private void refreshList() { OWLModel owlModel = ((ImportWizard) getWizard()).getOWLModel(); Collection availOntologies = new LinkedHashSet(); for (Iterator it = owlModel.getRepositoryManager().getProjectRepositories().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Repository rep = (Repository); availOntologies.addAll(new TreeSet(rep.getOntologies())); } for (Iterator it = owlModel.getRepositoryManager().getGlobalRepositories().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Repository rep = (Repository); availOntologies.addAll(new TreeSet(rep.getOntologies())); } Collection importedOntologies = owlModel.getAllImports(); for (Iterator it = availOntologies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { URI uri = (URI); if (importedOntologies.contains(uri.toString())) { it.remove(); } } try { availOntologies.remove(new URI(owlModel.getDefaultOWLOntology().getURI())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { System.err.print(e.getMessage()); } list.setListData(availOntologies.toArray()); }
private void loadTree(boolean applyFilter) { PropertyDnDTreeBean.filterTreeStringOld = this.getFilterTreeString(); this.selectedviewOld = this.getSelectedViewItem(); rootNode = new TreeNodeImpl(); if (this.selectedview.equals(VIEW_STANDARD)) { OWLNamedClass startClass = owlModel.getOWLNamedClass("XCLOntology:specificationPropertyNames"); this.rootNodeName = startClass.getLocalName(); TreeViews.standardTraverseTree(startClass, new Vector(), rootNode, applyFilter); } if (this.selectedview.equals(VIEW_ROTHENBERG)) { OWLNamedClass startClass = owlModel.getOWLNamedClass("Testbed:RothenbergCategories"); this.rootNodeName = startClass.getLocalName(); TreeViews.standardTraverseTree(startClass, new Vector(), rootNode, applyFilter); // TreeViews.rothenbergTraverseTree(startClass, new Vector(), rootNode, applyFilter); } if (this.selectedview.equals(VIEW_TBEXTENDED)) { OWLNamedClass startClass = owlModel.getOWLNamedClass("Testbed:TestbedProperties"); this.rootNodeName = startClass.getLocalName(); TreeViews.standardTraverseTree(startClass, new Vector(), rootNode, applyFilter); } }
/* * WARNING! * See OWLModel.getProtegeReadOnlyProperty javadoc for explanation of protege:readOnly property. */ @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { RDFProperty property = getPredicate(rowIndex); if (!allowReadOnlyEdit && property.isReadOnly()) { return false; } if (columnIndex != COL_PROPERTY) { if (columnIndex == COL_VALUE) { Object value = getValue(rowIndex); for (Iterator<AnnotationsWidgetPlugin> it = TriplesComponent.plugins(); it.hasNext(); ) { AnnotationsWidgetPlugin plugin =; if (plugin.canEdit(subject, property, value)) { return false; } } OWLModel owlModel = property.getOWLModel(); if (!owlModel.getTripleStoreModel().isActiveTriple(subject, property, value)) { return false; } else if (getDefaultProperties().contains(property) && value == null) { return true; } else { return property instanceof OWLDatatypeProperty || (property.isAnnotationProperty() && !(value instanceof Instance)); } } else if (isTypeColumn(columnIndex)) { return getValueAt(rowIndex, columnIndex) instanceof RDFSDatatype; } else { return property.getOWLModel().getXSDstring().equals(property.getRange()) && !property.isReadOnly(); } } else { return false; } }
private void disableProtegeOntology() { if (OWLUtil.confirmSaveAndReload(owlModel.getProject())) { owlModel.getDefaultOWLOntology().removeImports(ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_OWL_ONTOLOGY); OWLUtil.saveAndReloadProject(); } userDatatypesCBox.setSelected(false); userDatatypesCBox.setEnabled(false); }
private void setPrefixOfNamespace(String namespace, String value) { OWLModel owlModel = ontology.getOWLModel(); try { owlModel.beginTransaction( "Change prefix of " + namespace + " to " + value, ontology.getName()); owlModel.getNamespaceManager().setPrefix(namespace, value); owlModel.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { owlModel.rollbackTransaction(); OWLUI.handleError(owlModel, ex); } }
public Object setValue(Object aValue, int row) { RDFProperty property = getPredicate(row); Object oldValue = getValue(row); if (oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals(aValue)) { try { Object newValue; String str = aValue.toString(); OWLModel owlModel = property.getOWLModel(); if (owlModel.getOWLOntologyProperties().contains(property)) { String message = str + " is not a valid URI."; try { new URI(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory().showErrorMessageDialog(owlModel, message); return oldValue; } if (!str.startsWith("http://") && !str.startsWith("file:")) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory().showErrorMessageDialog(owlModel, message); return oldValue; } } String lang = getLanguage(row); if (aValue instanceof RDFSLiteral && ((RDFSLiteral) aValue).getLanguage() != null) { newValue = aValue; } else if (lang != null) { newValue = createNewValue(property, str, lang); } else if (oldValue instanceof RDFSLiteral) { RDFSLiteral oldLiteral = (RDFSLiteral) oldValue; newValue = getOWLModel().createRDFSLiteral(str, oldLiteral.getDatatype()); } else if (oldValue instanceof Boolean) { newValue = Boolean.valueOf(str.equals("true")); } else if (oldValue instanceof Float) { newValue = Float.valueOf(str); } else if (oldValue instanceof Integer) { newValue = Integer.valueOf(str); } else { newValue = str; } if (!subject.getPropertyValues(property).contains(newValue)) { if (oldValue != null) { subject.removePropertyValue(property, oldValue); } subject.addPropertyValue(property, newValue); } return newValue; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // Ignore illegal number format } } return oldValue; }
public void testGetProject() { if (!Server_Test.isServerRunning()) { return; } Project p = RemoteProjectManager.getInstance() .getProject(Server_Test.HOST, USER, PASSWORD, PROJECT_NAME, true); assertNotNull(p); OWLModel kb = (OWLModel) p.getKnowledgeBase(); Cls cls = kb.getOWLNamedClass(kb.getNamespaceManager().getDefaultNamespace() + "Pizza"); Log.getLogger().info("found " + cls + " with frame id = " + cls.getFrameID()); assertNotNull(cls); p.dispose(); }
private void addRepository() { JComponent c = null; if (SwingUtilities.getRoot(this) instanceof JFrame) { c = this; } OWLModel owlModel = ((ImportWizard) getWizard()).getOWLModel(); RepositoryWizard wizard = new RepositoryWizard(c, owlModel); if (wizard.execute() == Wizard.RESULT_FINISH) { Repository rep = wizard.getRepository(); if (rep != null) { owlModel.getRepositoryManager().addProjectRepository(0, rep); refreshList(); } } }
private void enableProtegeOntology() { if (!owlModel.isProtegeMetaOntologyImported()) { ImportHelper importHelper = new ImportHelper((JenaOWLModel) owlModel); try { URI uri = new URI(ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_OWL_ONTOLOGY); importHelper.addImport(uri); importHelper.importOntologies(); owlModel .getNamespaceManager() .setPrefix(ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_OWL_NAMESPACE, ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_PREFIX); userDatatypesCBox.setEnabled(true); } catch (Exception e) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory().showErrorMessageDialog(owlModel, e.getMessage()); } } }
/* * Returns the process:components value for a Control Construct. If it is * null, it will be set to list:nil, and this will be returned. */ private OWLIndividual getComponents(OWLIndividual inst) { OWLIndividual components = (OWLIndividual) OWLUtils.getNamedSlotValue(inst, "process:components", okb); if (components == null) { components = okb.getOWLIndividual("list:nil"); OWLUtils.setNamedSlotValue(inst, "process:components", components, okb); } return components; }
private RDFResource getMetadataOnt() { RDFResource result = null; try { URI metaURI = new URI(ProtegeNames.PROTEGE_OWL_ONTOLOGY); result = owlModel.getOWLOntologyByURI(metaURI); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception caught", e); } return result; }
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { SWRLImp imp = getImp(rowIndex); if (columnIndex == COL_EXPRESSION) { String text = (String) aValue; try { imp.setExpression(text); if (!isSuitable(imp)) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showMessageDialog( owlModel, "The replacing rule no longer fits the selection\n" + "criteria of this rules list, and will therefore no\n" + "longer be visible here. But no reason to panic: It\n" + "should still show up on the SWRL tab."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.getLogger().warning("Exception caught defining rule " + ex); } } else if (columnIndex == COL_NAME) { String newName = (String) aValue; if (owlModel.isValidResourceName(newName, imp)) { RDFResource resource = owlModel.getRDFResource(newName); if (resource != null) { if (!imp.equals(resource)) { ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showErrorMessageDialog( owlModel, "The name " + newName + " is already used in this ontology."); } } else { imp = (SWRLImp) imp.rename(newName); setImp(rowIndex, imp); } } else ProtegeUI.getModalDialogFactory() .showErrorMessageDialog(owlModel, newName + " is not a valid rule name."); } else if (columnIndex == COL_ENABLED) { Boolean enabled = (Boolean) aValue; if (enabled.booleanValue()) imp.enable(); else imp.disable(); } // if } // setValueAt
public boolean equalsStructurally(RDFObject object) { if (object instanceof RDFList) { RDFList list = (RDFList) object; if (getValues().size() == list.getValues().size()) { Iterator it = getValues().iterator(); for (Iterator listIt = list.getValues().iterator(); listIt.hasNext(); ) { OWLModel model = getOWLModel(); RDFObject curListObj = model.asRDFObject(; RDFObject curThisObj = model.asRDFObject(; if (curListObj != null && curThisObj != null) { if (curListObj.equalsStructurally(curThisObj) == false) { return false; } } else { if (curListObj != curThisObj) { return false; } } } return true; } } return false; }
private void addProperty() { Collection oldValues = ((AbstractOWLModel) owlModel).getDefaultAnnotationPropertiesInView(); Collection properties = owlModel.getRDFProperties(); for (Iterator it = properties.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { RDFProperty property = (RDFProperty); if (oldValues.contains(property) || (((Slot) property).getValueType() != ValueType.STRING && !property.isAnnotationProperty())) { it.remove(); } } Collection neo = new HashSet(oldValues); neo.addAll( ProtegeUI.getSelectionDialogFactory() .selectResourcesFromCollection(this, owlModel, properties, "Add properties...")); ((AbstractOWLModel) owlModel).setDefaultAnnotationPropertiesInView(neo); list.setListData( ((AbstractOWLModel) owlModel).getDefaultAnnotationPropertiesInView().toArray()); }
public O2WXSLTDialog( OWLModel okb, OWLIndividual aP, String wsdl, String wsdlM, OWLIndividual owlInst) throws XSLTException { super(okb, wsdl); atomicProcess = aP; wsdlmessageuri = wsdlM; m_owlInst = owlInst; // Do some sanity checking if (wsdl == null) throw new XSLTException("No WSDL document defined."); if (wsdlM == null) throw new XSLTException("No WSDL Input Message defined."); OWLDatatypeProperty wsdlMessagePartProp = okb.getOWLDatatypeProperty("grounding:wsdlMessagePart"); RDFSLiteral wsdlpart = (RDFSLiteral) owlInst.getPropertyValue(wsdlMessagePartProp); if (wsdlpart == null) throw new XSLTException("No WSDL Input Message Part defined."); wsdlparturi = wsdlpart.getString(); if (wsdlparturi == null) throw new XSLTException("No WSDL Input Message Part defined."); wsdlInputMessage = getWsdlMessage(wsdlM); if (wsdlInputMessage == null) throw new XSLTException("WSDL Input Message " + wsdlM + " not found."); // WSDL4J sucks. It expects just the local part of the message part uri. wsdlInputMessagePart = wsdlInputMessage.getPart(wsdlparturi.substring(wsdlparturi.indexOf('#') + 1)); if (wsdlInputMessagePart == null) throw new XSLTException("WSDL Input Message Part " + wsdlparturi + " not found."); prepareTree(); setupGUI(); Collection inputs = generateParameterNameList(generateParameterList()); createTranslationPanel(); O2WParameterPanel pp = (O2WParameterPanel) transPanel; pp.getAttributePanel().addParameters(inputs); pp.getDataPanel().addParameters(inputs); pp.getVariablePanel().addParameters(inputs); tree.addTreeSelectionListener((O2WParameterPanel) transPanel); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); tree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); tree.setCellRenderer(new XMLTreeRenderer()); }
/** * Returns the OWLSTree associated with a given composite process. If there is no tree, one will * be created (that is the whole beauty of this class). * * @param process * @param listener * @return */ public OWLSTree getTree(OWLIndividual process, GraphUpdateManager mgr) { OWLSTree tree = (OWLSTree) process2tree.get(process); if (tree == null) { /* * We have no model for this process, so we create one and add a * mapping for it */ // System.out.println("OWLSTreeMapper.getTree, creating tree for " + // process.getName()); tree = createTree(process, mgr); tree.expandAll(); // Newly created trees are always fully expanded. DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel(); // model.addTreeModelListener(tree); addMapping(process, tree); } else { Vector extraConstructs = (Vector) okb.getClientInformation(generateKey(process)); if (extraConstructs != null) { // There are extra constructs stored in the project file, so we // have // to add those to the model System.out.println("Process " + process + " has extra constructs."); DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel(); OWLSTreeNode root = (OWLSTreeNode) model.getRoot(); for (Enumeration e = extraConstructs.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { OWLIndividual construct = (OWLIndividual) e.nextElement(); OWLSTreeNodeInfo ni = new OWLSTreeNodeInfo(construct, okb); OWLSTreeNode newnode = OWLSTreeNodeFactory.createTreeNode(ni); System.out.println("Looking at " + newnode); model.insertNodeInto(newnode, root, root.getChildCount()); } } } tree.setSelectedCompositeProcess(process); return tree; }
public void dispose() { owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(SWRLNames.Cls.IMP).removeClassListener(clsListener); ((KnowledgeBase) owlModel).removeKnowledgeBaseListener(kbListener); }
public Vector<String> validateData(Vector<String> v) { // keep a vector or error messages, may be more than one Vector<String> w = new Vector<String>(); try { String cls_name = (String) v.elementAt(0); String action = (String) v.elementAt(1); String attribute = (String) v.elementAt(2); String attributename = (String) v.elementAt(3); String attributevalue_1 = (String) v.elementAt(4); String attributevalue_2 = (String) v.elementAt(5); OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(cls_name); Vector superclasses = new Vector(); if (hostClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + cls_name + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (wrapper.isRetired(hostClass)) { w.add(" -- concept " + cls_name + " is retired, cannot edit"); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("new") != 0 && action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") != 0 && action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") != 0) { String error_msg = " -- action " + action + " is not supported."; w.add(error_msg); } if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") != 0 && attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") != 0) { String error_msg = " -- attribute " + attribute + " is not supported."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("new") == 0) { if (hostClass != null) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") == 0) { if (!supportedRoles.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- role " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { int pos = attributevalue_1.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { String filler = attributevalue_1.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_1.length()); OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasRole(hostClass, attributename, filler)) { String error_msg = " -- role already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { OWLNamedClass superClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributename); if (superClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- superconcept does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.isPremerged(superClass) || wrapper.isPreretired(superClass) || wrapper.isRetired(superClass)) { String error_msg = "superconcept cannot be premerged, preretired, or retired."; w.add(error_msg); } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { if (!supportedProperties.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- property already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } if (, attributevalue_1) && .getFilter() .checkBatchPropertyNotFullSynPT(attributename, attributevalue_1)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") == 0) { if (!supportedAssociations.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- association " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributevalue_1); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + attributevalue_1 + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (wrapper.hasAssociation(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- association already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } } else if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") == 0 || action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { if (hostClass != null) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { OWLNamedClass superClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributename); if (superClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- superconcept " + attributename + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (wrapper.getDirectSuperclassNames(hostClass).size() == 1) { String error_msg = " -- can't delete last superconcept " + attributename; w.add(error_msg); } } else { String error_msg = " -- edit parent action is not supported. Use delete and add actions instead."; w.add(error_msg); } } else if (attribute.compareTo("role") == 0) { if (!supportedRoles.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- role " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { int pos = attributevalue_1.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { String filler = attributevalue_1.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_1.length()); OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (!wrapper.hasRole(hostClass, attributename, filler)) { String error_msg = " -- role does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareTo("edit") == 0) { pos = attributevalue_2.indexOf("|"); if (pos == -1) { String error_msg = " -- missing modifier or filler."; w.add(error_msg); } else { filler = attributevalue_2.substring(pos + 1, attributevalue_2.length()); targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(filler); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + filler + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { if (!supportedProperties.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } else { Boolean editable = wrapper.isReadOnlyProperty(attributename); if (editable.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + attributename + ", it is read-only."; w.add(error_msg); } if (!wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ", " + attributevalue_1 + ") does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") == 0) { if (wrapper.hasProperty(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_2)) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ", " + attributevalue_2 + ") already exists."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (attributevalue_2.equalsIgnoreCase("NA")) { String error_msg = " -- property " + "(" + attributename + ") new value is not specified."; w.add(error_msg); } else if (, attributevalue_2) && .getFilter() .checkBatchPropertyNotFullSynPT(attributename, attributevalue_2)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } else { if (, attributevalue_1)) { } else { w.add(tab.getFilter().getErrorMessage()); } } } } else if (attribute.compareTo("association") == 0) { if (!supportedAssociations.contains(attributename)) { String error_msg = " -- association " + attributename + " is not identifiable."; w.add(error_msg); } if (action.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { OWLNamedClass targetClass = (OWLNamedClass) owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(attributevalue_1); if (targetClass == null) { String error_msg = " -- concept " + attributevalue_1 + " does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } else { if (!wrapper.hasAssociation(hostClass, attributename, attributevalue_1)) { String error_msg = " -- association does not exist."; w.add(error_msg); } } } else { String error_msg = " -- edit association action is not supported. Use delete and add actions instead."; w.add(error_msg); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Exception caught", e); } return w; }
public boolean processTask(int taskId) { String s = (String) data_vec.elementAt(taskId); super.print("processing: " + s); try { Vector<String> w = getTokenStr(s, 9); String name = (String) w.elementAt(0); if (super.checkNoErrors(w, taskId)) { // ok } else { return false; } String edit = (String) w.elementAt(1); String attribute = (String) w.elementAt(2); String attributeName = (String) w.elementAt(3); String attributeValue = (String) w.elementAt(4); String newAttributeValue = (String) w.elementAt(5); owlModel.beginTransaction("BatchEdit. Processing " + s); // this should be false??? boolean retval = false; if (edit.compareToIgnoreCase("new") == 0) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { if (attributeName.compareToIgnoreCase(NCIEditTab.ALTLABEL) == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); retval = wrapper.addAnnotationProperty( hostClass, NCIEditTab.ALTLABEL, owlModel.createRDFSLiteral( attributeValue, owlModel.getSystemFrames().getXmlLiteralType())); } else { retval = wrapper.addAnnotationProperty(name, attributeName, attributeValue); } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); OWLNamedClass targetClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(attributeName); retval = wrapper.addDirectSuperclass(hostClass, targetClass); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); retval = wrapper.addObjectProperty(hostClass, attributeName, attributeValue); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") == 0) { int pos = attributeValue.indexOf('|'); String modifier = attributeValue.substring(0, pos); String value = attributeValue.substring(pos + 1); retval = wrapper.addRestriction(name, attributeName, value, modifier); } } else if (edit.compareToIgnoreCase("delete") == 0) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { retval = wrapper.removeAnnotationProperty(name, attributeName, attributeValue); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("parent") == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); OWLNamedClass targetClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(attributeName); RDFSClass definition = hostClass.getDefinition(); if (definition == null) { retval = wrapper.removeDirectSuperclass(hostClass, targetClass); } else { retval = wrapper.removeEquivalentDefinitionNew(hostClass, targetClass); } } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); retval = wrapper.removeObjectProperty(hostClass, attributeName, attributeValue); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") == 0) { int pos = attributeValue.indexOf('|'); String modifier = attributeValue.substring(0, pos); String value = attributeValue.substring(pos + 1); retval = wrapper.removeRestriction(name, attributeName, value, modifier); } } else if (edit.compareToIgnoreCase("edit") == 0) { if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("property") == 0) { retval = wrapper.modifyAnnotationProperty( name, attributeName, attributeValue, newAttributeValue); possiblySyncPreferredTerm(name, attributeName, newAttributeValue); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("role") == 0) { int pos = attributeValue.indexOf('|'); String modifier = attributeValue.substring(0, pos); String value = attributeValue.substring(pos + 1); pos = newAttributeValue.indexOf('|'); String newmodifier = newAttributeValue.substring(0, pos); String newvalue = newAttributeValue.substring(pos + 1); retval = wrapper.modifyRestriction( name, attributeName, value, modifier, newvalue, newmodifier); } else if (attribute.compareToIgnoreCase("association") == 0) { OWLNamedClass hostClass = wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name); retval = wrapper.removeObjectProperty(hostClass, attributeName, attributeValue); retval = wrapper.addObjectProperty(hostClass, attributeName, newAttributeValue); } } // to be implemented /* * else if (edit.compareToIgnoreCase("delete-all") == 0) { } */ if (retval) { tab.recordHistory(NCIEditTab.EVSHistoryAction.MODIFY, wrapper.getOWLNamedClass(name), ""); super.print("\t Done."); } else { super.print("\t Failed."); } owlModel.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { owlModel.rollbackTransaction(); print("Server Error occurred:"); ex.printStackTrace(); super.print(" Failed."); data_vec.remove(taskId); this.setMax(max - 1); return false; } return true; }
public AllValuesFromRestrictionUpdater(OWLModel owlModel) { super(owlModel); metaCls = owlModel.getSystemFrames().getOwlAllValuesFromClass(); valueTypeFacet = owlModel.getSystemFrames().getValueTypeFacet(); }
private void initListeners() { owlModel.getRDFSNamedClass(SWRLNames.Cls.IMP).addClassListener(clsListener); ((KnowledgeBase) owlModel).addKnowledgeBaseListener(kbListener); }
protected BagOrTreeNode(OWLSTreeNodeInfo ni, String type) { super(ni, true); this.type = type; model = getOWLModel(); components = model.getOWLObjectProperty("process:components"); }
private void loadOwlOntology() { this.owlModel = ontoHandler.getOWLModel(); OWLNamedClass startClass = owlModel.getOWLNamedClass("XCLOntology:specificationPropertyNames"); log.debug("loaded ontology." + startClass.getPrefixedName()); }
protected Collection<RDFProperty> getRelevantProperties() { OWLModel owlModel = subject.getOWLModel(); return owlModel.getRDFProperties(); // show everything! }
public static boolean isUserDefinedDatatypesSupported(OWLModel owlModel) { return Boolean.TRUE.equals( owlModel.getOWLProject().getSettingsMap().getBoolean(USER_DEFINED_DATATYPES)); }
public static void setUserDefinedDatatypesSupported(OWLModel owlModel, boolean value) { owlModel .getOWLProject() .getSettingsMap() .setBoolean(USER_DEFINED_DATATYPES, Boolean.valueOf(value)); }