private synchronized IAddress searchForAddress( IAddress searchCriteria, String searchTypeText, String listItem, String searchStatus) throws PresentationLogicException { //"getAddressByPostcode:"); if (searchCriteria == null) throw new PresentationLogicException("No Search Criteria given."); // select // AMBIGLIST,ORGANISATION,SUBBUILDING,BUILDINGNAME,BUILDINGNUMBER,DEPSTREET,STREET,DEPLOCALITY,LOCALITY,POSTTOWN,COUNTY,POSTCODE,ADDR,ADDKEY,ORGKEY,LISTTYPE,SEARCHSTATUS,LISTCOUNT,AMBIGLIST,BARCODE,ADEPOS,ADESCORE,ADPNRLOC,MSCORE,FFLAG,RESCODE,ERRNO,ERRTEXT,COUNTRY,COUNTRYCODE,MATCHLVL,PCLVL,INPCLVL,PCCHGLVL,PCCHGTYP,VANITYFLAGS,ELEMS_UNMATCHED,ELEMS_MATCHED,ELEMS_CORRECT,ELEMS_MISSPELLED,ELEMS_MISSING,FIELDSTATUS,OUTPUTSTATUS,ADDFMT_ABBR,ADDFMT_CONC,ADDFMT_TRUN,ADDFMT_ELIM,ADMINNUMBER,TRADNUMBER,LONLOCOUT,ADMINCOUNTY,TRADCOUNTY from PCLOOKUP where POSTCODE= StringBuilder l_query = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder l_restQuery = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder l_queryType = new StringBuilder(); l_query.append( "AMBIGLIST,ORGANISATION,SUBBUILDING,BUILDINGNAME,BUILDINGNUMBER," + "DEPSTREET,STREET,DEPLOCALITY,LOCALITY,POSTTOWN,COUNTY," + "POSTCODE(PP=16),ADDR,ADDKEY,ORGKEY,LISTTYPE,SEARCHSTATUS," + "LISTCOUNT,AMBIGLIST,BARCODE,ADEPOS,ADESCORE,ADPNRLOC," + "MSCORE,FFLAG,RESCODE,ERRNO,ERRTEXT,COUNTRY,COUNTRYCODE," + "MATCHLVL,PCLVL,INPCLVL,PCCHGLVL,PCCHGTYP,VANITYFLAGS," + "ELEMS_UNMATCHED,ELEMS_MATCHED,ELEMS_CORRECT," + "ELEMS_MISSPELLED,ELEMS_MISSING,FIELDSTATUS," + "OUTPUTSTATUS,ADDFMT_ABBR,ADDFMT_CONC,ADDFMT_TRUN," + "ADDFMT_ELIM,ADMINNUMBER,TRADNUMBER,LONLOCOUT,ADMINCOUNTY," + "TRADCOUNTY,PCG,DHA,OLDPCG,OLDDHA from "); // WDEV-14455 String postcode = ""; String Addr = ""; String buildingNumber = ""; String street = ""; String postTown = ""; String county = ""; l_restQuery.append(""); if (searchTypeText.equals("SEARCH")) { if (searchCriteria.getAddressSearchText() != null && searchCriteria.getAddressSearchText() != "") { Addr = searchCriteria.getAddressSearchText(); if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE ADDR=" + "\"" + Addr + "\""); } } else if (searchTypeText.equals("SELECT")) { if (searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode() != null) { postcode = searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode().toString(); l_restQuery.append(" WHERE POSTCODE=" + "\"" + postcode + "\""); } if (searchStatus != null && !searchStatus.equals("")) { if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE SEARCHSTATUS=" + "\"" + searchStatus + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",SEARCHSTATUS=" + "\"" + searchStatus + "\""); } if (searchCriteria.getAddressBuildingNumber() != null && searchCriteria.getAddressBuildingNumber() != "") { buildingNumber = searchCriteria.getAddressBuildingNumber().toString(); if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE BUILDINGNUMBER=" + "\"" + buildingNumber + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",BUILDINGNUMBER=" + "\"" + buildingNumber + "\""); } if (searchCriteria.getAddressStreet() != null && searchCriteria.getAddressStreet() != "") { street = searchCriteria.getAddressStreet().toString(); if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE STREET=" + "\"" + street + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",STREET=" + "\"" + street + "\""); } if (searchCriteria.getAddressPostTown() != null && searchCriteria.getAddressPostTown() != "") { postTown = searchCriteria.getAddressPostTown().toString(); if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE POSTTOWN=" + "\"" + postTown + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",POSTTOWN=" + "\"" + postTown + "\""); } if (searchCriteria.getAddressCounty() != null && searchCriteria.getAddressCounty() != "") { county = searchCriteria.getAddressCounty().toString(); if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE COUNTY=" + "\"" + county + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",COUNTY=" + "\"" + county + "\""); } // ListItem for Ambiguity selection if (listItem != null && listItem != "") { if (l_restQuery.length() == 0) l_restQuery.append(" WHERE LISTITEM=" + "\"" + listItem + "\""); else l_restQuery.append(",LISTITEM=" + "\"" + listItem + "\""); } } else if (searchTypeText.equals("PCLOOKUP")) { if (searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode() != null) { postcode = searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode().toString(); l_restQuery.append(" WHERE POSTCODE=" + "\"" + postcode + "\""); } } l_queryType.append(searchTypeText); l_query.append(l_queryType); l_query.append(l_restQuery); try { parseQuery(l_query.toString());"CAPSCAN Query: " + l_query.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } capscan.client.McConnection addressManagerConnection = null; try { // WDEV-17607 addressManagerConnection = AddressManager.getConnection(); if (addressManagerConnection == null || (addressManagerConnection != null && addressManagerConnection.errno() != 0) || (addressManagerConnection != null && addressManagerConnection.errno() != 1)) { AddressManager.connect( EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanServerName(), EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanPool(), McConnection.STATELESS); addressManagerConnection = AddressManager.getConnection(); } // WDEV-17607 } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } if (addressManagerConnection == null) { LOG.error( "Error getting Address Manager connection. Please see server logs for more information."); return null; } // WDEV-19795 int EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.PostCodeLookup, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Postcode lookup:" + select.toString() + " " + where.toString() + " " + data.toString()) .getSystemLogEventId(); // WDEV-19795 resultsSearch =, select, where, data, 15); if (resultsSearch != null && addressManagerConnection != null && addressManagerConnection.errno() == capscan.client.McConnection.OK) { // Display results // int count = results.length; // // use for logging search query at level ERROR String pools[] = addressManagerConnection.pools();"QUERY RESULTS"); pools = addressManagerConnection.pools(); String column; int count = 0; int i; int k; int j; count = resultsSearch.length; for (j = k = 0; j < pools.length; j++) { if (pools.length > 1) {"Pool " + pools[j] + ":\r\n"); } for (i = 0; k < count && i < select.size(); i++, k++) { column = (String) select.elementAt(i); + ":\r\n"); if (column.equals("AMBIGLIST")) { printAmbigList(resultsSearch[k]); } else {"\t" + resultsSearch[k] + "\r\n"); } } } if (select.size() > 1) { String strSubBuildingName = getColumnValue("SUBBUILDING"); boolean displaystrSubBuildingName = false; String strBuildingName = getColumnValue("BUILDINGNAME"); if (strSubBuildingName != null && !strSubBuildingName.equals("")) { if (!strBuildingName.equals("")) { // WDEV-17696 if (ConfigFlag.DOM.HEARTS_REPLICATE_PATIENTS.getValue()) { if (strSubBuildingName != null && strBuildingName != null && ConfigFlag.DOM.HEARTS_ADDRESS_LINE_MAXLEN != null) { if (strSubBuildingName.length() + strBuildingName.length() <= ConfigFlag.DOM.HEARTS_ADDRESS_LINE_MAXLEN.getValue()) { searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName( strSubBuildingName + ", " + strBuildingName); displaystrSubBuildingName = true; } else searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName(strBuildingName); } else searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName(strBuildingName); } else searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName(strBuildingName); } else searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName(strSubBuildingName); } else { searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingName(strBuildingName); } searchCriteria.setAddressBuildingNumber(getColumnValue("BUILDINGNUMBER")); searchCriteria.setAddressLocality(getColumnValue("LOCALITY")); // WDEV-15963 // support for DEPSTREET if (getColumnValue("DEPSTREET") != null && !getColumnValue("DEPSTREET").equals("")) searchCriteria.setAddressStreet( getColumnValue("DEPSTREET") + "," + getColumnValue("STREET")); else searchCriteria.setAddressStreet(getColumnValue("STREET")); // WDEV-17553 searchCriteria.setAddressPostTown(getColumnValue("POSTTOWN")); if (getColumnValue("POSTTOWN") != null && !getColumnValue("POSTTOWN").equals(getColumnValue("COUNTY"))) searchCriteria.setAddressCounty(getColumnValue("COUNTY")); else searchCriteria.setAddressCounty(""); // WDEV-15963 searchCriteria.setAddressPostCode(getColumnValue("POSTCODE(PP=16)")); searchCriteria.setAddressSearchText(getColumnValue("SEARCHSTATUS")); // WDEV-17696 if (displaystrSubBuildingName) searchCriteria.setAddressOrganisation(getColumnValue("ORGANISATION")); else if (getColumnValue("ORGANISATION") != null) { String strSubBuildingNameNoComma = strSubBuildingName != null && strSubBuildingName.length() > 0 ? "," + strSubBuildingName : ""; // WDEV-19643 searchCriteria.setAddressOrganisation( !getColumnValue("ORGANISATION").equals("") ? getColumnValue("ORGANISATION") + strSubBuildingNameNoComma : strSubBuildingName); } // WDEV-14455 if (ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_USE_OLDPCT_CODE.getValue()) { searchCriteria.setPCTcode(stripspaces(getColumnValue("OLDPCG"))); } else { searchCriteria.setPCTcode(stripspaces(getColumnValue("PCG"))); } } } else { if (addressManagerConnection != null) { LOG.error("error: " + addressManagerConnection.strerror(addressManagerConnection.errno())); return null; } else { LOG.error("error: connection null"); return null; } } return searchCriteria; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * WDEV-21978 * WDEV-21975 * @see ims.framework.interfaces.IAddressProvider#validPostcode(java.lang.String) * Validate post code * Receives post code and returns it if valid. return null if invalid * * if EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanServerName() is blank, will return blank (for non PDS forms) */ public String validPostcode(String postCode) { select = new Vector<String>(); where = new Vector(); data = new Vector(); String r = ""; String l_query = "SELECT AMBIGLIST,ORGANISATION,SUBBUILDING,BUILDINGNAME,BUILDINGNUMBER," + "DEPSTREET,STREET,DEPLOCALITY,LOCALITY,POSTTOWN,COUNTY," + "POSTCODE(PP=16),ADDR,ADDKEY,ORGKEY,LISTTYPE,SEARCHSTATUS," + "LISTCOUNT,AMBIGLIST,BARCODE,ADEPOS,ADESCORE,ADPNRLOC," + "MSCORE,FFLAG,RESCODE,ERRNO,ERRTEXT,COUNTRY,COUNTRYCODE," + "MATCHLVL,PCLVL,INPCLVL,PCCHGLVL,PCCHGTYP,VANITYFLAGS," + "ELEMS_UNMATCHED,ELEMS_MATCHED,ELEMS_CORRECT," + "ELEMS_MISSPELLED,ELEMS_MISSING,FIELDSTATUS," + "OUTPUTSTATUS,ADDFMT_ABBR,ADDFMT_CONC,ADDFMT_TRUN," + "ADDFMT_ELIM,ADMINNUMBER,TRADNUMBER,LONLOCOUT,ADMINCOUNTY," + "TRADCOUNTY,PCG,DHA,OLDPCG,OLDDHA from BROWSE WHERE POSTCODE=\"" + stripspaces(postCode) + "\""; try { parseQuery(l_query.toString());"CAPSCAN Query: " + l_query.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); // WDEV-23175 int EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.APPLICATION, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Postcode lookup:" + e.getMessage()) .getSystemLogEventId(); return postCode; // WDEV-23175 - On any exception return the postcode to allow the user to // continue // WDEV-23175 } capscan.client.McConnection addressManagerConnection = null; try { addressManagerConnection = AddressManager.getConnection(); if (addressManagerConnection == null || (addressManagerConnection != null && addressManagerConnection.errno() != 0) || (addressManagerConnection != null && addressManagerConnection.errno() != 1)) { AddressManager.connect( EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanServerName(), EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanPool(), McConnection.STATELESS); addressManagerConnection = AddressManager.getConnection(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); // WDEV-23175 int EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.APPLICATION, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Postcode lookup:" + e.getMessage()) .getSystemLogEventId(); return postCode; // WDEV-23175 - On any exception return the postcode to allow the user to // continue // WDEV-23175 } if (addressManagerConnection == null) { LOG.error( "Error getting Address Manager connection. Please see server logs for more information."); // WDEV-23175 int EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.APPLICATION, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Error getting Address Manager connection. Please see server logs for more information.") .getSystemLogEventId(); return postCode; // WDEV-23175 - On any exception return the postcode to allow the user to // continue // WDEV-23175 } int EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.PostCodeLookup, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Postcode lookup:" + select.toString() + " " + where.toString() + " " + data.toString()) .getSystemLogEventId(); // WDEV-23175 resultsSearch = null even with valid connection try { resultsSearch =, select, where, data, 15); r = getColumnValue("POSTCODE(PP=16)"); } catch ( Exception e2) // WDEV-23175 catch any other exceptions (e.g expired licence - you will get a // connection but results will be null) { LOG.error( "Error getting results from CAPSCAN server connection. Got the connection but no results. Please check CAPSCAN licence" + e2.getMessage()); // WDEV-23175 EventId = createSystemLogEntry( SystemLogType.APPLICATION, SystemLogLevel.INFORMATION, "Error getting results from CAPSCAN server connection. Got the connection but no results. Please check CAPSCAN licence" + e2.getMessage()) .getSystemLogEventId(); return postCode; // Return the postCode to allow the user to continue // WDEV-23175 } if (!stripspaces(postCode).equals(stripspaces(r))) { return null; } else { return r; } }
@SuppressWarnings("static-access") private HashMap<String, String> searchForDistance(IAddress searchCriteria, String units) { StringBuilder l_query = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder l_restQuery = new StringBuilder(); l_query.append(units + ",NEARESTRECORDS from PSEARCH"); if (searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode() == null) return null; String strPostCode = stripspaces(searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode().toString()); if (strPostCode.length() > 7) { strPostCode = strPostCode.substring(0, 7); // only take full postcode for nearcode criteria } l_restQuery.append(" WHERE ADDR=" + "\"" + strPostCode + "\""); // apply radius if (ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_DIST_SEARCH_RADIUS.getValue() != "" && !ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_DIST_SEARCH_RADIUS.getValue().equals("-1")) l_restQuery.append(",RADIUS=" + ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_DIST_SEARCH_RADIUS.getValue()); // apply maxrecords if (ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_DIST_MAX_RECORDS.getValue() != "") l_restQuery.append(",MAXRECORDS=" + ConfigFlag.UI.CAPSCAN_DIST_MAX_RECORDS.getValue()); l_query.append(l_restQuery); try { parseQuery(l_query.toString());"Nearcode Query: " + l_query.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } capscan.client.NcConnection distanceManagerConnection = null; try { // WDEV-17607 distanceManagerConnection = AddressManager.getncConnection(); if (distanceManagerConnection == null || (distanceManagerConnection != null && distanceManagerConnection.errno() != 0)) { AddressManager.ncConnect( EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanServerName(), EnvironmentConfig.getCapscanDistPool(), NcConnection.STATELESS); distanceManagerConnection = AddressManager.getncConnection(); } // WDEV-17607 distanceManagerConnection = AddressManager.getncConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } if (distanceManagerConnection == null) { LOG.error( "Error getting Distance Manager connection. Please see server logs for more information."); return null; } resultsSearch =, select, where, data, 15); if (resultsSearch != null && distanceManagerConnection != null && distanceManagerConnection.errno() == capscan.client.NcConnection.OK) { if (select.size() > 1) { // fill Map here String pools[] = distanceManagerConnection.pools();"QUERY RESULTS"); pools = distanceManagerConnection.pools(); String column; int count = 0; int k; int j; count = resultsSearch.length; StringBuffer strUnitDistances, strCodes; strUnitDistances = new StringBuffer(); strCodes = new StringBuffer(); for (j = k = 0; j < pools.length; j++) { if (pools.length > 1) {"Pool " + pools[j] + ":\r\n"); } // Get unit distances first for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { if (k < select.size()) column = (String) select.elementAt(k); else column = ""; if (column.equals("MILES") || column.equals("KILOMETERS")) strUnitDistances.append(resultsSearch[k]); } // get corresponding codes for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { if (k < select.size()) column = (String) select.elementAt(k); else column = ""; if (column.equals("NEARESTRECORDS")) strCodes.append(resultsSearch[k]); } } putResultDistanceAndCode(strUnitDistances, strCodes); } } else { if (distanceManagerConnection != null) { LOG.error( "error: " + distanceManagerConnection.strerror(distanceManagerConnection.errno())); return null; } else { LOG.error("error: connection null"); return null; } } if (resultMap == null) return null; return new HashMap<String, String>(resultMap); }
private synchronized String[] getCoOrds(IAddress searchCriteria, LatitudeLogitudeFormat[] lformat) throws DomainRuntimeException { // DEGREES DEG // RADIANS RAD // SPACES SPA Spaces instead of colons // SYMBOLS SYM Degrees, Minutes and Seconds symbols instead of colons // OSGB36 Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (default) datum (default) // WGS84 World Geodetic Standard 1984 datum"getLatitudeLogitude:"); if (searchCriteria == null && searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode() == null) throw new DomainRuntimeException("No Search Criteria given."); StringBuilder l_query = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder l_latitudeQuery = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder l_longitudeQuery = new StringBuilder(); String strPostCode = stripspaces(searchCriteria.getAddressPostCode().toString()); if (lformat == null) { l_query.append(" LATITUDE(DEG),LONGITUDE(DEG) from "); } else if (lformat.length == 1) { switch (lformat[0].getId()) { case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.EDEGREES: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(DEG),LONGITUDE(DEG) from "); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ERADIANS: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(RAD),LONGITUDE(RAD) from "); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESPACES: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(SPA),LONGITUDE(SPA) from "); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESYMBOLS: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(SYM),LONGITUDE(SYM) from "); break; default: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(DEG),LONGITUDE(DEG) from "); break; } } else if (lformat.length == 2) { // two formats specified switch (lformat[0].getId()) { case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.EDEGREES: l_latitudeQuery.append(" LATITUDE(DEG,"); l_longitudeQuery.append(" LONGITUDE(DEG,"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ERADIANS: l_latitudeQuery.append(" LATITUDE(RAD,"); l_longitudeQuery.append(" LONGITUDE(RAD,"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESPACES: l_latitudeQuery.append(" LATITUDE(SPA,"); l_longitudeQuery.append(" LONGITUDE(SPA,"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESYMBOLS: l_latitudeQuery.append(" LATITUDE(SYM,"); l_longitudeQuery.append(" LONGITUDE(SYM,"); break; default: l_query.append(" LATITUDE(DEG),LONGITUDE(DEG) from "); break; } switch (lformat[1].getId()) { case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESPACES: l_latitudeQuery.append("SPA)"); l_longitudeQuery.append("SPA)"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.ESYMBOLS: l_latitudeQuery.append("SYM)"); l_longitudeQuery.append("SYM)"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.EOSGB36: l_latitudeQuery.append("OSGB36)"); l_longitudeQuery.append("OSGB36)"); break; case LatitudeLogitudeFormat.EWGS84: l_latitudeQuery.append("WGS84)"); l_longitudeQuery.append("WGS84)"); break; default: if (l_query.toString() == "") l_query.append(" LATITUDE(DEG),LONGITUDE(DEG) from "); else break; break; } } try { l_query.append("PCLOOKUP WHERE POSTCODE = " + strPostCode); parseQuery(l_query.toString());"CAPSCAN GEO Query: " + l_query.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DomainRuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } capscan.client.McConnection addressManagerConnection = null; try { addressManagerConnection = AddressManager.getConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } if (addressManagerConnection == null) { LOG.error( "Error getting Address Manager connection. Please see server logs for more information."); return null; } resultsSearch =, select, where, data, 15); return resultsSearch; }