public void driveToBridge() { System.out.println("Val: " + potentiometer.getVoltage()); if (Autonomousflag) { if (potentiometer.getVoltage() < 5) { // line shoot(); Timer.delay(7); shoot.set(0); collect.set(0); driveTrain.tankDrive(-speed, speed); Timer.delay(1); driveTrain.tankDrive(speed, speed); Timer.delay(1.2); driveTrain.tankDrive(0, 0); Timer.delay(0.9); bridge.set(-1); } else if (potentiometer.getVoltage() > 5) { // left shoot(); } Autonomousflag = false; } else { driveTrain.tankDrive(0, 0); } }
public void autonomousInit() { try { robot.arm.moveTo(PegPosition.RESET); } catch (CANTimeoutException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } robot.compressor.start(); Timer.delay(3.5); robot.grabber.tiltDown(); Timer.delay(2); robot.grabber.grab(); robot.lineSensor.setLinePreference(LinePreference.LEFT); controller.enable(); Timer.delay(2.5); robot.grabber.tiltUp(); Timer.delay(2.5); try { robot.arm.moveTo(PegPosition.MIDDLE_OFFSET); } catch (CANTimeoutException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { Robot.driveTrain.setLeftMotors(0.5); Robot.driveTrain.setRightMotors(-0.5); Timer.delay(1.5); Robot.driveTrain.setLeftMotors(0); Robot.driveTrain.setRightMotors(-0.8); Timer.delay(0.5); Robot.driveTrain.setLeftMotors(0.6); Robot.driveTrain.setRightMotors(-0.5); Timer.delay(1); }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { Robot.intake.setIntakePosition(true); Timer.delay(1); Robot.shooter.setShooterPosition(true); Robot.intake.setIntakePosition(false); Timer.delay(4); // Robot.shooter.switchShooterPosition(); // runTime.reset(); // runTime.start(); System.out.println("rock wall"); }
protected void initialize() { if (!inProgress) { inProgress = true; Pickup.checkArms(); Catapult.latch.set(Latch.UNLOCKED); Timer.delay(0.5); Catapult.setLauncher(RETRACTED); Timer.delay(2.0); Catapult.latch.set(Latch.LOCKED); } }
/** Displays test pattern of all defined characters. */ public void displayTestPattern() { byte[] byte1 = new byte[10]; Util.consoleLog(); // first reset the transmit array to zeros. for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { byte1[c] = (byte) (0b00000000) & 0xFF; } // put single character data in the array and write to display. for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) { byte1[0] = (byte) (0b0000111100001111); byte1[2] = charreg[4 * c + 3][0]; byte1[3] = charreg[4 * c + 3][1]; byte1[4] = charreg[4 * c + 2][0]; byte1[5] = charreg[4 * c + 2][1]; byte1[6] = charreg[4 * c + 1][0]; byte1[7] = charreg[4 * c + 1][1]; byte1[8] = charreg[4 * c][0]; byte1[9] = charreg[4 * c][1]; // send the array to the board i2c.writeBulk(byte1); Timer.delay(3); } }
/** * start up automatic capture you should see the video stream from the webcam in your FRC PC * Dashboard. */ public void operatorControl() { while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { /** robot code here! * */ Timer.delay(0.005); // wait for a motor update time } }
/** Runs the motors with tank steering. */ public void operatorControl() { myRobot.setSafetyEnabled(true); while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { myRobot.tankDrive(leftStick, rightStick); Timer.delay(0.005); // wait for a motor update time } }
public AutoCommandGroup() { // STARTING AT YELLOW BIN addSequential(new LiftCommand(0.75, 0.5, true)); Timer.delay(1); addSequential(new AutoMove(1, 2.5, 13.5)); addParallel(new LiftCommand(1, 0.5, true)); addSequential(new LiftCommand(0.75, 0.5, false)); // STARTING AT LANDFILL // addSequential(new AutoMove (0.6, 2.5, 0.4)); // Timer.delay(1.5); // addSequential(new LiftCommand (0.75,0.5, true)); // addSequential(new AutoMove (-1, 2.5, 7.8)); // addSequential (new LiftCommand (0.75, 0.5, false)); // Add Commands here: // e.g. addSequential(new Command1()); // addSequential(new Command2()); // these will run in order. // To run multiple commands at the same time, // use addParallel() // e.g. addParallel(new Command1()); // addSequential(new Command2()); // Command1 and Command2 will run in parallel. // A command group will require all of the subsystems that each member // would require. // e.g. if Command1 requires chassis, and Command2 requires arm, // a CommandGroup containing them would require both the chassis and the // arm. }
public void testCounter() { double counter = 0.0; while (true) { SmartDashboard.putNumber("Counter", counter++); Timer.delay(.10); } }
public void init() { try { TKOHardware.changeTalonMode( TKOHardware.getLeftDrive(), CANTalon.ControlMode.Position, p, i, d); TKOHardware.changeTalonMode( TKOHardware.getRightDrive(), CANTalon.ControlMode.Position, p, i, d); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().reverseOutput(false); TKOHardware.getRightDrive().reverseOutput(true); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().reverseSensor(true); TKOHardware.getRightDrive().reverseSensor(false); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().enableBrakeMode(true); TKOHardware.getRightDrive().enableBrakeMode(true); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().setPosition(0); // resets encoder TKOHardware.getRightDrive().setPosition(0); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().ClearIaccum(); // stops bounce TKOHardware.getRightDrive().ClearIaccum(); Timer.delay(0.1); TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().set(TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().getPosition()); TKOHardware.getRightDrive().set(TKOHardware.getRightDrive().getPosition()); TKOHardware.getPiston(0).set(Definitions.SHIFTER_LOW); TKOHardware.getPiston(2).set(Definitions.WHEELIE_RETRACT); } catch (TKOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Err.... Talons kinda died "); } System.out.println("Drive atom initialized"); }
protected void end() { Timer.delay(1.5); if (Catapult.latch.get() == Latch.UNLOCKED) { Catapult.latch.set(Latch.LOCKED); // set latch in } inProgress = false; }
public TargetFinder() { System.out.println("TargetFinder() begin " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); cam = AxisCamera.getInstance(); cam.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k320x240); cam.writeBrightness(camBrightness); cam.writeColorLevel(camColor); cam.writeWhiteBalance(camWhiteBalance); cam.writeExposureControl(camExposure); cam.writeMaxFPS(15); cam.writeExposurePriority(AxisCamera.ExposurePriorityT.none); cam.writeCompression(50); // System.out.println("TargetFinder() * " + cam.toString() + "[" + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); boxCriteria = new CriteriaCollection(); inertiaCriteria = new CriteriaCollection(); boxCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, 30, bboxWidthMin, false); boxCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT, 40, bboxHeightMin, false); inertiaCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_NORM_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA_XX, 0, inertiaXMin, true); inertiaCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_NORM_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA_YY, 0, inertiaYMin, true); Timer.delay(7); }
@Override protected void initialize() { backLeft = new Talon(ControlsManager.BACK_LEFT_SPEED_CONTROLLER); frontLeft = new Talon(ControlsManager.FRONT_LEFT_SPEED_CONTROLLER); backRight = new Talon(ControlsManager.BACK_RIGHT_SPEED_CONTROLLER); frontRight = new Talon(ControlsManager.FRONT_RIGHT_SPEED_CONTROLLER); backLeft.setInverted(true); frontLeft.setInverted(true); backRight.setInverted(true); frontRight.setInverted(true); lidar = new LIDAR(Port.kMXP); // ultrasonic = new Ultrasonic(RobotMap.ultraPing, RobotMap.ultraEcho); // ultrasonic.setEnabled(true); ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(true); maxbotix = new BadUltrasonic(ControlsManager.MAXBOTIX_ULTRASONIC); // mxp stuff serialPort = new SerialPort(57600, SerialPort.Port.kMXP); byte update_rate_hz = 127; mxp = new IMU(serialPort, update_rate_hz); Timer.delay(0.3); mxp.zeroYaw(); train = new RobotDrive(backLeft, frontLeft, backRight, frontRight); }
/** Gyro sensitivity is set and mecanum drive is used with the gyro angle as an input. */ public void operatorControl() { gyro.setSensitivity( voltsPerDegreePerSecond); // calibrate gyro to have the value equal to degrees while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { myRobot.mecanumDrive_Cartesian( joystick.getX(), joystick.getY(), joystick.getZ(), gyro.getAngle()); Timer.delay(0.005); // wait 5ms to avoid hogging CPU cycles } }
public void turnStart(double degrees) { turnPID.reset(); gyro.reset(); turnPID.setSetpoint(degrees); turnPID.enable(); Timer.delay(.1); System.out.println( "start turning from " + RobotMap.roundtoTwo(gyro.getAngle()) + " to setpoint " + degrees); }
protected void execute() { if (!inProgress) { inProgress = true; if (Catapult.latch.get() == Latch.LOCKED) { Catapult.latch.set(Latch.UNLOCKED); Timer.delay(0.2); } if (pwmMode) { Pickup.checkArms(); Catapult.setLauncher(EXTENDED); Timer.delay(0.2); Catapult.setLauncher(RETRACTED); Timer.delay(0.5); } else { Catapult.launchRight.set(EXTENDED); Timer.delay(3.0); Catapult.launchRight.set(RETRACTED); Timer.delay(2.0); } } }
/** * Enable/Disable character LED blink. * * @param blink True to blink. */ public void blink(boolean blink) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; Util.consoleLog("%b", blink); if (blink) buffer[0] = (byte) 0x83; else buffer[0] = (byte) 0x81; i2c.writeBulk(buffer); Timer.delay(.01); }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { if (step == 0) {; System.out.print("Pushing for "); System.out.println(pushTime); Timer.delay(pushTime);; System.out.print("Pulling for "); System.out.println(returnTime); setTimeout(returnTime); step = 1; } }
public synchronized void openCamera() { if (m_id != -1) return; // Camera is already open for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { m_id = NIVision.IMAQdxOpenCamera( m_name, NIVision.IMAQdxCameraControlMode.CameraControlModeController); } catch (VisionException e) { if (i == 2) throw e; delay(2.0); continue; } break; } }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { shooter.triggerRunning = true; System.out.println("Trigger Forward"); shooter.setTrigger(-1); Timer.delay(runTime); System.out.println("Trigger Backward"); shooter.setTrigger(1); Timer.delay(runTime); System.out.println("Trigger Finished"); shooter.setTrigger(0); shooter.triggerRunning = false; // // while (shooter.triggerPot.getAverageValue() < Shooter.TRIGGER_END) { // shooter.setTrigger(-1); // System.out.println(shooter.triggerPot.getAverageValue()); // } // shooter.setTrigger(0); // while (shooter.triggerPot.getAverageValue() > Shooter.TRIGGER_START) { // shooter.setTrigger(.7); // // System.out.println(shooter.triggerPot.getAverageValue()); // } // shooter.setTrigger(0); }
public void calibrateAcel() { double avgX = 0; double avgY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < calibrationSamples; i++) { avgX += acel.getX(); avgY += acel.getY(); Timer.delay(0.005); // calibrationSampleRate / 1000.0); } avgX /= calibrationSamples; avgY /= calibrationSamples; acelBias = new Vector2(avgX, avgY); lastTimestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); // SmartDashboard.putNumber("X Bias", acelBias.x); // SmartDashboard.putNumber("Y Bias", acelBias.y); }
public void teleopPeriodic() { Definitions.drivetrain.arcadeDrive( Definitions.xbox1.getRawAxis(1), Definitions.xbox1.getRawAxis(4), false); DriveShifter.checkGearShift(); SparkyIntakeBar.loadingRoutine(); Shooter.firingRoutine(5000); ArduinoComm.communicate(); try { if (!backfailed && !frontfailed) { if (Definitions.buttonbox.getRawButton(2) && !lastbutton4) { if (currsession == front) { NIVision.IMAQdxStopAcquisition(currsession); currsession = back; NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(currsession); } else if (currsession == back) { NIVision.IMAQdxStopAcquisition(currsession); currsession = front; NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(currsession); } } } lastbutton4 = Definitions.buttonbox.getRawButton(2); NIVision.IMAQdxGrab(currsession, frame, 1); CameraServer.getInstance().setImage(frame); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Camera problem"); } SmartDashboard.putNumber("Pressure", 250 * (Definitions.pressuretrans.getVoltage() / 5.0) - 25); SmartDashboard.putNumber("ballSeater", Definitions.ballholder.get() ? 1 : 0); SmartDashboard.putBoolean( "catapultReady", (250 * (Definitions.pressuretrans.getVoltage() / 5.0) - 25) > 40); if (Definitions.joystick.getRawButton(3) && !lastbutton3) { Definitions.flashlightrelay.set( Definitions.flashlightrelay.get() == Relay.Value.kOff ? Relay.Value.kForward : Relay.Value.kOff); } // System.out.println(Definitions.flashlightrelay.get()); lastbutton3 = Definitions.joystick.getRawButton(3); System.out.println(Definitions.pdp.getCurrent(4)); Timer.delay(0.01); }
/** This function is called once each time the robot enters operator control. */ public void operatorControl() { drivetrain.setSafetyEnabled(true); compressor.start(); while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { // The throttle goes from 1 to -1, bottom to top. This // scales it to go 0 to 1, bottom to top. double throttle = (-leftStick.getRawAxis(3) + 1) / 2; double drive = deadband(leftStick.getY()) * throttle; double steer = deadband(-rightStick.getX()) * throttle; drivetrain.arcadeDrive(drive, steer); boolean shouldSpinWheels = leftStick.getRawButton(1); boolean shouldFire = shouldSpinWheels && rightStick.getRawButton(1); shooterWheels.set(shouldSpinWheels ? -1 : 0); shooter.set(shouldFire); Timer.delay(0.005); // wait for a motor update time } }
public void upLittle() { robot.elevator.elevatorVics.set(1); Timer.delay(0.2); robot.elevator.elevatorVics.set(0); }
public void mecanumDrive(double x, double y, double twist, double gyro) { drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(x, y, twist, gyro); Timer.delay(0.001); }
public void operatorControl() { log("Teleop Called Once!"); resetError(1); resetError(2); this.elevator.resetState(); // try{ showUserMessages("TeleOp"); this.arm.state = 0; while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { // robotdrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); //In case the program were to stop, this stops the // motors from continuing to run. if (!Util.checkButton(this, Constants.robotdrive_break_button)) { // robotdrive.tankDrive(-doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), // -doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_right.getY())); robotdrive.arcadeDrive( doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getX())); } // x, y int := 0, 1; // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)){ // this.test_CIM_1.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_1.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // } // // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)){ // this.test_CIM_2.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_2.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // } updateSmartDashboard(); this.shooter.updateStates(this); this.shooterMotor.set(this.shooter.calculateShooterSpeed()); if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)) { this.armMotor.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } else { this.armMotor.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } this.arm.update(); if (this.arm.getArmSpeed() != 0D) { this.armMotor.set(this.arm.getArmSpeed()); } if (this.integ.doElevatorUpdate()) { this.elevator.update(); this.Elevator_motor.set(this.elevator.getElevatorSpeed()); } this.intake.update(); this.Intake_motor.set(this.intake.calculateIntakeSpeed()); if (this.intake.state == 1) { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0.6D); } else { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0D); } if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)) { this.pullDownJaguar.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } else { this.pullDownJaguar.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } this.integ.update(); SmartDashboardUpdater.updateSmartDashboard(this); if (Util.checkButton(this, 9)) { this.elevator.numDiscs = 0; } if (Util.checkButton(this, 8)) { this.elevator.state = 0; this.integ.state = 0; this.intake.state = 0; this.integ.elevator_out_roller.set(0d); this.arm.state = 0; } { try { SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isConnected", "" + this.server.isConnected()); SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isServer", "" + this.server.isServer()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("FPS~!", this.server.getNumber("FPS", -1d)); SmartDashboard.putDouble("NewDistance~!", this.server.getNumber("NewDistance", -1d)); // SmartDashboard.putString("NetworkTable Keys", this.server.); log("W0RK1NG!"); } catch (Exception be) { error("ERROR UPDATING SmartDashboard dtt STACK TRACE: " + be.getMessage(), 1); } } Timer.delay(0.005); // and make sure we dont overload the cRIO } // }catch (Exception be){ // error("ERROR IN TELEOP! STACKTRACE: \n "+be.getMessage(), 2); // } }
@Override public void execute() { System.out.println("Starting execution"); try { if (distance > 0) { while (DriverStation.getInstance().isEnabled() && TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint() < distance) { TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0) .set(TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint() + incrementer); TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2) .set(TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getSetpoint() + incrementer); System.out.println( "Ncoder Left: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getPosition() + "\t Ncoder Rgith: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getPosition() + "\t Left Setpoint: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint()); TKOLogger.getInstance() .addMessage( "Ncoder Left: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getPosition() + "\t Ncoder Rgith: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getPosition() + "\t Left Setpoint: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint()); Timer.delay(0.001); } } else { while (DriverStation.getInstance().isEnabled() && TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint() > distance) { TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0) .set(TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint() - incrementer); TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2) .set(TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getSetpoint() - incrementer); System.out.println( "Ncoder Left: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getPosition() + "\t Ncoder Rgith: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getPosition() + "\t Left Setpoint: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint()); TKOLogger.getInstance() .addMessage( "Ncoder Left: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getPosition() + "\t Ncoder Rgith: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).getPosition() + "\t Left Setpoint: " + TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).getSetpoint()); Timer.delay(0.001); } } TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(0).set(distance); TKOHardware.getDriveTalon(2).set(distance); while (Math.abs(TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().getPosition() - distance) > threshold && DriverStation.getInstance().isEnabled()) { // not close enough doe; actually gets stuck here TKOLogger.getInstance() .addMessage( "NOT CLOSE ENOUGH TO TARGET DIST: " + (TKOHardware.getLeftDrive().getPosition() - distance)); Timer.delay(0.001); } } catch (TKOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error at another expected spot, I would assume...."); } System.out.println("Done executing"); }
/** * This autonomous (along with the chooser code above) shows how to select between different * autonomous modes using the dashboard. The sendable chooser code works with the Java * SmartDashboard. If you prefer the LabVIEW Dashboard, remove all of the chooser code and * uncomment the getString line to get the auto name from the text box below the Gyro * * <p>You can add additional auto modes by adding additional comparisons to the switch structure * below with additional strings. If using the SendableChooser make sure to add them to the * chooser code above as well. */ public void autonomousInit() { autoSelected = (String) chooser.getSelected(); // autoSelected = SmartDashboard.getString("Auto Selector", defaultAuto); System.out.println("Auto selected: " + autoSelected); switch (autoSelected) { case touch: Timer.delay(0.5); // Wait 0.5 sec // shooter.armAuto(0.50); // Lower arm - run motors at 50% speed for 0.5 sec // Timer.delay(0.5); // shooter.armAuto(0); // Timer.delay(1.5);, 0.60); // Move forward - run motors at 60% speed for 2 sec Timer.delay(2);, 0); // Stop robot break; case lowBarCross: Timer.delay(0.5); // Wait 0.5 sec // shooter.armAuto(0.50); // Lower arm - run motors at 50% speed for 0.5 sec // Timer.delay(0.5); // shooter.armAuto(0); // Timer.delay(1.5);, 0.60); // Move forward - run motors at 80% speed for 4 sec Timer.delay(.1);, 0.60); // Move forward - run motors at 60% speed for 4.5 sec Timer.delay(4.5);, 0); // Stop robot break; case rockWallCross: Timer.delay(0.5); // Wait 0.5 sec // shooter.armAuto(0.50); // Lower arm - run motors at 50% speed for 0.5 sec // Timer.delay(0.5); // shooter.armAuto(0); // Timer.delay(1.5);, 0.85); // Move forward - run motors at 80% speed for 4 sec Timer.delay(.1);, 0.85); // Move forward - run motors at 80% speed for 4 sec Timer.delay(4.5);, 0); // Stop robot break; case roughTerrainCross: Timer.delay(0.5); // Wait 0.5 sec // shooter.armAuto(0.50); // Lower arm - run motors at 50% speed for 0.5 sec // Timer.delay(0.5); // shooter.armAuto(0); // Timer.delay(1.5);, 0.80); // Move forward - run motors at 80% speed for 4 sec Timer.delay(.1);, 0.80); // Move forward - run motors at 80% speed for 4 sec Timer.delay(4);, 0); // Stop robot break; default: // Nothing ... break; } }
public void run() { stop = false; boolean stream_response_received = false; double last_valid_packet_time = 0.0; int partial_binary_packet_count = 0; int stream_response_receive_count = 0; int timeout_count = 0; int discarded_bytes_count = 0; int port_reset_count = 0; double last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = 0.0; int updates_in_last_second = 0; double last_second_start_time = 0; try { serial_port.setReadBufferSize(512); serial_port.setTimeout(1.0); serial_port.enableTermination('\n'); serial_port.flush(); serial_port.reset(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } IMUProtocol.StreamResponse response = new IMUProtocol.StreamResponse(); byte[] stream_command = new byte[256]; int cmd_packet_length = IMUProtocol.encodeStreamCommand(stream_command, update_type, update_rate_hz); try { serial_port.reset(); serial_port.write(stream_command, cmd_packet_length); serial_port.flush(); port_reset_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6_PortResets", (double)port_reset_count); last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } while (!stop) { try { // Wait, with delays to conserve CPU resources, until // bytes have arrived. while (!stop && (serial_port.getBytesReceived() < 1)) { Timer.delay(1.0 / update_rate_hz); } int packets_received = 0; byte[] received_data =; int bytes_read = received_data.length; if (bytes_read > 0) { byte_count += bytes_read; int i = 0; // Scan the buffer looking for valid packets while (i < bytes_read) { // Attempt to decode a packet int bytes_remaining = bytes_read - i; if (received_data[i] != IMUProtocol.PACKET_START_CHAR) { /* Skip over received bytes until a packet start is detected. */ i++; discarded_bytes_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Discarded Bytes", (double)discarded_bytes_count); continue; } else { if ((bytes_remaining > 2) && (received_data[i + 1] == (byte) '#')) { /* Binary packet received; next byte is packet length-2 */ byte total_expected_binary_data_bytes = received_data[i + 2]; total_expected_binary_data_bytes += 2; while (bytes_remaining < total_expected_binary_data_bytes) { /* This binary packet contains an embedded */ /* end-of-line character. Continue to receive */ /* more data until entire packet is received. */ byte[] additional_received_data =; byte_count += additional_received_data.length; bytes_remaining += additional_received_data.length; /* Resize array to hold existing and new data */ byte[] c = new byte[received_data.length + additional_received_data.length]; if (c.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(received_data, 0, c, 0, received_data.length); System.arraycopy( additional_received_data, 0, c, received_data.length, additional_received_data.length); received_data = c; } else { /* Timeout waiting for remainder of binary packet */ i++; bytes_remaining--; partial_binary_packet_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Partial Binary Packets", // (double)partial_binary_packet_count); continue; } } } } int packet_length = decodePacketHandler(received_data, i, bytes_remaining); if (packet_length > 0) { packets_received++; update_count++; last_valid_packet_time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); updates_in_last_second++; if ((last_valid_packet_time - last_second_start_time) > 1.0) { // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 UpdatesPerSec", (double)updates_in_last_second); updates_in_last_second = 0; last_second_start_time = last_valid_packet_time; } i += packet_length; } else { packet_length = IMUProtocol.decodeStreamResponse(received_data, i, bytes_remaining, response); if (packet_length > 0) { packets_received++; setStreamResponse(response); stream_response_received = true; i += packet_length; stream_response_receive_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Stream Responses", // (double)stream_response_receive_count); } else { // current index is not the start of a valid packet; increment i++; } } } if ((packets_received == 0) && (bytes_read == 256)) { // Workaround for issue found in SerialPort implementation: // No packets received and 256 bytes received; this // condition occurs in the SerialPort. In this case, // reset the serial port. serial_port.reset(); port_reset_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6_PortResets", (double)port_reset_count); } // If a stream configuration response has not been received within three seconds // of operation, (re)send a stream configuration request if (!stream_response_received && ((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - last_stream_command_sent_timestamp) > 3.0)) { cmd_packet_length = IMUProtocol.encodeStreamCommand(stream_command, update_type, update_rate_hz); try { last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); serial_port.write(stream_command, cmd_packet_length); serial_port.flush(); } catch (RuntimeException ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); } } else { // If no bytes remain in the buffer, and not awaiting a response, sleep a bit if (stream_response_received && (serial_port.getBytesReceived() == 0)) { Timer.delay(1.0 / update_rate_hz); } } /* If receiving data, but no valid packets have been received in the last second */ /* the navX MXP may have been reset, but no exception has been detected. */ /* In this case , trigger transmission of a new stream_command, to ensure the */ /* streaming packet type is configured correctly. */ if ((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - last_valid_packet_time) > 1.0) { stream_response_received = false; } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // This exception typically indicates a Timeout stream_response_received = false; timeout_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Serial Port Timeouts", (double)timeout_count); // SmartDashboard.putString("LastNavExceptionBacktrace",ex.getStackTrace().toString()); // SmartDashboard.putString("LastNavException", ex.getMessage() + "; " + ex.toString()); } } }