public static void main(final String[] a) { final Stream<Integer> tdl = iterate(flip(subtract).f(1), 999).takeWhile(intOrd.isGreaterThan(99)); intShow.println( tdl.tails() .bind(tdl.zipWith(multiply)) .filter( new F<Integer, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(final Integer i) { final Stream<Character> s =; return streamEqual(charEqual).eq(s.reverse().take(3), s.take(3)); } }) .foldLeft1(intOrd.max)); }
/** * Returns true if the given lazy string is a substring of this lazy string. * * @param cs A substring to find in this lazy string. * @return True if the given string is a substring of this string, otherwise False. */ public boolean contains(final LazyString cs) { return or(s.tails().map(compose(startsWith().f(cs), fromStream))); }