文件: CPIO.java 项目: rentzsch/woplat
 protected void copyFileToFile(File source, File destination) throws IOException {
   if (!source.exists()) {
     throw new IOException(
         "The file '" + source + "' does not exist (tried to link to '" + destination + "').");
   if (destination.exists()) {
     throw new IOException("The file '" + destination + "' already exists.");
   if (source.isDirectory()) {
     if (!destination.mkdirs()) {
       throw new IOException("Failed to create the directory '" + destination + "'.");
     for (File child : source.listFiles()) {
       copyFileToFile(child, new File(destination, child.getName()));
   } else {
     FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(source);
         fis, destination, (int) source.length(), new NullProgressMonitor());
文件: CPIO.java 项目: rentzsch/woplat
  public void extractTo(
      File destinationFolder, boolean symbolicLinksSupported, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    long amount = 0;
    List<Link> links = new LinkedList<Link>();

    try {
      byte[] sixBuffer = new byte[6];
      byte[] elevenBuffer = new byte[11];
      boolean done = false;
      do {
        String magic = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
        if (!"070707".equals(magic)) {
          throw new IOException(
              "Expected magic '070707' but got '"
                  + magic
                  + "' (next = "
                  + readString(paxStream, new byte[50])
                  + ").");
        } else {
          String dev = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String ino = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String modeStr = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String uid = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String gid = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String nlink = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String rdev = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String mtime = readString(paxStream, elevenBuffer);
          String nameSizeStr = readString(paxStream, sixBuffer);
          String fileSizeStr = readString(paxStream, elevenBuffer);

          int nameSize = Integer.parseInt(nameSizeStr, 8);
          String name = readString(paxStream, new byte[nameSize]);

          int fileSize = Integer.parseInt(fileSizeStr, 8);

          if ("TRAILER!!!".equals(name)) {
            done = true;
          } else {
            File destinationFile = toFile(destinationFolder, name);
            int mode = Integer.parseInt(modeStr, 8);
            if ((mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR) {
              if (".".equals(name)) {
                // skip
              } else if (destinationFile.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("The directory '" + destinationFile + "' already exists.");
              } else if (!destinationFile.mkdirs()) {
                throw new IOException("Failed to create directory '" + destinationFile + "'.");
              skipFully(paxStream, fileSize);
            } else if ((mode & S_IFLNK) == S_IFLNK) {
              String realName = readString(paxStream, new byte[fileSize]);
              File realFile = new File(realName);
              if (!symbolicLinksSupported) {
                realFile = toFile(destinationFile.getParentFile(), realName);
              links.add(new Link(realFile, destinationFile));
            } else if ((mode & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG) {
              if (destinationFile.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("The file '" + destinationFile + "' already exists.");
              InputStream is = new BoundedInputStream(paxStream, 0, fileSize);
              FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile);
                  is, fos, fileSize, new NullProgressMonitor());
            } else {
              throw new IOException("Unknown mode " + modeStr + " for " + name + ".");

            amount += 70 + nameSize + fileSize;
            progressMonitor.progress(amount, fileLength);
      } while (!done);
    } finally {
      //      System.out.println(amount + ":" + fileLength);

    Collections.sort(links, new LinkNameLengthComparator());
    int linkNum = 0;
    for (Link link : links) {
      progressMonitor.progress(linkNum++, links.size());