public void testBasic() throws Exception { if (!Dpkg.available()) { return; } DebPackagingFormat packagingFormat = (DebPackagingFormat) lookup(PackagingFormat.ROLE, "deb"); FileObject dpkgTest = VFS.getManager().resolveFile(getTestPath("target/deb-test")); FileObject packageRoot = dpkgTest.resolveFile("root"); File packageFile = VfsUtil.asFile(dpkgTest.resolveFile("file.deb")); PackageVersion version = packageVersion("1.0", "123", false, some("1")); PackageParameters parameters = packageParameters( "mygroup", "myartifact", version, "id", "default-name", Option.<java.lang.String>none(), EMPTY, EMPTY) .contact("Kurt Cobain") .architecture("all"); List<String> nil = List.nil(); packagingFormat .start() .parameters(parameters) .debParameters(Option.<String>none(), some("devel"), false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) .debug(true) .workingDirectory(packageRoot) .packageToFile(packageFile, ScriptUtil.Strategy.SINGLE); assertTrue(packageFile.canRead()); }
@Override public void performIteration(NichingAlgorithm alg) { Preconditions.checkState( alg.getOptimisationProblem() instanceof DeratingOptimisationProblem, "DeratingNichePSO can only be used with DeratingOptimisationProblem."); DeratingOptimisationProblem problem = (DeratingOptimisationProblem) alg.getOptimisationProblem(); List<PopulationBasedAlgorithm> subswarms = List.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>iterableList(alg.getPopulations()); subswarms = onMainSwarm(Algorithms.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>initialise()) .andThen(phase1(alg)) .andThen(onSubswarms(clearDeratingSolutions(problem))) .andThen(phase2(alg)) .andThen(joinAndMerge(alg, subswarms)) .f( NichingSwarms.of( alg.getMainSwarm(), Collections.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>emptyList())) ._2(); problem.clearSolutions(); problem.addSolutions( subswarms .map(Solutions.getPosition().o(Algorithms.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>getBestSolution())) .toCollection()); alg.setPopulations(Lists.newLinkedList(subswarms.toCollection())); alg.getMainSwarm().setOptimisationProblem(problem); // dont need to set the main swarm because it gets reinitialised }
/* * Reinitialises part of, or the whole, population * @param topology The population to be reinitialised */ private void reinitialisePosition(<ClusterParticle> topology) { int index = 0; for (int i = index; i < topology.length(); i += reinitialisationInterval) { ClusterParticle c = topology.index(i); c.reinitialise(); c.calculateFitness(); } }
/** * Filters elements from this array by returning only elements which produce <code>true</code> * when the given function is applied to them. * * @param f The predicate function to filter on. * @return A new array whose elements all match the given predicate. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Array<A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) { List<A> x = List.nil(); for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (f.f((A) a[i])) x = x.cons((A) a[i]); } return x.toArray(); }
/** * Returns a list projection of this array. * * @return A list projection of this array. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<A> toList() { List<A> x = List.nil(); for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { x = x.cons((A) a[i]); } return x; }
@Test public void testLift() { final Promise<Integer> p1 = promise(3), p2 = promise(4); final Promise<Integer> p3 = lift(addInts).f(p1, p2); assertEquals(7, (int) p3.claim()); final List<Integer> list = list(1, 2, 3, 4); final List<Promise<Integer>> pList =<Integer>promise()); Promise<Integer> p4 = pList.foldLeft(lift(addInts), promise(0)); assertEquals(10, (int) p4.claim()); assertEquals( 10, (int) Promise.foldRight(Strategies.sequential, curry(addInts), 0).f(list).claim()); }
private boolean doesNotExist(final List<DBObject> existingIndexList, final DBObject indexObj) { DBObject[] indexes = new DBObject[existingIndexList.size()]; existingIndexList.toArray(indexes); return !list(indexes) .exists( new F<DBObject, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean f(final DBObject document) { DBObject keyObj = (DBObject) document.get("key"); return keyObj.equals(indexObj); } }); }
