  * This method returns the angle (in degrees) of the vector pointing from Origin to Measured
  * projected to the YZ plane. If the mirrored parameter is true the vector is flipped about the
  * Y-axis. Mirroring is used to avoid the region where the atan2 function is discontinuous
  * @param origin The Skeleton Joint to use as the origin point
  * @param measured The Skeleton Joint to use as the endpoint of the vector
  * @param mirrored Whether to mirror the Z coordinate of the joint about the Y-axis
  * @return The angle in degrees
 public double AngleYZ(Skeleton.Joint origin, Skeleton.Joint measured, boolean mirrored) {
   return Math.toDegrees(
           measured.getY() - origin.getY(),
           (mirrored) ? (origin.getZ() - measured.getZ()) : (measured.getZ() - origin.getZ())));