makeRegion(currentIf.getThenBlock(), stack)); BlockNode elseBlock = currentIf.getElseBlock(); if (elseBlock == null || stack.containsExit(elseBlock)) { ifRegion.setElseRegion(null); } else { ifRegion.setElseRegion(makeRegion(elseBlock, stack)); } stack.pop(); return currentIf.getOutBlock(); }
private BlockNode processLoop(IRegion curRegion, LoopInfo loop, RegionStack stack) { BlockNode loopStart = loop.getStart(); Set<BlockNode> exitBlocksSet = loop.getExitNodes(); // set exit blocks scan order priority // this can help if loop have several exits (after using 'break' or 'return' in loop) List<BlockNode> exitBlocks = new ArrayList<BlockNode>(exitBlocksSet.size()); BlockNode nextStart = getNextBlock(loopStart); if (nextStart != null && exitBlocksSet.remove(nextStart)) { exitBlocks.add(nextStart); } if (exitBlocksSet.remove(loopStart)) { exitBlocks.add(loopStart); } if (exitBlocksSet.remove(loop.getEnd())) { exitBlocks.add(loop.getEnd()); } exitBlocks.addAll(exitBlocksSet); LoopRegion loopRegion = makeLoopRegion(curRegion, loop, exitBlocks); if (loopRegion == null) { BlockNode exit = makeEndlessLoop(curRegion, stack, loop, loopStart); insertContinue(loop); return exit; } curRegion.getSubBlocks().add(loopRegion); IRegion outerRegion = stack.peekRegion(); stack.push(loopRegion); IfInfo condInfo = makeIfInfo(loopRegion.getHeader()); condInfo = searchNestedIf(condInfo); confirmMerge(condInfo); if (!loop.getLoopBlocks().contains(condInfo.getThenBlock())) { // invert loop condition if 'then' points to exit condInfo = IfInfo.invert(condInfo); } loopRegion.setCondition(condInfo.getCondition()); exitBlocks.removeAll(condInfo.getMergedBlocks()); if (!exitBlocks.isEmpty()) { BlockNode loopExit = condInfo.getElseBlock(); if (loopExit != null) { // add 'break' instruction before path cross between main loop exit and sub-exit for (Edge exitEdge : loop.getExitEdges()) { if (!exitBlocks.contains(exitEdge.getSource())) { continue; } insertBreak(stack, loopExit, exitEdge); } } } BlockNode out; if (loopRegion.isConditionAtEnd()) { BlockNode thenBlock = condInfo.getThenBlock(); out = thenBlock == loopStart ? condInfo.getElseBlock() : thenBlock; loopStart.remove(AType.LOOP); loop.getEnd().add(AFlag.SKIP); stack.addExit(loop.getEnd()); loopRegion.setBody(makeRegion(loopStart, stack)); loopStart.addAttr(AType.LOOP, loop); loop.getEnd().remove(AFlag.SKIP); } else { out = condInfo.getElseBlock(); if (outerRegion != null && out.contains(AFlag.LOOP_START) && !out.getAll(AType.LOOP).contains(loop) && RegionUtils.isRegionContainsBlock(outerRegion, out)) { // exit to already processed outer loop out = null; } stack.addExit(out); BlockNode loopBody = condInfo.getThenBlock(); Region body = makeRegion(loopBody, stack); // add blocks from loop start to first condition block BlockNode conditionBlock = condInfo.getIfBlock(); if (loopStart != conditionBlock) { Set<BlockNode> blocks = BlockUtils.getAllPathsBlocks(loopStart, conditionBlock); blocks.remove(conditionBlock); for (BlockNode block : blocks) { if (block.getInstructions().isEmpty() && !block.contains(AFlag.SKIP) && !RegionUtils.isRegionContainsBlock(body, block)) { body.add(block); } } } loopRegion.setBody(body); } stack.pop(); insertContinue(loop); return out; }