void propagateRenderOk(boolean deep) { this.flags_.clear(); if (this.rowsChanged_ != null) {; this.rowsChanged_ = null; } this.rowsAdded_ = 0; super.propagateRenderOk(deep); }
/** Deletes the table and its entire contents. */ public void remove() { for (int i = 0; i < this.rows_.size(); ++i) {; } for (int i = 0; i < this.columns_.size(); ++i) {; } ; this.rowsChanged_ = null; super.remove(); }
void getDomChanges(List<DomElement> result, WApplication app) { if (this.mediaId_.length() != 0) { DomElement media = DomElement.getForUpdate(this.mediaId_, DomElementType.DomElement_DIV); this.updateMediaDom(media, false); if (this.sourcesChanged_) { for (int i = 0; i < this.sourcesRendered_; ++i) { media.callJavaScript( "Wt3_2_3.remove('" + this.mediaId_ + "s" + String.valueOf(i) + "');", true); } this.sourcesRendered_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.sources_.size(); ++i) { DomElement src = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_SOURCE); src.setId(this.mediaId_ + "s" + String.valueOf(i)); this.renderSource(src, this.sources_.get(i), i + 1 >= this.sources_.size()); media.addChild(src); } this.sourcesRendered_ = this.sources_.size(); this.sourcesChanged_ = false; media.callJavaScript(this.getJsMediaRef() + ".load();"); } result.add(media); } super.getDomChanges(result, app); }
public void remove() { for (int i = 0; i < this.sources_.size(); ++i) {; } super.remove(); }
void updateDom(DomElement element, boolean all) { super.updateDom(element, all); }