private AuthorityGTS getAuthority(String uri, int priority) { TimeToLive ttl = new TimeToLive(); ttl.setHours(1); ttl.setMinutes(1); ttl.setSeconds(1); AuthorityGTS a1 = new AuthorityGTS(); a1.setServiceURI(uri); a1.setPriority(1); a1.setPerformAuthorization(true); a1.setServiceIdentity(uri); a1.setSyncTrustLevels(true); a1.setTimeToLive(ttl); return a1; }
public void testAddInvalidAuthority() { GTSAuthorityManager am = new GTSAuthorityManager(GTS_URI, getAuthoritySyncTime(), db); try { am.clearDatabase(); TimeToLive ttl = new TimeToLive(); ttl.setHours(1); ttl.setMinutes(1); ttl.setSeconds(1); // Add Authority no serviceURI AuthorityGTS a1 = new AuthorityGTS(); a1.setPriority(1); a1.setPerformAuthorization(true); a1.setServiceIdentity("Service"); a1.setSyncTrustLevels(true); a1.setTimeToLive(ttl); try { am.addAuthority(a1); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Add Authority no ttl AuthorityGTS a2 = new AuthorityGTS(); a2.setServiceURI("Service"); a2.setPriority(1); a2.setPerformAuthorization(true); a2.setServiceIdentity("Service"); a2.setSyncTrustLevels(true); try { am.addAuthority(a2); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Add Authority no service identity AuthorityGTS a3 = new AuthorityGTS(); a3.setServiceURI("Service"); a3.setPriority(1); a3.setPerformAuthorization(true); a3.setSyncTrustLevels(true); a3.setTimeToLive(ttl); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } a3.setServiceIdentity(""); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } a3.setServiceIdentity(" "); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Invalid Priority AuthorityGTS a4 = new AuthorityGTS(); a4.setServiceURI("Service"); a4.setPriority(0); a4.setPerformAuthorization(true); a4.setSyncTrustLevels(true); a4.setServiceIdentity("Service"); a4.setTimeToLive(ttl); try { am.addAuthority(a4); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Invalid Time To Sync AuthorityGTS a5 = new AuthorityGTS(); a5.setServiceURI("Service"); a5.setPriority(1); a5.setPerformAuthorization(true); a5.setSyncTrustLevels(true); a5.setServiceIdentity("Service"); TimeToLive ttl2 = new TimeToLive(); ttl2.setHours(0); ttl2.setMinutes(0); ttl2.setSeconds(1); a5.setTimeToLive(ttl2); try { am.addAuthority(a5); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } AuthorityGTS a6 = getAuthority("GTS 6", 1); am.addAuthority(a6); assertTrue(am.doesAuthorityExist(a6.getServiceURI())); assertEquals(1, am.getAuthorityCount()); assertEquals(a6, am.getAuthority(a6.getServiceURI())); try { am.addAuthority(a6); fail("Should not be able to add authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } } catch (Exception e) { FaultUtil.printFault(e); assertTrue(false); } finally { try { am.clearDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void testUpdateInvalidAuthority() { GTSAuthorityManager am = new GTSAuthorityManager(GTS_URI, getAuthoritySyncTime(), db); try { am.clearDatabase(); TimeToLive ttl = new TimeToLive(); ttl.setHours(10); ttl.setMinutes(10); ttl.setSeconds(10); AuthorityGTS a = getAuthority("GTS", 1); am.addAuthority(a); assertTrue(am.doesAuthorityExist(a.getServiceURI())); assertEquals(1, am.getAuthorityCount()); assertEquals(a, am.getAuthority(a.getServiceURI())); // First make sure update works a.setTimeToLive(ttl); am.updateAuthority(a); assertTrue(am.doesAuthorityExist(a.getServiceURI())); assertEquals(1, am.getAuthorityCount()); assertEquals(a, am.getAuthority(a.getServiceURI())); // Add Authority no serviceURI AuthorityGTS a1 = getAuthority("GTS", 1); a1.setServiceURI(null); try { am.updateAuthority(a1); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Add Authority no ttl AuthorityGTS a2 = getAuthority("GTS", 1); a2.setTimeToLive(null); try { am.addAuthority(a2); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Add Authority no service identity AuthorityGTS a3 = getAuthority("GTS", 1); a3.setServiceIdentity(null); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } a3.setServiceIdentity(""); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } a3.setServiceIdentity(" "); try { am.addAuthority(a3); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Invalid Priority AuthorityGTS a4 = getAuthority("GTS", 1); a4.setPriority(2); try { am.addAuthority(a4); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } // Adding Self AuthorityGTS a5 = getAuthority(GTS_URI, 1); a5.setPriority(2); try { am.addAuthority(a5); fail("Should not be able to update authority!!!"); } catch (IllegalAuthorityFault f) { } } catch (Exception e) { FaultUtil.printFault(e); assertTrue(false); } finally { try { am.clearDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }