private JSONObject populateTableData(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { try { // Get template final String tableLayout = params.getHttpParam(PARM_TABLETEMPLATE, ""); if (tableLayout.isEmpty()) return null; String tabledata = OskariLayoutWorker.getTableTemplate(tableLayout); if (tabledata == null) return null; JSONObject jstable = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(tabledata); if (jstable == null) return null; // Get table row data final String rows = params.getHttpParam(PARM_TABLE, ""); JSONObject jsrows = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(rows); if (jsrows == null) return null; JSONObject jsprint = jstable.optJSONObject(KEY_PRINTOUT); // Add data rows return OskariLayoutWorker.fillTables(jsprint, jsrows); // Get table row data // final String rows = params.getHttpParam(PARM_TABLE, ""); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException("Failed to populate printout table data", e); } }
@Override public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { if (params.getUser().isGuest()) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Session expired"); } final long id = ConversionHelper.getLong(params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ID), -1); if (id == -1) { throw new ActionParamsException( "Parameter missing or non-numeric: " + PARAM_ID + "=" + params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ID)); } final Analysis analysis = analysisDataService.getAnalysisById(id); if (analysis == null) { throw new ActionParamsException("Analysis id didn't match any analysis: " + id); } if (!params.getUser().getUuid().equals(analysis.getUuid())) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Analysis belongs to another user"); } try { analysisDataService.deleteAnalysis(analysis); // write static response to notify success {"result" : "success"} ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, JSONHelper.createJSONObject("result", "success")); } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new ActionException("Error deleting analysis", ex); } }
private void getUserParams(User user, ActionParameters params) throws ActionParamsException { user.setId(getId(params)); user.setFirstname(params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_FIRSTNAME)); user.setLastname(params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_LASTNAME)); user.setScreenname(params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_SCREENNAME)); user.setEmail(params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_EMAIL)); }
@Override public void handleAction(ActionParameters ap) throws ActionException { final long pluginId = ap.getRequiredParamInt(PARAM_PLUGIN_ID); final String indicatorId = ap.getRequiredParam(PARAM_INDICATOR_ID); JSONObject response = getIndicatorMetadataJSON(ap.getUser(), pluginId, indicatorId); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(ap, response); }
public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final JSONObject root = new JSONObject(); // Because of analysis layers String sid = params.getHttpParam(ID, "n/a"); final int id = ConversionHelper.getInt(getBaseLayerId(sid), 0); final HttpServletResponse response = params.getResponse(); response.setContentType("application/json"); if (id == 0) { JSONHelper.putValue(root, ERROR, ERROR_NO_ID); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, root); // FIXME: throw ActionParamsException instead and modify client // response parsing return; } String json = WFSLayerConfiguration.getCache(id + ""); if (json == null) { WFSLayerConfiguration lc = layerConfigurationService.findConfiguration(id); log.warn("id", id); log.warn(lc); // Extra manage for analysis if (sid.indexOf(ANALYSIS_PREFIX) > -1) { log.warn("sid", sid); // set id to original analysis layer id lc.setLayerId(sid); // Set analysis layer fields as id based lc.setSelectedFeatureParams(getAnalysisFeatureProperties(sid)); } // Extra manage for analysis else if (sid.indexOf(MYPLACES_PREFIX) > -1) { log.warn("sid", sid); // set id to original my places layer id lc.setLayerId(sid); } else if (sid.indexOf(USERLAYER_PREFIX) > -1) { log.warn("sid", sid); // set id to original user layer id lc.setLayerId(sid); } if (lc == null) { JSONHelper.putValue(root, ERROR, ERROR_NOT_FOUND); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, root); // FIXME: throw ActionParamsException instead and modify client // response parsing return; }; } JSONHelper.putValue(root, RESULT, RESULT_SUCCESS); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, root); }
public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final String wmsurl = params.getRequiredParam(PARM_WMSURL); if (!params.getUser().hasAnyRoleIn(permittedRoles)) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Unauthorized user tried to get wmsservices"); } try { // New method for parsing WMSCetGapabilites to Oskari layers structure final JSONObject capabilities = GetGtWMSCapabilities.getWMSCapabilities(wmsurl); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, capabilities); } catch (Exception ee) { throw new ActionException("WMS Capabilities parsing failed: ", ee); } }
/** * Parses WPS Proxy url via Oskari action route * * @param params Action parameters * @return String baseurl for Geoserver WPS reference WFS data input * ********************************************************************** */ public String getBaseProxyUrl(ActionParameters params) { String baseurl = GEOSERVER_PROXY_BASE_URL; if (baseurl == null) { try { final URL url = new URL(params.getRequest().getRequestURL().toString()); baseurl = url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + ":" + url.getPort(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } final String baseAjaxUrl = PropertyUtil.get(params.getLocale(), GetAppSetupHandler.PROPERTY_AJAXURL); baseurl = baseurl + baseAjaxUrl + PARAMS_PROXY; log.debug("Analysis baseURL:", baseurl); return baseurl; }
public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final HttpServletResponse response = params.getResponse(); final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = params.getRequest(); // default print format is application/pdf final String pformat = params.getHttpParam(PARM_FORMAT, "application/pdf"); final JSONObject jsonprint = getPrintJSON(params); String file_save = params.getHttpParam(PARM_SAVE, ""); boolean geojsCase = false; if (!params.getHttpParam(PARM_GEOJSON, "").isEmpty()) geojsCase = true; final HttpURLConnection con = getConnection(pformat, geojsCase); for (Enumeration<String> e = httpRequest.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = e.nextElement(); final String value = httpRequest.getHeader(key); con.setRequestProperty(key, value); } try { con.setRequestMethod("POST"); con.setDoOutput(true); con.setDoInput(true); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false); con.setUseCaches(false); con.setRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"); con.connect(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(jsonprint.toString(2)); } IOHelper.writeToConnection(con, jsonprint.toString()); final byte[] presponse = IOHelper.readBytes(con.getInputStream()); // Save plot for future use if (!file_save.isEmpty()) savePdfPng(presponse, file_save, pformat); final String contentType = con.getHeaderField(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); response.addHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType); response.getOutputStream().write(presponse, 0, presponse.length); response.getOutputStream().flush(); response.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException("Couldn't proxy request to print server", e); } finally { con.disconnect(); } }
@Override public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { String jsessionid = params.getRequest().getSession().getId(); // remove cache log.debug("deleting session:", jsessionid); WFSLayerPermissionsStore.destroy(jsessionid); }
private long getId(ActionParameters params) throws NumberFormatException { // see if params contains an ID long id = -1l; String idString = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ID, "-1"); if (idString != null && idString.length() > 0) { id = Long.parseLong(idString); } return id; }
@Override public void handlePut(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { log.debug("handlePut"); User user = new User(); getUserParams(user, params); String password = params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_PASSWORD); String[] roles = params.getRequest().getParameterValues("roles"); User retUser = null; try { retUser = userService.createUser(user, roles); userService.setUserPassword(retUser.getScreenname(), password); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw new ActionException(se.getMessage(), se); } JSONObject response = null; try { response = user2Json(retUser); } catch (JSONException je) { throw new ActionException(je.getMessage(), je); } ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, response); }
@Override public void handlePost(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { log.debug("handlePost"); User user = new User(); getUserParams(user, params); String[] roles = params.getRequest().getParameterValues("roles"); String password = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_PASSWORD); User retUser = null; try { if (user.getId() > -1) { // retUser = userService.modifyUser(user); log.debug("roles size: " + roles.length); retUser = userService.modifyUserwithRoles(user, roles); log.debug("done modifying user"); if (password != null && !"".equals(password.trim())) { userService.updateUserPassword(retUser.getScreenname(), password); } } else { log.debug("NOW IN POST and creating a new user!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); if (password == null || password.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new ActionException("Parameter 'password' not found."); } retUser = userService.createUser(user); userService.setUserPassword(retUser.getScreenname(), password); } } catch (ServiceException se) { throw new ActionException(se.getMessage(), se); } JSONObject response = null; try { response = user2Json(retUser); } catch (JSONException je) { throw new ActionException(je.getMessage(), je); } ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, response); }
@Override public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final HttpServletRequest request = params.getRequest(); try { final int groupId = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ID, -1); final LayerGroup group = new LayerGroup(); group.setId(groupId); handleLocalizations(group, PARAM_NAME_PREFIX, request); if (group.getLocale() == null) { throw new ActionParamsException("Missing names for group!"); } // ************** UPDATE ************************ if (groupId != -1) { if (!layerGroupService.hasPermissionToUpdate(params.getUser(), groupId)) { throw new ActionDeniedException( "Unauthorized user tried to update layer group - id=" + groupId); } layerGroupService.update(group); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, group.getAsJSON()); } // ************** INSERT ************************ else if (params.getUser().isAdmin()) { final int id = layerGroupService.insert(group); group.setId(id); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, group.getAsJSON()); } else { throw new ActionDeniedException( "Unauthorized user tried to update layer group - id=" + groupId); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException("Couldn't update/insert map layer group", e); } }
private JSONArray getTilesJSON(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { JSONArray tilesjs = null; try { // GeoJson graphics layers to selected layers final String tiles = params.getHttpParam(PARM_TILES, ""); if (!tiles.isEmpty()) { tilesjs = new JSONArray(tiles); } // Get print area bbox final String response = ProxyService.proxy("print", params); JSONObject printbbox = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(response); // Fix bbox to print size area only for statslayer fixBbox(printbbox, tilesjs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException("Failed to get tiles json ", e); } return tilesjs; }
/** * Handles action_route CreateAnalysisLayer * * @param params Ajax request parameters * ********************************************************************** */ public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { if (params.getUser().isGuest()) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Session expired"); } final String analyse = params.getRequiredParam(PARAM_ANALYSE, ERROR_ANALYSE_PARAMETER_MISSING); JSONObject analyseJson = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(analyse); if (analyseJson == null) { // json corrupted/parsing failed throw new ActionParamsException(ERROR_ANALYSE_PARAMETER_MISSING); } // filter conf data final String filter1 = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_FILTER1); final String filter2 = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_FILTER2); // Get baseProxyUrl final String baseUrl = getBaseProxyUrl(params); // User String uuid = params.getUser().getUuid(); // note! analysisLayer is replaced in aggregate handling!! AnalysisLayer analysisLayer = getAnalysisLayer(analyseJson, filter1, filter2, baseUrl, uuid); Analysis analysis = null; if (analysisLayer.getMethod().equals(AnalysisParser.LAYER_UNION)) { // no WPS for merge analysis analysis = analysisDataService.mergeAnalysisData(analysisLayer, analyse, params.getUser()); } else { // Generate WPS XML String featureSet = executeWPSprocess(analysisLayer); if (analysisLayer.getMethod().equals(AnalysisParser.UNION) || analysisLayer.getMethod().equals(AnalysisParser.INTERSECT) || analysisLayer.getMethod().equals(AnalysisParser.SPATIAL_JOIN)) { // Harmonize namespaces and element names featureSet = analysisParser.harmonizeElementNames(featureSet, analysisLayer); } // Add data to analysis db - we must create still an union in aggregate case if (analysisLayer.getMethod().equals(AnalysisParser.AGGREGATE)) { // No store to analysis db for aggregate - set results in to the // response // Save analysis results - use union of input data analysisLayer.setWpsLayerId(-1); final String aggregateResult = this.localiseAggregateResult( analysisParser.parseAggregateResults(featureSet, analysisLayer), analyseJson); log.debug("\nAggregate results:\n", aggregateResult, "\n"); /* Aggregate results: {"fi_url_1":{"Count":4},"tmp_id":{"Sum":45301,"Median":12232,"Count":4,"Standar d deviation":3186.3551571505645,"Maximum":14592,"Average":11325.25,"Minimum":624 5},"fi_url_3":{"Count":4},"postinumero":{"Count":4},"fi_url_2":{"Count":4},"fi_s posti_1":{"Count":4},"kuntakoodi":{"Count":4},"fi_osoite":{"Count":4},"fi_nimi": {"Count":4},"kto_tarkennus":{"Count":4}} */ analysisLayer.setResult(aggregateResult); // Get geometry for aggretage features try { // Just return result as JSON and don't save analysis to DB if (!params.getHttpParam(PARAM_SAVE_BLN, true)) { // NOTE!! Replacing the analysisLayer! // Get response as geojson when no db store analysisLayer = getAggregateLayer(analyse, filter1, filter2, baseUrl, analysisLayer, JSONFORMAT); featureSet = wpsService.requestFeatureSet(analysisLayer); // Just return result as JSON and don't save analysis to DB // Get geometry as geojson for hilighting features of aggregate result JSONObject geojson = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(featureSet); JSONObject jsaggregate = JSONHelper.createJSONObject(aggregateResult); JSONObject results = new JSONObject(); JSONHelper.putValue(results, JSON_KEY_GEOJSON, geojson); JSONHelper.putValue(results, JSON_KEY_AGGREGATE_RESULT, jsaggregate); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, results); return; } // NOTE!! Replacing the analysisLayer! - response is gml analysisLayer = getAggregateLayer(analyse, filter1, filter2, baseUrl, analysisLayer, null); featureSet = wpsService.requestFeatureSet(analysisLayer); // Harmonize namespaces and element names featureSet = analysisParser.harmonizeElementNames(featureSet, analysisLayer); featureSet = analysisParser.mergeAggregateResults2FeatureSet( featureSet, analysisLayer, this.getRowOrder(analyseJson), this.getColumnOrder(analyseJson)); // Redefine column types analysisLayer.setFieldtypeMap( this.getAggregateFieldTypes(this.getColumnOrder(analyseJson))); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new ActionException(ERROR_UNABLE_TO_GET_FEATURES_FOR_UNION, e); } } // Add extra TypeNames (depends on wps method) analysisParser.fixTypeNames(analysisLayer); // Fix geometry property name for WFST (could be any, depends on Wps method ) fixGeometryPropertyName(analysisLayer); analysis = analysisDataService.storeAnalysisData( featureSet, analysisLayer, analyse, params.getUser()); } if (analysis == null) { this.MyError(ERROR_UNABLE_TO_STORE_ANALYSIS_DATA, params, null); return; } analysisLayer.setWpsLayerId(analysis.getId()); // aka. analysis_id // Analysis field mapping analysisLayer.setLocaleFields(analysis); analysisLayer.setNativeFields(analysis); // copy permissions from source layer to new analysis final Resource sourceResource = getSourcePermission(analysisParser.getSourceLayerId(analyseJson), params.getUser()); if (sourceResource != null) { final Resource analysisResource = new Resource(); analysisResource.setType(AnalysisLayer.TYPE); analysisResource.setMapping("analysis", Long.toString(analysis.getId())); for (Permission p : sourceResource.getPermissions()) { // check if user has role matching permission? if (p.isOfType(Permissions.PERMISSION_TYPE_PUBLISH) || p.isOfType(Permissions.PERMISSION_TYPE_VIEW_PUBLISHED)) { analysisResource.addPermission(p.clonePermission()); } } log.debug( "Trying to save permissions for analysis", analysisResource, analysisResource.getPermissions()); permissionsService.saveResourcePermissions(analysisResource); } else { log.warn("Couldn't get source permissions for analysis, result will have none"); } // Get analysisLayer JSON for response to front final JSONObject analysisLayerJSON = AnalysisHelper.getlayerJSON(analysis); // Additional param for new layer creation when merging layers: // - Notify client to remove merged layers since they are removed from backend JSONArray mlayers = new JSONArray(); if (analysisLayer.getMergeAnalysisLayers() != null) { for (String lay : analysisLayer.getMergeAnalysisLayers()) { mlayers.put(lay); } } JSONHelper.putValue(analysisLayerJSON, "mergeLayers", mlayers); Set<String> permissionsList = permissionsService.getPublishPermissions(AnalysisLayer.TYPE); Set<String> downloadPermissionsList = permissionsService.getDownloadPermissions(AnalysisLayer.TYPE); Set<String> editAccessList = null; String permissionKey = "analysis+" + analysis.getId(); JSONObject permissions = OskariLayerWorker.getPermissions( params.getUser(), permissionKey, permissionsList, downloadPermissionsList, editAccessList); JSONHelper.putValue(analysisLayerJSON, "permissions", permissions); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, analysisLayerJSON); }
private JSONObject getPrintJSON(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final JSONObject jsonprint = new JSONObject(); try { final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = params.getRequest(); // copy parameters JSONObject jsparamdata = new JSONObject(); for (Object key : httpRequest.getParameterMap().keySet()) { String keyStr = (String) key; // not geojson, tiles, tabledata param .. if (!EXTRA_PARAMS.contains(keyStr)) { jsparamdata.put(keyStr, params.getHttpParam(keyStr)); } } jsonprint.put(KEY_MAPLINK, jsparamdata); // Table data final JSONObject jsTableData = this.populateTableData(params); if (jsTableData != null) jsonprint.put(KEY_PRINTOUT, jsTableData); // construct state final JSONObject jsonstatedata = new JSONObject(); final String[] coords = CoordinateParamHandler.parseParam(params.getHttpParam(PARM_COORD)); if (coords.length == 2) { try { final double east = ConversionHelper.getDouble(coords[0], -1); final double north = ConversionHelper.getDouble(coords[1], -1); if (east == -1 || north == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Coordinates not set: " + params.getHttpParam(PARM_COORD)); } jsonstatedata.put(ViewModifier.KEY_EAST, east); jsonstatedata.put(ViewModifier.KEY_NORTH, north); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ActionException("Could not set coordinates from URL param.", ex); } } jsonstatedata.put( ViewModifier.KEY_ZOOM, ConversionHelper.getInt(params.getHttpParam(PARM_ZOOMLEVEL), 10)); final String[] layers = params.getHttpParam(PARM_MAPLAYERS).split(","); final JSONArray configLayers = new JSONArray(); final JSONArray selectedlayers = new JSONArray(); // final String referer = // RequestHelper.getDomainFromReferer(params.getHttpHeader("Referer")); for (String layerString : layers) { final String[] layerProps = layerString.split(" "); final JSONObject layer = LayersParamHandler.getLayerJson(layerProps, ""); if (layer != null) { selectedlayers.put(layer); configLayers.put(layer); } } // GeoJson graphics layers to selected layers final String geojs64 = params.getHttpParam(PARM_GEOJSON, ""); JSONArray geojs = null; if (!geojs64.isEmpty()) { // decoding geojson byte[] decoded = Base64.decodeBase64(geojs64.getBytes()); geojs = new JSONArray(new String(decoded)); JSONArray jslays = getGeojsonLayers(geojs); for (int i = 0; i < jslays.length(); i++) { selectedlayers.put(jslays.getJSONObject(i)); } } jsonstatedata.put(ViewModifier.KEY_SELECTEDLAYERS, selectedlayers); jsonprint.put(ViewModifier.KEY_STATE, jsonstatedata); // printservice uses direct urls to myplaces instead of servletfilter/actionroute proxy final boolean useDirectURLForMyplaces = true; // populate layer details final JSONArray fullLayersConfigJson = MapfullHandler.getFullLayerConfig( configLayers, params.getUser(), params.getLocale().getLanguage(), PRINT_VIEW, ViewTypes.PRINT, Collections.EMPTY_SET, useDirectURLForMyplaces); // GeoJson graphics layers + styles if (geojs != null) { // Add geojson geometry and styles to layers section for (int i = 0; i < geojs.length(); i++) { fullLayersConfigJson.put(geojs.getJSONObject(i)); } } // Add tiles, (statslayer, wfs) // if (fullLayersConfigJson.toString().contains(VALUE_STATSLAYER)) { // Tiles in params ? if (!params.getHttpParam(PARM_TILES, "").isEmpty()) { JSONArray tiles = getTilesJSON(params); addTiles2Layers(fullLayersConfigJson, tiles); } // } jsonprint.put(KEY_LAYERS, fullLayersConfigJson); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException("Failed to create image", e); } return jsonprint; }
@Override public void preProcess(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { if (!params.getUser().isAdmin()) { throw new ActionDeniedException("Admin only"); } }
public void handleAction(final ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { log.debug("in handle action"); final String term = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_TERM); if (term == null || term.equals("")) { throw new ActionParamsException("Search string was null"); } final String error = SearchWorker.checkLegalSearch(term); if (!SearchWorker.STR_TRUE.equals(error)) { // write error message key ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, error); } else { final Locale locale = params.getLocale(); final SearchCriteria sc = new SearchCriteria(); final String geographical_names = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_GEO_NAMES); final String addresses = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES); final String epsg = params.getHttpParam(PARAM_EPSG_KEY); sc.setSearchString(term); sc.setSRS(epsg); // eg. EPSG:3067 