  // add the new user to the encrypted users file which has the detailed stats for all users
  // synchronize to make sure that only one thread can be inside this block at a time.
  public static synchronized String addUserAndIssueCode(UserStats stats)
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, NoMoreCodesException {

    // ok, now we have a list of stats objects, representing all users.
    // add this user to the list.
    // the code assigned to this user will simply be codes.get(users.size())
    // but do an error check first to be sure we're not out of codes
    List<UserStats> users = readUsersFile();

    if (users.size() >= MemoryStudy.codes.size()) {
      log.warn("NOC WARNING: codes file exhausted!!!!");
      throw new NoMoreCodesException();

    // ok, we have enough codes, just give out one
    String passkey = MemoryStudy.codes.get(users.size());
    int USERID_BASE =
        100; // userid numbering starts from USERID_BASE, new id is base + # existing codes
    stats.userid = Integer.toString(USERID_BASE + users.size());
    stats.code = passkey;

    // encrypt and write the users file back
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    CryptoUtils.writeEncryptedBytes(baos.toByteArray(), USERS_FILE);

    return passkey;
  private static List<UserStats> readUsersFile()
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // read the bytes, decrypt them and read a list object, with stats for each user
    if (!new File(USERS_FILE).exists()) return new ArrayList<MemoryStudy.UserStats>();

    byte[] b = CryptoUtils.readEncryptedBytes(USERS_FILE);
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(b));
    return (List<UserStats>) ois.readObject();
 /** writes out csv stats as an encrypted file in RESULTS_DIR/<userid>/filename */
 public void logStats(String filename, boolean nullClues) {
   Indexer.IndexStats stats = archive.getIndexStats();
   StringBuilder statsLog = new StringBuilder();
   Pair<String, String> indexStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(stats, true);
   Pair<String, String> addressBookStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(archive.addressBook.getStats(), true);
   Pair<String, String> studyStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(stats, true);
   Pair<String, String> archiveStats = Util.fieldsToCSV(archive.stats, true);
       "STUDYSTATS-1: "
           + studyStats.getFirst()
           + indexStats.getFirst()
           + addressBookStats.getFirst()
           + archiveStats.getFirst()
           + "\n");
       "STUDYSTATS-2: "
           + studyStats.getSecond()
           + indexStats.getSecond()
           + addressBookStats.getSecond()
           + archiveStats.getSecond()
           + "\n");
   int idx = 1;
   for (MemoryQuestion mq : this.getQuestions()) {
     if (nullClues) mq.clue.clue = null;
     Pair<String, String> p = Util.fieldsToCSV(mq.clue.clueStats, true);
     Pair<String, String> p1 = Util.fieldsToCSV(mq.stats, true);
     if (idx == 1)
           "QUESTIONSTATS-header: "
               + p.getFirst()
               + ','
               + p1.getFirst()
               + "correct answer, user answer, user answer before hint, clue"
               + "\n");
     //			statsLog.append("QUESTIONSTATS-2: " + p.getSecond()  + ',' + p1.getSecond() +
     // mq.correctAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswer + "," + mq.userAnswerBeforeHint + "," +
     // mq.clue.clue.replaceAll(",", " ") + "\n");
         "QUESTIONSTATS-2: "
             + p.getSecond()
             + ','
             + p1.getSecond()
             + mq.correctAnswer
             + ","
             + mq.userAnswer
             + ","
             + mq.userAnswerBeforeHint
             + "\n");
     idx = idx + 1;
   String RESULTS_DIR =
           + File.separator
           + "results"
           + File.separator
           + this.stats.userid;
   new File(RESULTS_DIR).mkdirs();
   String file = RESULTS_DIR + File.separator + filename;
   try {
     CryptoUtils.writeEncryptedBytes(statsLog.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), file);
   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
     Util.print_exception(e, log);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     Util.print_exception("NOC ERROR: encryption failed!", e, log);