private boolean doesNotExist(final List<DBObject> existingIndexList, final String indexName) { DBObject[] indexes = new DBObject[existingIndexList.size()]; existingIndexList.toArray(indexes); return !list(indexes) .exists( new F<DBObject, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean f(final DBObject document) { String keyName = (String) document.get("name"); return keyName.equals(indexName); } }); }
/** Default constructor. Creates a new instance of {@code ABC}. */ public ABC() { this.initialisationStrategy = new ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy(); initialisationStrategy.setEntityNumber(100); initialisationStrategy.setEntityType(new WorkerBee()); workerBees =; onlookerBees =; explorerBee = new ExplorerBee(); dancingSelectionStrategy = new RouletteWheelSelector(); forageLimit = ConstantControlParameter.of(500); workerBeePercentage = ConstantControlParameter.of(0.5); explorerBeeUpdateLimit = ConstantControlParameter.of(1.0); }
/** * Attempt to read every available block from the input stream. * * <p>Note: this implementation reads at most 255 blocks which is way beyond any reasonable value. * * @return list of read records */ public List<VaultRecord> readAll() { List<VaultRecord> records = list(); try { int i = 255; while (i-- > 0) { final VaultRecord record = readRecord(); records = records.cons(record); } } catch (final Exception e) { // We'll eventually run into an exception when reaching the end of the block, so ignoring // this. } return records; }
/** * Binds the given function across each element of this array with a final join. * * @param f The function to apply to each element of this array. * @return A new array after performing the map, then final join. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public <B> Array<B> bind(final F<A, Array<B>> f) { List<Array<B>> x = List.nil(); int len = 0; for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Array<B> bs = f.f((A) a[i]); len = len + bs.length(); x = x.cons(bs); } final Object[] bs = new Object[len]; x.foreach( new F<Array<B>, Unit>() { private int i; public Unit f(final Array<B> x) { arraycopy(x.a, 0, bs, i, x.a.length); i = i + x.a.length; return unit(); } }); return new Array<B>(bs); }
@Test public void testCreation() { Particle p1 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(3.0), Vector.of(0.0, 1.0)); Particle p2 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(2.0), Vector.of(1.0, 1.0)); Particle p3 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(1.0), Vector.of(2.0, 2.0)); PSO pso = new PSO(); pso.getTopology().addAll(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3)); ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy creator = new ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy(); creator.setSwarmBehavior(new ParticleBehavior()); NichingSwarms swarms = creator.f(NichingSwarms.of(pso, List.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>nil()), p1); Assert.assertEquals(1, swarms._1().getTopology().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(2.0, 2.0), swarms._1().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution()); Assert.assertEquals(2, swarms._2().head().getTopology().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(0.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(1.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(1).getCandidateSolution()); }
@Override public Object fromBinaryJava(byte[] bytes, Class<?> manifest) { OrderFormat orderFormat = SerializationExtension.get(system).deserialize(bytes, OrderFormat.class).get(); return new Order(, List.iterableList(orderFormat.items), orderFormat.cancelled); }
