public boolean handleNewRequest() throws Exception { if (5 > 4) return super.handleNewRequest(); boolean handleNewSuccess = false; CreateHGOntologyWizard w = new CreateHGOntologyWizard(null, this); int result = w.showModalDialog(); if (result == Wizard.FINISH_RETURN_CODE) { OWLOntologyID oid = w.getOntologyID(); if (oid != null) { HGOwlModelManagerImpl mm = (HGOwlModelManagerImpl) getOWLModelManager(); // check if already exists // we are catching specific exceptions here instead of checking // the cases before the // call to mm.createNewOntology. try { mm.createNewOntology(oid, w.getLocationURI()); // addToRecent(URI.create(prop.getProperty("hibernate.connection.url"))); addRecent(w.getLocationURI()); handleNewSuccess = true; } catch (OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException e) { showNewExistsOntologyIDMessage(oid, e.getDocumentIRI()); } catch (OWLOntologyDocumentAlreadyExistsException e) { showNewExistsDocumentLoadedMessage(oid, e.getOntologyDocumentIRI()); } catch (HGDBOntologyAlreadyExistsByDocumentIRIException e) { showNewExistsDocumentRepoMessage(oid, e.getOntologyDocumentIRI()); } } } return handleNewSuccess; }
/** * Deletes an ontology from Hypergraph Repository. * * @param physicalURI * @return */ protected boolean handleDeleteFrom(OntologyRepositoryEntry ontologyEntry) { // A) Check, if the ontology is already loaded and/or managed and // whether it can be found in // the repository. OWLOntologyID oID = ((HGOntologyRepositoryEntry) ontologyEntry).getOntologyID(); if (oID == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); HGOwlModelManagerImpl hmm = (HGOwlModelManagerImpl) getOWLModelManager(); PHGDBOntologyManagerImpl hom = (PHGDBOntologyManagerImpl) hmm.getOWLOntologyManager(); OWLOntology loadedOntoToDelete = hom.getOntology(oID); // will be null if not loaded. // getOntologyCatalogManager().Ontologies() // B) Provide a confirmation Dialog with as much information as // possible. boolean userConfirmsDelete = showDeleteConfirmation(oID, ontologyEntry.getPhysicalURI(), loadedOntoToDelete); if (userConfirmsDelete) { // C) Actual Removal: // C-A) if ontology managed, remove from OwlModelManager, // Owlontologymanager if (loadedOntoToDelete != null) { if (!(hom.getOntologyFormat(loadedOntoToDelete) instanceof HGDBOntologyFormat)) { hmm.removeOntology(loadedOntoToDelete); } else { System.out.println( "File based ontology not unloaded :" + loadedOntoToDelete.getOntologyID()); } } // C-B) delete in repository boolean repoDeleteOk = hom.getOntologyRepository().deleteOntology(oID); showDeleteSuccessOrFailure(repoDeleteOk, oID, ontologyEntry.getPhysicalURI()); return repoDeleteOk; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getWorkspace(), "Delete cancelled by user. ", "Delete Hypergraph Database Backed Ontology - Cancelled", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return false; } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void initialise() { // DO NOT DO THIS: super.initialise(); // THIS SETS OUR MODEL MANAGER modelManager = new HGOwlModelManagerImpl(); System.out.println("Using OWL API version " + VersionInfo.getVersionInfo().getVersion()); //"Using OWL API version " + // VersionInfo.getVersionInfo().getVersion()); modelManager.setExplanationManager(new ExplanationManager(this)); modelManager.setMissingImportHandler(new MissingImportHandlerUI(this)); modelManager.setSaveErrorHandler( new SaveErrorHandler() { public void handleErrorSavingOntology( OWLOntology ont, URI physicalURIForOntology, OWLOntologyStorageException e) throws Exception { if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ProtocolException) { hghandleSaveAs(ont); } else { throw e; } } }); modelManager.setLoadErrorHandler(new OntologyLoadErrorHandlerUI(this)); // searchManager = new SearchManager(this, new SearchMetadataImportManager()); this.getWorkspace().getStatusArea(); setOWLModelManager(modelManager); ontologyChangeListener = new OWLOntologyChangeListener() { public void ontologiesChanged(List<? extends OWLOntologyChange> owlOntologyChanges) throws OWLException { modifiedDocument = true; } }; modelManager.addOntologyChangeListener(ontologyChangeListener); OntologyLoadErrorHandlerUI loadErrorHandler = new OntologyLoadErrorHandlerUI(this); modelManager.setLoadErrorHandler(loadErrorHandler); IOListenerPluginLoader loader = new IOListenerPluginLoader(this); for (IOListenerPlugin pl : loader.getPlugins()) { try { IOListenerPluginInstance instance = pl.newInstance(); getModelManager().addIOListener(instance); } catch (Throwable e) { ProtegeApplication.getErrorLog().logError(e); } } // loadIOListenerPlugins(); registration = ProtegeOWL.getBundleContext() .registerService( EditorKit.class.getCanonicalName(), this, new Hashtable<String, Object>()); getWorkspace().refreshComponents(); }
public OWLOntology getActiveOntology() { HGOwlModelManagerImpl m = (HGOwlModelManagerImpl) getOWLModelManager(); return m.getActiveOntology(); }