private List<String> listBasicCategories(List<String> l) {
   List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (String s : l) {
   return l1;
 // TODO: Rewrite this as general matching predicate
 private static boolean hasV(List tags) {
   for (int i = 0, tsize = tags.size(); i < tsize; i++) {
     String str = tags.get(i).toString();
     if (str.startsWith("V")) {
       return true;
   return false;
 private List<Tree> helper(List<Tree> treeList, int start) {
   List<Tree> newTreeList = new ArrayList<Tree>(treeList.size());
   for (Tree tree : treeList) {
     int end = start + tree.yield().size();
     newTreeList.add(prune(tree, start));
     start = end;
   return newTreeList;
 private static List<TaggedWord> cleanTags(List twList, TreebankLanguagePack tlp) {
   int sz = twList.size();
   List<TaggedWord> l = new ArrayList<TaggedWord>(sz);
   for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
     TaggedWord tw = (TaggedWord) twList.get(i);
     TaggedWord tw2 = new TaggedWord(tw.word(), tlp.basicCategory(tw.tag()));
   return l;
 List<Tree> prune(List<Tree> treeList, Label label, int start, int end) {
   // get reference tree
   if (treeList.size() == 1) {
     return treeList;
   Tree testTree = treeList.get(0).treeFactory().newTreeNode(label, treeList);
   int goal = Numberer.getGlobalNumberer("states").number(label.value());
   Tree tempTree = parser.extractBestParse(goal, start, end);
   // parser.restoreUnaries(tempTree);
   Tree pcfgTree = debinarizer.transformTree(tempTree);
   Set<Constituent> pcfgConstituents =
       pcfgTree.constituents(new LabeledScoredConstituentFactory());
   // delete child labels that are not in reference but do not cross reference
   List<Tree> prunedChildren = new ArrayList<Tree>();
   int childStart = 0;
   for (int c = 0, numCh = testTree.numChildren(); c < numCh; c++) {
     Tree child = testTree.getChild(c);
     boolean isExtra = true;
     int childEnd = childStart + child.yield().size();
     Constituent childConstituent =
         new LabeledScoredConstituent(childStart, childEnd, child.label(), 0);
     if (pcfgConstituents.contains(childConstituent)) {
       isExtra = false;
     if (childConstituent.crosses(pcfgConstituents)) {
       isExtra = false;
     if (child.isLeaf() || child.isPreTerminal()) {
       isExtra = false;
     if (pcfgTree.yield().size() != testTree.yield().size()) {
       isExtra = false;
     if (!label.value().startsWith("NP^NP")) {
       isExtra = false;
     if (isExtra) {
           "Pruning: "
               + child.label()
               + " from "
               + (childStart + start)
               + " to "
               + (childEnd + start));
       System.err.println("Was: " + testTree + " vs " + pcfgTree);
     } else {
     childStart = childEnd;
   return prunedChildren;
 protected String historyToString(List history) {
   String str = (String) historyToString.get(history);
   if (str == null) {
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) {
     str = sb.toString();
     historyToString.put(history, str);
   return str;
  public Object formResult() {
    Set brs = new HashSet();
    Set urs = new HashSet();
    // scan each rule / history pair
    int ruleCount = 0;
    for (Iterator pairI = rulePairs.keySet().iterator(); pairI.hasNext(); ) {
      if (ruleCount % 100 == 0) {
        System.err.println("Rules multiplied: " + ruleCount);
      Pair rulePair = (Pair);
      Rule baseRule = (Rule) rulePair.first;
      String baseLabel = (String) ruleToLabel.get(baseRule);
      List history = (List) rulePair.second;
      double totalProb = 0;
      for (int depth = 1; depth <= HISTORY_DEPTH() && depth <= history.size(); depth++) {
        List subHistory = history.subList(0, depth);
        double c_label = labelPairs.getCount(new Pair(baseLabel, subHistory));
        double c_rule = rulePairs.getCount(new Pair(baseRule, subHistory));
        // System.out.println("Multiplying out "+baseRule+" with history "+subHistory);
        // System.out.println("Count of "+baseLabel+" with "+subHistory+" is "+c_label);
        // System.out.println("Count of "+baseRule+" with "+subHistory+" is "+c_rule );

