private JSONArray getPublishableLayers(final JSONArray selectedLayers, final User user) throws ActionException { if (selectedLayers == null || user == null) { throw new ActionParamsException("Could not get selected layers"); } final JSONArray filteredList = new JSONArray(); log.debug("Selected layers:", selectedLayers); String userUuid = user.getUuid(); try { for (int i = 0; i < selectedLayers.length(); ++i) { JSONObject layer = selectedLayers.getJSONObject(i); String layerId = layer.getString("id"); if (layerId.startsWith(PREFIX_MYPLACES)) { // check publish right for published myplaces layer if (hasRightToPublishMyPlaceLayer(layerId, userUuid, user.getScreenname())) { filteredList.put(layer); } } else if (layerId.startsWith(PREFIX_BASELAYER)) { // check publish right for base layer if (hasRightToPublishBaseLayer(layerId, user)) { filteredList.put(layer); } } // check publish right for normal layer else if (hasRightToPublishLayer(layerId, user)) { filteredList.put(layer); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, "Error parsing myplaces layers from published layers", selectedLayers); } log.debug("Filtered layers:", filteredList); return filteredList; }
/** * Process of the job * * <p>Worker calls this when starts the job. */ public String run() { log.debug(PROCESS_STARTED + " " + getKey()); setResourceSending(); // if different SRS, create transforms for geometries if (!this.session.getLocation().getSrs().equals(this.layer.getSRSName())) { this.transformService = this.session.getLocation().getTransformForService(this.layer.getCrs(), true); this.transformClient = this.session.getLocation().getTransformForClient(this.layer.getCrs(), true); } // check that the job isn't canceled if (!goNext()) { log.debug("[fe] Cancelled"); return STATUS_CANCELED; } // run job specific tasks boolean completed = runRequestedJob(); if (!completed) { log.debug("[fe] Cancelled"); return STATUS_CANCELED; } log.debug("[fe] " + PROCESS_ENDED + " " + getKey()); return "success"; }
@Override public void type( Resource type, List<Pair<Resource, XSDDatatype>> simpleProperties, List<Pair<Resource, Object>> linkProperties, List<Pair<Resource, String>> geometryProperties) throws IOException { requestResponse.setFeatureIri(type); log.debug("[fe] registering (generic) output type for " + type); /* * List<String> layerSelectedProperties = layer * .getSelectedFeatureParams(session.getLanguage()); */ selectedProperties.add(0, "__fid"); log.debug("- Property:" + "__fid" + " as 0"); for (Pair<Resource, XSDDatatype> prop : simpleProperties) { log.debug("- Property:" + prop.getKey() + " as " + selectedProperties.size()); selectedPropertiesIndex.put(prop.getKey(), selectedProperties.size()); selectedProperties.add(prop.getKey().getLocalPart()); } selectedProperties.add("__centerX"); log.debug("- Property:" + "__centerX" + " as " + selectedProperties.size()); selectedProperties.add("__centerY"); log.debug("- Property:" + "__centerY" + " as " + selectedProperties.size()); }
public void handleAction(final ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { log.debug("in handle action"); final String term = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_TERM); if (term == null || term.equals("")) { throw new ActionParamsException("Search string was null"); } final String error = SearchWorker.checkLegalSearch(term); if (!SearchWorker.STR_TRUE.equals(error)) { // write error message key ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, error); } else { final Locale locale = params.getLocale(); final SearchCriteria sc = new SearchCriteria(); final String geographical_names = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_GEO_NAMES); final String addresses = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES); final String epsg = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_EPSG_KEY); sc.setSearchString(term); sc.setSRS(epsg); // eg. EPSG:3067 sc.setLocale(locale.getLanguage()); sc.addParam(PARAM_REGION, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_REGION, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_COUNTRY, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_COUNTRY, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_FILTER, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_FILTER, "false")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NORMAL, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NORMAL, "false")); sc.addParam(PARAM_LON, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LON, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_LAT, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LAT, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES)); sc.addParam(PARAM_LOCATION_TYPE, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LOCATION_TYPE, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NAME_LANG, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NAME_LANG, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NEAREST, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NEAREST, "")); if (isFuzzy(sc)) { sc.addParam(PARAM_FUZZY, "true"); } for (String channelId : channels) { if (geographical_names != null && geographical_names.equals("true") && channelId.equals(ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL)) { log.debug("adding channel: ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL"); sc.addChannel(channelId); } if (addresses != null && addresses.equals("true") && channelId.equals(ELFADDRESSLOCATOR_CHANNEL)) { log.debug("adding channel: ELFADDRESSLOCATOR_CHANNEL"); sc.addChannel(channelId); } } final JSONObject result = SearchWorker.doSearch(sc); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, result); } }
public void handleAction(final FlowModel flowModel) throws OgcFlowException { WFSLayer wfsLayer = findWFSLayer(flowModel); log.debug("Drawing image for wfs layer '" + wfsLayer.getName(locale) + "'"); List<Future<WFSResponseCapsule>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<WFSResponseCapsule>>(); /* Create workers */ log.debug("We have " + wfsLayer.getSelectedFeatureTypes().size() + " selected feature types"); for (SelectedFeatureType sft : wfsLayer.getSelectedFeatureTypes()) { FeatureType ft = sft.getFeatureType(); log.debug("Processing featuretype '", ft.getTitle(locale), "'..."); /* Create filter */ String geomName = ft.getBboxParameterName(); FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(GeoTools.getDefaultHints()); GetFeaturesWorker worker = new GetFeaturesWorker(sft, getExtendedMapViewBbox(ff, geomName, flowModel), false); Future<WFSResponseCapsule> future = WfsExecutorService.schedule(worker); futures.add(future); } /* collect results */ FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> features = WfsExecutorService.collectFeaturesFromFutures(futures); String[] bbox = getBbox(flowModel); Double bboxMinX = Double.parseDouble(bbox[0]); Double bboxMinY = Double.parseDouble(bbox[1]); Double bboxMaxX = Double.parseDouble(bbox[2]); Double bboxMaxY = Double.parseDouble(bbox[3]); MapContext mapContext = buildMapContext(); ReferencedEnvelope bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope( bboxMaxX, bboxMinX, bboxMaxY, bboxMinY, mapContext.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()); /* Add all found features */ if (features != null && features.size() > 0) { log.debug("Parsing found " + features.size() + " features."); String styleString = wfsLayer.getStyle(); // TODO: sld styles should be stored in the database if (styleString == null || "".equals(styleString)) { styleString = SLDStore.getSLD( wfsLayer .getWmsName()); // MapLayerServiceNoDbImpl.getSldStyle(wfsLayer.getWmsName()); } Style style = SLD.styles(createSLDStyle(styleString))[0]; mapContext.addLayer(features, style); } else { log.debug("Parsing found no features."); } BufferedImage image = renderImageFromFeatures(flowModel, mapContext, bounds); /*image.getGraphics().setColor(new Color(1f, 0, 0)); image.getGraphics().drawRect(1, 1, image.getWidth()-1, image.getHeight()-1);*/ flowModel.put("image", image); }
public List<Keyword> findKeywordsMatching(final String name) { if (name == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } log.debug("Finding keywords matching:", name); final List<Keyword> keyword = queryForList(getNameSpace() + ".find-by-name", name.toLowerCase()); log.debug("Found keywords:", keyword); return keyword; }
