public void handleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest request, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException, URISyntaxException { if (!normalizePath(request.getPath()).equals("/")) { sendErrorPage(ctx, 404, "Not found", "the path '" + uri + "' was not found"); return; } String key; String type; boolean automf; boolean deep; boolean ml; int hexWidth = request.getIntParam(PARAM_HEXWIDTH, Configuration.getHexWidth()); if (request.isParameterSet(PARAM_AUTOMF)) { automf = request.getParam(PARAM_AUTOMF).length() > 0; } else { automf = Configuration.getAutoMF(); } if (request.isParameterSet(Globals.PARAM_RECURSIVE)) { deep = request.getParam(Globals.PARAM_RECURSIVE).length() > 0; } else { deep = Configuration.getDeep(); } if (request.isParameterSet(Globals.PARAM_MULTILEVEL)) { ml = request.getParam(Globals.PARAM_MULTILEVEL).length() > 0; } else { ml = Configuration.getMultilevel(); } if (request.isParameterSet(Globals.PARAM_URI)) { key = request.getParam(Globals.PARAM_URI); type = request.getParam(Globals.PARAM_MFTYPE); } else { key = null; type = null; } String extraParams = "&hexwidth=" + hexWidth; if (automf) { extraParams += "&automf=checked"; } if (deep) { extraParams += "&deep=checked"; } if (ml) { extraParams += "&ml=checked"; } List<String> errors = new LinkedList<String>(); if (hexWidth < 1 || hexWidth > 1024) { errors.add("Hex display columns out of range. (1-1024). Set to 32 (default)."); hexWidth = 32; } if (Globals.MFTYPE_ZIP.equals(type)) { throw new RedirectException( KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=ZIPmanifest&key=" + key + extraParams); } if (Globals.MFTYPE_TAR.equals(type)) { throw new RedirectException( KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=TARmanifest&key=" + key + extraParams); } if (Globals.MFTYPE_SIMPLE.equals(type)) { throw new RedirectException( KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=simplemanifest&key=" + key + extraParams); } makeMainPage(ctx, errors, key, hexWidth, automf, deep, ml); }
public void handleHTTPRequest(HTTPRequest request, boolean isPost) { clear(); boolean rename = request.isParameterSet("rename"); if (request.isPartSet("submit")) { String name = request.getPartAsString("category-name", MAX_CATEGORY_NAME_LENGTH).trim(); String catId = request.getParam("rename"); if (!"".equals(name)) { if (!nodesManager.renameCategory(catId, name)) nodesManager.newCategory(name); try { nodesManager.writeCategories(); } catch (IOException ioe) { appendError(ioe); } rename = false; } else { appendError("Fied \"name\" is empty"); } } if (request.isParameterSet("delete")) { try { String cat = request.getParam("delete"); if (!nodesManager.deleteCategory(cat)) appendError("The category \"" + cat + "\" does not exist."); nodesManager.writeCategories(); } catch (ParsingException pe) { appendError(pe); } catch (IOException ioe) { appendError(ioe); } } if (nodesManager.countCategories() > 0 && !rename) { Element table = new Element("table"); Element tHeader = new Element("tr"); table.appendChild(tHeader); HTMLHelper.i18nElement(tHeader, "th", ""); Element actionCell = HTMLHelper.i18nElement(tHeader, "th", "echo.common.action"); actionCell.addAttribute(new Attribute("colspan", "2")); String[] ids = nodesManager.getCategoriesIds(); boolean alternate = false; for (String id : ids) { Element row = new Element("tr"); if (alternate) row.addAttribute(new Attribute("class", "alternate")); HTMLHelper.element(row, "td", nodesManager.getCategoryNameById(id)); HTMLHelper.element(row, "td", HTMLHelper.i18nLink("?rename=" + id, "echo.common.rename")); HTMLHelper.element(row, "td", HTMLHelper.i18nLink("?delete=" + id, "echo.common.delete")); table.appendChild(row); alternate = !alternate; } appendContent(table); } String action = "categories"; if (request.isParameterSet("rename")) action += "?rename=" + request.getParam("rename"); Element form = HTMLHelper.form(action, formPsw); form.addAttribute(new Attribute("class", "inline")); HTMLHelper.i18nLabel( form, "category-name", (rename) ? "echo.common.rename" : "echo.manage.newCategory"); Element nameInput = HTMLHelper.input(form, "text", "category-name"); if (rename) nameInput.addAttribute( new Attribute("value", nodesManager.getCategoryNameById(request.getParam("rename")))); HTMLHelper.input(form, "submit", "submit"); appendContent(form); }