        double prob = (1.0 / HISTORY_DEPTH()) * (c_rule) / (c_label);
        totalProb += prob;
        for (int childDepth = 0; childDepth <= Math.min(HISTORY_DEPTH() - 1, depth); childDepth++) {
          Rule rule = specifyRule(baseRule, subHistory, childDepth);
          rule.score = (float) Math.log(totalProb);
          // System.out.println("Created  "+rule+" with score "+rule.score);
          if (rule instanceof UnaryRule) {
          } else {
    System.out.println("Total states: " +;
    BinaryGrammar bg = new BinaryGrammar(;
    UnaryGrammar ug = new UnaryGrammar(;
    for (Iterator brI = brs.iterator(); brI.hasNext(); ) {
      BinaryRule br = (BinaryRule);
    for (Iterator urI = urs.iterator(); urI.hasNext(); ) {
      UnaryRule ur = (UnaryRule);
    return new Pair(ug, bg);
 protected void tallyInternalNode(Tree lt, List parents) {
   // form base rule
   String label = lt.label().value();
   Rule baseR = ltToRule(lt);
   ruleToLabel.put(baseR, label);
   // act on each history depth
   for (int depth = 0, maxDepth = Math.min(HISTORY_DEPTH(), parents.size());
       depth <= maxDepth;
       depth++) {
     List history = new ArrayList(parents.subList(0, depth));
     // tally each history level / rewrite pair
     rulePairs.incrementCount(new Pair(baseR, history), 1);
     labelPairs.incrementCount(new Pair(label, history), 1);
  public static ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>> getPhrases(Tree parse, int phraseSizeLimit) {
    ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>> newList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedWord>>();
    List<Tree> leaves = parse.getLeaves();

    if (leaves.size() <= phraseSizeLimit) {
      // ArrayList<TaggedWord> phraseElements = PreprocessPhrase(parse.taggedYield());
      ArrayList<TaggedWord> phraseElements = Preprocess(parse.taggedYield());
      if (phraseElements.size() > 0) newList.add(phraseElements);
    } else {
      Tree[] childrenNodes = parse.children();
      for (int i = 0; i < childrenNodes.length; i++) {
        Tree currentParse = childrenNodes[i];
        newList.addAll(getPhrases(currentParse, phraseSizeLimit));
    return newList;
   * Assumes the given reader has only tsurgeon operations (not a tregex pattern), and parses these
   * out, collecting them into one operation. Stops on a whitespace line.
   * @throws IOException
  public static TsurgeonPattern getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(BufferedReader reader)
      throws IOException {
    List<TsurgeonPattern> operations = new ArrayList<TsurgeonPattern>();
    for (String thisLine; (thisLine = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
      if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
      thisLine = removeComments(thisLine);
      if (emptyLinePattern.matcher(thisLine).matches()) {
      // System.err.println("Read tsurgeon op: " + thisLine);

    if (operations.size() == 0) throw new TsurgeonParseException("No Tsurgeon operation provided.");

    return collectOperations(operations);
 protected Rule specifyRule(Rule rule, List history, int childDepth) {
   Rule r;
   String topHistoryStr = historyToString(history.subList(1, history.size()));
   String bottomHistoryStr = historyToString(history.subList(0, childDepth));
   if (rule instanceof UnaryRule) {
     UnaryRule ur = new UnaryRule();
     UnaryRule urule = (UnaryRule) rule;
     ur.parent = stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(urule.parent) + topHistoryStr);
     if (isSynthetic(urule.child)) {
       ur.child = stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(urule.child) + topHistoryStr);
     } else if (isTag(urule.child)) {
       ur.child = urule.child;
     } else {
       ur.child = stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(urule.child) + bottomHistoryStr);
     r = ur;
   } else {
     BinaryRule br = new BinaryRule();
     BinaryRule brule = (BinaryRule) rule;
     br.parent = stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(brule.parent) + topHistoryStr);
     if (isSynthetic(brule.leftChild)) {
       br.leftChild = stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(brule.leftChild) + topHistoryStr);
     } else if (isTag(brule.leftChild)) {
       br.leftChild = brule.leftChild;
     } else {
       br.leftChild =
           stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(brule.leftChild) + bottomHistoryStr);
     if (isSynthetic(brule.rightChild)) {
       br.rightChild =
           stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(brule.rightChild) + topHistoryStr);
     } else if (isTag(brule.rightChild)) {
       br.rightChild = brule.rightChild;
     } else {
       br.rightChild =
           stateNumberer.number(stateNumberer.object(brule.rightChild) + bottomHistoryStr);
     r = br;
   return r;
   * transformTree does all language-specific tree transformations. Any parameterizations should be
   * inside the specific TreebankLangParserParams class.
  public Tree transformTree(Tree t, Tree root) {
    if (t == null || t.isLeaf()) {
      return t;

    String parentStr;
    String grandParentStr;
    Tree parent;
    Tree grandParent;
    if (root == null || t.equals(root)) {
      parent = null;
      parentStr = "";
    } else {
      parent = t.parent(root);
      parentStr = parent.label().value();
    if (parent == null || parent.equals(root)) {
      grandParent = null;
      grandParentStr = "";
    } else {
      grandParent = parent.parent(root);
      grandParentStr = grandParent.label().value();

