public DischargeDetailsVo saveDischargeDetails(DischargeDetailsVo voDischargeDetails) throws DomainInterfaceException, StaleObjectException { if (voDischargeDetails == null) throw new CodingRuntimeException("DischargeDetailsVo is null"); if (!voDischargeDetails.isValidated()) throw new CodingRuntimeException("DischargeDetailsVo Value Object has not been validated"); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); DischargeDetails doDD = DischargeDetailsVoAssembler.extractDischargeDetails(factory, voDischargeDetails);; // WDEV-19871 - create RTLSummary when starting e-Discharge process only if one does not already // exist for the care context IEDischargeHelper eDischImpl = (IEDischargeHelper) getDomainImpl(EDischargeHelper.class); RTLSummaryVo rtlSummary = eDischImpl.getRTLSummaryForCareContext(voDischargeDetails.getCareContext()); if (voDischargeDetails.getID_DischargeDetails() == null && rtlSummary == null) { rtlSummary = new RTLSummaryVo(); rtlSummary.setCareContext(voDischargeDetails.getCareContext()); RTLSummary rTLSummaryDO = RTLSummaryVoAssembler.extractRTLSummary(factory, rtlSummary);; } // WDEV-19871 -- ends here return DischargeDetailsVoAssembler.create(doDD); }
/** get Discharge Details */ public ims.clinical.vo.DischargeDetailsVo getDischargeDetails( ims.core.admin.vo.CareContextRefVo careContextRefvo) { if (careContextRefvo == null) throw new CodingRuntimeException("careContextRefVo Filter not provided for list call. "); if (careContextRefvo != null) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(" from DischargeDetails dd where "); String andStr = " "; ArrayList<String> markers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Serializable> values = new ArrayList<Serializable>(); hql.append(andStr + " = :careContextId"); markers.add("careContextId"); values.add(careContextRefvo.getID_CareContext()); andStr = " and "; List list = factory.find(hql.toString(), markers, values); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { DischargeDetailsVoCollection voColl = DischargeDetailsVoAssembler.createDischargeDetailsVoCollectionFromDischargeDetails( list); if (voColl != null && voColl.size() > 0) return voColl.get(0); } } return null; }
public DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo saveSupplementaryAndDD( DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo voDischSupp, DischargeDetailsVo voDD) throws DomainInterfaceException, StaleObjectException { if (voDischSupp == null) throw new CodingRuntimeException("DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo is null"); if (!voDischSupp.isValidated()) throw new CodingRuntimeException( "DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo Value Object has not been validated"); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); DischargeSupplementaryNotes doDSN = DischargeSupplementaryNotesVoAssembler.extractDischargeSupplementaryNotes( factory, voDischSupp); // WDEV-8813 // Workaround for the case when 2 users save in the same time a new // DischargeSupplementaryNotesVO // In this case the call doesn't throw a StaleObjectExeption, even if it is the case if (!voDischSupp.getID_DischargeSupplementaryNotesIsNotNull()) { DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo voDischargeSupp = getSupplementary(voDischSupp.getCareContext()); if (voDischargeSupp != null) { throw new StaleObjectException( doDSN, "A DischargeSupplementaryNotesVo was already saved by another user"); } }; if (voDD != null) { DischargeDetails doDD = DischargeDetailsVoAssembler.extractDischargeDetails(factory, voDD);; } return DischargeSupplementaryNotesVoAssembler.create(doDSN); }