private void adjustDateLineCrossingPoints() { ArrayList<LatLon> corners = new ArrayList<LatLon>(Arrays.asList(sw, se, nw, ne)); if (!LatLon.locationsCrossDateLine(corners)) return; double lonSign = 0; for (LatLon corner : corners) { if (Math.abs(corner.getLongitude().degrees) != 180) lonSign = Math.signum(corner.getLongitude().degrees); } if (lonSign == 0) return; if (Math.abs(sw.getLongitude().degrees) == 180 && Math.signum(sw.getLongitude().degrees) != lonSign) sw = new Position(sw.getLatitude(), sw.getLongitude().multiply(-1), sw.getElevation()); if (Math.abs(se.getLongitude().degrees) == 180 && Math.signum(se.getLongitude().degrees) != lonSign) se = new Position(se.getLatitude(), se.getLongitude().multiply(-1), se.getElevation()); if (Math.abs(nw.getLongitude().degrees) == 180 && Math.signum(nw.getLongitude().degrees) != lonSign) nw = new Position(nw.getLatitude(), nw.getLongitude().multiply(-1), nw.getElevation()); if (Math.abs(ne.getLongitude().degrees) == 180 && Math.signum(ne.getLongitude().degrees) != lonSign) ne = new Position(ne.getLatitude(), ne.getLongitude().multiply(-1), ne.getElevation()); }
/** * Compute the bounds of the text, if necessary. * * @param dc the current DrawContext. */ protected void computeBoundsIfNeeded(DrawContext dc) { // Do not compute bounds if they are available. Computing text bounds is expensive, so only do // this // calculation if necessary. if (this.bounds != null) return; TextRenderer textRenderer = OGLTextRenderer.getOrCreateTextRenderer(dc.getTextRendererCache(), this.getFont()); int width = 0; int maxLineHeight = 0; this.lineBounds = new Rectangle2D[this.lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) { Rectangle2D lineBounds = textRenderer.getBounds(lines[i]); width = (int) Math.max(lineBounds.getWidth(), width); double thisLineHeight = Math.abs(lineBounds.getY()); maxLineHeight = (int) Math.max(thisLineHeight, maxLineHeight); this.lineBounds[i] = lineBounds; } this.lineHeight = maxLineHeight; // Compute final height using maxLineHeight and number of lines this.bounds = new Rectangle( this.lines.length, maxLineHeight, width, this.lines.length * maxLineHeight + this.lines.length * this.lineSpacing); }
/** * Select the visible grid elements * * @param dc the current <code>DrawContext</code>. */ protected void selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) { if (dc == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } Sector vs = dc.getVisibleSector(); OrbitView view = (OrbitView) dc.getView(); // Compute labels offset from view center Position centerPos = view.getCenterPosition(); Double pixelSizeDegrees = Angle.fromRadians( view.computePixelSizeAtDistance(view.getZoom()) / dc.getGlobe().getEquatorialRadius()) .degrees; Double labelOffsetDegrees = pixelSizeDegrees * view.getViewport().getWidth() / 4; Position labelPos = Position.fromDegrees( centerPos.getLatitude().degrees - labelOffsetDegrees, centerPos.getLongitude().degrees - labelOffsetDegrees, 0); Double labelLatDegrees = labelPos.getLatitude().normalizedLatitude().degrees; labelLatDegrees = Math.min(Math.max(labelLatDegrees, -76), 78); labelPos = new Position( Angle.fromDegrees(labelLatDegrees), labelPos.getLongitude().normalizedLongitude(), 0); if (vs != null) { for (GridElement ge : this.gridElements) { if (ge.isInView(dc)) { if (ge.renderable instanceof GeographicText) { GeographicText gt = (GeographicText) ge.renderable; if (labelPos.getLatitude().degrees < 72 || "*32*34*36*".indexOf("*" + gt.getText() + "*") == -1) { // Adjust label position according to eye position Position pos = gt.getPosition(); if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL)) pos = Position.fromDegrees( pos.getLatitude().degrees, labelPos.getLongitude().degrees, pos.getElevation()); else if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL)) pos = Position.fromDegrees( labelPos.getLatitude().degrees, pos.getLongitude().degrees, pos.getElevation()); gt.setPosition(pos); } } this.graticuleSupport.addRenderable(ge.renderable, GRATICULE_UTM); } } // System.out.println("Total elements: " + count + " visible sector: " + vs); } }
public java.awt.Dimension getPreferredSize(DrawContext dc) { java.awt.Dimension imageSize = this.getImageSize(dc); java.awt.Dimension insetSize = null; // Optionally set the annotation's inset size to the image size. if (this.isFitSizeToImage()) { insetSize = imageSize; } // Fallback to the superclass preferred size. if (insetSize == null) { insetSize = super.getPreferredSize(dc); // Optionally set the annotation's aspect ratio to that of the image. We'll use the superclass // width, and // override it's height to match the image's aspect ration. if (this.isUseImageAspectRatio() && imageSize != null) { double aspect = imageSize.getHeight() / imageSize.getWidth(); insetSize = new java.awt.Dimension(insetSize.width, (int) Math.round(aspect * insetSize.width)); } } java.awt.Insets insets = this.getAttributes().getInsets(); return new java.awt.Dimension( insetSize.width + (insets.left + insets.right), insetSize.height + ( + insets.bottom)); }