    String baseParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(parentStr);
    String baseGrandParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(grandParentStr);

    CoreLabel lab = (CoreLabel) t.label();
    String word = lab.word();
    String tag = lab.tag();
    String baseTag = ctlp.basicCategory(tag);
    String category = lab.value();
    String baseCategory = ctlp.basicCategory(category);

    if (t.isPreTerminal()) { // it's a POS tag
      List<String> leftAunts =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(parent, grandParent));
      List<String> rightAunts =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(parent, grandParent));

      // Chinese-specific punctuation splits
      if (chineseSplitPunct && baseTag.equals("PU")) {
        if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-DOU";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split dou hao"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-COMMA";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split comma"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseColonAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-COLON";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split colon"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          if (chineseSplitPunctLR) {
            if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
              tag += "-LQUOTE";
            } else {
              tag += "-RQUOTE";
          } else {
            tag = tag + "-QUOTE";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split quote"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-ENDSENT";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split end sent"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseParenthesisAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          if (chineseSplitPunctLR) {
            if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftParenthesisAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
              tag += "-LPAREN";
            } else {
              tag += "-RPAREN";
          } else {
            tag += "-PAREN";
            // printlnErr("Just used -PAREN annotation");
            // printlnErr(word);
            // throw new RuntimeException();
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split paren"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDashAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-DASH";
          // System.out.println("Punct: Split dash"); // debugging
        } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseOtherAcceptFilter().accept(word)) {
          tag = tag + "-OTHER";
        } else {
          printlnErr("Unknown punct (you should add it to CTLP): " + tag + " |" + word + "|");
      } else if (chineseSplitDouHao) { // only split DouHao
        if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().accept(word)
            && baseTag.equals("PU")) {
          tag = tag + "-DOU";

      // Chinese-specific POS tag splits (non-punctuation)

      if (tagWordSize) {
        int l = word.length();
        tag += "-" + l + "CHARS";

      if (mergeNNVV && baseTag.equals("NN")) {
        tag = "VV";

      if ((chineseSelectiveTagPA || chineseVerySelectiveTagPA)
          && (baseTag.equals("CC") || baseTag.equals("P"))) {
        tag += "-" + baseParentStr;
      if (chineseSelectiveTagPA && (baseTag.equals("VV"))) {
        tag += "-" + baseParentStr;

      if (markMultiNtag && tag.startsWith("N")) {
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("N") && parent.children()[i] != t) {
            tag += "=N";
            // System.out.println("Found multi=N rewrite");

      if (markVVsisterIP && baseTag.equals("VV")) {
        boolean seenIP = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) {
            seenIP = true;
        if (seenIP) {
          tag += "-IP";
          // System.out.println("Found VV with IP sister"); // testing

      if (markPsisterIP && baseTag.equals("P")) {
        boolean seenIP = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) {
          if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) {
            seenIP = true;
        if (seenIP) {
          tag += "-IP";

      if (markADgrandchildOfIP && baseTag.equals("AD") && baseGrandParentStr.equals("IP")) {
        tag += "~IP";
        // System.out.println("Found AD with IP grandparent"); // testing

      if (gpaAD && baseTag.equals("AD")) {
        tag += "~" + baseGrandParentStr;
        // System.out.println("Found AD with grandparent " + grandParentStr); // testing

      if (markPostverbalP && leftAunts.contains("VV") && baseTag.equals("P")) {
        // System.out.println("Found post-verbal P");
        tag += "^=lVV";

      // end Chinese-specific tag splits

      Label label = new CategoryWordTag(tag, word, tag);
    } else {
      // it's a phrasal category
      Tree[] kids = t.children();

      // Chinese-specific category splits
      List<String> leftSis = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(t, parent));
      List<String> rightSis =
          listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(t, parent));

      if (paRootDtr && baseParentStr.equals("ROOT")) {
        category += "^ROOT";

      if (markIPsisterBA && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        if (leftSis.contains("BA")) {
          category += "=BA";
          // System.out.println("Found IP sister of BA");

      if (dominatesV && hasV(t.preTerminalYield())) {
        // mark categories containing a verb
        category += "-v";

      if (markIPsisterVVorP && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        // todo: cdm: is just looking for "P" here selective enough??
        if (leftSis.contains("VV") || leftSis.contains("P")) {
          category += "=VVP";

      if (markIPsisDEC && baseCategory.equals("IP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("DEC")) {
          category += "=DEC";
          // System.out.println("Found prenominal IP");

      if (baseCategory.equals("VP")) {
        // cdm 2008: this used to just check that it startsWith("VP"), but
        // I think that was bad because it also matched VPT verb compounds
        if (chineseSplitVP == 3) {
          boolean hasCC = false;
          boolean hasPU = false;
          boolean hasLexV = false;
          for (Tree kid : kids) {
            if (kid.label().value().startsWith("CC")) {
              hasCC = true;
            } else if (kid.label().value().startsWith("PU")) {
              hasPU = true;
            } else if (StringUtils.lookingAt(
                kid.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) {
              hasLexV = true;
          if (hasCC || (hasPU && !hasLexV)) {
            category += "-CRD";
            // System.out.println("Found coordinate VP"); // testing
          } else if (hasLexV) {
            category += "-COMP";
            // System.out.println("Found complementing VP"); // testing
          } else {
            category += "-ADJT";
            // System.out.println("Found adjoining VP"); // testing
        } else if (chineseSplitVP >= 1) {
          boolean hasBA = false;
          for (Tree kid : kids) {
            if (kid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) {
              hasBA = true;
            } else if (chineseSplitVP == 2 && tlp.basicCategory(kid.label().value()).equals("VP")) {
              for (Tree kidkid : kid.children()) {
                if (kidkid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) {
                  hasBA = true;
          if (hasBA) {
            category += "-BA";

      if (markVPadjunct && baseParentStr.equals("VP")) {
        // cdm 2008: This used to use startsWith("VP") but changed to baseCat
        Tree[] sisters = parent.children();
        boolean hasVPsister = false;
        boolean hasCC = false;
        boolean hasPU = false;
        boolean hasLexV = false;
        for (Tree sister : sisters) {
          if (tlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("VP")) {
            hasVPsister = true;
          if (sister.label().value().startsWith("CC")) {
            hasCC = true;
          if (sister.label().value().startsWith("PU")) {
            hasPU = true;
          if (StringUtils.lookingAt(sister.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) {
            hasLexV = true;
        if (hasVPsister && !(hasCC || hasPU || hasLexV)) {
          category += "-VPADJ";
          // System.out.println("Found adjunct of VP"); // testing

      if (markNPmodNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("NP")) {
          category += "=MODIFIERNP";
          // System.out.println("Found NP modifier of NP"); // testing

      if (markModifiedNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.isEmpty()
            && (leftSis.contains("ADJP")
                || leftSis.contains("NP")
                || leftSis.contains("DNP")
                || leftSis.contains("QP")
                || leftSis.contains("CP")
                || leftSis.contains("PP"))) {
          category += "=MODIFIEDNP";
          // System.out.println("Found modified NP"); // testing

      if (markNPconj && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) {
        if (rightSis.contains("CC")
            || rightSis.contains("PU")
            || leftSis.contains("CC")
            || leftSis.contains("PU")) {
          category += "=CONJ";
          // System.out.println("Found NP conjunct"); // testing

      if (markIPconj && baseCategory.equals("IP") && baseParentStr.equals("IP")) {
        Tree[] sisters = parent.children();
        boolean hasCommaSis = false;
        boolean hasIPSis = false;
        for (Tree sister : sisters) {
          if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("PU")
              && ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter()
                  .accept(sister.children()[0].label().toString())) {
            hasCommaSis = true;
            // System.out.println("Found CommaSis"); // testing
          if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("IP") && sister != t) {
            hasIPSis = true;
        if (hasCommaSis && hasIPSis) {
          category += "-CONJ";
          // System.out.println("Found IP conjunct"); // testing

      if (unaryIP && baseCategory.equals("IP") && t.numChildren() == 1) {
        category += "-U";
        // System.out.println("Found unary IP"); //testing
      if (unaryCP && baseCategory.equals("CP") && t.numChildren() == 1) {
        category += "-U";
        // System.out.println("Found unary CP"); //testing

      if (splitBaseNP && baseCategory.equals("NP")) {
        if (t.isPrePreTerminal()) {
          category = category + "-B";

      // if (Test.verbose) printlnErr(baseCategory + " " + leftSis.toString()); //debugging

      if (markPostverbalPP && leftSis.contains("VV") && baseCategory.equals("PP")) {
        // System.out.println("Found post-verbal PP");
        category += "=lVV";

      if ((markADgrandchildOfIP || gpaAD)
          && listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.kidLabels(t)).contains("AD")) {
        category += "^ADVP";

      if (markCC) {
        // was: for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
        // This second version takes an idea from Collins: don't count
        // marginal conjunctions which don't conjoin 2 things.
        for (int i = 1; i < kids.length - 1; i++) {
          String cat2 = kids[i].label().value();
          if (cat2.startsWith("CC")) {
            category += "-CC";

