public List<String> onTabComplete( CommandSender commandSender, Command command, String s, String[] strings) { for (TabCompleter completer : delegateCompleters) { List<String> list = completer.onTabComplete(commandSender, command, s, strings); if (list != null) return list; } String expression = strings[strings.length - 1]; TreeSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(); Caller caller = plugin.getCallerService().getCaller(commandSender); WorkspaceService service = plugin.getWorkspaceService(); String workspaceName = service.getWorkspaceName(commandSender); Workspace workspace = service.getWorkspace(workspaceName); LinkedList<String> tokens = new LinkedList<String>(); boolean needHelp = expression.endsWith("?"); if (needHelp) expression = expression.substring(0, expression.length() - 1); Collections.addAll(tokens, expression.split("\\.")); if (expression.endsWith(".")) tokens.add(""); if (needHelp) { getHelp(caller, workspace, tokens); return Collections.singletonList(expression); } String firstToken = tokens.pollFirst(); if (firstToken == null) firstToken = ""; MetaClass callerScriptMetaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(CallerScript.class); MetaClass workspaceMetaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Workspace.class); Map workspaceVars = null; if (workspace != null) workspaceVars = workspace.getBinding().getVariables(); Map globalVars = service.getBinding().getVariables(); PreparedScriptProperties properties = new PreparedScriptProperties(); properties.setCaller(caller); properties.setServer(plugin.getServer()); properties.setWorkspace(workspace); if (tokens.isEmpty()) { // get current method or class for (MetaProperty metaProperty : callerScriptMetaClass.getProperties()) { String name = metaProperty.getName(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } for (String name : service.getImportTabCompleteClasses().keySet()) { if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : callerScriptMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { if (metaMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { String methodEnd = "("; if (metaMethod.isValidMethod(new Class[] {Closure.class})) methodEnd = "{"; else if (metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(name + methodEnd); } int args = metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.contains(firstToken)) result.add(propertyName); } } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : workspaceMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { if (metaMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { String methodEnd = "("; if (metaMethod.isValidMethod(new Class[] {Closure.class})) methodEnd = "{"; else if (metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(name + methodEnd); } } for (Method method : CallerScript.class.getMethods()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = method.getName(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(types[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (types.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(name + methodEnd); int args = method.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.contains(firstToken)) result.add(propertyName); } } } for (Method method : Workspace.class.getMethods()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = method.getName(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(types[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (types.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(name + methodEnd); } } if (workspaceVars != null) for (Object key : workspaceVars.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } if (globalVars != null) for (Object key : globalVars.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } for (GroovyObject modifier : CallerScript.getDynamicModifiers()) { Object[] params = {properties}; try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getPropertyMapFor", params); for (Object key : map.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getMethodMapFor", params); for (Object key : map.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name + "("); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } if (globalVars != null) for (Object key : globalVars.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) result.add(name); } return new ArrayList<String>(result); } // get metaclass of first token MetaClass metaClass = getFirstTokenMeta( caller, firstToken, commandSender, service, callerScriptMetaClass, workspaceMetaClass, workspace, workspaceVars, globalVars, properties); boolean classHook = tokens.size() <= 1 && service.getImportTabCompleteClasses().containsKey(firstToken); if (metaClass == null) return null; metaClass = skipTokens(tokens, metaClass); if (metaClass == null) return null; // select property or method of last metaclass String token = tokens.pollFirst(); Class theClass = metaClass.getTheClass(); String inputPrefix = expression.substring(0, expression.lastIndexOf('.')) + "."; for (MetaProperty metaProperty : metaClass.getProperties()) { String name = metaProperty.getName(); if (name.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + name); } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : metaClass.getMetaMethods()) { if (metaMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.startsWith(token)) { String methodEnd = "("; if (metaMethod.isValidMethod(new Class[] {Closure.class})) methodEnd = "{"; else if (metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes().length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(inputPrefix + name + methodEnd); } int args = metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + propertyName); } } for (Method method : theClass.getMethods()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = method.getName(); if (name.startsWith(token)) { String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(types[0])) methodEnd = "{"; if (types.