public void computeMetricScaleExtremes( int UTMZone, String hemisphere, GridElement ge, double size) { if (UTMZone != return; if (size < 1 || size > this.maxResolution) return; UTMExtremes levelExtremes = this.extremes[(int) Math.log10(size) - 1]; if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EASTING) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST)) { levelExtremes.minX = ge.value < levelExtremes.minX ? ge.value : levelExtremes.minX; levelExtremes.maxX = ge.value > levelExtremes.maxX ? ge.value : levelExtremes.maxX; } else if (ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTHING) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH) || ge.type.equals(GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH)) { if (hemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.minYHemisphere)) levelExtremes.minY = ge.value < levelExtremes.minY ? ge.value : levelExtremes.minY; else if (hemisphere.equals(AVKey.SOUTH)) { levelExtremes.minY = ge.value; levelExtremes.minYHemisphere = hemisphere; } if (hemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere)) levelExtremes.maxY = ge.value > levelExtremes.maxY ? ge.value : levelExtremes.maxY; else if (hemisphere.equals(AVKey.NORTH)) { levelExtremes.maxY = ge.value; levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere = hemisphere; } } }
protected void showAnnotationPanel(String annoText) { String text = this.splitLines(annoText); AnnotationAttributes attrs = this.getAnnotationPanelAttributes(text); int yOffset = Math.min(this.controller.getWWPanel().getSize().height - attrs.getSize().height, 250); Point location = new Point(10 + attrs.getSize().width / 2, yOffset); if (this.annotationPanel != null) this.annotationPanel.setAttributes(this.getAnnotationPanelAttributes(text)); else this.annotationPanel = new ScreenAnnotation(annoText, location, getAnnotationPanelAttributes(text)); this.annotationPanel.setScreenPoint(location); this.annotationPanel.setText(text); if (this.annotationLayer == null) { this.annotationLayer = new AnnotationLayer(); this.annotationLayer.setPickEnabled(false); } this.annotationLayer.removeAllAnnotations(); this.annotationLayer.addAnnotation(this.annotationPanel); if (!this.controller.getActiveLayers().contains(this.annotationLayer)) this.controller.addInternalLayer(this.annotationLayer); }
/** * @param placeNameServiceSet the set of PlaceNameService objects that PlaceNameLayer will render. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link * gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameServiceSet} is null */ public PlaceNameLayer(PlaceNameServiceSet placeNameServiceSet) { if (placeNameServiceSet == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PlaceNameServiceSetIsNull"); Logging.logger().fine(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } // this.placeNameServiceSet = placeNameServiceSet.deepCopy(); for (int i = 0; i < this.placeNameServiceSet.getServiceCount(); i++) { // todo do this for long as well and pick min int calc1 = (int) (PlaceNameService.TILING_SECTOR.getDeltaLatDegrees() / this.placeNameServiceSet .getService(i) .getTileDelta() .getLatitude() .getDegrees()); int numLevels = (int) Math.log(calc1); navTiles.add( new NavigationTile( this.placeNameServiceSet.getService(i), PlaceNameService.TILING_SECTOR, numLevels, "top")); } if (!WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().containsCache(Tile.class.getName())) { long size = Configuration.getLongValue(AVKey.PLACENAME_LAYER_CACHE_SIZE, 2000000L); MemoryCache cache = new BasicMemoryCache((long) (0.85 * size), size); cache.setName("Placename Tiles"); WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().addCache(Tile.class.getName(), cache); } }
public void clear() { int numLevels = (int) Math.log10(this.maxResolution); this.extremes = new UTMExtremes[numLevels]; for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) { this.extremes[i] = new UTMExtremes(); this.extremes[i].clear(); } }
/** * Determine the panel size needed to display the full annotation. * * @param annoText the annotation text. * @return the required panel size. */ protected Dimension computePanelSize(String annoText) { Dimension lengths = this.computeLengths(annoText); // The numbers used below are the average width of a character and average height of a line in // Arial-Plain-12. int width = 7 * Math.min(lengths.width, this.maxLineLength); int height = lengths.height * 17; return new Dimension(width, height); }
protected ArrayList<SquareZone> createSquaresGrid( int UTMZone, String hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector, double minEasting, double maxEasting, double minNorthing, double maxNorthing) { ArrayList<SquareZone> squares = new ArrayList<SquareZone>(); double startEasting = Math.floor(minEasting / ONEHT) * ONEHT; double startNorthing = Math.floor(minNorthing / ONEHT) * ONEHT; int cols = (int) Math.ceil((maxEasting - startEasting) / ONEHT); int rows = (int) Math.ceil((maxNorthing - startNorthing) / ONEHT); SquareZone[][] squaresArray = new SquareZone[rows][cols]; int col = 0; for (double easting = startEasting; easting < maxEasting; easting += ONEHT) { int row = 0; for (double northing = startNorthing; northing < maxNorthing; northing += ONEHT) { SquareZone sz = new SquareZone(UTMZone, hemisphere, UTMZoneSector, easting, northing, ONEHT); if (sz.boundingSector != null && !sz.isOutsideGridZone()) { squares.add(sz); squaresArray[row][col] = sz; } row++; } col++; } // Keep track of neighbors for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { SquareZone sz = squaresArray[row][col]; if (sz != null) { sz.setNorthNeighbor(row + 1 < rows ? squaresArray[row + 1][col] : null); sz.setEastNeighbor(col + 1 < cols ? squaresArray[row][col + 1] : null); } } } return squares; }
protected double computeScale(java.awt.Rectangle viewport) { if (this.resizeBehavior.equals(AVKey.RESIZE_SHRINK_ONLY)) { return Math.min(1d, (this.toViewportScale) * viewport.width / this.getScaledIconWidth()); } else if (this.resizeBehavior.equals(AVKey.RESIZE_STRETCH)) { return (this.toViewportScale) * viewport.width / this.getScaledIconWidth(); } else if (this.resizeBehavior.equals(AVKey.RESIZE_KEEP_FIXED_SIZE)) { return 1d; } else { return 1d; } }
/** * Compute the amount of rotation to apply to a label in order to keep it oriented toward its * orientation position. * * @param screenPoint Geographic position of the text, projected onto the screen. * @param orientationScreenPoint Orientation position, projected onto the screen. * @return The rotation angle to apply when drawing the label. */ protected Angle computeRotation(Vec4 screenPoint, Vec4 orientationScreenPoint) { // Determine delta between the orientation position and the label position double deltaX = screenPoint.x - orientationScreenPoint.x; double deltaY = screenPoint.y - orientationScreenPoint.y; if (deltaX != 0) { double angle = Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX); return Angle.fromRadians(angle); } else { return Angle.POS90; // Vertical label } }
/** * Compute the view range footprint on the globe. * * @param dc the current <code>DrawContext</code> * @param steps the number of steps. * @return an array list of <code>LatLon</code> forming a closed shape. */ protected ArrayList<LatLon> computeViewFootPrint(DrawContext dc, int steps) { ArrayList<LatLon> positions = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); Position eyePos = dc.getView().getEyePosition(); Angle distance = Angle.fromRadians( Math.asin( dc.getView().getFarClipDistance() / (dc.getGlobe().getRadius() + eyePos.getElevation()))); if (distance.degrees > 10) { double headStep = 360d / steps; Angle heading = Angle.ZERO; for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { LatLon p = LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(eyePos, heading, distance); positions.add(p); heading = heading.addDegrees(headStep); } return positions; } else return null; }
public void createRenderables() { this.gridElements = new ArrayList<GridElement>(); ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); Position p1, p2; Object polyline; Sector lineSector; // left segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(sw, nw, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(sw); positions.add(nw); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST); ge.setValue(this.SWEasting); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // right segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(se, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(se); positions.add(ne); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST); ge.setValue(this.SWEasting + this.size); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // bottom segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(sw, se, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(sw); positions.add(se); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH); ge.setValue(this.SWNorthing); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // top segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(nw, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(nw); positions.add(ne); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH); ge.setValue(this.SWNorthing + this.size); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // Label if ( != null) { // Only add a label to squares above some dimension if (this.boundingSector.getDeltaLon().degrees * Math.cos(this.centroid.getLatitude().radians) > .2 && this.boundingSector.getDeltaLat().degrees > .2) { LatLon labelPos = null; if (this.UTMZone != 0) // Not at poles { labelPos = this.centroid; } else if (this.isPositionInside(new Position(this.squareCenter, 0))) { labelPos = this.squareCenter; } else if (this.squareCenter.getLatitude().degrees <= this.UTMZoneSector.getMaxLatitude().degrees && this.squareCenter.getLatitude().degrees >= this.UTMZoneSector.getMinLatitude().degrees) { labelPos = this.centroid; } if (labelPos != null) { GeographicText text = new UserFacingText(, new Position(labelPos, 0)); text.setPriority(this.size * 10); this.gridElements.add( new GridElement(this.boundingSector, text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL)); } } } }
public void selectRenderables(DrawContext dc) { try { OrbitView view = (OrbitView) dc.getView(); // Compute easting and northing label offsets Double pixelSize = view.computePixelSizeAtDistance(view.getZoom()); Double eastingOffset = view.getViewport().width * pixelSize * offsetFactorX / 2; Double northingOffset = view.getViewport().height * pixelSize * offsetFactorY / 2; // Derive labels center pos from the view center Position centerPos = view.getCenterPosition(); double labelEasting; double labelNorthing; String labelHemisphere; if ( > 0) { UTMCoord UTM = UTMCoord.fromLatLon(centerPos.getLatitude(), centerPos.getLongitude(), dc.getGlobe()); labelEasting = UTM.getEasting() + eastingOffset; labelNorthing = UTM.getNorthing() + northingOffset; labelHemisphere = UTM.getHemisphere(); if (labelNorthing < 0) { labelNorthing = 10e6 + labelNorthing; labelHemisphere = AVKey.SOUTH; } } else { UPSCoord UPS = UPSCoord.fromLatLon(centerPos.getLatitude(), centerPos.getLongitude(), dc.getGlobe()); labelEasting = UPS.getEasting() + eastingOffset; labelNorthing = UPS.getNorthing() + northingOffset; labelHemisphere = UPS.getHemisphere(); } Position labelPos; for (int i = 0; i < this.extremes.length; i++) { UTMExtremes levelExtremes = this.extremes[i]; double gridStep = Math.pow(10, i); double gridStepTimesTen = gridStep * 10; String graticuleType = getTypeFor((int) gridStep); if (levelExtremes.minX <= levelExtremes.maxX) { // Process easting scale labels for this level for (double easting = levelExtremes.minX; easting <= levelExtremes.maxX; easting += gridStep) { // Skip multiples of ten grid steps except for last (higher) level if (i == this.extremes.length - 1 || easting % gridStepTimesTen != 0) { try { labelPos = computePosition(, labelHemisphere, easting, labelNorthing); if (labelPos == null) continue; Angle lat = labelPos.getLatitude(); Angle lon = labelPos.getLongitude(); Vec4 surfacePoint = getSurfacePoint(dc, lat, lon); if (viewFrustum.contains(surfacePoint) && isPointInRange(dc, surfacePoint)) { String text = String.valueOf((int) (easting % this.scaleModulo)); GeographicText gt = new UserFacingText(text, new Position(lat, lon, 0)); gt.setPriority(gridStepTimesTen); addRenderable(gt, graticuleType); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } } } } if (!(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere.equals(AVKey.SOUTH) && levelExtremes.maxY == 0)) { // Process northing scale labels for this level String currentHemisphere = levelExtremes.minYHemisphere; for (double northing = levelExtremes.minY; (northing <= levelExtremes.maxY) || !currentHemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere); northing += gridStep) { // Skip multiples of ten grid steps except for last (higher) level if (i == this.extremes.length - 1 || northing % gridStepTimesTen != 0) { try { labelPos = computePosition(, currentHemisphere, labelEasting, northing); if (labelPos == null) continue; Angle lat = labelPos.getLatitude(); Angle lon = labelPos.getLongitude(); Vec4 surfacePoint = getSurfacePoint(dc, lat, lon); if (viewFrustum.contains(surfacePoint) && isPointInRange(dc, surfacePoint)) { String text = String.valueOf((int) (northing % this.scaleModulo)); GeographicText gt = new UserFacingText(text, new Position(lat, lon, 0)); gt.setPriority(gridStepTimesTen); addRenderable(gt, graticuleType); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } if (!currentHemisphere.equals(levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere) && northing >= 10e6 - gridStep) { // Switch hemisphere currentHemisphere = levelExtremes.maxYHemisphere; northing = -gridStep; } } } } // end northing } // for levels } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } }
// Rendering public void draw(DrawContext dc) { GL gl = dc.getGL(); boolean attribsPushed = false; boolean modelviewPushed = false; boolean projectionPushed = false; try { gl.glPushAttrib( GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL.GL_TEXTURE_BIT | GL.GL_TRANSFORM_BIT | GL.GL_VIEWPORT_BIT | GL.GL_CURRENT_BIT); attribsPushed = true; gl.glDisable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // no textures gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); double width = this.size.width; double height = this.size.height; // Load a parallel projection with xy dimensions (viewportWidth, viewportHeight) // into the GL projection matrix. java.awt.Rectangle viewport = dc.getView().getViewport(); gl.glMatrixMode(; gl.glPushMatrix(); projectionPushed = true; gl.glLoadIdentity(); double maxwh = width > height ? width : height; gl.glOrtho(0d, viewport.width, 0d, viewport.height, -0.6 * maxwh, 0.6 * maxwh); gl.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW); gl.glPushMatrix(); modelviewPushed = true; gl.glLoadIdentity(); // Scale to a width x height space // located at the proper position on screen double scale = this.computeScale(viewport); Vec4 locationSW = this.computeLocation(viewport, scale); gl.glTranslated(locationSW.x(), locationSW.y(), locationSW.z()); gl.glScaled(scale, scale, 1); // Compute scale size in real world Position referencePosition = dc.getViewportCenterPosition(); if (referencePosition != null) { Vec4 groundTarget = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(referencePosition); Double distance = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceTo3(groundTarget); this.pixelSize = dc.getView().computePixelSizeAtDistance(distance); Double scaleSize = this.pixelSize * width * scale; // meter String unitLabel = "m"; if (this.unit.equals(UNIT_METRIC)) { if (scaleSize > 10000) { scaleSize /= 1000; unitLabel = "Km"; } } else if (this.unit.equals(UNIT_IMPERIAL)) { scaleSize *= 3.280839895; // feet unitLabel = "ft"; if (scaleSize > 5280) { scaleSize /= 5280; unitLabel = "mile(s)"; } } // Rounded division size int pot = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(scaleSize)); if (!Double.isNaN(pot)) { int digit = Integer.parseInt(String.format("%.0f", scaleSize).substring(0, 1)); double divSize = digit * Math.pow(10, pot); if (digit >= 5) divSize = 5 * Math.pow(10, pot); else if (digit >= 2) divSize = 2 * Math.pow(10, pot); double divWidth = width * divSize / scaleSize; // Draw scale if (!dc.isPickingMode()) { // Set color using current layer opacity Color backColor = this.getBackgroundColor(this.color); float[] colorRGB = backColor.getRGBColorComponents(null); gl.glColor4d( colorRGB[0], colorRGB[1], colorRGB[2], (double) backColor.getAlpha() / 255d * this.getOpacity()); gl.glTranslated((width - divWidth) / 2, 0d, 0d); this.drawScale(dc, divWidth, height); colorRGB = this.color.getRGBColorComponents(null); gl.glColor4d(colorRGB[0], colorRGB[1], colorRGB[2], this.getOpacity()); gl.glTranslated(-1d / scale, 1d / scale, 0d); this.drawScale(dc, divWidth, height); // Draw label String label = String.format("%.0f ", divSize) + unitLabel; gl.glLoadIdentity(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); drawLabel( dc, label, locationSW.add3( new Vec4(divWidth * scale / 2 + (width - divWidth) / 2, height * scale, 0))); } else { // Picking this.pickSupport.clearPickList(); this.pickSupport.beginPicking(dc); // Draw unique color across the map Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor(); int colorCode = color.getRGB(); // Add our object(s) to the pickable list this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(colorCode, this, referencePosition, false); gl.glColor3ub((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue()); gl.glTranslated((width - divWidth) / 2, 0d, 0d); this.drawRectangle(dc, divWidth, height); // Done picking this.pickSupport.endPicking(dc); this.pickSupport.resolvePick(dc, dc.getPickPoint(), this); } } } } finally { if (projectionPushed) { gl.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION); gl.glPopMatrix(); } if (modelviewPushed) { gl.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW); gl.glPopMatrix(); } if (attribsPushed) gl.glPopAttrib(); } }