@Test public void offspringCreation() { Individual i1 = new Individual(); Individual i2 = new Individual(); i1.put(Property.CANDIDATE_SOLUTION, Vector.of(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)); i2.put(Property.CANDIDATE_SOLUTION, Vector.of(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0)); i1.setFitnessCalculator(new MockFitnessCalculator()); i2.setFitnessCalculator(new MockFitnessCalculator()); List<Individual> parents = Lists.newArrayList(i1, i2); CrossoverOperator crossoverStrategy = new CrossoverOperator(); crossoverStrategy.setCrossoverStrategy(new OnePointCrossoverStrategy()); crossoverStrategy.setCrossoverProbability(ConstantControlParameter.of(1.0)); List<Individual> children = crossoverStrategy.crossover(; Vector child1 = (Vector) children.get(0).getPosition(); Vector child2 = (Vector) children.get(1).getPosition(); Vector parent1 = (Vector) i1.getPosition(); Vector parent2 = (Vector) i2.getPosition(); Assert.assertEquals(2, children.size()); for (int i = 0; i < i1.getDimension(); i++) { Assert.assertNotSame(child1.get(i), parent1.get(i)); Assert.assertNotSame(child1.get(i), parent2.get(i)); Assert.assertNotSame(child2.get(i), parent1.get(i)); Assert.assertNotSame(child2.get(i), parent2.get(i)); } }
@Override public List<ApplicationDTO> getList() throws InterruptedException { try { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return array(mapper.readValue(jsonApplications, ApplicationDTO[].class)) .toList() .sort(ord(curry(ordering))); } catch (IOException e) { return List.nil(); } }
/** * Sequence through the option monad. * * @param a The list of option to sequence. * @return The option of list after sequencing. */ public static <A> Option<List<A>> sequence(final List<Option<A>> a) { return a.isEmpty() ? some(List.<A>nil()) : a.head() .bind( new F<A, Option<List<A>>>() { public Option<List<A>> f(final A aa) { return sequence(a.tail()).map(cons_(aa)); } }); }
/** * Sequences through the right side of the either monad with a list of values. * * @param a The list of values to sequence with the either monad. * @return A sequenced value. */ public static <B, X> Either<X, List<B>> sequenceRight(final List<Either<X, B>> a) { return a.isEmpty() ? Either.<X, List<B>>right(List.<B>nil()) : a.head() .right() .bind( new Func<B, Either<X, List<B>>>() { public Either<X, List<B>> f(final B bb) { return sequenceRight(a.tail()).right().map(cons_(bb)); } }); }
/** * Sequences through the left side of the either monad with a list of values. * * @param a The list of values to sequence with the either monad. * @return A sequenced value. */ public static <A, X> Either<List<A>, X> sequenceLeft(final List<Either<A, X>> a) { return a.isEmpty() ? Either.<List<A>, X>left(List.<A>nil()) : a.head() .left() .bind( new Func<A, Either<List<A>, X>>() { public Either<List<A>, X> f(final A aa) { return sequenceLeft(a.tail()).left().map(cons_(aa)); } }); }
@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response invoices(@Context HttpServletRequest request) throws SQLException, IOException { authService.guardAuthenticatedUser(request); try (Connection c = dataSource.getConnection()) { List<UUID> ids = registrationsSqlMapper.all(c).map(x -> x.fst()); List<RegistrationsSqlMapper.Registration> all = Option.somes(ids.traverseIO(ioify(c)).run()); JsonRootNode overview = object( field( "received", array( all.filter(x -> x.tuple.state == RegistrationState.RECEIVED) .map(RegistrationsRestService::json))), field( "invoicing", array( all.filter(x -> x.tuple.state == RegistrationState.INVOICING) .map(RegistrationsRestService::json))), field( "paid", array( all.filter(x -> x.tuple.state == RegistrationState.PAID) .map(RegistrationsRestService::json)))); return Response.ok(ArgoUtils.format(overview)).build(); } }
/** @param pso The {@link PSO} to have an iteration applied. */ @Override public void performIteration(final PSO pso) { final<Particle> topology = pso.getTopology(); this.calculateAbsoluteAverages(pso); this.updateInertia(pso); final F<Particle, Particle> first = new F<Particle, Particle>() { @Override public Particle f(Particle current) { WeightedInertiaVelocityProvider wp = (WeightedInertiaVelocityProvider) current.getVelocityProvider(); // put wp.setInertiaWeight(inertiaWeight); current.updateVelocity(); current.updatePosition(); boundaryConstraint.enforce(current); return current; } }; final F<Particle, Particle> second = new F<Particle, Particle>() { public Particle f(Particle current) { current.calculateFitness(); for (Particle other : pso.getNeighbourhood().f(topology, current)) { if (current .getSocialFitness() .compareTo(other.getNeighbourhoodBest().getSocialFitness()) > 0) { other.setNeighbourhoodBest(current); } } return current; } }; pso.setTopology(; }