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(inputPrefix + name + methodEnd); } int args = method.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + propertyName); } } if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass)) { Enum[] enumValues = getEnumValues(theClass); if (enumValues != null) for (Enum anEnum : enumValues) { String name =; if (name.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + name); } } if (classHook) { for (MetaProperty metaProperty : InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Class.class).getProperties()) { String name = metaProperty.getName(); if (name.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + name); } for (Method method : Class.class.getMethods()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) continue; String name = method.getName(); if (name.startsWith(token)) { String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(types[0])) methodEnd = "{"; if (types.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; result.add(inputPrefix + name + methodEnd); } int args = method.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.startsWith(token)) result.add(inputPrefix + propertyName); } } } return new ArrayList<String>(result); }
public void addSetMethod(MetaBeanProperty property) throws Exception { MetaMethod setter = property.getSetter(); Type paramType = Type.getType(setter.getParameterTypes()[0].getTheClass()); Type returnType = Type.getType(setter.getReturnType()); String setterDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, new Type[] {paramType}); // GENERATE public void <propName>(<type> v) { <setter>(v) } String setMethodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[] {paramType}); MethodVisitor methodVisitor = visitor.visitMethod( Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, property.getName(), setMethodDescriptor, null, new String[0]); methodVisitor.visitCode(); // GENERATE <setter>(v) methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(paramType.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), 1); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, generatedType.getInternalName(), setter.getName(), setterDescriptor); // END methodVisitor.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0); methodVisitor.visitEnd(); }
public void addGetter(MetaBeanProperty property) throws Exception { MetaMethod getter = property.getGetter(); // GENERATE private boolean <prop>Set; String flagName = String.format("%sSet", property.getName()); visitor.visitField( Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE, flagName, Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE.getDescriptor(), null, null); addConventionGetter(getter.getName(), flagName, property); String getterName = getter.getName(); Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType(); // If it's a boolean property, there can be get or is type variants. // If this class has both, decorate both. if (returnType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { boolean getterIsIsMethod = getterName.startsWith("is"); String propertyNameComponent = getterName.substring(getterIsIsMethod ? 2 : 3); String alternativeGetterName = String.format("%s%s", getterIsIsMethod ? "get" : "is", propertyNameComponent); try { type.getMethod(alternativeGetterName); addConventionGetter(alternativeGetterName, flagName, property); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // ignore, no method to override } } }
@Override public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object obj) { Object[] args = obj.getClass().isArray() ? (Object[]) obj : new Object[] {obj}; if (isCriteriaConstructionMethod(name, args)) { initializeQuery(); uniqueResult = false; invokeClosureNode(args[0]); Object result; if (!uniqueResult) { result = query.list(); } else { result = query.singleResult(); } query = null; return result; } MetaMethod metaMethod = getMetaClass().getMetaMethod(name, args); if (metaMethod != null) { return metaMethod.invoke(this, args); } metaMethod = queryMetaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args); if (metaMethod != null) { return metaMethod.invoke(query, args); } if (args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof Closure) { final PersistentProperty property = persistentEntity.getPropertyByName(name); if (property instanceof Association) { Association association = (Association) property; Query previousQuery = query; PersistentEntity previousEntity = persistentEntity; Query associationQuery = null; try { associationQuery = query.createQuery(property.getName()); if (associationQuery instanceof AssociationQuery) { previousQuery.add((Query.Criterion) associationQuery); } query = associationQuery; persistentEntity = association.getAssociatedEntity(); invokeClosureNode(args[0]); return query; } finally { persistentEntity = previousEntity; query = previousQuery; } } } throw new MissingMethodException(name, getClass(), args); }
private boolean callDynamic(final String method, final Object[] args) { final MetaClass metaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(this); final List<MetaMethod> list = metaClass.respondsTo(this, method); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { boolean hasArgs = false; for (final MetaMethod metaMethod : list) { if (metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0) hasArgs = true; } if (hasArgs) InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(this, method, args); else InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(this, method, EMPTY_ARGUMENTS); return true; } return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event) { Object entity = event.getEntity(); boolean evict = false; if (preUpdateEventListener != null) { evict =; synchronizePersisterState(entity, event.getPersister(), event.getState()); } if (lastUpdatedProperty != null && shouldTimestamp) { Object now = DefaultGroovyMethods.newInstance( lastUpdatedProperty.getType(), new Object[] {System.currentTimeMillis()}); event .getState()[ ArrayUtils.indexOf( event.getPersister().getPropertyNames(), GrailsDomainClassProperty.LAST_UPDATED)] = now; lastUpdatedProperty.setProperty(entity, now); } if (!AbstractSavePersistentMethod.isAutoValidationDisabled(entity) && !DefaultTypeTransformation.castToBoolean( validateMethod.invoke(entity, new Object[] {validateParams}))) { evict = true; if (failOnErrorEnabled) { Errors errors = (Errors) errorsProperty.getProperty(entity); throw new ValidationException( "Validation error whilst flushing entity [" + entity.getClass().getName() + "]", errors); } } return evict; }
private void createMetaMethodFromClass(Map<CachedClass, List<MetaMethod>> map, Class aClass) { try { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) aClass.newInstance(); final CachedClass declClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); List<MetaMethod> arr = map.get(declClass); if (arr == null) { arr = new ArrayList<MetaMethod>(4); map.put(declClass, arr); } arr.add(method); instanceMethods.add(method); } catch (InstantiationException e) { /* ignore */ } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { /* ignore */ } }
private boolean isMatchingMethod(MetaMethod aMethod, MetaMethod method) { if (aMethod == method) return true; CachedClass[] params1 = aMethod.getParameterTypes(); CachedClass[] params2 = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params1.length != params2.length) { return false; } boolean matches = true; for (int i = 0; i < params1.length; i++) { if (params1[i] != params2[i]) { matches = false; break; } } return matches; }
public void addSetter(MetaBeanProperty property) throws Exception { MetaMethod setter = property.getSetter(); // GENERATE public <return-type> <setter>(<type> v) { <return-type> v = super.<setter>(v); // <prop>Set = true; return v; } Type paramType = Type.getType(setter.getParameterTypes()[0].getTheClass()); Type returnType = Type.getType(setter.getReturnType()); String setterDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, new Type[] {paramType}); MethodVisitor methodVisitor = visitor.visitMethod( Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, setter.getName(), setterDescriptor, null, new String[0]); methodVisitor.visitCode(); // GENERATE super.<setter>(v) methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(paramType.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), 1); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, superclassType.getInternalName(), setter.getName(), setterDescriptor); // END // GENERATE <prop>Set = true methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitLdcInsn(true); methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn( Opcodes.PUTFIELD, generatedType.getInternalName(), String.format("%sSet", property.getName()), Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE.getDescriptor()); // END methodVisitor.visitInsn(returnType.getOpcode(Opcodes.IRETURN)); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0); methodVisitor.visitEnd(); }
private void copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(Entry e) { Object oldListOrMethod = e.methodsForSuper; if (oldListOrMethod == null) return; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (method.isPrivate()) continue; e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (!method.isPrivate()) { e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } }
private void copyAllMethods(Entry from, Header to) { Object oldListOrMethod = from.methods; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = null; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (e == null) e = getOrPutMethods(, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (!method.isPrivate()) { Entry e = getOrPutMethods(, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } }
public void addActionMethod(MetaMethod method) throws Exception { Type actionImplType = Type.getType(ClosureBackedAction.class); Type closureType = Type.getType(Closure.class); String methodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[] {closureType}); // GENERATE public void <method>(Closure v) { <method>(new ClosureBackedAction(v)); } MethodVisitor methodVisitor = visitor.visitMethod( Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, method.getName(), methodDescriptor, null, new String[0]); methodVisitor.visitCode(); // GENERATE <method>(new ClosureBackedAction(v)); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); // GENERATE new ClosureBackedAction(v); methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, actionImplType.getInternalName()); methodVisitor.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1); String constuctorDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[] {closureType}); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, actionImplType.getInternalName(), "<init>", constuctorDescriptor); methodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor( Type.getType(method.getReturnType()), new Type[] {Type.getType(method.getParameterTypes()[0].getTheClass())}); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, generatedType.getInternalName(), method.getName(), methodDescriptor); methodVisitor.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0); methodVisitor.visitEnd(); }
private MetaClass skipTokens(LinkedList<String> tokens, MetaClass metaClass) { while (tokens.size() > 1) { Class theClass = metaClass.getTheClass(); String token = tokens.pollFirst(); Class selectedClass = null; if (propertyPattern.matcher(token).matches()) { String getterName = "get" + StringGroovyMethods.capitalize((CharSequence) token); for (MetaMethod metaMethod : metaClass.getMetaMethods()) { if (metaMethod.getName().equals(getterName)) { selectedClass = metaMethod.getReturnType(); break; } } if (selectedClass == null) for (Method method : theClass.getMethods()) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length != 0) continue; if (method.getName().equals(getterName)) { selectedClass = method.getReturnType(); break; } } if (selectedClass == null) { MetaProperty metaProperty = metaClass.getMetaProperty(token); if (metaProperty == null) return null; selectedClass = metaProperty.getType(); } } else if (methodPattern.matcher(token).matches()) { String curMethodName = token.substring(0, token.indexOf('(')); for (MetaMethod metaMethod : metaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.equals(curMethodName)) { selectedClass = metaMethod.getReturnType(); break; } } if (selectedClass == null) for (Method method : theClass.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); if (name.equals(curMethodName)) { selectedClass = method.getReturnType(); break; } } } if (selectedClass == null) return null; metaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(selectedClass); } return metaClass; }
private void addConventionGetter(String getterName, String flagName, MetaBeanProperty property) throws Exception { // GENERATE public <type> <getter>() { return // (<type>)getConventionMapping().getConventionValue(super.<getter>(), '<prop>', <prop>Set); } MetaMethod getter = property.getGetter(); Type returnType = Type.getType(getter.getReturnType()); String methodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, new Type[0]); MethodVisitor methodVisitor = visitor.visitMethod( Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, getterName, methodDescriptor, null, new String[0]); methodVisitor.visitCode(); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, conventionAwareType.getInternalName(), "getConventionMapping", Type.getMethodDescriptor(conventionMappingType, new Type[0])); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, superclassType.getInternalName(), getterName, methodDescriptor); Type boxedType = null; if (getter.getReturnType().isPrimitive()) { // Box value boxedType = Type.getType(JavaReflectionUtil.getWrapperTypeForPrimitiveType(getter.getReturnType())); String valueOfMethodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(boxedType, new Type[] {returnType}); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, boxedType.getInternalName(), "valueOf", valueOfMethodDescriptor); } methodVisitor.visitLdcInsn(property.getName()); methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn( Opcodes.GETFIELD, generatedType.getInternalName(), flagName, Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE.getDescriptor()); String getConventionValueDesc = Type.getMethodDescriptor( ConventionMapping.class.getMethod( "getConventionValue", Object.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE)); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, conventionMappingType.getInternalName(), "getConventionValue", getConventionValueDesc); if (getter.getReturnType().isPrimitive()) { // Unbox value methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, boxedType.getInternalName()); String valueMethodDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, new Type[0]); methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, boxedType.getInternalName(), getter.getReturnType().getName() + "Value", valueMethodDescriptor); } else { // Cast to return type methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn( Opcodes.CHECKCAST, getter.getReturnType().isArray() ? "[" + returnType.getElementType().getDescriptor() : returnType.getInternalName()); } methodVisitor.visitInsn(returnType.getOpcode(Opcodes.IRETURN)); methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0); methodVisitor.visitEnd(); }
public int getModifiers() { return method.getModifiers(); }
@Override public boolean call(Object entity) { Object retval = method.invoke(entity, EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); return resolveReturnValue(retval); }
public String getName() { return method.getName(); }
public Object addMethodToList(Object o, MetaMethod method) { if (o == null) { return method; } if (o instanceof MetaMethod) { MetaMethod match = (MetaMethod) o; if (!isMatchingMethod(match, method)) { FastArray list = new FastArray(2); list.add(match); list.add(method); return list; } else { if (match.isPrivate() || (!isNonRealMethod(match) && match.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface())) { // do not overwrite interface methods with instance methods // do not overwrite private methods // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here, // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and // in that case we want to keep the private methods } else { CachedClass methodC = method.getDeclaringClass(); CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass(); if (methodC == matchC) { if (isNonRealMethod(method)) { return method; } } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) { return method; } } } return o; } if (o instanceof FastArray) { FastArray list = (FastArray) o; int found = findMatchingMethod(list, method); if (found == -1) { list.add(method); } else { MetaMethod match = (MetaMethod) list.get(found); if (match == method) return o; if (match.isPrivate() || (!isNonRealMethod(match) && match.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface())) { // do not overwrite interface methods with instance methods // do not overwrite private methods // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here, // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and // in that case we want to keep the private methods } else { CachedClass methodC = method.getDeclaringClass(); CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass(); if (methodC == matchC) { if (isNonRealMethod(method)) { list.set(found, method); } } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) { list.set(found, method); } } } } return o; }
public Class getReturnType() { return method.getReturnType(); }
public Object invoke(Object object, Object[] arguments) { // make sure parameterTypes gets set method.getParameterTypes(); return method.invoke( mixinInMetaClass.getMixinInstance(object), method.correctArguments(arguments)); }
protected Class[] getPT() { return method.getNativeParameterTypes(); }
public void getHelp(Caller caller, Workspace workspace, LinkedList<String> tokens) { WorkspaceService service = plugin.getWorkspaceService(); String source = service.getWorkspaceName(caller.getSender()); String firstToken = tokens.pollFirst(); if (firstToken == null) firstToken = ""; MetaClass callerScriptMetaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(CallerScript.class); MetaClass workspaceMetaClass = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Workspace.class); Map workspaceVars = null; if (workspace != null) workspaceVars = workspace.getBinding().getVariables(); Map globalVars = service.getBinding().getVariables(); PreparedScriptProperties properties = new PreparedScriptProperties(); properties.setCaller(caller); properties.setServer(plugin.getServer()); properties.setWorkspace(workspace); if (tokens.isEmpty()) { // get current method or class if (firstToken.equals("_")) { Object result = caller.getLastResult(); String type = "null"; if (result != null) type = result.getClass().getName(); caller.sendPrintMessage("Last result: " + AQUA + type + RESET, source); return; } MetaProperty prop = callerScriptMetaClass.getMetaProperty(firstToken); if (prop != null) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Script property %s: %s", YELLOW + prop.getName() + RESET, AQUA + prop.getType().getName() + RESET), source); return; } Class compClass = service.getImportTabCompleteClasses().get(firstToken); if (compClass != null) { String type = "Class"; if (compClass.isInterface()) type = "Interface"; else if (compClass.isEnum()) type = "Enum class"; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Class superClass = compClass.getSuperclass(); buf.append(type).append(" ").append(YELLOW).append(compClass.getName()).append(RESET); if (superClass != null) { buf.append(" extends ").append(AQUA).append(superClass.getName()).append(RESET); } caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); return; } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : callerScriptMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; if (metaMethod.isValidMethod(new Class[] {Closure.class})) methodEnd = "{"; else if (metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Script meta method ") .append(YELLOW) .append(metaMethod.getName()) .append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(metaMethod.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append('\n').append(RESET); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } int args = metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.equals(firstToken)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Script meta getter %s returns %s", YELLOW + name + "()" + RESET, AQUA + metaMethod.getReturnType().getName() + RESET), source); } } } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : workspaceMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; if (metaMethod.isValidMethod(new Class[] {Closure.class})) methodEnd = "{"; else if (metaMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Workspace meta method ") .append(YELLOW) .append(metaMethod.getName()) .append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(metaMethod.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } } for (Method method : CallerScript.class.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Script method ").append(YELLOW).append(method.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(method.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(params.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class<?> type : params) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } int args = params.length; if ((name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 || name.startsWith("set") && args == 1) && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.equals(firstToken)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Script getter %s returns %s", YELLOW + name + "()" + RESET, AQUA + method.getReturnType().getName() + RESET), source); } } } for (Method method : Workspace.class.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Workspace method ").append(YELLOW).append(method.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(method.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(params.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class<?> type : params) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } } if (workspaceVars != null) { Object result = workspaceVars.get(firstToken); if (result != null || workspaceVars.containsKey(firstToken)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Workspace variable %s: %s", YELLOW + firstToken + RESET, AQUA + (result == null ? "null" : result.getClass().getName()) + RESET), source); return; } } if (globalVars != null) { Object result = globalVars.get(firstToken); if (result != null || globalVars.containsKey(firstToken)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Workspace variable %s: %s", YELLOW + firstToken + RESET, AQUA + (result == null ? "null" : result.getClass().getName()) + RESET), source); return; } } for (GroovyObject modifier : CallerScript.getDynamicModifiers()) { Object[] params = {properties}; try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getPropertyMapFor", params); Object result = map.get(firstToken); if (result != null || map.containsKey(firstToken)) { Class resultClass = result instanceof Class ? (Class) result : null; caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Dynamic variable %s: %s", YELLOW + firstToken + RESET, AQUA + (resultClass == null ? "unknown type" : resultClass.getName()) + RESET), source); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getMethodMapFor", params); String funToken = firstToken; if (funToken.endsWith("(")) funToken = firstToken.substring(0, funToken.length() - 1); Object result = map.get(funToken); if (result != null || map.containsKey(funToken)) { Class resultClass = result instanceof Class ? (Class) result : null; caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Dynamic function %s: %s", YELLOW + firstToken + RESET, AQUA + (resultClass == null ? "unknown type" : resultClass.getName()) + RESET), source); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } return; } MetaClass metaClass = getFirstTokenMeta( caller, firstToken, caller.getSender(), service, callerScriptMetaClass, workspaceMetaClass, workspace, workspaceVars, globalVars, properties); boolean classHook = tokens.size() <= 1 && service.getImportTabCompleteClasses().containsKey(firstToken); metaClass = skipTokens(tokens, metaClass); if (metaClass == null) return; // select property or method of last metaclass String token = tokens.pollFirst(); Class theClass = metaClass.getTheClass(); MetaProperty metaProperty = metaClass.getMetaProperty(token); if (metaProperty != null) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Meta property %s: %s", YELLOW + token + RESET, AQUA + metaProperty.getType().getName() + RESET), source); } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : metaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (token.equals(name) || token.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Meta method ").append(YELLOW).append(metaMethod.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(metaMethod.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } int args = params.length; if (name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.equals(token)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Meta getter %s returns %s", YELLOW + name + "()" + RESET, AQUA + metaMethod.getReturnType().getName() + RESET), source); } } } for (Method method : theClass.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (token.equals(name) || token.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Method ").append(YELLOW).append(method.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(method.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } int args = params.length; if (name.startsWith("get") && args == 0 && name.length() > 3) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(name); if (propertyName != null && propertyName.equals(token)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Getter %s returns %s", YELLOW + name + "()" + RESET, AQUA + method.getReturnType().getName() + RESET), source); } } } if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass)) { Enum[] enumValues = getEnumValues(theClass); if (enumValues != null) for (Enum anEnum : enumValues) { String name =; if (name.equals(token)) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Enum value %s: %s", YELLOW + name + RESET, AQUA + theClass.getName() + RESET), source); } } } if (classHook) { MetaProperty property = InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Class.class).getMetaProperty(token); if (property != null) { caller.sendPrintMessage( String.format( "Meta property %s: %s", YELLOW + token + RESET, AQUA + property.getType().getName() + RESET), source); } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(Class.class).getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Method ").append(YELLOW).append(metaMethod.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(metaMethod.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = metaMethod.getNativeParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } } for (Method method : Class.class.getMethods()) { String name = method.getName(); String methodEnd = "("; Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length == 1 && Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0])) methodEnd = "{"; else if (params.length == 0) methodEnd = "()"; if (firstToken.equals(name) || firstToken.equals(name + methodEnd)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Method ").append(YELLOW).append(method.getName()).append(RESET); buf.append(" returns ").append(AQUA).append(method.getReturnType().getName()); buf.append(RESET).append('\n'); Class[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); buf.append("arguments: ").append(YELLOW).append(types.length).append(RESET).append('\n'); for (Class type : types) buf.append(AQUA).append(type.getName()).append(RESET).append('\n'); buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1); caller.sendPrintMessage(buf, source); } } } }
public <T> Class<? extends T> generate(Class<T> type) { Map<Class, Class> cache = GENERATED_CLASSES.get(getClass()); if (cache == null) { cache = new HashMap<Class, Class>(); GENERATED_CLASSES.put(getClass(), cache); } Class generatedClass = cache.get(type); if (generatedClass != null) { return generatedClass; } if (Modifier.isPrivate(type.getModifiers())) { throw new GradleException( String.format( "Cannot create a proxy class for private class '%s'.", type.getSimpleName())); } if (Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) { throw new GradleException( String.format( "Cannot create a proxy class for abstract class '%s'.", type.getSimpleName())); } Class<? extends T> subclass; try { ClassBuilder<T> builder = start(type); boolean isConventionAware = type.getAnnotation(NoConventionMapping.class) == null; boolean isDynamicAware = type.getAnnotation(NoDynamicObject.class) == null; builder.startClass(isConventionAware, isDynamicAware); if (isDynamicAware && !DynamicObjectAware.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { builder.mixInDynamicAware(); } if (isDynamicAware && !GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { builder.mixInGroovyObject(); } if (isDynamicAware) { builder.addDynamicMethods(); } if (isConventionAware && !IConventionAware.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { builder.mixInConventionAware(); } Class noMappingClass = Object.class; for (Class<?> c = type; c != null && noMappingClass == Object.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) { if (c.getAnnotation(NoConventionMapping.class) != null) { noMappingClass = c; } } Collection<String> skipProperties = Arrays.asList("metaClass", "conventionMapping", "convention", "asDynamicObject"); MetaClass metaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(type); for (MetaProperty property : metaClass.getProperties()) { if (skipProperties.contains(property.getName())) { continue; } if (property instanceof MetaBeanProperty) { MetaBeanProperty metaBeanProperty = (MetaBeanProperty) property; MetaMethod getter = metaBeanProperty.getGetter(); if (getter == null) { continue; } if (Modifier.isFinal(getter.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isPrivate(getter.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (getter.getReturnType().isPrimitive()) { continue; } Class declaringClass = getter.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass(); if (declaringClass.isAssignableFrom(noMappingClass)) { continue; } builder.addGetter(metaBeanProperty); MetaMethod setter = metaBeanProperty.getSetter(); if (setter == null) { continue; } if (Modifier.isFinal(setter.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isPrivate(setter.getModifiers())) { continue; } builder.addSetter(metaBeanProperty); } } for (Constructor<?> constructor : type.getConstructors()) { if (Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers())) { builder.addConstructor(constructor); } } subclass = builder.generate(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new GradleException( String.format("Could not generate a proxy class for class %s.", type.getName()), e); } cache.put(type, subclass); return subclass; }
public static void mixinClassesToMetaClass(MetaClass self, List<Class> categoryClasses) { final Class selfClass = self.getTheClass(); if (self instanceof HandleMetaClass) { self = (MetaClass) ((HandleMetaClass) self).replaceDelegate(); } if (!(self instanceof ExpandoMetaClass)) { if (self instanceof DelegatingMetaClass && ((DelegatingMetaClass) self).getAdaptee() instanceof ExpandoMetaClass) { self = ((DelegatingMetaClass) self).getAdaptee(); } else { throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Can't mixin methods to meta class: " + self); } } ExpandoMetaClass mc = (ExpandoMetaClass) self; List<MetaMethod> arr = new ArrayList<MetaMethod>(); for (Class categoryClass : categoryClasses) { final CachedClass cachedCategoryClass = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(categoryClass); final MixinInMetaClass mixin = new MixinInMetaClass(mc, cachedCategoryClass); final MetaClass metaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(categoryClass); final List<MetaProperty> propList = metaClass.getProperties(); for (MetaProperty prop : propList) if (self.getMetaProperty(prop.getName()) == null) { mc.registerBeanProperty(prop.getName(), new MixinInstanceMetaProperty(prop, mixin)); } for (MetaProperty prop : cachedCategoryClass.getFields()) if (self.getMetaProperty(prop.getName()) == null) { mc.registerBeanProperty(prop.getName(), new MixinInstanceMetaProperty(prop, mixin)); } for (MetaMethod method : metaClass.getMethods()) { final int mod = method.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(mod)) continue; if (method instanceof CachedMethod && ((CachedMethod) method).getCachedMethod().isSynthetic()) continue; if (Modifier.isStatic(mod)) { if (method instanceof CachedMethod) staticMethod(self, arr, (CachedMethod) method); } else if (method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass() != Object.class || method.getName().equals("toString")) { // if (self.pickMethod(method.getName(), // method.getNativeParameterTypes()) == null) { final MixinInstanceMetaMethod metaMethod = new MixinInstanceMetaMethod(method, mixin); arr.add(metaMethod); // } } } } for (Object res : arr) { final MetaMethod metaMethod = (MetaMethod) res; if (metaMethod.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(selfClass)) mc.registerInstanceMethod(metaMethod); else { mc.registerSubclassInstanceMethod(metaMethod); } } }
