private static void readLatLong() { String buildingCode = "EEB"; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(""); query.append("PREFIX sgns: <> \n"); query.append("PREFIX rdf: <> \n"); query.append("PREFIX gmlns: <> \n"); query.append("SELECT ?latitude ?longitude WHERE { \n"); query.append( " ?building <> '" + buildingCode + "' .\n"); query.append(" ?building gmlns:GeometryProperty ?gml . \n"); query.append(" ?gml sgns:hasLatitude ?latitude . \n"); query.append(" ?gml sgns:hasLongitude ?longitude . \n"); query.append(" } \n"); String sparql = query.toString(); System.out.println("\nSelectQuery: " + sparql); Store store = null; try { store = new Store(IIPProperties.getStoreURL()); String response = store.query(sparql, -1); System.out.println("Select response: " + response); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ProtocolException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void readKWH( String buildingCode, String startDate, String endDate, String startTime, String endTime) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(""); query.append("PREFIX sgns: <> \n"); query.append("PREFIX rdf: <> \n"); query.append("PREFIX xsd: <> \n"); // query.append("SELECT (MAX(xsd:double(?kwhReading)) AS ?KWh_MAX) WHERE { \n"); query.append("SELECT ?kwhReading WHERE { \n"); query.append( " ?building <> '" + buildingCode + "' .\n"); String triple = " ?building sgns:KiloWattLoadObservable ?kwhURI . \n"; query.append(triple); triple = " ?kwhURI rdf:type sgns:ElectricalMeasurement . \n"; query.append(triple); triple = " ?kwhURI sgns:hasMeasurementRecordedDate ?date . \n"; // ^^xsd:date query.append(triple); triple = " ?kwhURI sgns:hasMeasurementRecordedTime ?time . \n"; // ^^xsd:time query.append(triple); triple = " FILTER ( ?date >= '" + startDate + "' && ?date <= '" + endDate + "') \n"; query.append(triple); // triple = " FILTER ( ?time >= '"+ startTime +"' && ?time <= '"+ endTime + "') \n"; // query.append(triple); triple = " ?kwhURI sgns:hasMeasuredValue ?kwhReading . \n\n"; query.append(triple); query.append(" } \n"); String sparql = query.toString(); System.out.println("\nSelectQuery: " + sparql); Store store = null; try { store = new Store(IIPProperties.getStoreURL()); String response = store.query(sparql, -1); System.out.println("Select response: " + response); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void insertBuildings(int count) throws MalformedURLException, ProtocolException, IOException, InterruptedException { String sparql1 = getBuildingInsertQuery(count); System.out.println(sparql1); Store store = null; try { store = new Store(IIPProperties.getStoreURL()); // String response = store.insert(sparql1); // System.out.println("Insert response: "+ response); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } StringBuilder sparql2 = new StringBuilder(""); sparql2.append("PREFIX Building: <> \n"); sparql2.append("PREFIX rdf: <> \n"); sparql2.append("PREFIX xsd: <> \n"); sparql2.append("PREFIX sgns: <> \n"); sparql2.append("PREFIX gmlns: <> \n"); sparql2.append(" SELECT ?BuildingCode ?GrossArea ?latitude ?longitude \n"); sparql2.append(" WHERE { \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor rdf:type ?BuildingEntityClass . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:hasBuildingNo ?BuildingNum . \n"); // \"100000\" // sparql2.append(" FILTER(xsd:integer(?BuildingNum) > 9999) \n"); // sparql2.append(" ?contributor ?BuildingProperty \"BC1\" . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:hasBuildingCode ?BuildingCode . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:address ?Address . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:elevation ?Elevation . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:buildingstartdate ?YearBuilt . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:floorArea ?GrossArea . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor Building:Architect ?architect . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?architect rdf:type ?ArchitectEntityClass . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?architect Building:birthname ?ArchitectName . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?contributor gmlns:GeometryProperty ?gml . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?gml sgns:hasLatitude ?latitude . \n"); sparql2.append(" ?gml sgns:hasLongitude ?longitude . \n"); sparql2.append(" } "); System.out.println("SPARQL Query: " + sparql2.toString()); String response2 = store.query(sparql2.toString(), -1); System.out.println("Results: \n" + response2); }
private static void insertKWH(String kwhReadingFile, String buildingCode, int buildingNo) throws IOException { System.out.println( "Starting insertKWH(): BuildingCode = " + buildingCode + " Building# = " + buildingNo + " file = " + kwhReadingFile); FileReader reader = new FileReader(kwhReadingFile); BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(reader); StringBuilder insertQuery = new StringBuilder(""); insertQuery.append("PREFIX sgns: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("PREFIX rdf: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("PREFIX gmlns: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("INSERT DATA { \n"); String date = null; String time = null; String kwhReading = null; int readingCount = 0; String line = read.readLine(); // First line is the column headers line = read.readLine(); while (line != null) { // System.out.println(line); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line, ", "); if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { line = read.readLine(); continue; } if (!(buildingNo + "").equals(tok.nextToken())) { line = read.readLine(); continue; } if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { line = read.readLine(); continue; } date = tok.nextToken(); if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { line = read.readLine(); continue; } time = tok.nextToken(); if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { line = read.readLine(); continue; } kwhReading = tok.nextToken(); readingCount++; System.out.println(date + " " + time + " " + kwhReading); // buildingCode = "testBuildingCode111"; String buildingURI = "ran" + System.nanoTime(); String kwhURI = "ran" + System.nanoTime(); String triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " rdf:type <> . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " <> '" + buildingCode + "' . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " sgns:KiloWattLoadObservable sgns:" + kwhURI + " . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + kwhURI + " rdf:type sgns:ElectricalMeasurement . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + kwhURI + " sgns:hasMeasurementRecordedDate '" + date + "' . \n"; // ^^xsd:date insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + kwhURI + " sgns:hasMeasurementRecordedTime '" + time + "' . \n"; // ^^xsd:time insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + kwhURI + " sgns:hasMeasuredValue '" + kwhReading + "' . \n\n"; insertQuery.append(triple); line = read.readLine(); } insertQuery.append(" } \n"); String sparql = insertQuery.toString(); System.out.println("InsertQuery: " + sparql); System.out.println("# of Readings = " + readingCount); Store store = null; try { store = new Store(IIPProperties.getStoreURL()); String response = store.insert(sparql); System.out.println("Insert response: " + response); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static void insertLatLong() throws IOException { System.out.println("Starting insertLatLong()"); FileReader reader = new FileReader("data/latlong.csv"); BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(reader); StringBuilder insertQuery = new StringBuilder(""); insertQuery.append("PREFIX sgns: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("PREFIX rdf: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("PREFIX gmlns: <> \n"); insertQuery.append("INSERT DATA { \n"); String buildingCode = null; String lat = null; String longi = null; String line = read.readLine(); // First line is the column headers line = read.readLine(); while (line != null) { System.out.println(line); if (line == null || line.startsWith(",")) continue; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); buildingCode = tok.nextToken(); lat = tok.nextToken(); longi = tok.nextToken(); // buildingCode = "testBuildingCode111"; String buildingURI = "ran" + System.nanoTime(); String gmlURI = "ran" + System.nanoTime(); String triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " rdf:type <> . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " <> '" + buildingCode + "' . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + buildingURI + " gmlns:GeometryProperty sgns:" + gmlURI + " . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + gmlURI + " sgns:hasLatitude '" + lat + "' . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); triple = " sgns:" + gmlURI + " sgns:hasLongitude '" + longi + "' . \n"; insertQuery.append(triple); line = read.readLine(); } insertQuery.append(" } \n"); String sparql = insertQuery.toString(); System.out.println("InsertQuery: " + sparql); Store store = null; try { store = new Store(IIPProperties.getStoreURL()); String response = store.insert(sparql); System.out.println("Insert response: " + response); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } }