@Override public UpdateContainer doIt(Workspace workspace) throws CommandException { UpdateContainer uc = new UpdateContainer(); SuperSelection sel = this.getSuperSelection(workspace); for (int i = 0; i < updates.length(); i++) { String update = updates.getString(i); switch (update) { case "headers": uc.add(new WorksheetHeadersUpdate(worksheetId)); break; case "list": uc.add(new WorksheetListUpdate()); break; case "data": uc.add(new WorksheetDataUpdate(worksheetId, sel)); break; case "alignment": { Alignment alignment = AlignmentManager.Instance() .getAlignmentOrCreateIt( workspace.getId(), worksheetId, workspace.getOntologyManager()); uc.add(new AlignmentSVGVisualizationUpdate(worksheetId, alignment)); break; } case "semanticTypes": { Alignment alignment = AlignmentManager.Instance() .getAlignmentOrCreateIt( workspace.getId(), worksheetId, workspace.getOntologyManager()); uc.add( new SemanticTypesUpdate( workspace.getWorksheet(worksheetId), worksheetId, alignment)); break; } case "regenerate": uc.add(new RegenerateWorksheetUpdate(worksheetId)); break; case "all": uc = WorksheetUpdateFactory.createRegenerateWorksheetUpdates(worksheetId, sel); break; case "cleaning": uc.add(new WorksheetCleaningUpdate(worksheetId, false, sel)); break; } } return uc; }
private void generateRDFFromWorksheet( Worksheet wk, Workspace workspace, KR2RMLMapping mapping, List<KR2RMLRDFWriter> writers, String baseURI) throws IOException, JSONException, KarmaException { // Generate RDF for the remaining rows // Gets all the errors generated during the RDF generation ErrorReport errorReport = new ErrorReport(); this.applyHistoryToWorksheet(workspace, wk, mapping); SuperSelection selection = SuperSelectionManager.DEFAULT_SELECTION; if (selectionName != null && !selectionName.trim().isEmpty()) selection = wk.getSuperSelectionManager().getSuperSelection(selectionName); if (selection == null) return; // RDF generation object initialization KR2RMLWorksheetRDFGenerator rdfGen = new KR2RMLWorksheetRDFGenerator( wk, workspace.getFactory(), workspace.getOntologyManager(), writers, false, mapping, errorReport, selection); // Generate the rdf rdfGen.generateRDF(false); }
@Override public UpdateContainer doIt(VWorkspace vWorkspace) throws CommandException { Worksheet worksheet = vWorkspace.getViewFactory().getVWorksheet(vWorksheetId).getWorksheet(); Workspace ws = vWorkspace.getWorkspace(); if (worksheet.getSemanticTypes().getListOfTypes().size() == 0) { SemanticTypeUtil.populateSemanticTypesUsingCRF( worksheet, ws.getTagsContainer().getTag(TagName.Outlier), ws.getCrfModelHandler(), ws.getOntologyManager()); } WorksheetGeospatialContent geo = new WorksheetGeospatialContent(worksheet); // Send an error update if no geospatial data found! if (geo.hasNoGeospatialData()) { return new UpdateContainer(new ErrorUpdate("No geospatial data found in the worksheet!")); } try { final File file = geo.publishKML(); // Transfer the file to a public server final boolean transfer = transferFileToPublicServer(file); if (!transfer) { logger.error( "Published KML file could not be moved to a public server to display on Google Maps!"); } return new UpdateContainer( new AbstractUpdate() { @Override public void generateJson(String prefix, PrintWriter pw, VWorkspace vWorkspace) { JSONObject outputObject = new JSONObject(); try { outputObject.put(JsonKeys.updateType.name(), "PublishKMLUpdate"); outputObject.put(JsonKeys.fileName.name(), publicKMLAddress + file.getName()); outputObject.put(JsonKeys.transferSuccessful.name(), transfer); outputObject.put(JsonKeys.localFileName.name(), "KML/" + file.getName()); pw.println(outputObject.toString(4)); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.error("Error occured while generating JSON!"); } } }); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("KML File not found!", e); return new UpdateContainer(new ErrorUpdate("Error occurred while publishing KML layer!")); } }
@Override public UpdateContainer doIt(Workspace workspace) throws CommandException { final OntologyManager ontMgr = workspace.getOntologyManager(); Set<LabeledLink> properties = new HashSet<>(); logger.debug( "GetPropertiesCommand:" + propertiesRange + ":" + classURI + "," + domainURI + ", " + rangeURI); if (propertiesRange == INTERNAL_PROP_RANGE.allObjectProperties) { HashMap<String, Label> linkList = ontMgr.getObjectProperties(); if (linkList != null) { for (Label label : linkList.values()) { properties.add(new DataPropertyLink(label.getUri(), label)); } } } else if (propertiesRange == INTERNAL_PROP_RANGE.allDataProperties) { HashMap<String, Label> linkList = ontMgr.getDataProperties(); for (Label label : linkList.values()) { properties.add(new DataPropertyLink(label.getUri(), label)); } } else if (propertiesRange == INTERNAL_PROP_RANGE.propertiesWithDomainRange) { Map<String, Label> linkList = ontMgr.getObjectPropertiesByDomainRange(domainURI, rangeURI, true); for (Label label : linkList.values()) { properties.add(new DataPropertyLink(label.getUri(), label)); } } else if (propertiesRange == INTERNAL_PROP_RANGE.dataPropertiesForClass) { Map<String, Label> linkList = ontMgr.getDataPropertiesByDomain(classURI, true); for (Label label : linkList.values()) { properties.add(new DataPropertyLink(label.getUri(), label)); } } else if (propertiesRange == INTERNAL_PROP_RANGE.existingProperties) { Alignment alignment = AlignmentManager.Instance() .getAlignmentOrCreateIt(workspace.getId(), worksheetId, ontMgr); Set<String> steinerTreeNodeIds = new HashSet<String>(); if (alignment != null && !alignment.isEmpty()) { DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, LabeledLink> steinerTree = alignment.getSteinerTree(); for (Node node : steinerTree.vertexSet()) { if (node.getType() == NodeType.InternalNode) { steinerTreeNodeIds.add(node.getId()); } } List<LabeledLink> specializedLinks = new ArrayList<LabeledLink>(); Set<LabeledLink> temp = null; temp = alignment.getLinksByType(LinkType.DataPropertyLink); if (temp != null) specializedLinks.addAll(temp); for (LabeledLink link : steinerTree.edgeSet()) if (link instanceof ObjectPropertyLink) specializedLinks.add(link); // Store the data property links for specialized edge link options properties.addAll(specializedLinks); } } logger.debug("Got back " + properties.size() + " results"); final Set<LabeledLink> finalProperties = properties; UpdateContainer upd = new UpdateContainer( new AbstractUpdate() { @Override public void generateJson(String prefix, PrintWriter pw, VWorkspace vWorkspace) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray resultArray = new JSONArray(); try { obj.put(JsonKeys.updateType.name(), "PropertyList"); for (LabeledLink link : finalProperties) { Label linkLabel = link.getLabel(); String edgeLabelStr = linkLabel.getDisplayName(); JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject(); if (linkLabel.getUri() != null && linkLabel.getNs() != null && linkLabel.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(linkLabel.getNs())) { edgeLabelStr = linkLabel.getUri(); } edgeObj.put(JsonKeys.label.name(), edgeLabelStr); edgeObj.put(JsonKeys.uri.name(), linkLabel.getUri()); edgeObj.put(JsonKeys.id.name(), link.getId()); resultArray.put(edgeObj); } obj.put(JsonKeys.properties.name(), resultArray); pw.println(obj.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception:", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); return upd; }