protected CreateChildContainerOptions.Builder createAutoScaleOptions( AutoScaleRequest request, FabricService fabricService) { CreateChildContainerOptions.Builder builder = CreateChildContainerOptions.builder(); Container[] containers = fabricService.getContainers(); if (containers != null) { List<String> containerIds = Containers.rootContainerIds(containers); // allow the requirements to customise which root to use... if (containerIds.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No root containers are available!"); } String rootContainer = null; if (containerIds.size() == 1) { rootContainer = containerIds.get(0); } else { rootContainer = chooseRootContainer(request, containerIds); } if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(rootContainer)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not choose a root container from the possible IDs: " + containerIds + " with requirements: " + getChildScalingRequirements(request)); } else { builder = builder.parent(rootContainer); } } String zookeeperUrl = fabricService.getZookeeperUrl(); String zookeeperPassword = fabricService.getZookeeperPassword(); return builder .jmxUser("admin") .jmxPassword(zookeeperPassword) .zookeeperUrl(zookeeperUrl) .zookeeperPassword(zookeeperPassword); }
@Override public void createContainers(AutoScaleRequest request) throws Exception { int count = request.getDelta(); String profile = request.getProfile(); String version = request.getVersion(); FabricService fabricService = request.getFabricService(); CreateChildContainerOptions.Builder builder = null; if (fabricService != null) { builder = createAutoScaleOptions(request, fabricService); } if (builder != null) { Set<String> ignoreContainerNames = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final CreateChildContainerOptions.Builder configuredBuilder = builder.number(1).version(version).profiles(profile); Container[] containers = fabricService.getContainers(); NameValidator nameValidator = Containers.createNameValidator(containers); String name = Containers.createContainerName( containers, profile, containerProvider.getScheme(), nameValidator); ignoreContainerNames.add(name); CreateChildContainerOptions options =; "Creating container name " + name + " version " + version + " profile " + profile + " " + count + " container(s)"); fabricService.createContainers(options); } } else { LOG.warn( "Could not create version " + version + " profile " + profile + " due to missing autoscale configuration"); } }
@Override public String profileWebAppURL(String webAppId, String profileId, String versionId) { if (versionId == null || versionId.length() == 0) { Version version = getDefaultVersion(); if (version != null) { versionId = version.getId(); } } List<Container> containers = Containers.containersForProfile(getContainers(), profileId, versionId); for (Container container : containers) { String url = containerWebAppURL(webAppId, container.getId()); if (url != null && url.length() > 0) { return url; } } return null; }
protected void recompile() { LOG.debug("Looking for XSDs to recompile"); Set<String> urls = new TreeSet<String>(); FabricService fabric = getFabricService(); Container container = fabric.getCurrentContainer(); String version = container.getVersion().getId(); List<Profile> profiles = Containers.overlayProfiles(container); List<String> profileIds = Profiles.profileIds(profiles); Collection<String> names = fabric.getDataStore().listFiles(version, profileIds, schemaPath); for (String name : names) { if (name.endsWith(".xsd")) { String prefix = schemaPath; if (Strings.isNotBlank(prefix)) { prefix += "/"; } urls.add("profile:" + prefix + name); } }"Recompiling XSDs at URLs: " + urls); startedFlag.set(false); ClassLoader classLoader = AriesFrameworkUtil.getClassLoader(bundleContext.getBundle()); if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); } DynamicXJC xjc = new DynamicXJC(classLoader); xjc.setSchemaUrls(new ArrayList<String>(urls)); compileResults = xjc.compileSchemas(); if (handler != null) { handler.onCompileResults(compileResults); } if (introspector != null) { introspector.setClassLoaderProvider("dynamic.jaxb", new ClassLoaderProvider() { @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return compileResults.getClassLoader(); } }); } }
@Override public boolean scaleProfile(String profile, int numberOfInstances) throws IOException { if (numberOfInstances == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("numberOfInstances should be greater or less than zero"); } FabricRequirements requirements = getRequirements(); ProfileRequirements profileRequirements = requirements.getOrCreateProfileRequirement(profile); Integer minimumInstances = profileRequirements.getMinimumInstances(); List<Container> containers = Containers.containersForProfile(getContainers(), profile); int containerCount = containers.size(); int newCount = containerCount + numberOfInstances; if (newCount < 0) { newCount = 0; } boolean update = minimumInstances == null || newCount != minimumInstances; if (update) { profileRequirements.setMinimumInstances(newCount); setRequirements(requirements); } return update; }