 public void testListUsersByEnabledStatus_disabled() {
   List<User> users = userDAO.listUsersByEnabledStatus(false);
   assertEquals(1, users.size());
   List<Integer> foundIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   for (User user : users) {
  private void fillProjectPortfolioData(ProjectPortfolioData data) {
    HashMap<Project, String> userDataMap = new HashMap<Project, String>();
    HashMap<Project, Integer> unassignedUserDataMap = new HashMap<Project, Integer>();
    HashMap<Project, String> summaryLoadLeftMap = new HashMap<Project, String>();
    HashMap<String, String> loadLeftData = new HashMap<String, String>();
    HashMap<String, String> userOverheads = new HashMap<String, String>();
    HashMap<String, String> totalUserOverheads = new HashMap<String, String>();
    HashMap<String, Integer> unassignedUsersMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    Map<Project, List<User>> assignmentMap = new HashMap<Project, List<User>>(0);
    Map<Project, List<User>> nonAssignmentMap = new HashMap<Project, List<User>>(0);
    Set<String> keySet = new HashSet<String>();

    Map<String, Integer> unassignedBlisMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    Collection<Project> projects = projectDAO.getOngoingProjects();

    // Go trough all projects and bli:s
    for (Project pro : projects) {
      int assignedUsers = backlogBusiness.getNumberOfAssignedUsers(pro);
      int unestimatedBlis = 0;
      AFTime ongoingBliLoadLeft = new AFTime(0);
      Set<User> allUsers = new HashSet<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true));
      HashSet<User> projectAssignments =
          new HashSet<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true));
      List<User> nonAssignedUsers = new ArrayList<User>();
       * ArrayList<User> assignments = new ArrayList<User>(
       * this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true));
      Collection<BacklogItem> blis = getBlisInProjectAndItsIterations(pro);

      // Get overheads for users in this project
      for (Assignment ass : pro.getAssignments()) {
        if (ass.getDeltaOverhead() != null) {
              pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), ass.getDeltaOverhead().toString());
          AFTime total = new AFTime(0);
          if (pro.getDefaultOverhead() != null) {
          totalUserOverheads.put(pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), total.toString());
        } else {
          if (pro.getDefaultOverhead() != null) {
                pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), pro.getDefaultOverhead().toString());
          } else {
            totalUserOverheads.put(pro.getId() + "-" + ass.getUser().getId(), "");

      for (BacklogItem bli : blis) {
        if (bli.getResponsibles() != null) {
          ArrayList<User> responsibles = new ArrayList<User>(bli.getResponsibles());

          if (bli.getEffortLeft() == null) {
          } else if (bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() != 0) {

          for (User resp : responsibles) {

            keySet.add(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId());

            // Calculate and add effort from bli to user(s) assigned
            // Uses projectID-UserId as map key
            String effortForUsr = loadLeftData.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId());
            if (effortForUsr != null) {
              AFTime usrLoadLeft = new AFTime(effortForUsr);
              if (bli.getEffortLeft() != null) {
                // Add effort to this user: (bli effort / number
                // of people assigned)
                AFTime newEffort = new AFTime(bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() / responsibles.size());
                loadLeftData.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), usrLoadLeft.toString());
            } else { // no effort for user, create one
              if (bli.getEffortLeft() != null) {
                AFTime t = new AFTime(bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() / responsibles.size());
                loadLeftData.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), t.toString());

            // Check whether user is responsible for a bli in the
            // project but is currently not assigned to it

            if (!projectAssignments.contains(resp) && bli.getEffortLeft() == null) {
              unassignedUsersMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), 1);
              if (!nonAssignedUsers.contains(resp)) {
            } else if (!projectAssignments.contains(resp) && bli.getEffortLeft().getTime() != 0) {
              unassignedUsersMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), 1);
              if (!nonAssignedUsers.contains(resp)) {
            if (bli.getEffortLeft() == null) {
              int numberOfUnestimatedBlis = 1;
              if (unassignedBlisMap.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()) != null) {
                numberOfUnestimatedBlis =
                    unassignedBlisMap.get(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId()) + 1;
              unassignedBlisMap.put(pro.getId() + "-" + resp.getId(), numberOfUnestimatedBlis);
      int unassignedUsers = allUsers.size() - assignedUsers;

      String userDataString = "" + assignedUsers;
      EffortSumData loadData = new EffortSumData();
      String loadLeftString = loadData.toString();

      summaryLoadLeftMap.put(pro, loadLeftString);
      userDataMap.put(pro, userDataString);
      unassignedUserDataMap.put(pro, unassignedUsers);
      assignmentMap.put(pro, new ArrayList<User>(this.backlogBusiness.getUsers(pro, true)));
      nonAssignmentMap.put(pro, nonAssignedUsers);

    for (String key : keySet) {
      String value = loadLeftData.get(key);
      // Fetch aftime-value and non-estimated items to a
      // EffortSumData-object to get correct output string.
      AFTime aftimeValue = new AFTime(0);
      if (value != null) aftimeValue = new AFTime(value);

      int userUnestimatedBlis = 0;
      if (unassignedBlisMap.get(key) != null) userUnestimatedBlis += unassignedBlisMap.get(key);

      EffortSumData sumData = new EffortSumData();

      value = sumData.toString();

      loadLeftData.put(key, value);

  public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    // System.out.println("URL: " + ServletActionContext.getRequest().getRequestURL().toString());
    HttpServletRequest req = ServletActionContext.getRequest();
    String actionName = ServletActionContext.getActionMapping().getName();

    User loggedUser =
            .getLoggedUser(); // SecurityUtil.getLoggedUser() can't get all needed information of
                              // user -> should retrieve by making new user.
    User user = userBusiness.retrieve(loggedUser.getId());

    boolean admin = user.isAdmin();
    boolean readOnly = user.getName().equals("readonly");
    boolean access = false;

    if (admin) {
      // if admin, everything is fine
      access = true;
    } else if (readOnly) {
      // check read only operations
      if (actionName.equals("ROIterationHistoryByToken")
          || actionName.equals("ROIterationMetricsByToken")
          || actionName.equals(("ROIterationData"))) {
        access = true;
    } else {
      if (actionName.equals("createTeam")
          || actionName.equals("deleteTeam")
          || actionName.equals("deleteTeamForm")
          || actionName.equals("storeTeam")
          || actionName.equals("storeNewTeam")) {

        // these are admin-only operations
        access = false;

      } else if (actionName.equals("storeUserAndRedirect")) {
        Map params = req.getParameterMap();
        boolean attemptAdmin = params.containsKey("user.admin");
        int id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("userId"))[0]);
        if (id == user.getId() && !attemptAdmin) {
          access = true;
      } else if (actionName.equals("storeUser")) {

        // check if ID is of current user, and what is being stored
        // can't set user.admin or team
        Map params = req.getParameterMap();
        boolean attemptAdmin = params.containsKey("user.admin");
        boolean attemptTeam = params.containsKey("teamsChanged") || params.containsKey("teamIds");
        int id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("userId"))[0]);

        if (id == user.getId() && !attemptAdmin && !attemptTeam) {
          // check not setting user.admin
          access = true;
      } else if (actionName.equals("storeNewUser")) {
        Map params = req.getParameterMap();
        boolean attemptToCreateNonAdmin =
                && ((String[]) params.get("user.admin"))[0].equals("false");
        // Non admins can create only other non admin users
        if (attemptToCreateNonAdmin) {
          // Non admins can only add new users to their teams
          if (params.containsKey("teamIds")) {
            Set<String> myTeamIds = new HashSet<String>();
            for (Team team : user.getTeams()) {
              myTeamIds.add("" + team.getId());
            String[] teamIds = (String[]) params.get("teamIds");
            Set<String> newUserTeamIds = new HashSet<String>();
            for (String teamId : teamIds) {
            if (myTeamIds.containsAll(newUserTeamIds)) {
              access = true;
          } else {
            access = true;
      } else if (actionName.equals("retrieveAllProducts")
          || actionName.equals("retrieveAllSAIterations")) {
        // access matrix operations
        access = false;
      } else if (actionName.equals("storeNewIteration") || actionName.equals("storeNewProduct")) {
        // these are operations available to everyone
        access = true;
      } else if ((actionName.equals("retrieveBranchMetrics")
              || actionName.equals("getStoryHierarchy"))
          && req.getParameterMap().containsKey("storyId")) {
        Map params = req.getParameterMap();
        int storyId = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("storyId"))[0]);
        Story story = storyBusiness.retrieve(storyId);
        if (story.getIteration() != null) {
          access =
              this.authorizationBusiness.isBacklogAccessible(story.getIteration().getId(), user);
        if (!access && story.getBacklog() != null) {
          access = this.authorizationBusiness.isBacklogAccessible(story.getBacklog().getId(), user);
      } else {
        // Default case: Try to find a backlog id of some kind to check.

        Map params = req.getParameterMap();
        int id = -1;
        if (params.containsKey("iterationId"))
          id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("iterationId"))[0]);
        else if (params.containsKey("backlogId"))
          id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("backlogId"))[0]);
        else if (params.containsKey("productId"))
          id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("productId"))[0]);
        else if (params.containsKey("projectId"))
          id = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("projectId"))[0]);
        else if (params.containsKey("taskId")) {
          int taskId = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("taskId"))[0]);
          Task task = taskBusiness.retrieve(taskId);
          if (task.getIteration() != null) id = task.getIteration().getId();
          else if (task.getStory().getIteration() != null)
            id = task.getStory().getIteration().getId();
          else id = task.getStory().getBacklog().getId(); // story in project/product w/a iteration
        } else if (params.containsKey("storyId")) {
          int storyId = Integer.parseInt(((String[]) params.get("storyId"))[0]);
          Story story = storyBusiness.retrieve(storyId);
          if (story.getIteration() != null) {
            id = story.getIteration().getId();
          } else {
            id = story.getBacklog().getId();

        boolean attemptTeam = params.containsKey("teamsChanged");
        if (!attemptTeam) {
          if (id != -1
              && !(id == 0 && actionName.equals("retrieveSubBacklogs") && params.size() == 1))
            access = this.authorizationBusiness.isBacklogAccessible(id, user);
            // Operations without ids must be allowed
            access = true;

    if (access) return invocation.invoke();
    else return "noauth";