private Set<CGNode> findRecursiveMethods(IProgressMonitor progress) throws CancelException { CallGraph cg = sdg.getCallGraph(); GraphReachability<CGNode, CGNode> reach = new GraphReachability<CGNode, CGNode>(cg, new TrueFilter()); progress.subTask("Searching recursive methods"); reach.solve(progress); Set<CGNode> recursive = HashSetFactory.make(); for (CGNode node : cg) { OrdinalSet<CGNode> rset = reach.getReachableSet(node); for (CGNode target : rset) { if (target != node) { OrdinalSet<CGNode> tset = reach.getReachableSet(target); if (tset.contains(node)) { recursive.add(node); break; } } } progress.worked(1); } progress.done(); return recursive; }
private Set<CGNode> findLoopingMethods(IProgressMonitor progress) throws CancelException { CallGraph cg = sdg.getCallGraph(); Set<CGNode> loops = HashSetFactory.make(); progress.subTask("Searching methods with potential endless loops"); for (CGNode node : cg) { IR ir = node.getIR(); if (ir != null) { ControlFlowGraph<SSAInstruction, ISSABasicBlock> cfg = ir.getControlFlowGraph(); final boolean ac = Acyclic.isAcyclic(cfg, cfg.entry()); if (!ac && !loopsAreSimple(ir)) { loops.add(node); } } else { // Conservatively assume that methods may not terminate, iff we dont // have their code loops.add(node); } progress.worked(1); } progress.done(); return loops; }
private Set<CallNode> compute(IProgressMonitor progress) throws CancelException { Set<CallNode> calls = HashSetFactory.make(); Set<CGNode> recursive = findRecursiveMethods(progress); Set<CGNode> loop = findLoopingMethods(progress); CallGraph cg = sdg.getCallGraph(); Graph<CGNode> inverted = GraphInverter.invert(cg); GraphReachability<CGNode, CGNode> reach = new GraphReachability<CGNode, CGNode>(inverted, new TrueFilter()); progress.subTask("Searching potential non-returning calls"); reach.solve(progress); Set<CGNode> roots = HashSetFactory.make(loop); roots.addAll(recursive); OrdinalSet<CGNode> potential = OrdinalSet.empty(); for (CGNode root : roots) { OrdinalSet<CGNode> reached = reach.getReachableSet(root); potential = OrdinalSet.unify(potential, reached); } Set<CGNode> terminating = HashSetFactory.make(); Set<CGNode> nonTerminating = HashSetFactory.make(); for (CGNode node : cg) { if (potential.contains(node)) { nonTerminating.add(node); } else { terminating.add(node); } } for (Call call : sdg.getAllCalls()) { if (nonTerminating.contains(call.callee.getCallGraphNode())) { calls.add(call.node); } } progress.done(); computeControlDependence(calls, progress); return calls; }