private MetaClass getFirstTokenMeta( Caller caller, String firstToken, CommandSender commandSender, WorkspaceService service, MetaClass callerScriptMetaClass, MetaClass workspaceMetaClass, Workspace workspace, Map workspaceVars, Map globalVars, PreparedScriptProperties properties) { if (firstToken.isEmpty() || propertyPattern.matcher(firstToken).matches()) { if (firstToken.equals("me")) return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(commandSender.getClass()); if (firstToken.equals("this")) return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(CallerScript.class); if (firstToken.equals("_")) { Object result = caller.getLastResult(); if (result == null) return null; return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(result.getClass()); } Class aClass = service.getImportTabCompleteClasses().get(firstToken); if (aClass != null) return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(aClass); MetaProperty property = callerScriptMetaClass.getMetaProperty(firstToken); if (property != null) return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(property.getType()); if (workspaceVars != null) for (Object key : workspaceVars.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { Object val = workspaceVars.get(key); return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(val.getClass()); } } if (globalVars != null) for (Object key : globalVars.keySet()) { String name = key.toString(); if (name.contains(firstToken)) { Object val = globalVars.get(key); return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(val.getClass()); } } if (workspace != null) { for (GroovyObject modifier : CallerScript.getDynamicModifiers()) { Object[] params = {properties}; try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getPropertyMapFor", params); Object value = map.get(firstToken); if (!(value instanceof Class)) return null; return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass((Class) value); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } } else if (methodPattern.matcher(firstToken).matches()) { String curMethodName = firstToken.substring(0, firstToken.indexOf('(')); for (MetaMethod metaMethod : callerScriptMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.equals(curMethodName)) { return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(metaMethod.getReturnType()); } } for (MetaMethod metaMethod : workspaceMetaClass.getMetaMethods()) { String name = metaMethod.getName(); if (name.equals(curMethodName)) { return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(metaMethod.getReturnType()); } } for (GroovyObject modifier : CallerScript.getDynamicModifiers()) { Object[] params = {properties}; try { Map<?, ?> map = (Map) modifier.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(modifier, "getMethodMapFor", params); Object value = map.get(curMethodName); if (!(value instanceof Class)) return null; return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(value); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } else if (firstToken.endsWith("\'") || firstToken.endsWith("\"")) { return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(String.class); } return null; }
private void registerMethods( final Class theClass, final boolean useMethodWrapper, final boolean useInstanceMethods, Map<CachedClass, List<MetaMethod>> map) { if (useMethodWrapper) { // Here we instantiate objects representing MetaMethods for DGM methods. // Calls for such meta methods done without reflection, so more effectively. try { List<GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord> records = GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord.loadDgmInfo(); for (GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord record : records) { Class[] newParams = new Class[record.parameters.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(record.parameters, 1, newParams, 0, record.parameters.length - 1); MetaMethod method = new GeneratedMetaMethod.Proxy( record.className, record.methodName, ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(record.parameters[0]), record.returnType, newParams); final CachedClass declClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); List<MetaMethod> arr = map.get(declClass); if (arr == null) { arr = new ArrayList<MetaMethod>(4); map.put(declClass, arr); } arr.add(method); instanceMethods.add(method); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); // we print the error, but we don't stop with an exception here // since it is more comfortable this way for development } } else { CachedMethod[] methods = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(theClass).getMethods(); for (CachedMethod method : methods) { final int mod = method.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mod) && Modifier.isPublic(mod) && method.getCachedMethod().getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) == null) { CachedClass[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length > 0) { List<MetaMethod> arr = map.get(paramTypes[0]); if (arr == null) { arr = new ArrayList<MetaMethod>(4); map.put(paramTypes[0], arr); } if (useInstanceMethods) { final NewInstanceMetaMethod metaMethod = new NewInstanceMetaMethod(method); arr.add(metaMethod); instanceMethods.add(metaMethod); } else { final NewStaticMetaMethod metaMethod = new NewStaticMetaMethod(method); arr.add(metaMethod); staticMethods.add(metaMethod); } } } } } }