sc.setLocale(locale.getLanguage()); sc.addParam(PARAM_REGION, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_REGION, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_COUNTRY, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_COUNTRY, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_FILTER, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_FILTER, "false")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NORMAL, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NORMAL, "false")); sc.addParam(PARAM_LON, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LON, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_LAT, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LAT, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_ADDRESSES)); sc.addParam(PARAM_LOCATION_TYPE, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_LOCATION_TYPE, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NAME_LANG, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NAME_LANG, "")); sc.addParam(PARAM_NEAREST, params.getHttpParam(PARAM_NEAREST, "")); if (isFuzzy(sc)) { sc.addParam(PARAM_FUZZY, "true"); } for (String channelId : channels) { if (geographical_names != null && geographical_names.equals("true") && channelId.equals(ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL)) { log.debug("adding channel: ELFGEOLOCATOR_CHANNEL"); sc.addChannel(channelId); } if (addresses != null && addresses.equals("true") && channelId.equals(ELFADDRESSLOCATOR_CHANNEL)) { log.debug("adding channel: ELFADDRESSLOCATOR_CHANNEL"); sc.addChannel(channelId); } } final JSONObject result = SearchWorker.doSearch(sc); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, result); } }
public void handleAction(ActionParameters params) throws ActionException { final User user = params.getUser(); // Parse stuff sent by JS final JSONObject publisherData = getPublisherInput(params.getRequiredParam(KEY_PUBDATA)); final View currentView = getBaseView(publisherData, user); final Bundle mapFullBundle = currentView.getBundleByName(ViewModifier.BUNDLE_MAPFULL); if (mapFullBundle == null) { throw new ActionParamsException("Could find mapfull bundle from view:" + currentView.getId()); } // Setup user try { JSONObject userJson = new JSONObject(); userJson.put(KEY_FIRSTNAME, user.getFirstname()); userJson.put(KEY_LASTNAME, user.getLastname()); userJson.put(KEY_NICKNAME, user.getScreenname()); userJson.put(KEY_LOGINNAME, user.getEmail()); JSONHelper.putValue(mapFullBundle.getConfigJSON(), KEY_USER, userJson); // mapfullTemplateConfig.put(KEY_USER, userJson); } catch (JSONException jsonex) { log.error("Could not create user object:", user, "- Error:", jsonex.getMessage()); throw new ActionParamsException("User data problem"); } // setup basic info about view final String domain = JSONHelper.getStringFromJSON(publisherData, KEY_DOMAIN, null); if (domain == null) { throw new ActionParamsException("Domain missing"); } final String name = JSONHelper.getStringFromJSON( publisherData, KEY_NAME, "Published map " + System.currentTimeMillis()); final String language = JSONHelper.getStringFromJSON( publisherData, KEY_LANGUAGE, PropertyUtil.getDefaultLanguage()); currentView.setPubDomain(domain); currentView.setName(name); currentView.setType(params.getHttpParam(ViewTypes.VIEW_TYPE, ViewTypes.PUBLISHED)); currentView.setCreator(user.getId()); currentView.setIsPublic(true); // application/page/developmentPath should be configured to publish template view currentView.setLang(language); // setup map state setupMapState(mapFullBundle, publisherData, user); // setup infobox final JSONObject tmpInfoboxState = publisherData.optJSONObject(ViewModifier.BUNDLE_INFOBOX); if (tmpInfoboxState != null) { final Bundle infoboxTemplateBundle = currentView.getBundleByName(ViewModifier.BUNDLE_INFOBOX); if (infoboxTemplateBundle != null) { infoboxTemplateBundle.setState(tmpInfoboxState.toString()); } else { log.warn( "Publisher sent state for infobox, but infobox isn't available in template view! State:", tmpInfoboxState); } } // Setup publishedmyplaces2 bundle if user has configured it/has permission to do so if (user.hasAnyRoleIn(drawToolsEnabledRoles)) { setupBundle(currentView, publisherData, ViewModifier.BUNDLE_PUBLISHEDMYPLACES2); } // Setup toolbar bundle if user has configured it setupBundle(currentView, publisherData, ViewModifier.BUNDLE_TOOLBAR); // Setup thematic map/published grid bundle final JSONObject gridState = publisherData.optJSONObject(KEY_GRIDSTATE); log.debug("Grid state:", gridState); if (gridState != null) { final Bundle gridBundle = addBundle(currentView, ViewModifier.BUNDLE_PUBLISHEDGRID); log.debug("Grid bundle added:", gridBundle); mergeBundleConfiguration(gridBundle, null, gridState); } log.debug("Save view:", currentView); final View newView = saveView(currentView); log.debug("Published a map:", newView); try { JSONObject newViewJson = new JSONObject(newView.toString()); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, newViewJson); } catch (JSONException je) { log.error(je, "Could not create JSON response."); ResponseHelper.writeResponse(params, false); } }