public List<Keyword> findKeywordsMatching(final String name, final String lang) { if (name == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } log.debug("Finding keywords matching:", name); final Keyword param = new Keyword(); param.setValue(name.toLowerCase()); param.setLang(lang); final List<Keyword> keyword = queryForList(getNameSpace() + ".find-by-name-and-lang", param); log.debug("Found keywords:", keyword); return keyword; }
/** * Constructor for image of certain layer and style * * @param layer * @param styleName */ public WFSImage(WFSLayerStore layer, String client, String styleName, String highlightStyleName) { if (layer == null || styleName == null) { log.error("Failed to construct image (undefined params)"); return; } // check if tile buffer is given String tileBufferKey; if (styleName.startsWith(PREFIX_CUSTOM_STYLE)) { tileBufferKey = PREFIX_CUSTOM_STYLE; } else { tileBufferKey = styleName; } if (layer.getTileBuffer() != null && layer.getTileBuffer().containsKey(tileBufferKey)) { bufferSize = layer.getTileBuffer().get(tileBufferKey); } log.debug(tileBufferKey, "=", bufferSize); // TODO: possibility to change the custom style store key to sessionID (it is hard without // connection to get client) if (styleName.startsWith(PREFIX_CUSTOM_STYLE) && client != null) { try { this.customStyle = WFSCustomStyleStore.create(client, layer.getLayerId()); if (this.customStyle == null) { = null; log.error("WFSCustomStyleStore not created", client, layer.getLayerId()); return; } this.customStyle.setGeometry( layer.getGMLGeometryProperty().replaceAll("^[^_]*:", "")); // set the geometry name log.debug(this.customStyle.getGeometry()); if (highlightStyleName == null) { = createCustomSLDStyle(); } else { isHighlight = true; = createCustomSLDStyle(); } } catch (Exception e) { = null; log.error(e, "JSON parsing failed for WFSCustomStyleStore"); return; } } else if (highlightStyleName == null) { = getSLDStyle(layer, styleName); } else { isHighlight = true; = getSLDStyle(layer, highlightStyleName); } }
public JSONObject getWMSFeatureInfo(final GFIRequestParams params) { final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); headers.put( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 " + "(Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; pl; rv: " + "Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2"); headers.put("Referer", "/"); headers.put("Cookie", "_ptifiut_"); String gfiResponse; try { final String url = params.getGFIUrl(); log.debug("Calling GFI url:", url); gfiResponse = IOHelper.getURL(url, headers); log.debug("Got GFI response:", gfiResponse); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e, "Couldn't call GFI URL with params:", params); return null; } if (gfiResponse != null && !gfiResponse.isEmpty()) { final JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); try { response.put(GetGeoPointDataService.TYPE, params.getLayer().getType()); response.put(GetGeoPointDataService.LAYER_ID, params.getLayer().getId()); final String xslt = params.getLayer().getXslt(); if (xslt == null || xslt.isEmpty()) { response.put( GetGeoPointDataService.PRESENTATION_TYPE, GetGeoPointDataService.PRESENTATION_TYPE_TEXT); response.put(GetGeoPointDataService.CONTENT, gfiResponse); } else { final String transformedResult = transformResponse(xslt, gfiResponse); JSONObject respObj = new JSONObject(transformedResult); response.put( GetGeoPointDataService.PRESENTATION_TYPE, GetGeoPointDataService.PRESENTATION_TYPE_JSON); response.put(GetGeoPointDataService.CONTENT, respObj); } } catch (JSONException je) { log.error(je, "Couldn't construct GFI response from:", gfiResponse, "- params:", params); return null; } return response; } return null; }