      Label label = new CategoryWordTag(category, word, tag);
    return t;
  * Collects a list of operation patterns into a sequence of operations to be applied. Required to
  * keep track of global properties across a sequence of operations. For example, if you want to
  * insert a named node and then coindex it with another node, you will need to collect the
  * insertion and coindexation operations into a single TsurgeonPattern so that tsurgeon is aware
  * of the name of the new node and coindexation becomes possible.
  * @param patterns a list of {@link TsurgeonPattern} operations that you want to collect together
  *     into a single compound operation
  * @return a new {@link TsurgeonPattern} that performs all the operations in the sequence of the
  *     <code>patterns</code> argument
 public static TsurgeonPattern collectOperations(List<TsurgeonPattern> patterns) {
   return new TsurgeonPatternRoot(patterns.toArray(new TsurgeonPattern[patterns.size()]));
  * Applies {#processPattern} to a collection of trees.
  * @param matchPattern A {@link TregexPattern} to be matched against a {@link Tree}.
  * @param p A {@link TsurgeonPattern} to apply.
  * @param inputTrees The input trees to be processed
  * @return A List of the transformed trees
 public static List<Tree> processPatternOnTrees(
     TregexPattern matchPattern, TsurgeonPattern p, Collection<Tree> inputTrees) {
   List<Tree> result = new ArrayList<Tree>();
   for (Tree tree : inputTrees) result.add(processPattern(matchPattern, p, tree));
   return result;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Options op = new Options(new EnglishTreebankParserParams());
    // op.tlpParams may be changed to something else later, so don't use it till
    // after options are parsed.

    System.out.println("Currently " + new Date());
    System.out.print("Invoked with arguments:");
    for (String arg : args) {
      System.out.print(" " + arg);

    String path = "/u/nlp/stuff/corpora/Treebank3/parsed/mrg/wsj";
    int trainLow = 200, trainHigh = 2199, testLow = 2200, testHigh = 2219;
    String serializeFile = null;

    int i = 0;
    while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) {
      if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-path") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
        path = args[i + 1];
        i += 2;
      } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-train") && (i + 2 < args.length)) {
        trainLow = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
        trainHigh = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 2]);
        i += 3;
      } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-test") && (i + 2 < args.length)) {
        testLow = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
        testHigh = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 2]);
        i += 3;
      } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-serialize") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
        serializeFile = args[i + 1];
        i += 2;
      } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-tLPP") && (i + 1 < args.length)) {
        try {
          op.tlpParams = (TreebankLangParserParams) Class.forName(args[i + 1]).newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          System.err.println("Class not found: " + args[i + 1]);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
          System.err.println("Couldn't instantiate: " + args[i + 1] + ": " + e.toString());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
          System.err.println("illegal access" + e);
        i += 2;
      } else if (args[i].equals("-encoding")) {
        // sets encoding for TreebankLangParserParams
        op.tlpParams.setInputEncoding(args[i + 1]);
        op.tlpParams.setOutputEncoding(args[i + 1]);
        i += 2;
      } else {
        i = op.setOptionOrWarn(args, i);
    // System.out.println(tlpParams.getClass());
    TreebankLanguagePack tlp = op.tlpParams.treebankLanguagePack();

    Train.sisterSplitters = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(op.tlpParams.sisterSplitters()));
    //    BinarizerFactory.TreeAnnotator.setTreebankLang(tlpParams);
    PrintWriter pw =;


    // setup tree transforms
    Treebank trainTreebank = op.tlpParams.memoryTreebank();
    MemoryTreebank testTreebank = op.tlpParams.testMemoryTreebank();
    // Treebank blippTreebank = ((EnglishTreebankParserParams) tlpParams).diskTreebank();
    // String blippPath = "/afs/";
    // blippTreebank.loadPath(blippPath, "", true);

    System.err.print("Reading trees...");
    testTreebank.loadPath(path, new NumberRangeFileFilter(testLow, testHigh, true));
    if (Test.increasingLength) {
      Collections.sort(testTreebank, new TreeLengthComparator());

    trainTreebank.loadPath(path, new NumberRangeFileFilter(trainLow, trainHigh, true));
    System.err.print("Binarizing trees...");
    TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer binarizer = null;
    if (!Train.leftToRight) {
      binarizer =
          new TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer(op.tlpParams, op.forceCNF, !Train.outsideFactor(), true);
    } else {
      binarizer =
          new TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer(
              new LeftHeadFinder(),
    CollinsPuncTransformer collinsPuncTransformer = null;
    if (Train.collinsPunc) {
      collinsPuncTransformer = new CollinsPuncTransformer(tlp);
    TreeTransformer debinarizer = new Debinarizer(op.forceCNF);
    List<Tree> binaryTrainTrees = new ArrayList<Tree>();

    if (Train.selectiveSplit) {
      Train.splitters =
      if (Train.deleteSplitters != null) {
        List<String> deleted = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String del : Train.deleteSplitters) {
          String baseDel = tlp.basicCategory(del);
          boolean checkBasic = del.equals(baseDel);
          for (Iterator<String> it = Train.splitters.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            String elem =;
            String baseElem = tlp.basicCategory(elem);
            boolean delStr = checkBasic && baseElem.equals(baseDel) || elem.equals(del);
            if (delStr) {
        System.err.println("Removed from vertical splitters: " + deleted);
    if (Train.selectivePostSplit) {
      TreeTransformer myTransformer = new TreeAnnotator(op.tlpParams.headFinder(), op.tlpParams);
      Treebank annotatedTB = trainTreebank.transform(myTransformer);
      Train.postSplitters =

    if (Train.hSelSplit) {
      for (Tree tree : trainTreebank) {
        if (Train.collinsPunc) {
          tree = collinsPuncTransformer.transformTree(tree);
        // tree.pennPrint(;
        tree = binarizer.transformTree(tree);
        // binaryTrainTrees.add(tree);
    for (Tree tree : trainTreebank) {
      if (Train.collinsPunc) {
        tree = collinsPuncTransformer.transformTree(tree);
      tree = binarizer.transformTree(tree);
    if (Test.verbose) {

    List<Tree> binaryTestTrees = new ArrayList<Tree>();
    for (Tree tree : testTreebank) {
      if (Train.collinsPunc) {
        tree = collinsPuncTransformer.transformTree(tree);
      tree = binarizer.transformTree(tree);
    Timing.tick("done."); // binarization
    BinaryGrammar bg = null;
    UnaryGrammar ug = null;
    DependencyGrammar dg = null;
    // DependencyGrammar dgBLIPP = null;
    Lexicon lex = null;
    // extract grammars
    Extractor bgExtractor = new BinaryGrammarExtractor();
    // Extractor bgExtractor = new SmoothedBinaryGrammarExtractor();//new BinaryGrammarExtractor();
    // Extractor lexExtractor = new LexiconExtractor();

    // Extractor dgExtractor = new DependencyMemGrammarExtractor();

    Extractor dgExtractor = new MLEDependencyGrammarExtractor(op);
    if (op.doPCFG) {
      System.err.print("Extracting PCFG...");
      Pair bgug = null;
      if (Train.cheatPCFG) {
        List allTrees = new ArrayList(binaryTrainTrees);
        bgug = (Pair) bgExtractor.extract(allTrees);
      } else {
        bgug = (Pair) bgExtractor.extract(binaryTrainTrees);
      bg = (BinaryGrammar) bgug.second;
      ug = (UnaryGrammar) bgug.first;
    System.err.print("Extracting Lexicon...");
    lex = op.tlpParams.lex(op.lexOptions);

    if (op.doDep) {
      System.err.print("Extracting Dependencies...");
      // dgBLIPP = (DependencyGrammar) dgExtractor.extract(new
      // ConcatenationIterator(trainTreebank.iterator(),blippTreebank.iterator()),new
      // TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams,true));

      DependencyGrammar dg1 =
                  trainTreebank.iterator(), new TransformTreeDependency(op.tlpParams, true));
      // dgBLIPP=(DependencyGrammar)dgExtractor.extract(blippTreebank.iterator(),new
      // TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams));

      // dg = (DependencyGrammar) dgExtractor.extract(new
      // ConcatenationIterator(trainTreebank.iterator(),blippTreebank.iterator()),new
      // TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams));
      // dg=new DependencyGrammarCombination(dg1,dgBLIPP,2);
      // dg = (DependencyGrammar) dgExtractor.extract(binaryTrainTrees); //uses information whether
      // the words are known or not, discards unknown words
      // System.out.print("Extracting Unknown Word Model...");
      // UnknownWordModel uwm = (UnknownWordModel)uwmExtractor.extract(binaryTrainTrees);
      // Timing.tick("done.");
      System.out.print("Tuning Dependency Model...");
      // System.out.println("TUNE DEPS: "+tuneDeps);

    BinaryGrammar boundBG = bg;
    UnaryGrammar boundUG = ug;

    GrammarProjection gp = new NullGrammarProjection(bg, ug);

    // serialization
    if (serializeFile != null) {
      System.err.print("Serializing parser...");
          new ParserData(lex, bg, ug, dg, Numberer.getNumberers(), op), serializeFile);

    // test: pcfg-parse and output

    ExhaustivePCFGParser parser = null;
    if (op.doPCFG) {
      parser = new ExhaustivePCFGParser(boundBG, boundUG, lex, op);

    ExhaustiveDependencyParser dparser =
        ((op.doDep && !Test.useFastFactored) ? new ExhaustiveDependencyParser(dg, lex, op) : null);

    Scorer scorer = (op.doPCFG ? new TwinScorer(new ProjectionScorer(parser, gp), dparser) : null);
    // Scorer scorer = parser;
    BiLexPCFGParser bparser = null;
    if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) {
      bparser =
              ? new BiLexPCFGParser.N5BiLexPCFGParser(
                  scorer, parser, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, gp)
              : new BiLexPCFGParser(scorer, parser, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, gp);

    LabeledConstituentEval pcfgPE = new LabeledConstituentEval("pcfg  PE", true, tlp);
    LabeledConstituentEval comboPE = new LabeledConstituentEval("combo PE", true, tlp);
    AbstractEval pcfgCB = new LabeledConstituentEval.CBEval("pcfg  CB", true, tlp);

    AbstractEval pcfgTE = new AbstractEval.TaggingEval("pcfg  TE");
    AbstractEval comboTE = new AbstractEval.TaggingEval("combo TE");
    AbstractEval pcfgTEnoPunct = new AbstractEval.TaggingEval("pcfg nopunct TE");
    AbstractEval comboTEnoPunct = new AbstractEval.TaggingEval("combo nopunct TE");
    AbstractEval depTE = new AbstractEval.TaggingEval("depnd TE");

    AbstractEval depDE =
        new AbstractEval.DependencyEval("depnd DE", true, tlp.punctuationWordAcceptFilter());
    AbstractEval comboDE =
        new AbstractEval.DependencyEval("combo DE", true, tlp.punctuationWordAcceptFilter());

    if (Test.evalb) {

    // int[] countByLength = new int[Test.maxLength+1];

    // use a reflection ruse, so one can run this without needing the tagger
    // edu.stanford.nlp.process.SentenceTagger tagger = (Test.preTag ? new
    // edu.stanford.nlp.process.SentenceTagger("/u/nlp/data/tagger.params/wsj0-21.holder") : null);
    SentenceProcessor tagger = null;
    if (Test.preTag) {
      try {
        Class[] argsClass = new Class[] {String.class};
        Object[] arguments =
            new Object[] {"/u/nlp/data/pos-tagger/wsj3t0-18-bidirectional/train-wsj-0-18.holder"};
        tagger =
      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Warning: No pretagging of sentences will be done.");

    for (int tNum = 0, ttSize = testTreebank.size(); tNum < ttSize; tNum++) {
      Tree tree = testTreebank.get(tNum);
      int testTreeLen = tree.yield().size();
      if (testTreeLen > Test.maxLength) {
      Tree binaryTree = binaryTestTrees.get(tNum);
      // countByLength[testTreeLen]++;
      System.out.println("Number: " + (tNum + 1));
      System.out.println("Length: " + testTreeLen);

      // tree.pennPrint(pw);
      // System.out.println("XXXX The binary tree is");
      // binaryTree.pennPrint(pw);
      // System.out.println("Here are the tags in the lexicon:");
      // System.out.println(lex.showTags());
      // System.out.println("Here's the tagnumberer:");
      // System.out.println(Numberer.getGlobalNumberer("tags").toString());