/** * Returns all the right values in the given list. * * @param es The list of possible right values. * @return All the right values in the given list. */ public static <A, B> List<B> rights(final List<Either<A, B>> es) { return es.foldRight( new Func<Either<A, B>, Func<List<B>, List<B>>>() { public Func<List<B>, List<B>> f(final Either<A, B> e) { return new Func<List<B>, List<B>>() { public List<B> f(final List<B> bs) { return e.isRight() ? bs.cons(e.right().value()) : bs; } }; } }, List.<B>nil()); }
/** * Returns all the left values in the given list. * * @param es The list of possible left values. * @return All the left values in the given list. */ public static <A, B> List<A> lefts(final List<Either<A, B>> es) { return es.foldRight( new Func<Either<A, B>, Func<List<A>, List<A>>>() { public Func<List<A>, List<A>> f(final Either<A, B> e) { return new Func<List<A>, List<A>>() { public List<A> f(final List<A> as) { return e.isLeft() ? as.cons(e.left().value()) : as; } }; } }, List.<A>nil()); }
private List<Integer> getNeighbourhood(final E e) { int currentIteration = getIteration(); if (currentIteration > lastIteration || nHoods == null || perCall) { lastIteration = currentIteration; nHoods = getNeighbourhoods(distanceMeasure, radius, neighbourhoodSize) .f( P.p( List.<Entity>iterableList((java.util.List<Entity>) entities).zipIndex(), List.<List<Integer>>nil())); } final int index = entities.indexOf(e); return nHoods .find( new F<List<Integer>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean f(List<Integer> a) { return a.exists(Equal.intEqual.eq(index)); } }) .orSome(List.single(index)); }
@Path("/events/{eventName}/sessions") @GET public Response getSessionsForEvent(@PathParam("eventName") final String eventName) { IncogitoUri incogitoUri = new IncogitoUri(incogito.getConfiguration().baseurl); F<List<Session>, List<SessionXml>> sessionToXmlList = List.<Session, SessionXml>map_() .f( XmlFunctions.sessionToXml .f(incogitoUri.restEvents().eventUri(eventName)) .f(; return toJsr311( incogito .getSessions(eventName) .ok() .map(compose(SessionListXml.sessionListXml, sessionToXmlList))); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void algorithmInitialisation() { topology =<HoneyBee>initialise(optimisationProblem)); int numWorkerBees = (int) (workerBeePercentage.getParameter() * topology.length()); P2<<HoneyBee>,<HoneyBee>> split = topology.splitAt(numWorkerBees); this.workerBees = split._1(); this.onlookerBees = split ._2() .map( new F<HoneyBee, HoneyBee>() { public HoneyBee f(HoneyBee b) { return new OnlookerBee((WorkerBee) b); } }); explorerBee.setExplorerBeeUpdateLimit(this.explorerBeeUpdateLimit); }
public void performIteration(final TuningAlgorithm alg) { final List<Vector> parameterList = alg.getParameterList(); // TODO: deal with maximisation problems results = results.snoc( new F<Vector, OptimisationSolution>() { @Override public OptimisationSolution f(Vector a) { return new OptimisationSolution(a, alg.evaluate(a)); } })); // (+1 because iterations start at 0) if (alg.getIterations() + 1 >= minProblems.getParameter() && parameterList.length() != 1) { List<List<Double>> data = List.<OptimisationSolution, Double>map_().f(getFitness().andThen(getValue()))); P2<Double, Double> friedman = StatsTests.friedman(0.05, data); if (friedman._1() > friedman._2()) { final List<Integer> indexes = StatsTests.postHoc(0.05, friedman._1(), data); alg.setParameterList(<Vector>index()).f(parameterList))); results = new F<List<OptimisationSolution>, List<OptimisationSolution>>() { @Override public List<OptimisationSolution> f(final List<OptimisationSolution> a) { return<OptimisationSolution>index()).f(a)); } }); } } }
public static <T> List<T> listFromArray(T[] ar) { List<T> l = List.nil(); for (T x : ar) l = l.snoc(x); return l; }
public static void main(final String[] args) { final List<Integer> a = list(1, 2, 3); final List<Integer> b =; listShow(intShow).println(b); // [43,44,45] }
public static <T> boolean contains(List<T> l, F<T, Boolean> f) { Option<T> o = l.find(f); return o.isSome(); }
/** * Returns a single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list. * * @return A single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list. */ public List<B> toList() { return isRight() ? single(value()) : List.<B>nil(); }