public final void run( final ImagePlus imp, final int width, final int height, final double minLambda, final double minPhi, final double hfov, final double vfov) { ip = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height); final ImagePlus impViewer = new ImagePlus("Panorama View", ip); /* initialize projection */ p.setMinLambda(minLambda); p.setMinPhi(minPhi); p.setLambdaPiScale(Math.PI / hfov * imp.getWidth()); p.setPhiPiScale(Math.PI / vfov * (imp.getHeight() - 1)); p.setTargetWidth(ip.getWidth()); p.setTargetHeight(ip.getHeight()); p.setF(0.5); System.out.println(p.getLambdaPiScale() + " " + p.getPhiPiScale()); /* TODO calculate proper size */ // final int cubeSize = 500; final int cubeSize = (int) Math.round(Math.max(p.getPhiPiScale(), p.getLambdaPiScale()) * 2.0 / Math.PI); frontSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); backSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); leftSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); rightSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); topSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); bottomSource = ip.createProcessor(cubeSize + 1, cubeSize + 1); renderCubeFaces(hfov, vfov); /* instantiate and run mapper and painter */ final Mapper mapper = new CubeFaceMapper( frontSource, backSource, leftSource, rightSource, topSource, bottomSource, p); painter = new MappingThread(imp, impViewer, mapper, ip, p);; gui = new GUI(impViewer); gui.backupGui(); gui.takeOverGui(); painter.start(); update(false); }
public ImageProcessor expandImage(ImageProcessor ipOld, int wNew, int hNew, int xOff, int yOff) { ImageProcessor ipNew = ipOld.createProcessor(wNew, hNew); if (zeroFill) ipNew.setValue(0.0); else ipNew.setColor(Toolbar.getBackgroundColor()); ipNew.fill(); ipNew.insert(ipOld, xOff, yOff); return ipNew; }
private final void renderCubeFaces(final double hfov, final double vfov) { /* fragile, but that's not public API and we know what we're doing... */ final double cubeSize = frontSource.getWidth() - 1; /* prepare extended image */ ipSource = ip.createProcessor( hfov == 2.0 * Math.PI ? imp.getWidth() + 1 : imp.getWidth(), vfov == Math.PI ? imp.getHeight() + 1 : imp.getHeight()); prepareExtendedImage(imp.getProcessor(), ipSource); /* render cube faces */ final EquirectangularProjection q = p.clone(); q.resetOrientation(); q.setTargetWidth(cubeSize); q.setTargetHeight(cubeSize); q.setF(0.5f); final InverseTransformMapping<EquirectangularProjection> qMapping = new InverseTransformMapping<EquirectangularProjection>(q); IJ.showStatus("Rendering cube faces..."); IJ.showProgress(0, 6); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, frontSource); IJ.showProgress(1, 6); q.pan(Math.PI); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, backSource); IJ.showProgress(2, 6); q.resetOrientation(); q.pan(Math.PI / 2); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, leftSource); IJ.showProgress(3, 6); q.resetOrientation(); q.pan(-Math.PI / 2); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, rightSource); IJ.showProgress(4, 6); q.resetOrientation(); q.tilt(-Math.PI / 2); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, topSource); IJ.showProgress(5, 6); q.resetOrientation(); q.tilt(Math.PI / 2); qMapping.mapInterpolated(ipSource, bottomSource); IJ.showProgress(6, 6); if (showCubefaces) { new ImagePlus("front", frontSource).show(); new ImagePlus("back", backSource).show(); new ImagePlus("left", leftSource).show(); new ImagePlus("right", rightSource).show(); new ImagePlus("top", topSource).show(); new ImagePlus("bottom", bottomSource).show(); } }
ImageProcessor expand(ImageProcessor ip, boolean hasEdgePixels) { if (hasEdgePixels) { ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.createProcessor(ip.getWidth() + 2, ip.getHeight() + 2); if (foreground == 0) { ip2.setColor(255); ip2.fill(); } ip2.insert(ip, 1, 1); // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2).show(); return ip2; } else return ip; }
public MappingThread( final ImagePlus impSource, final ImagePlus impTarget, final Mapper mapper, final ImageProcessor target, final PanoramaCamera<?> camera) { this.impSource = impSource; this.impTarget = impTarget; this.mapper = mapper; = target; this.temp = target.createProcessor(target.getWidth(), target.getHeight()); temp.snapshot(); = camera; this.setName("MappingThread"); }
public ImageStack expandStack(ImageStack stackOld, int wNew, int hNew, int xOff, int yOff) { int nFrames = stackOld.getSize(); ImageProcessor ipOld = stackOld.getProcessor(1); java.awt.Color colorBack = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor(); ImageStack stackNew = new ImageStack(wNew, hNew, stackOld.getColorModel()); ImageProcessor ipNew; for (int i = 1; i <= nFrames; i++) { IJ.showProgress((double) i / nFrames); ipNew = ipOld.createProcessor(wNew, hNew); if (zeroFill) ipNew.setValue(0.0); else ipNew.setColor(colorBack); ipNew.fill(); ipNew.insert(stackOld.getProcessor(i), xOff, yOff); stackNew.addSlice(stackOld.getSliceLabel(i), ipNew); } return stackNew; }
public void runLipschitz(ImageProcessor ip) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) return; breaked = false; Date d1, d2; d1 = new Date(); IJ.showStatus("Initializing..."); m_stack_out = m_imp.createEmptyStack(); ImagePlus imp2 = null; for (int i = 0; ((i < m_scount) && (!breaked)); i++) { if (m_scount > 1) { ip = m_stack.getProcessor(i + 1); } iptmp = ip.createProcessor(ImageWidth, ImageHeight); iptmp.copyBits(ip, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY); IJ.showStatus("Filtering " + (i + 1) + "/" + m_scount + " slice."); Lipschitz2D(iptmp); m_stack_out.addSlice(m_imp.getShortTitle() + " " + (i + 1) + "/" + m_scount, iptmp); if (breaked = IJ.escapePressed()) IJ.beep(); } imp2 = new ImagePlus( m_imp.getShortTitle() + " Filtered (Lipschitz) Slope:" + m_Slope + " " + ((m_Down) ? " -Down" : " ") + " " + ((m_TopHat) ? " -TopHat" : " ") + ((breaked) ? " -INTERUPTED" : ""), m_stack_out);; imp2.updateAndDraw(); IJ.showProgress(1.0); } // end of 'runLipschitz' method