      long timeMil1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      Timing.tick("Starting parse.");
      if (op.doPCFG) {
        // System.err.println(Test.forceTags);
        if (Test.forceTags) {
          if (tagger != null) {
            // System.out.println("Using a tagger to set tags");
            // System.out.println("Tagged sentence as: " +
            // tagger.processSentence(cutLast(wordify(binaryTree.yield()))).toString(false));
          } else {
            // System.out.println("Forcing tags to match input.");
            parser.parse(cleanTags(binaryTree.taggedYield(), tlp));
        } else {
          // System.out.println("XXXX Parsing " + binaryTree.yield());
        // Timing.tick("Done with pcfg phase.");
      if (op.doDep) {
        // Timing.tick("Done with dependency phase.");
      boolean bothPassed = false;
      if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) {
        bothPassed = bparser.parse(binaryTree.yield());
        // Timing.tick("Done with combination phase.");
      long timeMil2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long elapsed = timeMil2 - timeMil1;
      System.err.println("Time: " + ((int) (elapsed / 100)) / 10.00 + " sec.");
      // System.out.println("PCFG Best Parse:");
      Tree tree2b = null;
      Tree tree2 = null;
      // System.out.println("Got full best parse...");
      if (op.doPCFG) {
        tree2b = parser.getBestParse();
        tree2 = debinarizer.transformTree(tree2b);
      // System.out.println("Debinarized parse...");
      // tree2.pennPrint();
      // System.out.println("DepG Best Parse:");
      Tree tree3 = null;
      Tree tree3db = null;
      if (op.doDep) {
        tree3 = dparser.getBestParse();
        // was: but wrong Tree tree3db = debinarizer.transformTree(tree2);
        tree3db = debinarizer.transformTree(tree3);
      // tree.pennPrint();
      // ((Tree)binaryTrainTrees.get(tNum)).pennPrint();
      // System.out.println("Combo Best Parse:");
      Tree tree4 = null;
      if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) {
        try {
          tree4 = bparser.getBestParse();
          if (tree4 == null) {
            tree4 = tree2b;
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
          System.err.println("Blocked, using PCFG parse!");
          tree4 = tree2b;
      if (op.doPCFG && !bothPassed) {
        tree4 = tree2b;
      // tree4.pennPrint();
      if (op.doDep) {
        depDE.evaluate(tree3, binaryTree, pw);
        depTE.evaluate(tree3db, tree, pw);
      TreeTransformer tc = op.tlpParams.collinizer();
      TreeTransformer tcEvalb = op.tlpParams.collinizerEvalb();
      Tree tree4b = null;
      if (op.doPCFG) {
        // System.out.println("XXXX Best PCFG was: ");
        // tree2.pennPrint();
        // System.out.println("XXXX Transformed best PCFG is: ");
        // tc.transformTree(tree2).pennPrint();
        // System.out.println("True Best Parse:");
        // tree.pennPrint();
        // tc.transformTree(tree).pennPrint();
        pcfgPE.evaluate(tc.transformTree(tree2), tc.transformTree(tree), pw);
        pcfgCB.evaluate(tc.transformTree(tree2), tc.transformTree(tree), pw);
        if (op.doDep) {
          comboDE.evaluate((bothPassed ? tree4 : tree3), binaryTree, pw);
          tree4b = tree4;
          tree4 = debinarizer.transformTree(tree4);
          if (op.nodePrune) {
            NodePruner np = new NodePruner(parser, debinarizer);
            tree4 = np.prune(tree4);
          // tree4.pennPrint();
          comboPE.evaluate(tc.transformTree(tree4), tc.transformTree(tree), pw);
        // pcfgTE.evaluate(tree2, tree);
        pcfgTE.evaluate(tcEvalb.transformTree(tree2), tcEvalb.transformTree(tree), pw);
        pcfgTEnoPunct.evaluate(tc.transformTree(tree2), tc.transformTree(tree), pw);

        if (op.doDep) {
          comboTE.evaluate(tcEvalb.transformTree(tree4), tcEvalb.transformTree(tree), pw);
          comboTEnoPunct.evaluate(tc.transformTree(tree4), tc.transformTree(tree), pw);
        System.out.println("PCFG only: " + parser.scoreBinarizedTree(tree2b, 0));

        // tc.transformTree(tree2).pennPrint();

        if (op.doDep) {
          System.out.println("Combo: " + parser.scoreBinarizedTree(tree4b, 0));
          // tc.transformTree(tree4).pennPrint(pw);
        System.out.println("Correct:" + parser.scoreBinarizedTree(binaryTree, 0));
        if (parser.scoreBinarizedTree(tree2b,true) < parser.scoreBinarizedTree(binaryTree,true)) {
          System.out.println("SCORE INVERSION");
      } // end if doPCFG

      if (Test.evalb) {
        if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) {
          EvalB.writeEVALBline(tcEvalb.transformTree(tree), tcEvalb.transformTree(tree4));
        } else if (op.doPCFG) {
          EvalB.writeEVALBline(tcEvalb.transformTree(tree), tcEvalb.transformTree(tree2));
        } else if (op.doDep) {
          EvalB.writeEVALBline(tcEvalb.transformTree(tree), tcEvalb.transformTree(tree3db));
    } // end for each tree in test treebank

    if (Test.evalb) {

    // Test.display();
    if (op.doPCFG) {
      pcfgPE.display(false, pw);
      System.out.println("Grammar size: " + Numberer.getGlobalNumberer("states").total());
      pcfgCB.display(false, pw);
      if (op.doDep) {
        comboPE.display(false, pw);
      pcfgTE.display(false, pw);
      pcfgTEnoPunct.display(false, pw);
      if (op.doDep) {
        comboTE.display(false, pw);
        comboTEnoPunct.display(false, pw);
    if (op.doDep) {
      depTE.display(false, pw);
      depDE.display(false, pw);
    if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) {
      comboDE.display(false, pw);
    // pcfgPE.printGoodBad();