/** * Reform the featureset after WPS response for WFS-T (fix prefixes, propertynames, etc) * * @param featureSet * @param analysisLayer * @return */ public String harmonizeElementNames(String featureSet, final AnalysisLayer analysisLayer) { try { final AnalysisMethodParams params = analysisLayer.getAnalysisMethodParams(); String[] enames = params.getTypeName().split(":"); String ename = enames[0]; if (enames.length > 1) ename = enames[1]; String extraFrom = "gml:" + ename + "_"; // Mixed perfixes to feature: prefix etc featureSet = featureSet.replace(extraFrom, ANALYSIS_WFST_PREFIX); extraFrom = ANALYSIS_GML_PREFIX + ename; String extraTo = ANALYSIS_WFST_PREFIX + ename; featureSet = featureSet.replace(extraFrom, extraTo); String[] geoms = params.getGeom().split(":"); String geom = geoms[0]; if (geoms.length > 1) geom = geoms[1]; extraFrom = ANALYSIS_GML_PREFIX + geom + ">"; featureSet = featureSet.replace(extraFrom, ANALYSIS_WFST_GEOMETRY); featureSet = featureSet.replace(ANALYSIS_WPS_UNION_GEOM, ANALYSIS_WFST_GEOMETRY); featureSet = featureSet.replace( ANALYSIS_GML_PREFIX + ANALYSIS_WPS_ELEMENT_LOCALNAME, ANALYSIS_WFST_PREFIX + ANALYSIS_WPS_ELEMENT_LOCALNAME); featureSet = featureSet.replace(" NaN", ""); featureSet = featureSet.replace("srsDimension=\"3\"", "srsDimension=\"2\""); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Harmonizing element names failed: ", e); } return featureSet; }
public static JSONArray getStartupSequence(final View view) throws ViewException { final JSONArray startupSequence = new JSONArray(); final List<Bundle> bundles = view.getBundles(); log.debug("Got", bundles.size(), "states for view", view.getId()); for (Bundle s : bundles) { final String startup = s.getStartup(); final String name = s.getName(); if (startup != null) { try { startupSequence.put(new JSONObject(startup)); } catch (JSONException jsonex) { log.error( jsonex, "Malformed JSON in startup sequence fragment for bundle:", name, "- JSON:", startup); } } else { throw new ViewException( "Could not get startup sequence fragment for bundle '" + name + "'"); } } return startupSequence; }
public SimpleFeatureBuilder getAndSetFeatureBuilder(Resource type) { SimpleFeatureBuilder sfb = responseBuilders.get(type); if (sfb == null) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder ftb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); ftb.setName(type.getLocalPart()); ftb.setNamespaceURI(type.getNs()); // add a geometry property ftb.setCRS(crs); // set crs first ftb.add("geometry", Geometry.class, crs); // then add // geometry SimpleFeatureType schema = ftb.buildFeatureType(); sfb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(schema); responseBuilders.put(type, sfb); log.debug("[fe] creating featurebuilder for : " + type); } return sfb; }
/** * Merge href sub features to main features * * @param jlist addtional features to where local hrefs point * @param res href property resourse */ public void merge(List<JSONObject> jlist, Resource res) { // Get index of resource Integer keyInd = selectedPropertiesIndex.get(res); if (keyInd == null) return; try { // Loop features for (List lis : list) { // Href key Object val = lis.get(keyInd); if (val instanceof List) { ArrayList<String> vallist = (ArrayList<String>) val; List<Map<String, Object>> hrefFeas = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (String lval : vallist) { if (lval == null) continue; lval = lval.replace("#", ""); for (JSONObject js : jlist) { if (JSONHelper.getStringFromJSON(js, "id", "").equals(lval)) { hrefFeas.add(JSONHelper.getObjectAsMap(js)); break; } } } // Replace refs with objects if (hrefFeas.size() > 0) lis.set(keyInd, hrefFeas); } } } catch (Exception ee) { log.debug("Local href subfeature merge failed:", ee); } }
/** * Creates SLD style * * @param layer * @param styleName * @return style */ private Style getSLDStyle(WFSLayerStore layer, String styleName) { Style style = null; log.debug("Trying to get style with name:", styleName); if (layer.getStyles().containsKey(styleName)) { style = createSLDStyle(layer.getStyles().get(styleName).getSLDStyle()); } else if (STYLE_HIGHLIGHT.equals(styleName)) { style = createSLDStyle(layer.getSelectionSLDStyle()); } else if (layer.getStyles().containsKey(STYLE_DEFAULT)) { style = createSLDStyle(layer.getStyles().get(STYLE_DEFAULT).getSLDStyle()); } // if styles couldn't be parsed, use defaults if (style == null) {"Layer style not customized or parsing failed. Using defaults."); if (STYLE_HIGHLIGHT.equals(styleName)) { // style = createDefaultHighlightSLDStyle(layer.getGMLGeometryProperty()); // TODO: check if we really always want to use without namespace style = createDefaultHighlightSLDStyle(layer.getGMLGeometryPropertyNoNamespace()); } else { style = createSLDStyle( WFSImage.class.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_SLD)); // getClass() (non-static) } } if (style == null) { // something is seriously wrong, even default styles can't be parsed log.error("Failed to get SLD style (even default failed)!!"); } return style; }
public Keyword findExactKeyword(final String name, final String language) { if (name == null) { return null; } log.debug("Finding keyword template by name:", name); final Keyword param = new Keyword(); param.setValue(name.toLowerCase()); param.setLang(language); final List<Keyword> keywords = queryForList(getNameSpace() + ".find-exact-by-name-and-lang", param); Keyword keyword = null; if (keywords.size() > 0) { keyword = keywords.get(0); } log.debug("Found keyword:", keyword); return keyword; }
/** Send image parsing error */ protected void imageParsingFailed(final String message) { log.debug("Image parsing failed"); Map<String, Object> output = new HashMap<String, Object>(); output.put(OUTPUT_LAYER_ID, this.layerId); output.put(OUTPUT_ONCE, true); output.put(OUTPUT_MESSAGE, message); this.service.addResults(session.getClient(), ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_ERROR, output); }
@Override public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { String jsessionid = params.getRequest().getSession().getId(); // remove cache log.debug("deleting session:", jsessionid); WFSLayerPermissionsStore.destroy(jsessionid); }
public boolean runHighlightJob() { if (!this.sendHighlight) { // highlight job with a flag for not sending images, what is going on in here? return true; } if (!this.requestHandler(null)) { return false; } this.featuresHandler(); if (!goNext()) { return false; } // Send geometries, if requested as well if (this.session.isGeomRequest()) { this.sendWFSFeatureGeometries( this.geomValuesList, ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_FEATURE_GEOMETRIES); } log.debug("highlight image handling", this.features.size()); // IMAGE HANDLING log.debug("sending"); Location location = this.session.getLocation(); if (this.image == null) { this.image = new WFSImage( this.layer, this.session.getClient(), this.session.getLayers().get(this.layerId).getStyleName(), JobType.HIGHLIGHT.toString()); } BufferedImage bufferedImage = this.image.draw(this.session.getMapSize(), location, this.features); if (bufferedImage == null) { this.imageParsingFailed(); throw new RuntimeException("Image parsing failed!"); } Double[] bbox = location.getBboxArray(); // cache (non-persistant) setImageCache( bufferedImage, JobType.HIGHLIGHT.toString() + "_" + this.session.getSession(), bbox, false); String url = createImageURL(JobType.HIGHLIGHT.toString(), bbox); this.sendWFSImage(url, bufferedImage, bbox, false, false); return true; }
@Override public void init(StatisticalDatasource source) { layers = source.getLayers(); config = new PxwebConfig(source.getConfigJSON(), source.getId()); indicatorsParser = new PxwebIndicatorsParser(config); LOG.debug("pxweb layer mappings: ", layers); }
public List<SimpleFeature> getAndSetListSimpleFeature(Resource type) { List<SimpleFeature> list = responseFeatures.get(type); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<SimpleFeature>(); responseFeatures.put(type, list); log.debug("[fe] creating featureList for : " + type); } return list; }
public String mergeAggregateResults2FeatureSet(String featureSet, AnalysisLayer analysisLayer) { try { // Add aggregate results to FeatureCollection ( only to one feature) featureSet = transformationService.addPropertiesTo1stFeature(featureSet, analysisLayer.getResult()); } catch (ServiceException e) { log.debug("Feature property insert to FeatureCollection failed: ", e); } return featureSet; }
/** * Sends list of features * * @param features * @param channel */ protected void sendWFSFeatures(List<List<Object>> features, String channel) { if (features == null || features.size() == 0) { log.debug("No features to Send"); return; } log.debug("#### Sending " + features.size() + " FEATURES"); Map<String, Object> output = new HashMap<String, Object>(); output.put(OUTPUT_LAYER_ID, this.layerId); output.put(OUTPUT_FEATURES, features); if (channel.equals(ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_MAP_CLICK) || channel.equals(ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_FILTER)) { output.put(OUTPUT_KEEP_PREVIOUS, this.session.isKeepPrevious()); } log.debug("Sending", features.size(), "features"); this.service.addResults(this.session.getClient(), channel, output); }
public List<Keyword> findSiblings(final Long id, final String language) { if (id == null) { return null; } final Keyword param = new Keyword(); param.setId(id); param.setLang(language); final List<Keyword> synonyms = queryForList(getNameSpace() + ".find-siblings-by-id-and-lang", param); log.debug("Found " + synonyms.size() + " synonyms"); return synonyms; }
/** * Compares 2 JSONArrays for equality. * * @param jsonArray1 * @param jsonArray2 * @return */ public static boolean isEqual(JSONArray jsonArray1, JSONArray jsonArray2) { if (jsonArray1.length() != jsonArray2.length()) { return false; } if (jsonArray1.length() == 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray1.length(); ++i) { try { final Object value1 = jsonArray1.get(i); final Object value2 = jsonArray2.get(i); if (value1 instanceof JSONObject && value2 instanceof JSONObject) { if (!isEqual((JSONObject) value1, (JSONObject) value2)) { log.debug( "Array content was JSONObjects but they were not equal:", value1, "!=", value2); return false; } } else if (value1 instanceof JSONArray && value2 instanceof JSONArray) { if (!isEqual((JSONArray) value1, (JSONArray) value2)) { log.debug( "Array content was JSONArrays but they were not equal:", value1, "!=", value2); return false; } } else if (value1 == null && value2 != null) { log.debug("Array1 had <null>, but Array2 had a value:", value2); return false; } else if (value1 != null && value2 == null) { log.debug("Array1 had value", value1, ", but Array2 had <null>"); return false; } else if (value1 != null && value2 != null && !value1.equals(value2)) { log.debug("Array values didn't match:", value1, value2); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn(ex, "Error comparing JSONArrays"); return false; } } return true; }
/** * Sends list of feature geometries * * @param geometries * @param channel */ protected void sendWFSFeatureGeometries(List<List<Object>> geometries, String channel) { if (geometries == null || geometries.size() == 0) { log.warn("Failed to send feature geometries"); return; } Map<String, Object> output = new HashMap<String, Object>(); output.put(OUTPUT_LAYER_ID, this.layerId); output.put(OUTPUT_GEOMETRIES, geometries); output.put(OUTPUT_KEEP_PREVIOUS, this.session.isKeepPrevious()); log.debug("Sending", geometries.size(), "geometries"); this.service.addResults(this.session.getClient(), channel, output); }
/** * Creates default highlight sld style by replacing geomtype * * @return sld */ public Style createDefaultHighlightSLDStyle(String geom_type) { log.debug("Creating default highlight SLD for:", geom_type); InputStream resource = WFSImage.class.getResourceAsStream(HIGHLIGHT_SLD); try { String xml = IOHelper.readString(resource, "ISO-8859-1"); xml = xml.replaceAll(GEOM_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER, geom_type); return createSLDStyle(xml); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, "Failed to get Default highlight SLD Style - geom type ", geom_type); log.error(resource); } return null; }
public boolean runMapClickJob() { if (!this.requestHandler(null)) { // success, just no hits this.sendWFSFeatures(EMPTY_LIST, ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_MAP_CLICK); return true; } this.featuresHandler(); if (!goNext()) { return false; } // features if (this.sendFeatures) { log.debug("Feature values list", this.featureValuesList); this.sendWFSFeatures(this.featureValuesList, ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_MAP_CLICK); } else { log.debug("No feature data!"); this.sendWFSFeatures(EMPTY_LIST, ResultProcessor.CHANNEL_MAP_CLICK); } return true; }
private View getBaseView(final JSONObject publisherInput, final User user) throws ActionException { if (user.isGuest()) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Trying to publish map, but couldn't determine user"); } // not editing, use template view if (PUBLISHED_VIEW_TEMPLATE_ID == -1) { log.error("Publish template id not configured (property: view.template.publish)!"); throw new ActionParamsException("Trying to publish map, but template isn't configured"); } log.debug("Using template to create a new view"); // Get publisher defaults View templateView = viewService.getViewWithConf(PUBLISHED_VIEW_TEMPLATE_ID); if (templateView == null) { log.error("Could not get template View with id:", PUBLISHED_VIEW_TEMPLATE_ID); throw new ActionParamsException("Could not get template View"); } // clone a blank view based on template (so template doesn't get updated!!) final View view = templateView.cloneBasicInfo(); final long viewId = publisherInput.optLong("id", -1); if (viewId != -1) { // check loaded view against user if we are updating a view log.debug("Loading view for editing:", viewId); final View existingView = viewService.getViewWithConf(viewId); if (user.getId() != existingView.getCreator()) { throw new ActionDeniedException("No permissions to update view with id:" + viewId); } // setup ids for updating a view view.setId(existingView.getId()); view.setSupplementId(existingView.getSupplementId()); view.setUuid(existingView.getUuid()); view.setOldId(existingView.getOldId()); } return view; }
/** * Compares 2 JSONObjects for equality. Ignores property order and only matches on defined * properties and property values. * * @param jsonObject1 * @param jsonObject2 * @return */ public static boolean isEqual(final JSONObject jsonObject1, final JSONObject jsonObject2) { if (jsonObject1 == null || JSONObject.getNames(jsonObject1) == null) { // if object 1 is null or empty -> object 2 should also be null or empty return (jsonObject2 == null || JSONObject.getNames(jsonObject2) == null); } else if (jsonObject2 == null || JSONObject.getNames(jsonObject2) == null) { return false; } final List<String> objectProperties1 = Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(jsonObject1)); Collections.sort(objectProperties1); final List<String> objectProperties2 = Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(jsonObject2)); Collections.sort(objectProperties2); // compare sorted propertynames if (!objectProperties1.equals(objectProperties2)) { log.debug( "Object:\n", objectProperties1, "didn't have same properties as:\n", objectProperties2); return false; } try { for (String key : objectProperties1) { final Object value1 = jsonObject1.get(key); final Object value2 = jsonObject2.get(key); if (value1 instanceof JSONObject) { if (!(value2 instanceof JSONObject)) { log.debug(value1, "was a JSONObject unlike", value2); return false; } else if (!isEqual((JSONObject) value1, (JSONObject) value2)) { log.debug("JSONObject recursion was not equal"); return false; } } else if (value1 instanceof JSONArray) { if (!(value2 instanceof JSONArray)) { log.debug(value1, "was a JSONArray unlike", value2); return false; } if (!isEqual((JSONArray) value1, (JSONArray) value2)) { log.debug("JSONArrays were not equal"); return false; } } else if (value1 == null) { if (value2 != null) { log.debug("value1 was <null>, but value2 was:" + value2); return false; } } else if (!value1.equals(value2)) { log.debug("Values were not equal:", value1, "!=", value2); return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn(ex, "Error comparing JSONObjects"); return false; } return true; }
@Override public void end() throws IOException { for (Resource type : responseFeatures.keySet()) { List<SimpleFeature> sfc = getAndSetListSimpleFeature(type); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = DataUtilities.collection(sfc); responseCollections.put(type, fc); log.debug("[fe] type: " + type + " / fc: { len: " + fc.size() + "}"); } }