@Override public boolean click(Coord c, int button) { Equipory e = ui.gui.getEquipory(); if (e != null) { WItem w = e.slots[index]; if (w != null) { w.mousedown(c.add(-sqroff(c).x * sq.sz().x, 0), button); } } return true; }
@Override public void run() { synchronized (gui.map.glob.oc) { for (Gob gob : gui.map.glob.oc) { Resource res = gob.getres(); if (res != null && (res.name.equals("gfx/terobjs/oven") || res.name.equals("gfx/terobjs/smelter") || res.name.equals("gfx/terobjs/steelcrucible") || res.name.equals("gfx/terobjs/kiln"))) { if (this.gob == null) this.gob = gob; else if (gob.rc.dist(gui.map.player().rc) < this.gob.rc.dist(gui.map.player().rc)) this.gob = gob; } } } try { if (gob == null) { gui.error("No ovens/smelters/steelboxes/kilns found."); return; } Equipory e = gui.getequipory(); WItem l = e.quickslots[6]; WItem r = e.quickslots[7]; boolean noltorch = true; boolean nortorch = true; if (l != null) { String lname = l.item.getname(); if (lname.contains("Lit Torch")) noltorch = false; } if (r != null) { String rname = r.item.getname(); if (rname.contains("Lit Torch")) nortorch = false; } if (noltorch && nortorch) { gui.error("No lit torch is equipped."); return; } WItem w = e.quickslots[noltorch ? 7 : 6]; w.mousedown(new Coord(w.sz.x / 2, w.sz.y / 2), 1); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { e.wdgmsg("drop", noltorch ? 7 : 6); return; } gui.map.wdgmsg("itemact", Coord.z, gob.rc, 0, 0, (int) gob.id, gob.rc, 0, -1); if (!Utils.waitForProgressFinish( gui, TIMEOUT_ACT, "Oops something went wrong. Timeout when trying to light with torch.")) { e.wdgmsg("drop", noltorch ? 7 : 6); return; } e.wdgmsg("drop", noltorch ? 7 : 6); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } }