public Set<String> findDependentTests() {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // use linked hash set to keep the original order
    Set<String> depTests = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

    // first execute all tests in the default order
    FixedOrderRunner fixedRunner = new FixedOrderRunner(this.defaultTestList);
    TestExecResults expected_results =;
        expected_results.getExecutionRecords().size() == 1,
        "The size is: " + expected_results.getExecutionRecords().size());
    TestExecResult rs = expected_results.getExecutionRecords().get(0);
    if (verbose) {
      Log.logln("The default execution results: ");
      for (String test : rs.getAllTests()) {
        Log.logln("  Test: " + test + ": " + rs.getResult(test).result);

    // then start to shuffle the test suite, and executed the shuffled suite
    // and then observe the results.

    List<String> shuffledTests = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (int i = 0; i < this.trialNum; i++) {
      System.out.println("The: " + i + "-th trail...");
      Log.logln("The: " + i + "-th trail...");
      // do shuffling and execute the tests
      Collections.shuffle(shuffledTests, rnd);
      if (verbose) {
        System.out.println("  shuffled tests: " + shuffledTests);
      FixedOrderRunner runner = new FixedOrderRunner(shuffledTests);
      TestExecResults exec_results =;
      // find new dependent tests
      Set<String> diffTests =
          this.identifyTestsWithDifferentResults(expected_results, exec_results);
      System.out.println("   Num of dependent tests: " + depTests.size());
      if (i == 9 || i == 99 || i == 999) {
        Log.logln("Time cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000 + " second");
        Log.logln("Number of dependent tests: " + depTests.size());
        for (String dt : depTests) {
          Log.logln("   " + dt);

    return depTests;
  private Set<String> identifyTestsWithDifferentResults(
      TestExecResults expected_results, TestExecResults exec_results) {
    Set<String> diffTests = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    // check the number of JVM launches
        expected_results.getExecutionRecords().size() == 1,
        "Number of JVM launches: " + expected_results.getExecutionRecords().size());
        exec_results.getExecutionRecords().size() == 1,
        "Number of JVM launches: " + exec_results.getExecutionRecords().size());

    // get the test results
    TestExecResult default_results = expected_results.getExecutionRecords().get(0);
    TestExecResult actual_results = exec_results.getExecutionRecords().get(0);

    // check the number of the tests
        default_results.getAllTests().size() == actual_results.getAllTests().size(),
        "Size not equal: "
            + default_results.getAllTests().size()
            + " vs. "
            + actual_results.getAllTests().size());

    // then compare the test execution outcome
    for (String test : default_results.getAllTests()) {
      OneTestExecResult defaultTestResult = default_results.getResult(test);
      OneTestExecResult actualTestResult = actual_results.getResult(test);

      // compare the results
      if (!sameResults(defaultTestResult, actualTestResult)) {
        if (verbose) {
          Log.logln("  Diff Test: " + test);
          Log.logln("    default result: " + defaultTestResult.result);
          Log.logln("    shuffled result: " + actualTestResult.result);

    return diffTests;