/** Specializes the live methods in a program. */ private static void specialize(final BloatContext context) { final CallGraph cg = context.getCallGraph(); final Set liveMethods = new TreeSet(new MemberRefComparator()); liveMethods.addAll(cg.liveMethods()); // Specialize all possible methods final InlineStats stats = context.getInlineStats(); if (BloatBenchmark.statsFile != null) { Specialize.STATS = true; stats.setConfigName("BloatBenchmark"); } if (BloatBenchmark.MORPH != -1) { Specialize.MAX_MORPH = BloatBenchmark.MORPH; } final Specialize spec = new Specialize(context); if (Specialize.STATS) { stats.noteLiveMethods(liveMethods.size()); stats.noteLiveClasses(cg.liveClasses().size()); } BloatBenchmark.tr("Specializing live methods"); final Iterator iter = liveMethods.iterator(); for (int count = 0; iter.hasNext(); count++) { try { final MethodEditor live = context.editMethod((MemberRef) iter.next()); if (context.ignoreMethod(live.memberRef())) { // Don't display ignored methods, it's misleading. continue; } BloatBenchmark.tr( " " + count + ") " + live.declaringClass().name() + "." + live.name() + live.type()); spec.specialize(live); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex2) { BloatBenchmark.err.println("** Could not find method " + ex2.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
/** Inlines calls to static methods in the live methods of a given program. */ private static void inline(final BloatContext context) { final Set liveMethods = new TreeSet(new MemberRefComparator()); final CallGraph cg = context.getCallGraph(); liveMethods.addAll(cg.liveMethods()); BloatBenchmark.tr("Inlining " + liveMethods.size() + " live methods"); if (BloatBenchmark.CALLEE_SIZE != -1) { Inline.CALLEE_SIZE = BloatBenchmark.CALLEE_SIZE; } final Iterator iter = liveMethods.iterator(); for (int count = 0; BloatBenchmark.INLINE && iter.hasNext(); count++) { try { final MethodEditor live = context.editMethod((MemberRef) iter.next()); if (context.ignoreMethod(live.memberRef())) { // Don't display ignored methods, it's misleading. continue; } BloatBenchmark.tr( " " + count + ") " + live.declaringClass().name() + "." + live.name() + live.type()); final Inline inline = new Inline(context, BloatBenchmark.SIZE); inline.setMaxCallDepth(BloatBenchmark.DEPTH); inline.inline(live); // Commit here in an attempt to conserve memory context.commit(live.methodInfo()); context.release(live.methodInfo()); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex3) { BloatBenchmark.err.println("** Could not find method " + ex3.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }